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"Official" Mafia host order
Dec 1 2012, 9:38 pm
By: poison_us
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#1 :: Do you prefer Comrade Azrael's method, or the legacy "first-come-first-serve" method?
#1 :: Do you prefer Comrade Azrael's method, or the legacy "first-come-first-serve" method?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
I prefer the fairer version of mafia hosting presented by Azrael 3
I prefer the first-come-first-serve method that's worked for uncountable millenia 2
I have no preference 0
Obligatory "other" category 3
I'm wasting my vote to show contempt for poison jokingly labeling Azrael as a "comrade" 4
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Poll has 12 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).
Srs time, Azrael's method or the traditional method?
Srs time, Azrael's method or the traditional method?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Azrael's time-based method. 8
Traditional method of staking claims. 2
Please login to vote.
Poll has 10 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Jul 26 2013, 12:37 am rayNimagi Post #61

Quote from Raitaki
Hey, guys, look at this and tell me what you guys think. It's pretty cool, and it actually makes it impossible to tell what faction someone is just from demanding their role PM since you actually get to pick roles.
Seems kind of complicated, especially for SEN.

Quote from Fire_Kame
A lack of verbiage in the role PM would also avoid the "must share PM" mentality. If everyone's role is "You are [blank]. Please see the OP to learn more about your role." Then anyone could pretend to be anything.
I would prefer role PMs to be like this. That way, mafia would be about behavioral analysis and night actions instead of who can collect and forge role PMs.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Jul 26 2013, 2:03 am Raitaki Post #62

Complicated how? It's just basically a game where people choose their own roles after getting their factions, and if you don't you get a revealed day kill each day. Pretty simple.
The DEFCON part mostly only contributes to the feel and flavor of the game, so it can be removed or significantly dumbed down. But even then I won't let people nuke from D1, probably only starting from D3 or something. As for the communication leak thing, I know there will definitely be people who will communicate privately without my knowledge anyway, so I will just let everyone communicate as normal and Eavesdrop wouldn't be a thing.

Summary for whoever can't view the link:
It's mostly like normal mafia, but at the start of the game people send in what role they want (it's recommended that you list multiple roles and arrange them into a priority list, in case you can't get your first one). Each role can only go to one person (except for Missile Silo), and if many people ask for the same role at once a randomizer will be used to decide who gets it. Any person who doesn't get their wanted role or doesn't submit their preferences will just get a Missile Silo in launch mode.
There are three factions, town, mafia and serial killer. Factions don't affect the role-requesting process. Town wins if both mafia and SK are dead, and at least one townie is alive at game over. Mafia wins if both town and SK are dead, and at least one mafia is alive at game over (mafia doesn't win from outvoting town due to the presence of nukes). SK wins if everyone else is dead, regardless of whether he is still alive. However, a game over will not be announced until a) all current nuclear missiles land, and b) the period of time the Doomsday Mechanism role has to decide their posthumous launch has expired. If everyone is dead at the moment of game over (even if either town or mafia is alive alone at the start of the current day/night phase), the SK wins. If the game arrives at a situation where it is impossible for it to end or progress, everyone loses.
A simplified summary of the DEFCON system (at least the version edited for SEN): D0, players receive their faction PM, then they send in their role choices if any. D1, players receive their roles, and lynching begins. However, anti-town factions cannot nightkill until N2. Starting from D3, all players possessing nuclear weapons can use them at any time during the day by posting in the thread. There is no N0. Due to the time it takes for nukes to land, day phases might be longer than usual, and instead of a tally at the end of the day, the lynch might instead be decided if a sufficient majority of players vote on the same person (or for no lynch. Abstaining is not voting for no lynch) upon which the day immediately ends.

Missile silo: If you choose Missile Silo as your role, you must also choose between Nuclear Launch Mode and Anti-Ballistic Missile Mode. Unlike other roles, there is no limit on how many players can have a Missile Silo, and a request for this role will never be contested. Note that after choosing one of the 2 modes, you will not be able to switch between them for the rest of the game.

