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Huncraft: Genocide [DONE]
Feb 17 2019, 12:14 am
By: Kolokol  

Feb 17 2019, 12:14 am Kolokol Post #1

Huncraft: Genocide is an unofficial expansion pack made for Starcraft: Brood War. It takes place immediately after the events of Episode 6. The game brings a new campaign for each of the three races, a new unit for each race, new characters, cinematics, some custom buildings, and a secret mission :).It was made by a company called Huncraft Interactive and, unfortunately, was only available in Hungarian... until now.

I am pleased to announce that I have translated the campaigns into English so that those who do not know Hungarian can play and enjoy the game.

I have first heard of this campaign two years ago. Two weeks ago, I have set about translating it into English. Though the first campaign in the expansion is the Zerg campaign, I have started with the Protoss. After a week, the Protoss campaign was done. Now, the translation is done.

Bear in mind that no changes to the maps themselves or the gameplay have been made except for me pinging the location of an outpost in the first Protoss mission.

Shout-out to Pr0nogo and IlyaSnopchenko for answering whatever technical questions I've had and to ZenMaster for getting me to finish the translation of the menu interface and unit names, and for discovering how to play the game without having a StarCraft CD.

Be sure to read the Installation Instructions. Installing the game is a bit more complicated than simply downloading the .exe file. If you have downloaded one of my earlier versions of Huncraft.exe, you have to download this version now, since the .exe contains files responsible for text screens between missions.

New Units


Installation Instructions

If there are any problems with installing the game or you find that some text doesn't match what is going on, please tell me. Any feedback, good or bad, is appreciated.

Hits: 15 Size: 1787.75kb

Post has been edited 42 time(s), last time on Apr 26 2020, 9:04 am by Kolokol.


Feb 18 2019, 12:22 am Kolokol Post #2

Update: Provided a new download link for the MPQ file. Should work now.


Feb 18 2019, 1:03 am Voyager7456 Post #3

Responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast

Very cool! I know the general outline of this campaign and it's pretty wild, so I'm looking forward to actually experiencing it in all its glory.

all i am is a contrary canary
but i'm crazy for you
i watched you cradling a tissue box
sneezing and sniffling, you were still a fox

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Feb 18 2019, 6:53 am Pr0nogo Post #4

Keeping watch on this for when you complete the translation of the entire production. Once that's done I'll be recording a playthrough of it. Thanks for your work!

Feb 24 2019, 4:11 am Kolokol Post #5

Update #2: Terran campaign is finished and work has begun on the Zerg. I just got done translating the secret mission.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 24 2019, 5:14 am by Kolokol.


Mar 2 2019, 6:28 am Kolokol Post #6

Alrighty. I have two news to announce, one good, one bad.
The good news is that the translation is finished and playable now. Chronologically, the first campaign is the Zerg one. When you click on the Zerg campaign, you get a message and an option to either quit or continue. The message basically says "This is the first campaign of Huncraft. Are you ready?", click OK.

The bad news is that epilogue voiceovers are not happening. I recorded the voiceovers and spliced them into the video file. The video file runs fine on my computer. However, placing it into the huncraft MPQ file will cause all sound in the video to be replaced with loud static whenever the epilogue is played. However, for the sake of the player being able to understand what is being said, I am just going to attach a text file containing translations of each of the epilogues.

Also,if you have downloaded one of my earlier versions of Huncraft.exe, you have to download this version now, since the .exe contains files responsible for text screens between missions.

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Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Mar 14 2019, 2:51 am by Kolokol.


Mar 2 2019, 8:56 am Kolokol Post #7

Link to the most up-to-date version of the MPQ file has now been added to the installation instructions.


Mar 2 2019, 9:30 am Pr0nogo Post #8

Good work! For smks with audio, you might be able to get help from Black Overseer. He's Korean but has learned enough english that he might be able to help.

Mar 9 2019, 10:03 am Kolokol Post #9

Unfortunately, neither Black Overseer nor a person that he recommended know about editing smks.
However, I have worked around that: I edited the last maps of each campaign to display the translated epilogue text for the player to read. I think that I can now say that Huncraft is finally done.

Updated version of the MPQ File:

Hits: 2 Size: 1436.3kb

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Mar 19 2019, 12:55 am by Kolokol.


Mar 14 2019, 5:16 pm Zenmaster Post #10

Kolokol, i cannot thank you enough for making this translation, i have always wanted to experience this campaign in english. I had a lot of issues trying to install, but i succeeded in the end. I was curious if there might be a way to change the hungarian interface text as well. It is not that distracting or problematic, i just want to know if it might be possible.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 14 2019, 7:47 pm by Zenmaster.


Mar 15 2019, 12:45 am Kolokol Post #11

Quote from Zenmaster
I was curious if there might be a way to change the hungarian interface text as well. It is not that distracting or problematic, i just want to know if it might be possible.
I think there is a way to do it, but I don't know how.


