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What hooked you on SC
Nov 12 2008, 7:03 am
By: T-Virus
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Nov 12 2008, 7:03 am T-Virus Post #1

What hooked you to starcraft and why?

For me personally it was the first game i played where i actually could create stuff. I guess it was the first step for alot of game designers, imean starcraft players invented counterstrike didn't they? ^^

I've been playing since 1998 when released -- what about you guys?


Nov 12 2008, 10:49 am Corbo Post #2


I first borrowed SC from a friend for around a month. In that time I just thought "hey, cool" then I had to give it back so I uninstalled it.
For some reason, though, Staredit wasn't uninstalled and I stepped on it one day while deleting some old stuff. I started playing with making maps and I liked it more than when I had the game itself. I'd say that's the reason that dragged me into the SC universe, Starcraft Mapping.

fuck you all

Nov 12 2008, 12:24 pm JaFF Post #3

My friend told me a lot about it. I couldn't resist.


Nov 12 2008, 2:55 pm Phobos Post #4

Are you sure about that?

My uncle downloaded it from Internet (kekeke) and then I saw my brother playing it, and I liked it. But, just as Corbo, as soon as we brought it home, I took a look at Staredit... And started messing with it :P

this is signature

Nov 12 2008, 5:29 pm poiuy_qwert Post #5

PyMS and ProTRG developer

I have a feeling this is going to be the general answer, but once I started map making that was that.

Nov 12 2008, 6:50 pm T-Virus Post #6

Quote from poiuy_qwert
I have a feeling this is going to be the general answer, but once I started map making that was that.
thats not a general answer. Mapmaking is why we play this game after so many years, well most of us :)

cant talk for koreans who look at sc like a religion


Nov 12 2008, 11:08 pm Kaias Post #7

Map making. I found something I understood and thought it was cool. The more I played with it, the more complex things I could design. It was intriguing, pushing my limits.


Nov 12 2008, 11:45 pm l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #8

Just here for the activity... well not really

Dad played it when I was like fucking 3 or something and now I follow his footsteps.

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Nov 12 2008, 11:46 pm MillenniumArmy Post #9

Map making. 'nuff said


Nov 13 2008, 12:58 am MNeox Post #10

it was first time I discovered people online, thought it would be cool to have internet buddies, then I started map making, t'was fun :]


Nov 13 2008, 1:01 am A_of-s_t Post #11

aka idmontie

I first got SC for Staredit. I got tired of it after a month and then stumbled upon and SEN and started modding.

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Nov 13 2008, 1:15 am Vi3t-X Post #12

It magically appeared on my computer screen when I was three. I remember a teal hatchery, and making unrealistic and unbalanced melee maps at age four.
Thats about it.


Nov 13 2008, 2:12 am Falkoner Post #13

About a year after it came out, my brother had heard it was a good game, I was like 7 at the time, he went and got it, I was more into Age of Empires 2 at that point, and I loved to create maps for Age of Empires, and when I finally started playing SC, at first all I knew about was Melee maps.

After a while, I found the UMS section, and loved that, and my brother started making a movie map, that got me interested in map making, that and the two maps Movie Contest and Sims Life RP2, both still are amazing to me, and I began to try triggering myself, with a map called The Sims SE, basically, all the triggers were was a shop, then I started Ghentinsville Gas RPG, found SeN, started asking for help, and later began giving help.

SC is by-far the most captivating game I have ever played, it's like The Sims, except less gay and it doesn't get old as quickly.


Nov 13 2008, 2:57 am Syphon Post #14

My older cousins taught me to play.


Nov 13 2008, 5:58 am BlueWolf Post #15

Played w3 before sc. I thought sc was fugly lol. but my neighbor got me into it. II had starcraft before i even had internet. Messed with the editor but never really got the point. Once I got internet, I played heaven bound and began to make bounds. I was getting ready to quit sc cuz the clan I was in was full of idiots, leading to its inevitable demise. Jo_Dada saved me. He inspired me with his Jo_Defense 1.


Nov 13 2008, 9:06 pm Fisty Post #16

My dad used to sit me on his lap and teach me how to play WCII, After which he bought SC, which I fooled around in the campaign for a while (around 4-5 at the time), then, after beating it, I started playing with the editor. Eventually I built a campaign that sucked so much ass it was sad, but that's when I started looking for other people's StarCraft maps, when I stumbled on Something eventually brought me to V4 of SEN, and that was that.


Nov 14 2008, 3:31 am ETEFT(U) Post #17

I got hooked on the UMS. If it wasnt for UMS I wouldn't think about playing starcraft for almost ten years now. Map creating was the huge bonus about it.


Nov 14 2008, 5:33 am FatalException Post #18

Quote from Syphon
My older cousins taught me to play.
... And then gave me the game.


Nov 14 2008, 8:22 am Riney Post #19

Thigh high affectionado

The long awaited story of how dm came to StarCraft and saw the light *Cue music* [/andendoverlydramatisedbeginning]

SC was advertising their console version, I bought it knowing I was good at C&C2 and said what the hell why not (Actually I was 10 and afraid of cursing at the time so I probably said please mommy please buy this for me), Played my first 1v1 vs my bro with my N64, on a really confusing map, but got through the tech tree and finnaly we ran out of minerals trying to kill each other (How often does THAT happen?). After that and a couple campaigns later, I played Pro bowl and was instantly hooked on UMS. About 3 years later I find the SC battle chest being sold in Wal Mart (And mistakining it for more missions and added story) I wanted it. After playing 2 missions in I relised the only thing different was the tutorial mission and I had just bought the same game again. Then I saw this button called I could remember waiting for the 1.10 patch to download over dial up, and when it did, I was astonished. I came to the realm of bnet as Dark_Ghost_123 origionally (My brother darkling actully was Dark_Marine_114 (Mindfuck)) And probably a couple years later I played The Haunted BC, and was amased of the mapper (Yoshi obvously) and decided to check out the site which was advertised.

And I mention this all because I figure all of us here had to get hooked to UMS to even stay attached to SC, not just the melee.

.riney on Discord.
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Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Nov 14 2008, 9:10 am LoveLess Post #20

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

I played fastest maps and got addicted really really fast.


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