Staredit Network > Forums > SC2 Melee > Topic: League
Apr 27 2010, 7:06 am
By: ejac1337
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What is your league?
What is your league?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Platinum 9
Gold 5
Silver 3
Bronze 4
Copper 1
Practice 2
(Don't have beta) 5
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Poll has 29 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Apr 27 2010, 7:06 am ejac1337 Post #1

I'm platinum, how about you guys? I'm just curious how bad SEN is.


Apr 27 2010, 2:00 pm Valug Post #2

Before the dreaded random reset bug/reset from patch 9, I peaked 16th in an active Platinum league. I don't have the time to play tons of games everyday, so I inevitably lose some rank. I also 2v2 a bunch, getting top 10 platinum with one friend and top 10 gold with another, who's pretty awful.

I play protoss as well.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 27 2010, 2:02 pm by DeVouReR. Reason: Do not abuse BB-Code


Apr 27 2010, 7:08 pm Forsaken Archer Post #3

Gold, but I suck and I'm sure I'll drop down.


Apr 27 2010, 11:17 pm ImagoDeo Post #4

I estimate that personally, I may be able to get as high as the gold league. Me and a friend are planning to do 2v2 as a terran/zerg team, and I honestly have no idea how that'll work out - it's possible that we'll never even see silver.

That said, I've never been an extremely serious melee player, so it doesn't matter terribly much to me. I probably don't even register on an iCCup SC1 scale.


Apr 28 2010, 1:05 am Vi3t-X Post #5

1v1: Platinum, 2nd
2v2: Random: Gold, 75th (I only played five rounds to see what I'd get xD)
2v2: (Viet + Tofu): Platinum, 1st (Before reset)

DM sucks.


Apr 29 2010, 1:30 am Forsaken Archer Post #6

Is 2v2 unique to the team? Like if I do 2's with someone and get ranked, and then do 2's with someone else, we get our own rank?


Apr 29 2010, 3:34 am ShredderIV Post #7

I elected to be put at the lowest ranking. Bronze or w/e it is.

Just because I haven't legit played melee since like, 2007.


Apr 29 2010, 3:54 am Valug Post #8

Quote from name:isolatedpurity
Is 2v2 unique to the team? Like if I do 2's with someone and get ranked, and then do 2's with someone else, we get our own rank?

Exactly. Every teammate you 2v2 with will have their own placement games and their own rank. You can also queue solo and have a solo 2v2 rank.


Apr 29 2010, 9:59 am Ahli Post #9

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Silver in EU. I play random and I suck with toss...
With toss I've always the impression that I have no units and no ressources... :(
But I guess I just suck as toss.

Never lost with terran I think. :)

Apr 29 2010, 5:47 pm ShredderIV Post #10

Quote from Ahli
Silver in EU. I play random and I suck with toss...
With toss I've always the impression that I have no units and no ressources... :(
But I guess I just suck as toss.

Never lost with terran I think. :)
Protip for toss, always use chrono boost. ALL the time, always when you get the energy. Especially early. It helps you get an early advantage in workers, which is all that toss needs.


Apr 30 2010, 8:19 pm dumbducky Post #11

I'm a silver league Toss guy. I'm starting to get good, so I might move up. I've won the past 4 or 5 games in a row.


May 1 2010, 3:17 am Vi3t-X Post #12

Now Platinum 1st in both 1v1 and 2v2. :P

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 3 2010, 10:39 pm by Vi3t-X.


May 3 2010, 4:55 pm ImagoDeo Post #13

Well, whaddya know - after finishing the placement matches, I found myself in 1v1 Gold League, Division 221, and 2v2 Random Silver League. I'm finally having fun with SC2. ^^ Turns out I don't need a better graphics card to run it smoothly, but I will need a new card if I want to run it on high graphics. As it is, I'm having to play as playdough Zerg and plastic Terran/Toss. =/


May 5 2010, 12:06 am Syphon Post #14

Currently, Copper and Bronze.

I absolutely destroyed a Gold player today though. (Literally winning by double his score), and was on a 7 win streak before I lost. I'm thinking that right now, placement is more luck of the draw than anything. My cousin and I regularly beat silver players too; Going by the skill I've seen in games I think we should be low Gold.


May 5 2010, 1:28 am Fierce Post #15

I play mostly 2v2s. I think its much harder IMO because if one of you fail, its GG. It also requires a lot of teamwork and communication. Cheese is much more annoying and harder to fight off. Anyways, 2v2 Gold Protoss.


May 5 2010, 5:35 pm ImagoDeo Post #16

Quote from Fierce
I play mostly 2v2s. I think its much harder IMO because if one of you fail, its GG. It also requires a lot of teamwork and communication. Cheese is much more annoying and harder to fight off. Anyways, 2v2 Gold Protoss.

I love 2v2 more than 1v1. I do 2v2 randoms, currently 1st-3rd in Silver League Random 2v2 Division 121. I've learned how do do such awful cheese as void ray rushes, reaper micro harass, m+m+m, and the biggest cheese of all that usually fails miserably - 7pool lingrush. My favorite map to play on is Twilight Fortress because it's not nearly so hard to come to your ally's aid and the yellows are far enough out of the way that you can usually plant a sekrit bace there with little trouble. I've steamrolled many foes with billions of hydralisks that I build with all the resources from yellows and other sekrit baces.

Of course, I do occasionally have macro problems, and sometimes I get a partner who sucks and I lose points. But that's all good. I might eventually get into the low gold league in random 2v2s. That'd be fun.


May 10 2010, 10:01 pm Demented Shaman Post #17

I've been hanging out at ICantLose's IRC channel. They play a lot of 1v1 and 2v2. Of course, I get owned easily 1v1. It's fun when I'm their partner in 2v2 though. I've only played T so far and I like going MMM.


May 11 2010, 3:35 am ImagoDeo Post #18

Quote from name:devilesk
I've been hanging out at ICantLose's IRC channel. They play a lot of 1v1 and 2v2. Of course, I get owned easily 1v1. It's fun when I'm their partner in 2v2 though. I've only played T so far and I like going MMM.

M+M+M is epic cheese. It works really annoyingly well, mostly because you can start amassing an army of M+M+M EXTREMELY quickly. There are a lot of options for other races to deal with it, though - Zerg can get infestors for Fungal Growth and get a bunch of Roaches to DPS while the growth is on; Toss can grab colossi and flame them to death; and Terran can pwn it pretty well with Hellions and Tanks. It's just that those are higher-tier units and can't be acquired as fast as an M+M+M group can be.


May 11 2010, 11:48 pm XGenesis Post #19

Gold for both 1v1 and 2v2. Hopefully I will get better :(


May 17 2010, 10:05 am MillenniumArmy Post #20

Initially I was placed in Gold league but kept losing and so as of right now I am in Bronze league with an overall winning record (ranked number 12 or something in my division.)

For 2v2, I am in Gold with one of my roomates.


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