A little arrogant, and a little rude, mayor. I remember doing this glitch by hand in a RP.
Yeah I did this in an RP. Scanner Sweeps look the most cool.
Well maybe if you pointed out that you didn't understand what a unit ID was then someone could post and clarify that. It's really a minor detail that's just restricting which units will work.
A simple googling of starcraft unit ids gives you this list:
214: Start Location
101: Map Revealer
#Terran Ground
0: Marine
32: Firebat
1: Ghost
34: Medic
2: Vulture
3: Goliath
5: Siege Tank (Tank Mode)
30: Siege Tank (Siege Mode)
7: SCV
13: Vulture Spider Mine
14: Nuclear Missile
#Terran Air
8: Terran Wraith
9: Terran Science Vessel
11: Terran Dropship
12: Terran Battlecruiser
58: Terran Valkyrie
#Terran Heroes
10: Gui Montag (Firebat)
15: Terran Civilian
16: Sarah Kerrigan (Ghost)
17: Alan Schezar (Goliath)
19: Jim Raynor (Vulture)
20: Jim Raynor (Marine)
21: Tom Kazansky (Wraith)
22: Magellan (Science Vessel)
23: Edmund Duke (Siege Tank - Tank Mode)
25: Edmund Duke (Siege Tank - Siege Mode)
27: Arcturus Mengsk (Battlecruiser)
28: Hyperion (Battlecruiser)
29: Norad II (Battlecruiser)
99: Samir Duran (Ghost)
100: Alexei Stukov (Ghost)
102: Gerard Dugalle (Battlecruiser)
#Terran Buildings
106: Terran Command Center
109: Terran Supply Depot
110: Terran Refinery
111: Terran Barracks
112: Terran Academy
113: Terran Factory
114: Terran Starport
116: Terran Science Facility
122: Terran Engineering Bay
123: Terran Armory
124: Terran Missile Turret
125: Terran Bunker
#Terran Add-ons
107: Terran Comsat Station
108: Terran Nuclear Silo
115: Terran Control Tower
117: Terran Covert Ops
118: Terran Physics Lab
120: Terran Machine Shop
#Terran Special Buildings
126: Norad II (Crashed)
127: Ion Cannon
190: Psi Disruptor
200: Power Generator
#Protoss Ground
61: Protoss Dark Templar
63: Protoss Dark Archon
64: Protoss Probe
65: Protoss Zealot
66: Protoss Dragoon
67: Protoss High Templar
68: Protoss Archon
83: Protoss Reaver
85: Protoss Scarab
#Protoss Air
60: Protoss Corsair
69: Protoss Shuttle
70: Protoss Scout
71: Protoss Arbiter
72: Protoss Carrier
73: Protoss Interceptor
84: Protoss Observer
#Protoss Heroes
74: Dark Templar (Hero)
75: Zeratul (Dark Templar)
76: Tassadar/Zeratul (Archon)
77: Fenix (Zealot)
78: Fenix (Dragoon)
79: Tassadar (Templar)
80: Mojo (Scout)
81: Warbringer (Reaver)
82: Gantrithor (Carrier)
86: Danimoth (Arbiter)
87: Aldaris (Templar)
88: Artanis (Scout)
98: Raszagal (Corsair)
#Protoss Buildings
154: Protoss Nexus
155: Protoss Robotics Facility
156: Protoss Pylon
157: Protoss Assimilator
159: Protoss Observatory
160: Protoss Gateway
162: Protoss Photon Cannon
163: Protoss Citadel of Adun
164: Protoss Cybernetics Core
165: Protoss Templar Archives
166: Protoss Forge
167: Protoss Stargate
169: Protoss Fleet Beacon
170: Protoss Arbiter Tribunal
171: Protoss Robotics Support Bay
172: Protoss Shield Battery
#Protoss Special Buildings
173: Khaydarin Crystal Formation
174: Protoss Temple
175: Xel'Naga Temple
189: Warp Gate
168: Stasis Cell
#Zerg Ground
35: Zerg Larva
36: Zerg Egg
97: Zerg Lurker Egg
37: Zerg Zergling
38: Zerg Hydralisk
39: Zerg Ultralisk
40: Zerg Broodling
41: Zerg Drone
46: Zerg Defiler
50: Infested Terran
103: Zerg Lurker
#Zerg Air
42: Zerg Overlord
43: Zerg Mutalisk
44: Zerg Guardian
62: Zerg Devourer
45: Zerg Queen
47: Zerg Scourge
59: Devourer/Guardian Cocoon
#Zerg Heroes
48: Torrasque (Ultralisk)
49: Matriarch (Queen)
51: Infested Kerrigan
52: Unclean One (Defiler)
53: Hunter Killer (Hydralisk)
54: Devouring One (Zergling)
55: Kukulza (Mutalisk)
56: Kukulza (Guardian)
57: Yggdrasill (Overlord)
104: Infested Duran
#Zerg Buildings
130: Infested Command Center
131: Zerg Hatchery
132: Zerg Lair
133: Zerg Hive
134: Zerg Nydus Canal