Mar 15 2019, 8:24 am Pr0nogo Post #12

Is there a screenshot of the interface text you're talking about? If it's just the unit name strings, button strings, etc that can be modified by editing rez\stat_txt.tbl.

Mar 15 2019, 9:44 am Zenmaster Post #13

What i mean is the menu buttons, the unit names and the button text is in hungarian still.
There is also the issue of unit voice overs being in hungarian.
I was thinking that perhaps it might be possible to replace the .wav files in the HunCraft.mpq for all units besides those that were added with Huncraft (the new units).
Here are some screenshots:

I wanted to also mention that there are some punctuation mistakes in the briefing texts from time to time. I know how to extract the HunCraft.mpq file and i would love to learn how to edit this text myself. If you could explain me the process i would be very greatful. I am trying to do the unit voiceover edits and i will also tell if i am succesful.

Another question i had is wheter there might be a way to play HunCraft using W-Mode. It severely increases performance and quality for me. Chaos Launcher is not an option, because it recognises the Starcraft folder as a bad installation, as well as it is looking to edit the StarCraft.exe instead of the HunCraft.exe. I have yet no experience with injecting plug-ins but i believe it might be possible.

Pr0ngo there is no stat_txt.tbl file in rez for the HunCraft file. It is filled only with .txt and .bin files. Thank you either way.


Mar 15 2019, 9:55 pm Kolokol Post #14

Quote from Zenmaster

I wanted to also mention that there are some punctuation mistakes in the briefing texts from time to time. I know how to extract the HunCraft.mpq file and i would love to learn how to edit this text myself. If you could explain me the process i would be very greatful.

First of all, what program are you using to extract files from the MPQ? If it's PyMPQ, then this is how you edit the briefing text after you open the MPQ.
First, find the map that you want (It should end with Scenario.chk). Right click it and then click "Extract"

Choose a folder to extract the map to. A new folder will be created at the destination with the scenario map inside. Open the map with SCMDraft. Go to the button that says "Triggers" and select "Classic Mission Briefing".

Edit as you wish.

When you are done, open the MPQ again, but this time click on the green cross or whatever the button corresponds to "Add file" on your program. Select the map.
You will then be prompted to add a string to the map. Make it the EXACT string as seen before, but do not add the backwards slash at the end. So, for the first Zerg mission, it would be this:

It is important that you get the string right. For every map that you replace, you have to manually change the string accordingly. The edited version of the map will replace the old.
The same goes for .wav files. You can extract the unit WAVs from the normal Starcraft MPQ and replace the ones in Huncraft.mpq
The stat_txt.tbl file is in the Huncraft.MPQ file, by the way, NOT the .exe. However, editing tbl files requires a TBL editor like TBLPad.
As for the menu buttons, they might be controlled by one of the .bin files. Unfortunately, I do not know which file it is nor how to edit it properly.


Mar 15 2019, 10:35 pm Pr0nogo Post #15

I wouldn't mix and match modding tools going forward, just in case corruption strikes. Only use pympq for this, since that's what started it. And pytbl is way more up to date than tblpad.

Unit names are in rez\stat_txt.tbl. The rest are in glue\ as .bin files. Using binedit2 or pybin you should be able to correctly edit them.

Mar 16 2019, 7:08 pm Zenmaster Post #16

Thank you a lot for the guide Kolokol. I was using WinMPQ and i didn't use SCMDraft a lot before. I will follow it and see if i can do some work with it.

I have a couple of big issues to report, beyond that.

First off, the victory screen following Zerg mission 4 is bugged for me. After it, it sends me to mission 5 of the zerg Brood War campaign, with the same briefing screen as there. Fenix's portrait is replaced with that of Infested Raynor. Upon beggining the mission, the game simply crashes. This only happens for the zerg campaign. I have to also mention that i used the "there is no cow level" cheat to just test the maps around and that the issue could be related to the use of it.

Second off, i'm pretty sure you have made your translation using an outdated version of HunCraft. The new patch, that is also available for ModDB, has several balance changes as well as campaign changes to fix some things (including redesigns of mission 5 and 6 for the terran campaign). I have attached the translated patch notes that are a part of the bugfix download.

Thirdly, i believe there might be some triggers that no longer work either thanks to bad or corrupt installation on my part (propably including the zerg campaign part) or due to the editing you have done, although i can never be sure. I have used "black sheep wall" for vision and i have noticed that more than half of the bases i have seen have workers and units standing doing absolutely nothing. Again, this might also be something that is a natural part of the campaign, or that was eventually fixed by the patch and something i will investigate.

Here is the patch download file:
I must also say that it is only an executable file and has no .MPQ related file, which is quite curious.

I shall try out using the instructions you gave me and report on my progress. Could you let me know if the Zerg 4 to Zerg 5 bug is an issue related to the version of the game related to your translation, or if it is solely a problem on my part? I must accentuate that my critical feedback is only caused by my wish for an ideal English translation of this mod and that i am very greatful for the work you have put into it and into helping me understand how i could also attempt modding this.

Thanks a lot.

