Staredit Network > Forums > Null > Topic: "Official" Mafia host order
"Official" Mafia host order
Dec 1 2012, 9:38 pm
By: poison_us
Pages: 1 2 34 >
#1 :: Do you prefer Comrade Azrael's method, or the legacy "first-come-first-serve" method?
#1 :: Do you prefer Comrade Azrael's method, or the legacy "first-come-first-serve" method?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
I prefer the fairer version of mafia hosting presented by Azrael 3
I prefer the first-come-first-serve method that's worked for uncountable millenia 2
I have no preference 0
Obligatory "other" category 3
I'm wasting my vote to show contempt for poison jokingly labeling Azrael as a "comrade" 4
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Poll has 12 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).
Srs time, Azrael's method or the traditional method?
Srs time, Azrael's method or the traditional method?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Azrael's time-based method. 8
Traditional method of staking claims. 2
Please login to vote.
Poll has 10 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Dec 1 2012, 9:38 pm poison_us Post #1

Back* from the grave

Alrighty, since mafia hosts vary between including and not including the list of the upcoming mafia hosts, I figured we might as well dedicate a thread solely to the organization of mafia games. Sign up here, rather than in the other mafia threads or in the shoutbox, to make sure you're on the list for future games.


Current and future game(s):

Current: poison_us' Clueless Mafia

1. Fire_Kame
1. Raitaki
1. BiOAtK
1. Generalpie
5. lil-Inferno
6. Dem0n

Legacy method

Comrade Azrael's method

Post has been edited 127 time(s), last time on Dec 27 2012, 1:33 pm by poison_us.

Dec 1 2012, 10:03 pm BiOAtK Post #2

I'd like to host.


Dec 1 2012, 10:31 pm Fire_Kame Post #3

wth is starcraft

For the record, after a lot of thought, I am going to host a traditional mafia game.

Dec 1 2012, 10:42 pm DevliN Post #4


Oh right, that's what I was forgetting in my OP. :><:

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Dec 1 2012, 10:45 pm Dem0n Post #5

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I wanna host again, but since I've already hosted twice, I'll wait until like next year to do it. ;o

Dec 1 2012, 10:50 pm lil-Inferno Post #6

Just here for the pie

I'd like to host another time as well, but not any time within the next few months.

Dec 2 2012, 12:29 am poison_us Post #7

Back* from the grave

Quote from Dem0n
I wanna host again, but since I've already hosted twice, I'll wait until like next year to do it. ;o
Quote from lil-Inferno
I'd like to host another time as well, but not any time within the next few months.
Does this mean I should be adding you two to the list? There will most likely be a few week delay before I start mine, as we've had many in a row at that time and it'll probably be good to have a short break.

Dec 2 2012, 1:44 am lil-Inferno Post #8

Just here for the pie

I'll host again after BiOAtK, I suppose.

Dec 2 2012, 2:21 am Raitaki Post #9

Actually, all my teachers are somehow throwing at me one school project after another, so move me down one.


Dec 2 2012, 2:34 am Dem0n Post #10

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Quote from poison_us
Quote from Dem0n
I wanna host again, but since I've already hosted twice, I'll wait until like next year to do it. ;o
Quote from lil-Inferno
I'd like to host another time as well, but not any time within the next few months.
Does this mean I should be adding you two to the list? There will most likely be a few week delay before I start mine, as we've had many in a row at that time and it'll probably be good to have a short break.
Yeah, add me to the list. If there's someone else that's never hosted before who wants to host, though, they can go before me.

Dec 2 2012, 2:44 am poison_us Post #11

Back* from the grave

Quote from Raitaki
Actually, all my teachers are somehow throwing at me one school project after another, so move me down one.
Quote from Dem0n
Quote from poison_us
Quote from Dem0n
I wanna host again, but since I've already hosted twice, I'll wait until like next year to do it. ;o
Quote from lil-Inferno
I'd like to host another time as well, but not any time within the next few months.
Does this mean I should be adding you two to the list? There will most likely be a few week delay before I start mine, as we've had many in a row at that time and it'll probably be good to have a short break.
Yeah, add me to the list. If there's someone else that's never hosted before who wants to host, though, they can go before me.
Done and done.

Dec 2 2012, 8:30 pm Moose Post #12

We live in a society.

I would like to host again at some point, though I will most likely do experimental games.

