I'm not sure on this, but from a programming perspective, I'd guess it has to point to something actually defined in memory.
It's just 20*LocationID+offset... It doesn't have to actually point to anything defined. And the memory immediately after the location table IS allocated, so it shouldn't explode.
Don't extended mbrf portrait slots crash? ...

Ok, so they are loaded into a stupid table... Using extended slots can only crash. I was hoping it was loaded differently... It's trying to read from 0+8 or some shit.
Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jan 19 2009, 8:36 am by FaRTy1billion.
TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
topic - Help out by adding your EUDs! Or Submit reference files in the References tab!
MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig -
topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
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SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.
How about creating a unit at an extended location?
Extended locations in bring condition?
They must have valid coordinates though.
EDIT: Create Unit only seems to read 1-byte locations.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 20 2009, 1:42 am by Heinermann.

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.
It's fairly easy when you come to understand how memory works.
It's really easy to use if someone has created a tutorial for something specific. (Copy n Paste ftw)
Seems extended action and condition IDs work. But being able to obtain a proper function may pose some difficulty.
Hey can you make a tutorial? I'm trying to do something with research. According to farty
UnitID = 0 (So that you don't have to factor in 48*Unit ID.)
Player = (Address - Death Table Start) / 4 (This can be egative.)
How do I know the death table start? is this constant (im assuming 0058A34C ) for 1.16? So when it reads are we going back or forward in memory? I know how binary files work so I'm assuming its similar to memory, perhaps though with continuously changing values. Thanks for your time, I never could have imagined map editing getting this crazy.
He also posted this: 20*LocationID+offset, what is locationid? and offset? fill my ignorance.
Macs don't have limitations either, you just need different offsets for them.
Seems extended action and condition IDs work. But being able to obtain a proper function may pose some difficulty.
I don't suppose they can reach anything that I can directly edit the value of somehow... ;o
TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
topic - Help out by adding your EUDs! Or Submit reference files in the References tab!
MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig -
topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
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That's actually a possibility.
You'd have to find a way to detect whether the player is running a Mac or a PC, or ask them to input it themselves, but with additional conditions it would be doable. =D
Yeah, I think I remember hearing somewhere that if the location used as the parameter for the Move Location function isn't a valid location, it doesn't run.
I think you remember from
bring/command discussion thread.
Two posts have reference to valid locations:
http://www.staredit.net/54819/Quote from name:DiscipleOfAdun
Valid locations means any number between 1 and 255. Valid in terms of data going into the function, not valid as in the location exists in the map.
The command condition will cause a lot less lag than bring, because it doesn't have to narrow it down by location when it checks the condition.
http://www.staredit.net/54650/Quote from name:DiscipleOfAdun
Doing any of the actions I listed will set the block as invalid and force a refresh for the next condition.
Remove Unit and Kill Unit will always reset the block, even if there isn't a unit to remove.
Remove Unit at Location and Kill Unit at Location will reset as long as it is given a valid location, even if it doesn't actually remove a unit.
Move Unit and Move Location will reset as long as both source and destination locations are valid.
Not sure if anyone has posted something similar but here's a basic formual on where an eud will read.
L = 4(12U + P) + 5808964
U is unittype
P is playerNumber
L is location to read
all data in this equation is in decimal format.
Quote from O)FaRTy1billion
EUDs have no bounds!
Except Macs...
If we can find an address that is hardcoded or supposed to be within bounds (1 to 8 or something) that is way different on the mac, then we can detect it with eud conditions and ajust other triggers accordingly.
You don't need to know if a player is mac or PC unless some values will screw up otherwise (or attempt to read invalid memory.)
Switches wont desync, so you can have it so that one set of conditions (mac) sets a switch when true and another set of similar conditions (pc) sets the same switch when true.
TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
topic - Help out by adding your EUDs! Or Submit reference files in the References tab!
MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig -
topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
This page has been viewed [img]http://farty1billion.dyndns.org/Clicky.php?img.gif[/img] times!
I need to read the value for the offset 0040ACA9, decimal 4238505.
I don't understand how to manipulate this formula; after the subtraction you obviously can't divide an odd number by 4.
you'll have a remainder,
and that number is lower than the death table, so you can't use EUDs.I don't feel like reading the entire thread.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 27 2009, 5:07 pm by rockz.
"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"
How then do EUD's have no bounds...?

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.
How then do EUD's have no bounds...?
EUDs have no bounds! You can read any value in memory. Also, you wont need to put in weird unit IDs... though you will need to put in weird player IDs.
UnitID = 0 (So that you don't have to factor in 48*Unit ID.)
Player = (Address - Death Table Start) / 4 (This can be negative.)
Extended locations didn't work when I tried them in Move Location.
You know, I've been wondering about this for a while, but would it be possible for a map to detect a whisper from an outside player, and then run certain triggers accordingly? Without desync, off course.
I guess the main question is whether or not you can detect whispers. It'd be cool, so be able to whisper some code word to people playing your game and suddenly give them all like uber power