135: Zerg Hydralisk Den
136: Zerg Defiler Mound
137: Zerg Greater Spire
138: Zerg Queen's Nest
139: Zerg Evolution Chamber
140: Zerg Ultralisk Cavern
141: Zerg Spire
142: Zerg Spawning Pool
143: Zerg Creep Colony
144: Zerg Spore Colony
146: Zerg Sunken Colony
149: Zerg Extractor
#Zerg Special Buildings
150: Mature Chrysalis
151: Zerg Cerebrate
152: Zerg Cerebrate Daggoth
201: Overmind Cocoon
147: Zerg Overmind (With Shell)
148: Zerg Overmind
194: Zerg Beacon
195: Terran Beacon
196: Protoss Beacon
197: Zerg Flag Beacon
198: Terran Flag Beacon
199: Protoss Flag Beacon
204: Floor Hatch
205: Left Upper Level Door
206: Right Upper Level Door
207: Left Pit Door
208: Right Pit Door
203: Floor Missile Trap
209: Floor Gun Trap
210: Left Wall Missile Trap
212: Right Wall Missile Trap
211: Left Wall Flame Trap
213: Right Wall Flame Trap
128: Uraj Crystal
129: Khalis Crystal
215: Flag
216: Young Chrysalis
217: Psi Emitter
218: Data Disc
219: Khaydarin Crystal
220: Mineral Chunk 1
221: Mineral Chunk 2
222: Vespene Gas Orb 1
223: Vespene Gas Orb 2
224: Vespene Gas Sac 1
225: Vespene Gas Sac 2
226: Vespene Gas Tank 1
227: Vespene Gas Tank 2
176: Mineral Field 1
177: Mineral Field 2
178: Mineral Field 3
188: Vespene Geyser
89: Rhynadon
90: Bengalaas
93: Scantid
94: Kakaru
95: Ragnasaur
96: Ursadon
33: Scanner Sweep
105: Disruption Web
202: Dark Swarm
191: Zerg Marker
192: Terran Marker
193: Protoss Marker
4: Goliath Turret
18: Alan Schezar Turret
6: Tank Turret (Tank Mode)
31: Tank Turret (Siege Mode)
24: Edmund Duke Turret (Tank Mode)
26: Edmund Duke Turret (Siege Mode)
91: Cargo Ship
92: Mercenary Gunship
119: Starbase
121: Repair Bay
145: Zerg Building 1
153: Zerg Building 2
158: Protoss Building 1
161: Protoss Building 2
179: Cave
180: Cave-In
181: Cantina
182: Mining Platform
183: Independent Command Center
184: Independent Starport
185: Independent Jump Gate
186: Ruins
187: Khaydarin Crystal Formation
And I still don't see how not understanding that one part of what Falkoner was saying makes the whole thing confusing.
Also, looking at the map wouldn't have told you the part about unitids which is why understanding the paragraph would be much more helpful and would prevent any future problems.
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 4 2009, 9:17 pm by Mini Moose 2707. Reason: Flaming quote
Don't post the map falk. Your explanation was enough.
It was a good explanation, but if he already has the map there's no good reason not to post it.
Don't post the map falk. Your explanation was enough.
It was a good explanation, but if he already has the map there's no good reason not to post it.
He can try to figure it out on his own. You're the one always telling people to figure things out on their own and do some problem solving.
It was a good explanation, but if he already has the map there's no good reason not to post it.
The map wouldn't help either, it was just a mineral chunk, some Terran buildings, a bunch of drones and some high templar, you have to understand the concept.
I'm going to need to borrow that map. Ahem.
It's pretty easy, basically, the way it works is you create a hallucination of a powerup, either via triggers or by hallucinating an extended powerup. Once you have that, have a worker pick up the hallucination, and wait for it to fade, the hallucination will not actually die in its hands, but it will have faded. Once it has, create the unit with an ID 177 less than the unit you want picked up, you most likely will need to create multiple of that unit, this unit fills the empty slot which used to be the hallucinated powerup, now kill the SCV and the unit will teleport to where the SCV was, and be "dropped" like the powerup, then pick up that unit with another worker.
