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Patch 1.16.1
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Jan 21 2009, 6:24 pm
By: ClansAreForGays
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Jan 23 2009, 1:04 am poison_us Post #41

Back* from the grave

maybe this

A few examples, on Inhale you could see every players colour. After they banned that hack suddenly I came to notice that Blizzard ripped it off. Next, once again on Inhale. I came to notice that odd thing that if you visioned a player while stacking, then you would no longer be on stack

and this

I know some people that used it, and they only used it for easier stacking in roleplays. (They could see while they stacked, thus the entire process was done more faster and efficiently.)

makes people assume you hack :hurr:
I mean, it sounds almost as if you have firsthand experience in what happens when you hack. Chances are pretty good that your internet isn't down, and you've been suspended/banned because there has been at least someone hacking on your computer.

Since you can post in SEN, I would assume [since it says you posted 42 minutes ago right now] that you have no problem with your internet.

Jan 23 2009, 1:07 am lSHaDoW-FoXl Post #42

Indeed! not a problem at all! :D

Besides, I never said I didn't hack either. Muaahahaha :3!

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 24 2009, 11:23 pm by Doodan. Reason: combining double post


Jan 23 2009, 1:17 am BiOAtK Post #43

Quote from lSHaDoW-FoXl
Besides, I never said I didn't hack either. Muaahahaha :3!
Heh. You just practically admitting you hacked on one of the most anti-hack sites. :hurr:


Jan 23 2009, 1:18 am Elvang Post #44

Are you lKHaoTiXl?

Jan 23 2009, 1:23 am poison_us Post #45

Back* from the grave

lKHaoTiXl, lAHaDoW-FoXl, whatever you want to call yourself, you really should stop double posting :hurr:
but other than that, I think we've gotten off topic a tad, so this should probably be closed...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 24 2009, 3:38 am by poison_us. Reason: spelling

Jan 23 2009, 3:50 am lSHaDoW-FoXl Post #46

Why yes, I am KhaoTiX. I got rid of the account though because it's outdated, and I personally preferred lSHaDoW-FoXl.

1/22 20:34:03.343 Connecting to
1/22 20:34:03.375 Trying to load ws2_32.dll
1/22 20:34:03.375 querying gateway
1/22 20:34:03.437 searching for the fastest server
1/22 20:34:03.453 NOTE- ConnectThreadProc: connect didn't link with host (10061)
1/22 20:34:03.500 NOTE- ConnectThreadProc: connect didn't link with host (10061)
1/22 20:34:03.546 NOTE- ConnectThreadProc: connect didn't link with host (10061)
1/22 20:34:03.593 NOTE- ConnectThreadProc: connect didn't link with host (10061)
1/22 20:34:03.656 NOTE- ConnectThreadProc: connect didn't link with host (10061)
1/22 20:34:03.703 NOTE- ConnectThreadProc: connect didn't link with host (10061)
1/22 20:34:03.750 NOTE- ConnectThreadProc: connect didn't link with host (10061)
1/22 20:34:03.796 NOTE- ConnectThreadProc: connect didn't link with host (10061)
1/22 20:34:03.859 NOTE- ConnectThreadProc: connect didn't link with host (10061)
1/22 20:34:03.906 NOTE- ConnectThreadProc: connect didn't link with host (10061)
1/22 20:34:03.953 NOTE- ConnectThreadProc: connect didn't link with host (10061)
1/22 20:34:04.015 NOTE- ConnectThreadProc: connect didn't link with host (10061)
1/22 20:34:04.015 no servers found
1/22 20:34:05.046 Could not connect to

There, that's how retarded my log is.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 23 2009, 8:33 pm by Mini Moose 2707. Reason: Please EDIT instead of double posting.


Jan 23 2009, 4:24 am DaltonSerdynski Post #47

just wondering what does CPU throttling mean


Jan 23 2009, 4:51 am O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #48

👻 👾 👽 💪

Quote from DaltonSerdynski
just wondering what does CPU throttling mean
It's explained a lot in this thread already. ;o

TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
EUDDB - topic - Help out by adding your EUDs! Or Submit reference files in the References tab!
MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig - topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
\:farty\: This page has been viewed [img][/img] times!

Jan 23 2009, 5:53 am poiuy_qwert Post #49

PyMS and ProTRG developer

|SHaDoW-FoX| stop double and triple posting! Do you know what the word "Edit" means? Learn to use the edit button.

And just so you know, Blizzard didn't "steal" or "plagiarize" the nick colors and reply command from hacks, WC3 had both of those features before any starcraft hacks did...

