In a map I'm developing, I intend on creating a system where you can save and load settings by generating and entering a code. Currently I have digit for each individual setting, but ultimately this could generate a number of up to 144 digits (or 144 individual settings).
Nobody wants to input 144 numbers to get their specific settings, they'd probably be better off setting them by the normal menu.
Essentially, I need a more efficient system.
Hmm. If each value has a (reasonable) max, you could use binary... store it in as few bits as possible. Also, using a higher base than 10 should help. Hex should be nice (especially when working with binary) because binary math systems could easily convert it.
Here is a handly little table for how many bits you'd need for a given value (I'm bored.

Collapsable Box

Bits Max Value (0-based)
1 1
2 3
3 7
4 15
5 31
6 63
7 127
8 255
9 511
10 1023
11 2047
12 4095
13 8191
14 16383
15 32767
16 65535
17 131071
18 262143
19 524287
20 1048575
21 2097151
22 4194303
23 8388607
24 16777215
25 33554431
26 67108863
27 134217727
28 268435455
29 536870911
30 1073741823
31 2147483647
Higher than this wont work. 32 wont work because it is the same range as 31, but includes negative numbers.
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 8 2008, 9:31 am by FaRTy1billion. Reason: Added a table!
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MapSketch - New image->map generator!
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topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
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With what we were discussing I got it to fit into 15 characters.
TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
topic - Help out by adding your EUDs! Or Submit reference files in the References tab!
MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig -
topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
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