1) Asuming you use UID no.1 (Marine). How do you calculate this? Can you insert negative intergers?
2) Can you use unused and/or crashing units?
Another technique that uses an overflow(and I'm surprised nobody has found a way to use it practically), is the hallucinated powerup glitch, involving a hallucinated powerup running out of energy in a worker's hold so that when a new unit is created, it will replace the powerup that was in the worker's hold, teleporting the new unit to the worker's destination on its destruction, and applying the powerup property to the unit so that it can be picked up.
One thing though is that what unit will show up in the hands of the unit can easily be calculated, you just add 177 to the ID of the unit that was created to replace the crystal, and that's the unit ID that you will pick up.
And I actually plan to use this for looks in Mystic Islands RPG, I'm going to have them actually put a tank together, two SCVs will carry the top and bottom of a tank into a room and then a built tank will come out

It's +177 to the unit ID to get the
image ID of what you pick up.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 23 2009, 4:06 am by FaRTy1billion. Reason: Clarification.
TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
topic - Help out by adding your EUDs! Or Submit reference files in the References tab!
MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig -
topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
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It's +117 to the unit ID to get the image ID of what you pick up.
You sure it's 117? That calculator you gave me a while back adds 177 to it. And thanks for correcting the image, I knew something was wrong there
That was a typo, the point was that it is unitID+number=imagesID, not =unitID.
TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
topic - Help out by adding your EUDs! Or Submit reference files in the References tab!
MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig -
topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
This page has been viewed [img]http://farty1billion.dyndns.org/Clicky.php?img.gif[/img] times!
This was very good, thanks.
Don't post the map falk. Your explanation was enough.
It was a good explanation, but if he already has the map there's no good reason not to post it.
I think he wants his map to be the first to publicly use it seriously. And he has every right to, even if he doesn't admit to his true motive.
I think he wants his map to be the first to publicly use it seriously. And he has every right to, even if he doesn't admit to his true motive.
Lol? Farty made a map where you had workers fight eachother with other units
Don't post the map falk. Your explanation was enough.
It was a good explanation, but if he already has the map there's no good reason not to post it.
I think he wants his map to be the first to publicly use it seriously. And he has every right to, even if he doesn't admit to his true motive.
The map is nothing, it doesn't require triggers and there isn't anything to be learned by it. If you actually go through the explanation it is easy to understand. If he didn't want people using it, he probably wouldn't've drawn it out.
have no bounds! You can read
any value in memory. Also, you wont need to put in weird unit IDs... though you will need to put in weird player IDs.
UnitID = 0
(So that you don't have to factor in 48*Unit ID.)Player = (Address - Death Table Start) / 4
(This can be negative.)Extended locations didn't work when I tried them in Move Location.
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 18 2009, 8:43 am by FaRTy1billion.
TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
topic - Help out by adding your EUDs! Or Submit reference files in the References tab!
MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig -
topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
This page has been viewed [img]http://farty1billion.dyndns.org/Clicky.php?img.gif[/img] times!
Don't post the map falk. Your explanation was enough.
It was a good explanation, but if he already has the map there's no good reason not to post it.
I think he wants his map to be the first to publicly use it seriously. And he has every right to, even if he doesn't admit to his true motive.
If you're referring to me then you're sadly mistaken. I'm not interested at all in this powerup glitch. It's not even very useful. The reason why I told Falk to not post the map is because, as others have stated, it would be completely useless and not helpful. The explanation was more than enough and easy to understand. There's need to baby everyone and hand them things and think for them when they could just use their brain to figure it out.

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.
EUDs have no bounds! You can read any value in memory. Also, you wont need to put in weird unit IDs... though you will need to put in weird player IDs.
UnitID = 0 (So that you don't have to factor in 48*Unit ID.)
Player = (Address - Death Table Start) / 4 (This can be negative.)
Extended locations didn't work when I tried them in Move Location.
Excellent work.
Extended locations didn't work when I tried them in Move Location.
Yeah, I think I remember hearing somewhere that if the location used as the parameter for the Move Location function isn't a valid location, it doesn't run.
Define 'valid', because an unplaced, but otherwise normal, location has no size and thus wont work for anything.
TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
topic - Help out by adding your EUDs! Or Submit reference files in the References tab!
MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig -
topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
This page has been viewed [img]http://farty1billion.dyndns.org/Clicky.php?img.gif[/img] times!