Jan 23 2009, 1:03 pm Ahli Post #50

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Maybe this will help you, if you somehow corrupted the gateway adresses

Jan 23 2009, 8:56 pm Heinermann Post #51

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

lSHaDoW-FoXl, if you're going to be a complete dick, to the members of this board, and Blizzard Entertainment, nobody is going to want to help you.

Also, I don't think the edit button is clear to everyone, but all forums have them, so look for it.

Jan 23 2009, 9:16 pm lSHaDoW-FoXl Post #52

I thank Ahli for his help, but sadly it doesn't seem to work X.X. By far that's about six or seven hours. And before anyone judges me I want them to try that much hours in fixing a bloody program. I'm quite sure your patience would draw quite thin as well.

Also in consideration - Yeah, I'm sorry about the double posting. I often don't actually ''edit.'' what I write, which is probably at least a bit cool considering I never seem to make any mistakes! :3. And a quick digression, I understand why some other posts got reported, but what exactly was the meaning of reporting that one where I explain my account name? He/She asked, so I assumed to respond was the polite thing to do.


Jan 23 2009, 10:10 pm Syphon Post #53

Quote from lSHaDoW-FoXl
I thank Ahli for his help, but sadly it doesn't seem to work X.X. By far that's about six or seven hours. And before anyone judges me I want them to try that much hours in fixing a bloody program. I'm quite sure your patience would draw quite thin as well.

Also in consideration - Yeah, I'm sorry about the double posting. I often don't actually ''edit.'' what I write, which is probably at least a bit cool considering I never seem to make any mistakes! :3. And a quick digression, I understand why some other posts got reported, but what exactly was the meaning of reporting that one where I explain my account name? He/She asked, so I assumed to respond was the polite thing to do.

Trust me, Heinermann has spent longer debugging things than you could imagine.


Jan 24 2009, 8:23 am Kellimus Post #54

Quote from lSHaDoW-FoXl
I thank Ahli for his help, but sadly it doesn't seem to work X.X. By far that's about six or seven hours. And before anyone judges me I want them to try that much hours in fixing a bloody program. I'm quite sure your patience would draw quite thin as well.

Also in consideration - Yeah, I'm sorry about the double posting. I often don't actually ''edit.'' what I write, which is probably at least a bit cool considering I never seem to make any mistakes! :3. And a quick digression, I understand why some other posts got reported, but what exactly was the meaning of reporting that one where I explain my account name? He/She asked, so I assumed to respond was the polite thing to do.

Their program is fine.

Just face it that using 3rd-party programs is against the EULA. And they caught you, and did what they did to most people who break the EULA.


Jan 24 2009, 8:48 am lSHaDoW-FoXl Post #55

Incorrect. And is it me or did the entire tone of your sentence label me as a monster? If they did "Catch me." then clearly they'd probably state it. And even more so, I'm not one of those idiots that think they're better then other SC players just because they can do a few hacks in a game. Besides. If you find hackers are bad then you really shouldn't associate to half of Starcrafts Roleplayers, or more like any of them which don't suck entirely at doing so. And also, there is a difference between an actual ''Anti Hacker.'' and someone against hacks. I know some people that use hacks on this very site, and those people in particular aren't moronic. But, I won't speak their names as to show decency towards them n.n.

Besides, even mods can be considered a third party program. The only difference is that SC doesn't mind them. I suppose the reason in particular is because they don't grant the specific player any cheap advantages. Now, seeing that everyone, (That includes my self, obviously) has continually gone through digression and digression I think it's also worth noting on how some SC patches were very helpful, and how some practically sent SC back.

I recall that old one where you could not say any swear words, how you could only say Douche. Nextly, I recall that other bad one which some how glitched the Dl, thus no ones DL would never be shown. (I disliked that patch because hosts were idiots at times and banned ANYONE they assumed didn't Dl, regardless if that person had proof they Dl'ed the map or not) Then there is of course the just previous one which we had not too long ago where they screwed up the Reply.

And Kellimus, you probably don't know anything of hacks. If you have Twenty Five friends, I assure you at least three of them use hacks. And no, SC usually don't catch the hackers, they don't see hackers as a priority, but instead as a nuisance. At most you usually get a ban off of one of your accounts. So perhaps, you should keep just this one thing in mind -

If one of your online friends suddenly stopped showing up after that patch with the Reply glitch, most chances they used hacks, and that doesn't necessarily mean they're off SC, it just means they have a new account. Perhaps it's assumable I am a hacker by some, either way I state neither on both sides. And instead I simply say I just know a lot. Which reminds me, did you know that if someone hacks into your account by finding your password and you get on a new account, then Blizzard would have to ban both your account and the other players, unfair huh?