Hits: 1 Size: 1.32kb


Mar 16 2019, 7:35 pm Kolokol Post #17

Quote from Zenmaster

First off, the victory screen following Zerg mission 4 is bugged for me. After it, it sends me to mission 5 of the zerg Brood War campaign, with the same briefing screen as there. Fenix's portrait is replaced with that of Infested Raynor. Upon beggining the mission, the game simply crashes. This only happens for the zerg campaign. I have to also mention that i used the "there is no cow level" cheat to just test the maps around and that the issue could be related to the use of it.
Yeah, when I first tested the game, I got that bug as well. It is 100% caused by your use of the instant victory cheat. Beating Mission 4 normally (Or only using "Power overwhelming" to make your units invulnerable) will take you to the Huncraft Zerg mission 5. (I am actually playing through the Zerg Campaign right now. I'm currently playing through Mission 7)

Quote from Zenmaster

Second off, i'm pretty sure you have made your translation using an outdated version of HunCraft. The new patch, that is also available for ModDB, has several balance changes as well as campaign changes to fix some things (including redesigns of mission 5 and 6 for the terran campaign). I have attached the translated patch notes that are a part of the bugfix download.

Thirdly, i believe there might be some triggers that no longer work either thanks to bad or corrupt installation on my part (propably including the zerg campaign part) or due to the editing you have done, although i can never be sure. I have used "black sheep wall" for vision and i have noticed that more than half of the bases i have seen have workers and units standing doing absolutely nothing. Again, this might also be something that is a natural part of the campaign, or that was eventually fixed by the patch and something i will investigate.
First of all, yes, I have indeed used the initial version of Huncraft due to the fact that I view the changes to units as a step in the wrong direction (For instance, the Phantom only costs 50 minerals and 50 gas less than a Battlecruiser, but it got totally shafted in the patch) and don't know how to use the old unit stats for the patched version. I am aware of the fact that some maps were redesigned. I actually extracted the redesigned maps from the patched version and replaced their old counterparts in the Terran Campaign in the MPQ that you have downloaded.
Secondly, that is not a bug. I was puzzled by that at first as well, but when I looked at the maps in the editor, it turned out that, for some missions, the AI scripts (Especially if they were the "Difficulty: Hard" or "Insane" ones) were set to execute only after a couple minutes or so.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 16 2019, 7:56 pm by Kolokol.


Mar 17 2019, 10:00 am Zenmaster Post #18

Thanks a lot! As you have said, after not skipping mission 4 using "there is no cow level", the rest of the campaign resumed perfectly well. I'll keep playing around with PyMPQ and SCMDraft and ask if there are any difficulties i might be dealing with.

I wanted to ask if there might be a way to customise the W-mode plugin so that it might run HunCraft. I find playing older version of Starcraft far more enjoyable this way, due to my mouse cursor not working differently from how it outside the game, as well as the game looking far better for me. Launchers such as Chaos Launcher do not work, since they are intended for the StarCraft.exe file.

The same can be said about the chainwmode.exe file which allows W-mode to work with nearly any mod that works via the StarCraft.exe. I found it over here:

I tried tricking it by deleting the StarCraft.exe and renaming HunCraft.exe to it, and the result is nothing actually happening. I believe this might be extremely hard to implement, however if there might be some solutions or some tools that you could direct me to, i would be very greatful.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 17 2019, 12:44 pm by Zenmaster.


Mar 17 2019, 10:33 pm Nekron Post #19

you guys should write some custom scripts for the campaign so that the missions dont have to rely on campaign hard/insane

Mar 17 2019, 10:55 pm Kolokol Post #20

Quote from Zenmaster
Thanks a lot! As you have said, after not skipping mission 4 using "there is no cow level", the rest of the campaign resumed perfectly well. I'll keep playing around with PyMPQ and SCMDraft and ask if there are any difficulties i might be dealing with.

I wanted to ask if there might be a way to customise the W-mode plugin so that it might run HunCraft. I find playing older version of Starcraft far more enjoyable this way, due to my mouse cursor not working differently from how it outside the game, as well as the game looking far better for me. Launchers such as Chaos Launcher do not work, since they are intended for the StarCraft.exe file.

The same can be said about the chainwmode.exe file which allows W-mode to work with nearly any mod that works via the StarCraft.exe. I found it over here:

I tried tricking it by deleting the StarCraft.exe and renaming HunCraft.exe to it, and the result is nothing actually happening. I believe this might be extremely hard to implement, however if there might be some solutions or some tools that you could direct me to, i would be very greatful.

Unfortunately, I am not knowledgeable in plugins. Hell, I've tried using another program to run Huncraft in Windowed mode, but to no avail. I'm afraid that you're shit out of luck.

In the meantime, progress is being made towards changing the unit names and everything...

...But it might take quite a while

Quote from Nekron
you guys should write some custom scripts for the campaign so that the missions dont have to rely on campaign hard/insane
Unfortunately, I neither know how to write AI scripts nor how to make maps run them.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 18 2019, 12:01 am by Kolokol.


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