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Temple Siege v1
Jul 10 2008, 8:31 am
By: ClansAreForGays
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Sep 13 2008, 11:18 pm UnholyUrine Post #221

Quote from ClansAreForGays
I think TS has been abandoned.

:C Gimme a break.. I have SO MUCH SHIT going on at "university ;)" that I seriously don't have time to make this.. And in the back of my mind.. I'm still debating some questions about the map.. I'm also kind of waiting for MNX's new terrain version for this map....
Sorry.. but I think I pulled an ol' Blizzard "ambitious but rubbish" trick on you guys :C..

But don't lose hope ... I'll finish making the map.. and I also plan on making a version in SC2 (but that's another story)


Sep 14 2008, 4:28 am Lt.Church Post #222

man SC2 ums are gonna be so awesome,adding and removing upgrades via triggers, custom spells,custom gui,custom resources, custom pretty much anything and everything... o_o personally i still think atleast the initial version of the SC2 TS should just use the premade models(including tauren marine :rolleyes: ) so that id be done faster =), then maybe doing models in a later ver if ya feel like it.


Sep 14 2008, 6:53 am O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #223

👻 👾 👽 💪

Quote from The Great Yam
...and the DT's cloaking (with night, which lasts like 12 minutes?).
But that makes it so much fun if you are the DT. :P

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SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
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Sep 14 2008, 11:51 am MadZombie Post #224

Quote from O)FaRTy1billion[MM]
Quote from The Great Yam
...and the DT's cloaking (with night, which lasts like 12 minutes?).
But that makes it so much fun if you are the DT. :P
except when your trying to just kill the spawn, they just ran past you ;_;


Sep 14 2008, 3:10 pm Lt.Church Post #225

i know you gotta do alil attack walk microing to keep your exp rate steady =/


Sep 14 2008, 3:35 pm O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #226

👻 👾 👽 💪

Quote from MadZombie
Quote from O)FaRTy1billion[MM]
Quote from The Great Yam
...and the DT's cloaking (with night, which lasts like 12 minutes?).
But that makes it so much fun if you are the DT. :P
except when your trying to just kill the spawn, they just ran past you ;_;
That's why I sit between where the two collide... unless you are playing with crazy people that kill them all before that happens. >.> It's been a while since I tried.

TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
EUDDB - topic - Help out by adding your EUDs! Or Submit reference files in the References tab!
MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig - topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
\:farty\: This page has been viewed [img][/img] times!

Sep 14 2008, 9:48 pm MNeox Post #227

Quote from UnholyUrine
Quote from ClansAreForGays
I think TS has been abandoned.

:C Gimme a break.. I have SO MUCH SHIT going on at "university ;)" that I seriously don't have time to make this.. And in the back of my mind.. I'm still debating some questions about the map.. I'm also kind of waiting for MNX's new terrain version for this map....
Sorry.. but I think I pulled an ol' Blizzard "ambitious but rubbish" trick on you guys :C..

But don't lose hope ... I'll finish making the map.. and I also plan on making a version in SC2 (but that's another story)

I was hoping for you to give me the map now, so there wouldn't be any copy and paste of the terrain, and worked on the terrain while you were "away", lol, I haven't started anything xD


Sep 14 2008, 11:29 pm UnholyUrine Post #228

Here's a List Update for the things that I've already done to the map
  • P2 Special Ops has a location centering glitch.. No Spells affect him
  • Warrior's spell 2 has too much Upgrade bonus.. I made it +2 now.
  • Fixed the vulture speed. (Why the hell does Jizz Rainer not have a fast bike?)
  • Tanks get +5 upgrades...
  • Found that P2's spawn moving trigger had a bug (I completely missed a trigger!)
  • Changed Summoner's first spell to 2 zlings, but zlings only get +1 per upgrade (not sure if this'll work out)
  • Changed Abyssal Demon max to 2. (Sorry summoner fans)
  • Changed Infested Terran's attack to 200 (they do half dmg to organic units)
  • Added Summoning Cap for most units. (sci-ves = 4, ghost = 1)
  • Made Spawn units from Marine and Up Stronger, so that Spawn units may be "Strategically Viable." (Fancy words from Moose)
  • Mealstorm now costs 100.. and re-summoning Dark Orb gives it only 50% E (rather than 100% before)
  • Ensnare now costs 40 E.
  • Lurker upgrades has been fixed to +3
  • Archer's Companion will have +2, max 8 for now.., but that'll need to be tested
  • Medics = 120 Hp and 10 armor.
  • Giving p7 n p8 5 shields to start with... and Cannons have 2500 + 1000 shields and 40 dmg, and costs 80. Pylon stays the same.
  • Gonna make most spawn buildings more HP/Armor (probably 20 armor)
  • Fiine. Dark Archon now has 400 shields
  • Volt's lvl4, the power Overwhelming, will have a 20 second Cooldown, and will be +8 bonus dmg. I don't know if I should allow people to use other spells while being Supercharged..
  • Volt's lvl1 has been changed. It will paralyze for 4 seconds, and drain 15 mana, but ONLY ONE Scourge can affect you at ONE TIME.
  • Dark mage's Dark Orb will no longer reheal when re-summoned. It will still get 50% E (100)
All of those above is already in v1.4 (the one i gave clansareforgays)