And if Sc were to ever release a patch, then my idea of the "Best Patch Ever." would probably be one where a host alone cannot ban someone from the lobby, but it requires a vote to be passed. That way you don't get banned just because the host is impatient, or just plain hates you because he/she is a bigot. (Or perhaps one which subtracts points from those pesky map leavers!)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 24 2009, 8:58 am by lSHaDoW-FoXl.


Jan 24 2009, 1:20 pm EzDay281 Post #56

If they did "Catch me." then clearly they'd probably state it.
My friend's lost two cd-keys, each shortly after he started performing bannable offenses. One looked like a generic cannot-connect message, the other wasn't much better.
And even more so, I'm not one of those idiots that think they're better then other SC players just because they can do a few hacks in a game.
Except by monitoring peoples' actions individually, how is Blizzard to know that?
Besides. If you find hackers are bad then you really shouldn't associate to half of Starcrafts Roleplayers, or more like any of them which don't suck entirely at doing so.
I find all of them laughable in the first place. As for, "if you find hackers are bad", who's said that? What's been pointed out is that they're against the EULA, and therefore it should not be surprising when Blizzard's actions reflect this.
Besides, even mods can be considered a third party program. The only difference is that SC doesn't mind them. I suppose the reason in particular is because they don't grant the specific player any cheap advantages.
For which reason they were originally banned from SEN, so I've heard.
I doubt there's any significant number of people that aren't aware of this. However, as you said, mods are general. They can't be used to annoy other players, except by doing things that would normally be quite possible ( i.e., suddenly leaving the game ) .
and how some practically sent SC back.
What is the relevance of Blizzard's mistakes?
And Kellimus, you probably don't know anything of hacks.
Quite a broad and, frankly, baseless guess, that.
Most of SEN, so far as I know, is aware that the exploits can be used in non-malevolent manner, for the sake of testing maps, finding ways to safeguard maps against them, when dicking around with friends, etc.
And is it me or did the entire tone of your sentence label me as a monster?
And is it me or did the entire tone of your posts imply that you use these programs?
And also in consideration, maybe someone should give a little talk to Blizzard about Plagiarism.
"Plagiarism"? Tell me, where did Blizzard state that the "copied" features are their ideas? Because until they do, stfu.
Furthermore, they've every right, moral and legal, to improve their own program in such a way as to eliminate some of the appeal of illegal software, which is potentially dangerous for users ( my friend got about eight Diablo II accounts from someone who had succesfully distributed a keylogging, fake-maphack ) , and which can be used by some to ruin other peoples' games.


Jan 24 2009, 2:58 pm Symmetry Post #57

Dungeon Master

And for the record, Blizzard has stated that it approves of Modifications and Total Conversions in official statements, despite what the EULA says. They've even supported the community by giving us names for AIScript opcodes. So your comment about mods is totally incorrect.

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Jan 24 2009, 7:58 pm lSHaDoW-FoXl Post #58

"Besides, even mods can be considered a third party program. The only difference is that SC doesn't mind them."

Oh I am not correct? I never said mods haven't ever been promoted by Blizzard, I merely said it can still be considered a Third Party Program. I recall reading an article in a gaming magazine on how SC promoted mods. That gaming article in particular was quite old too, so it's been a long time they have been promoting it. (The oldest mod I came to notice is probably Gundam Century.)

And to speak of mods...why do their new patches always screw up old mods? Sure, some mods still work (Like Ultimate Doom or perhaps Terra.) But I came to notice that sadly, AntiThesis will not work due to the new patch (and no, I'm not ever trying a downgrader) Does anyone know why? And also, I just noticed something very off topic and quite intriguing. I just noticed that the uncapital L's on Staredit actually have a small curve, like an L. For example.

This is an l <--L!
This is an I <--i!

Notice the slight curve? (Digression end)

Now, it seems no matter what anyone, or everyone says on this current topic it always gets off of the main idea, the patch. (And I can already see some putting the blame on me, which is quite understandable. Unless of course you're meaning my last post, I tried at least a bit to go back on topic.)

And I just recalled one rather intriguing bit of trivia about that patch that screwed up how DL'S showed up. Did you know all they fixed was a Hydra Glitch, something else, and a typo? Aw well, it's better for them to have very few updates and for free then to make them have a new one practically every week, and at fifteen dollars a month.


Jan 24 2009, 8:21 pm O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #59

👻 👾 👽 💪

Any mod with memory/EXE editing only works on the specific patch it was meant for.

Also SCD4 has SC/BW1.16.1 ... Need to finish it. :C

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EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
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MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig - topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
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Jan 24 2009, 8:31 pm Conspiracy Post #60

Is it just me or does the CPU Throttling crash my SC?

(Sorry if this has already been answered, I just looked at the first few pages)


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