I also may decide to screw you guys over and run simultaneously run smaller experiemental games just to test out code and certain mechanics anyway, so whatever. :P

Dec 2 2012, 10:25 pm Azrael Post #13

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
I would like to host again at some point, though I will most likely do experimental games.

I also may decide to screw you guys over and run simultaneously run smaller experiemental games just to test out code and certain mechanics anyway, so whatever. :P

I've long said that we could handle having multiple Mafia games going simultaneously :P The rule about multiple games of the same type is just out of respect to whoever the current host is, so if the current host doesn't have an issue with it then it's not even an issue. I can't really imagine any of the upcoming hosts opposing you running a second game alongside theirs ^^

In fact, I have a Mafia game designed already which will only work while running simultaneously with someone else :P I was considering running it during Demon's game, but time constraints prevented me from actually doing so.

Anyways, I think you should go for it :) It sounds like it'd be pretty interesting.

Dec 2 2012, 10:39 pm poison_us Post #14

Back* from the grave

I put the s in parenthesis on purpose, Moose :P As Azrael indicated, I'd have no problem with others running games alongside mine. Does this mean I should put you up?

Dec 3 2012, 4:08 am Azrael Post #15

I think the method of choosing host order could be a lot more fair and effective than "whoever got online first today" :P The most fair way seems to be by giving priority to people based on how long it's been since they last hosted.

I would propose a function to rank people on priority. It could be something as simple as this:

Priority = 26 - M (+ 12)

M = "Months since they created a thread for their previous Mafia game (rounded up)"
(+ 12) = "Add 12 if their previous game was not hosted to completion."

M ≤ 25 (normally)
M = 26 if they have never hosted before.

Things that should be clear from this:

- The lower the number, the higher the priority.
- All people who haven't hosted within the last two years would have equal priority (it doesn't go below 1).
- All people with equal priority could then be determined by a random method instead of "first come, first serve".
- People who have never hosted a game would always have the highest priority.

It's basically "Whoever has gone the longest without hosting gets the highest priority in hosting the next game."

One benefit of this is that we would never have to keep track of any lists. When it's time to host a new game, the people who are actually interested in hosting at that time can say so. Whichever one of them has the highest priority can simply host (and ties can be broken by a random method). The people who have not hosted for a long time would still maintain their high priority; you would only ever lose your priority by hosting.

No lists, no switching spots, no rearranging order, no unnecessary commitments, no hassle (assuming each person is capable of looking at the last Mafia game they hosted to see how long ago it was). And, unlike these "first come, first serve" lists, they would always be current and relevant when it comes time to host a game, and even more importantly, they would be fair.

It might even be possible to incorporate something like this into a page which tracks the creation date for the last game we hosted (which we could simply update ourselves), allowing us to quickly look and see what priority each potential Mafia host is currently at. This isn't necessary by any means, but it would certainly be a possibility.

I personally think this would be the ideal method for determining host order, and any suggestions for altering the formula or taking other factors into account in determining a player's priority are welcome, as well as any other comments.

If you're interested, going by the formula above, the priorities (as of today) for the people in this thread would be (lower number means higher priority):

  • Kame: 0
  • Raitaki: 0
  • BioAtk: 0
  • poison: 1
  • Demon: 22
  • Inferno: 23

Of course, the only priorities that are actually relevant are the ones for people who want to host once it's actually time to host. If the only person who wants to host is Demon, then he'll host; only the people who want to host would actually have their priorities compared. This means that "giving up your spot" is as easy as simply not claiming rights to the next game, and you don't actually lose your spot, since your priority will never drop until you do host a game.

Well, like I said, let me know what you think.

Dec 3 2012, 5:51 am Fire_Kame Post #16

wth is starcraft

Jesus Azrael. Its a forum game not a soviet bread line.

Dec 3 2012, 9:28 am Azrael Post #17

Hey, people only had to wait in line for a few hours to get their share :P

Dec 3 2012, 3:08 pm Fire_Kame Post #18

wth is starcraft

If they got their share....and definitely not their correct share...

Dec 14 2012, 6:22 pm Fire_Kame Post #19

wth is starcraft

bump - you need to update this, and poison you're up next.

Dec 15 2012, 11:16 pm poison_us Post #20

Back* from the grave

I know I'm up next, but the holidays are rolling around. I don't want to start a game, then expect people to be on when they're spending time with family. If Rai wants to go instead, that's fine with me, but I won't be making my topic until after Christmas.

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