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Add Vitals (Health/Energy)
Dec 24 2010, 7:54 am
By: sirduke  

Dec 24 2010, 7:54 am sirduke Post #1

Hello, is there a trigger that can just add 50 Energy like I need it to? I want to be able to, upon levelling up, give a unit full health (Set HP to 100 percent) and add 50 energy, but it appears that I can only "Set" unit properties, and not add them.


Dec 24 2010, 1:07 pm NicholasBeige Post #2


Set Unit Property allows you to do just this.

Check out this video:

You basically use the Arithmetic function.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 24 2010, 1:20 pm by Cardinal.


Dec 24 2010, 10:23 pm sirduke Post #3

Many thanks!

One more thing: if you can answer it then I won't have to make a whole new thread.

Is there any way to attach a model to a unit if he is in the range of an aura using triggers? Like "If unit has buff, attach actor to triggering unit"


Dec 24 2010, 10:46 pm Roy Post #4

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Check out the If/Then/Else trigger action. I believe there is a condition for checking for a specific buff on a unit.

Dec 25 2010, 12:28 am doite Post #5

Quote from sirduke
Many thanks!

One more thing: if you can answer it then I won't have to make a whole new thread.

Is there any way to attach a model to a unit if he is in the range of an aura using triggers? Like "If unit has buff, attach actor to triggering unit"

Theres so many ways to do this its scary how ppl cant figure it out.
The best way would be if u did it though data editor, so every time the buffed is applied (or aura) it changes model.
Another way is if u can mark the area of effect (AURA area) with regions (if casted u can attached a region to unit to whom its casted on) and everytime a unit enters region(event) -> action: you replace unit with the one modified one with a different model. I just tried this and it looks normal.. I added a effect when changed to a "puff of smoke" so it looked more smooth.


Dec 25 2010, 2:48 am sirduke Post #6

I did figure it out doite. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it since it was a side project so I posted it in this thread. Thanks for being a dick though, and not even answering my question by giving me a data editor solution and not a trigger one.
The actor functions/events are quite confusing to grasp without outside help.


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