Nuclear launch mode: Each day starting from D3, you can initiate a nuclear launch against another player by posting "Nuke: [player]" in bold in the thread. Your nuclear launch will be publicly announced in the thread by the mod (including the identity of the launcher), and each subsequent vote count and day/night end post will contain a countdown to impact for each launched missile. Missiles take 48 hours to land, and can be aborted up to 24 hours after launch if the launcher posts in the thread "Abort: [player]" (hours might be subject to change). Aborting a missile launch on the same day does not allow you to launch another one in the same day. You cannot launch another missile on the same player if your previous missile launched at them is still en route. Nuclear missiles will continue traveling to their targets regardless of the current phase and whether the launcher is still alive. If a nuke lands during the night phase, the aftermath will be posted at the beginning of the next day.

Anti-Ballistic missile mode: Each day/night cycle, the first nuclear missile aimed at you that crosses its 24 hours abortion period will be nullified.
Fighter: Once per night, you can target one player to know their role, but not their faction (you will not learn what mode their Missile Silo is in if they have one).
Espionage: Once per night, you can target one player and guess their faction. You will learn whether your guess is correct.
Special Ops Strike Force: Once per night, you can target one player. If their role is a Missile Silo in Anti-Ballistic Missile mode, then it will be sabotaged and they will be vulnerable to nuclear strikes for the rest of the game. Otherwise, your role will be revealed to them and they will learn you targeted them last night.
Aircraft Carrier: Once per night, you can target a player to prevent them from using any night actions this night and from launching any nuclear missiles the next day.
Battleship: Once per night, you can target a player to protect them from ONE night kill targeting them that night (nuclear missiles don't count).
Radar: Once per night, you can target a player to learn who they target with their night action (if any) this night, and who targets them. Night kills are not detected this way.
Submarine: On D3, you can launch a nuclear missile anonymously without being revealed as the aggressor by PMing the mod during D3. However, you must still post in the thread to cancel it. On D4, you become a normal Missile Silo on Launch Mode. Note that during N3 you can still be identified by the Fighter as the Submarine. Your flip will still identify you as the Submarine.
Air base: You are immune to all night actions except for the night kill.
Failsafe: Once per day phase, you automatically launch a nuclear missile against the first player to launch a nuclear missile at you (this CAN target the anonymous Submarine launch on D3, although the recipient is unknown until the missile lands). This launch cannot be aborted, and it will have the same projected impact time as the nuclear launch that triggers it.
Doomsday Mechanism: If you are killed by any means other than a nuclear strike or the mod's lightning bolt, you have 36 hours starting from the posting time of the post announcing your death to PM the mod and choose one living player to initiate a nuclear launch against. This is entirely optional, and the launch cannot be aborted. Your role will always be listed as a Missile Silo until you choose to activate the Doomsday Mechanism. The Doomsday Mechanism can be activated even before D3.
Since this is open setup, this role list may not be final, and the list will be open for viewing when I host the game. Feel free to make suggestions. Depending on the number of people signing up, the maximum number of available roles may change.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 26 2013, 2:33 am by Raitaki.


Jul 26 2013, 2:07 am Azrael Post #63

Ah, gotcha. Can't read it all right now, but please post it here:

Jul 26 2013, 2:12 am Raitaki Post #64

orite i forgot that existed


Jul 26 2013, 8:43 pm Fire_Kame Post #65

wth is starcraft

Quote from rayNimagi
Quote from Fire_Kame
A lack of verbiage in the role PM would also avoid the "must share PM" mentality. If everyone's role is "You are [blank]. Please see the OP to learn more about your role." Then anyone could pretend to be anything.
I would prefer role PMs to be like this. That way, mafia would be about behavioral analysis and night actions instead of who can collect and forge role PMs.

Pssh, but that isn't as fun to write! :P

Jul 28 2013, 5:20 pm Dem0n Post #66

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I'll host after Kame again if nobody minds. XDDD

Jul 28 2013, 11:04 pm Raitaki Post #67


No, I'm hosting next unless people (plural) have significant problems with the DEFCON setup I posted that can't be immediately fixed >_> Shoulda saw the hints, Demon :<


Jul 28 2013, 11:08 pm Dem0n Post #68

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I thought yours was an off-Mafia type of game that could be hosted alongside an already running Mafia game? =o

Jul 28 2013, 11:09 pm Fire_Kame Post #69

wth is starcraft

raitaki for next host! :kame:

Jul 29 2013, 12:03 am rayNimagi Post #70

I also have an idea for a forum game somewhat similar to mafia. I haven't typed out all the details, but put me on the list of people to host.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Jul 29 2013, 2:48 am Raitaki Post #71

If you mean the Everybody Is A Russian Mafia Mafia thing, apparently nobody wants in any more ;_;



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