Here's the list of things that i'm Planning to do to map
  • Add a stronger defense turret for Marine's 2nd spell
  • Stop Mana Increase when you're using a) Enemy Imitation (DT's lv3 spell) b) Power Overwhelming (Volt's final) c) Chaos Mutation (Mutant's final)
  • New Terrain???
  • Make Spawns better.. and to have "Building Spawns" a formidable strategy in the game.. This would also make Capturing Bases an interesting strategy, since it spawns extra units.. If the spawns are stronger.. then your chances of winner are higher :P
  • Cut Summoner's Goblins to 10 max (no whining, summoner fans.. summoner still owns)
  • Raise Mech's normal mode's Attack
  • Add Delays to spell where needed (for e.g., Warrior's level 3 "Charge of Courage" maybe?)
  • Okay I'm spilling the beans.. the "Suprises" that i've been talking about.. are Secret Characters... The reason why the map's taking so long is cause i need to change A LOT of stuff to add the new characters (actually. i'm just lazy :P)
    I already have the Ideas and it'd be good if you guys can talk about it here... I'm listing from Best to Worse choices
    I can only choose 3 out of these 4
    • Elementalist/Alchemist
      - A partial Summoner, partial high attack spell.. Unit = Dragoon
      - First spell summons 1 out of 3 elemental gremlin (Fire/Water/Lightling) .. max 2
      - 2nd spell uses up these summons.. Each Element that you summon has their own thing... for e.g. Fire = higher dmg spell.. water = defensive/heal .. lighling = paralyzing..
      - The catch is here.. You can mix the elements .. so your 2nd spell becomes even more diverse... for example.. Fire + Lighltling = some lazer spell using wraith/bc or sm shit like that lol i don't know...
      - 3rd spell = Golem = Goliath summon.. (it's about 200 hp right now)
      - 4th spell = Elemental forge .. combines your 1st spell elements into your Golem.. making your golem more awesome... =D

    • Ussopp (Yes from One Piece)
      - This guy will be sniper.. somewhat weak attack and low hp :P.. and most of his spells will be ranged. Meaning he'll spawn a scourge (kinda like Assault's 2nd spell) and move it around.. If the scourge touches another thing then the spell happens under the scourge
      - His first spell will be slowing down heros
      - 2nd will be spawning spider mines upon contact
      - 3rd is a tricky one.. I'm going to use his Impact Dial.. To those who don't watch one Piece.. It sucks all the damage.. and then puts out that damage whenever ussopp wants to.. Which is what i'm going to try to do.. I'm planning to use some kind of unit spawning.. and however many units are killed during the IMpact Dial spell.. it will reflect on how strong the spell is the next time it is used.
      - 4th is going to transform him into SOGEKING =D =D.. however NO HP or ATTACK increase.. but his spells will all become stronger (Impact -> reject dial.. yay!)

    • Spirit Bear
      - This unit will be a critter Ursadon... I want this unit to be completely dependent on its team's spawn.. and its enemy's spawn.. For example.. he uses "spirits" as attacks.. and the only way to gather spirit is from his team/enemy's broodlings and etc... Altho I have no idea what mechanic i should use.. some spells should be like:
      - Turning enemy spawns into spirits that he can use
      - Turning enemy spawns into critters?
      - Making his team's spawns around him evolve into the next one (So like broodling -> Zling.. Zealot -> Hydra)
      etc. . . .

    • Fortress
      - A Floating Command Center... with LOADS of HP.. (~8000)
      - Again.. no attack.. must use his spells
      - Planning so that whenever it creates a scv.. it turns into a wraith turret that shoots for a limited time...
      - Spells can only enhance its movements/speed/attack? like the following:
      - Shields -> Observers which will need to be killed to make the CC uninvincible (Kinda like astrogears)
      - Walker of some sort which spawns under it.. the CC shall follow it (again kinda like astrogears.. oh noes I'm copying :C)
      etc. . .
      - I Dislike this idea because this is a building.. all my triggers fail with this unit :S... I either have to change alot of things or just make spells ineffective against this hero

So there u have it.. :C I need some help with the last 2.. or if u have an entirely better idea.. go ahead and tell me =)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 15 2008, 2:54 am by UnholyUrine.

Sep 14 2008, 11:54 pm Moose Post #229

We live in a society.

Quote from UnholyUrine
[*]Add a stronger defense turret for Marine's 2nd spell
?? Just keep the SCV and make the buildings not suck. I'm in favor of ditching Supply Depot completely, it just feeds.

Quote from UnholyUrine
Chaos Mutation (Mutant's final)
Now that I've actually played around with Mutant a lot, you might want to decrease the upgrade damage on Chaos Mutation. Maybe from 15 to 12. ;o
While you mention the Archon's L4, why is the regular Volt the hero archon? That makes it give a shit ton more points.

Quote from UnholyUrine
[*]New Terrain???
I'll settle for adjustments to current terrain.

Quote from UnholyUrine
[*]Raise Mech's normal mode's Attack
Why are simple numerical changes on the to-do list? :P

Quote from UnholyUrine
[*] Elementalist/Alchemist
- 3rd spell = Golem = Goliath summon.. (it's about 200 hp right now)
The class sounds good, the Golem sounds weak.
What unit will this class be?

Quote from UnholyUrine
[*] Ussopp (Yes from One Piece)
This class sounds interesting. (though I'm disappointed he isn't really original. Eh, your map.) Perhaps a bit involved for most B.netters. Good luck triggering the third spell though.[/quote]

Quote from UnholyUrine
[*] Spirit Bear
- This unit will be a critter Ursadon... I want this unit to be completely dependent on its team's spawn..
I started laughing here.
Quote from UnholyUrine
and its enemy's spawn.. For example.. he uses "spirits" as attacks.. and the only way to gather spirit is from his team/enemy's broodlings and etc... Altho I have no idea what mechanic i should use.. some spells should be like:
- Turning enemy spawns into spirits that he can use
- Turning enemy spawns into critters?
- Making his team's spawns around him evolve into the next one (So like broodling -> Zling.. Zealot -> Hydra)
etc. . . .
Too vague. I wouldn't add classes you haven't completely planned out yet. I would especially make sure spawns are better balanced out before basing an entire CLASS around them.

Quote from UnholyUrine
[*] Fortress
- A Floating Command Center... with LOADS of HP.. (~8000)
- Again.. no attack.. must use his spells
- Planning so that whenever it creates a scv.. it turns into a wraith turret that shoots for a limited time...
- Spells can only enhance its movements/speed/attack? like the following:
- Shields -> Observers which will need to be killed to make the CC uninvincible (Kinda like astrogears)
- Walker of some sort which spawns under it.. the CC shall follow it (again kinda like astrogears.. oh noes I'm copying :C)
etc. . .
- I Dislike this idea because this is a building.. all my triggers fail with this unit :S... I either have to change alot of things or just make spells ineffective against this hero
Could always use Reaver and give the Mech a new L4. :P
This class will REALLY suck for anything that can't attack air if you keep the CC.
And if that wasn't enough, the Observer spell will make it practically invincible at night.

Quote from UnholyUrine
So there u have it.. :C I need some help with the last 2.. or if u have an entirely better idea.. go ahead and tell me =)
To be honest, adding 4 classes is doing way too much. I just want to see small updates and better balancing. The balancing only gets more complicated with all these new classes put into the mix.

Sep 15 2008, 12:11 am Thuy Post #230

ROFL @ FLOATING CC, if this hero is really going to be there it'll be my first pick!


Sep 15 2008, 12:43 am ClansAreForGays Post #231

I tried really hard to make a .gif to really capture my reaction to this, but I failed(why do they make themselves grainy for no reason?).

Long story short: DO NOT WANT!

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 15 2008, 12:43 am by ClansAreForGays. Reason: dammit, can't even get lolcat pictures

Sep 15 2008, 4:08 am Vi3t-X Post #232

Firebat + Corsair Spell = Epic Win vs CC. However, maybe you could set the mover to be damaged instead of the CC. Or perhaps you want a burning hero...

A spawn dependant character would actually be very interesting. Gain exp by leveling spawns, deplete enemy exp, eat your own units... :omfg:


Sep 15 2008, 4:12 am Moose Post #233

We live in a society.

Yeah, the CC hero starting at 20% HP... not good for his long-term health.

Sep 15 2008, 4:15 am Oyen Post #234

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Yeah, the CC hero starting at 20% HP... not good for his long-term health.

That could be a weakness for the CC early on. He has tons of hp, but gradually loses hp until he gets enough hp upgrades. Might balance him out if his abilities are very strong.


Sep 15 2008, 4:19 am Vi3t-X Post #235

1600HP is actually very little. Considering how it takes forever getting into battle, and impossible to run away from assaulting heroes. And if Kerri was present and spells were disabled... Ouch.


Sep 15 2008, 4:44 am Moose Post #236

We live in a society.

The fact that it is an air unit also makes it rather imbalanced.
If you're Summoner, Mutant, Warrior, Assault, or Dark Mage you're simply not hitting that CC. Ever. That's just under half the current heroes.
Light Mage can only attack it by using his L3.
If you're Medic, it's going to take a lot of shots to bring down that massive CC and all of its HP at 25% damage.

Sep 15 2008, 5:12 am Thuy Post #237

be funny if a queen infest the cc, i think the medic's disable spell spawns queens when casted :D


Sep 15 2008, 5:17 am Moose Post #238

We live in a society.

The current Queen bug is from losing your last life while affected by Dark Mage's L3.

Sep 16 2008, 5:17 pm DC_Rocket859 Post #239

Theres a glitch where light mage can get 2x the goons by building a zealot right after it builds high temp ._.


Sep 16 2008, 5:50 pm ClansAreForGays Post #240

OMG summoner is totally a temple killer if you just spam the lv1+2.

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