Staredit Network > Forums > Null > Topic: Dreams
Jul 28 2008, 6:55 pm
By: Hercanic  

Jul 28 2008, 6:55 pm Hercanic Post #1

STF mod creator, admin, staff

What was your latest dream?

Too often I forget my dreams, either immediately after waking up or it disintigrates soon after, like picking up a sandcastle. Whenever I sleep in, though, I remember my dreams, as if I were a step away from a lucid dream.

My dream today involved some weird Game Designer's conferrence out in the middle of nowhere. People were giving presentations on their game. Witnessed a lot of lame game ideas. =oP Later, I was out doing something in a field, gathering something, and a bull charged me. I dodged once, trying to grab hold of its horns but missed. He charged me again, and I grappled him that time by the horns and twistest his neck, flipping him over onto the ground. It was a struggle, and no matter how much I twisted the bull's neck around he wouldn't quite die. Eventually he was subdued, so I carried it back to the Game Design conferrence. Once there, I set him down and talked with someone. The bull jumped up and scared the surrounding people. I leaped onto the bull and brought him down again. Then I asked who wanted steak to bring home.

Yeah, pretty weird, no? =oP So, what was your latest dream? Every day, if you can remember your dream, share it here.

Jul 28 2008, 7:09 pm Kaias Post #2

I had a brain tumor and was given two weeks to live.

I spent the last 2 weeks of my life trying to find this one girl I knew in 2nd grade. And I never did.


Jul 28 2008, 7:09 pm JaFF Post #3

From the previous topic (most probably you weren't registred at that time, Hercanic):
As to my dreams, they can be very different: from ultraviolent and sadistic to philosophic.

On one dream, I was a soldier in the Vietnam War (Can't remember on which side I was fighting). I was sitting in the bushes, and then a plane flew above me and dropped a napalm bomb on our position. I didn't die, I heard (or said it myself) something like "If hell exists, this is it", and I happen to be in hell the next moment.

Then, there was the one where I was thinking on the topic of "what if what we call 'God' is actually the Devil with Gods mask on?" In my dream, there were two gods: the good and the bad. One god could not kill another without the help of "The One", who was a regular human with the ability to "finish off" a defeated/weakened God. So the god I thought to be good leads me to the evil gods hideout, they fight, both become weakened, and then the "bad" god starts persuading me that he's infact the good god, who was defeated (but not killed) and had to wear the 'evil' mask. He points out small logical errors in the actions of the god that I thought to be good, and soon, a verbal battle over my trust begins... I couldn't decide who to kill and woke up.

...anyone want to make an RPG based on that scenario? :P

Also, I heard music a fiew times in my dreams. While I heard it, I was enjoying it like never before.

I didn't remember today's dream, but I recall that it was somehow connected to F.Mercury.


Jul 28 2008, 7:41 pm Kaias Post #4

Also, I heard music a fiew times in my dreams. While I heard it, I was enjoying it like never before.
I heard a song once and a few days later it was in my dream and it match the mood so perfectly it was awesome.

So when I woke up I went and hunted down the song.


Jul 28 2008, 9:37 pm MillenniumArmy Post #5

I absolutely hate it when I wake up during good moments in my dreams. It's like i don't want to leave that dream world.

My dream last night...

I was playing one of my friends in Chess. It was only a few moves into the game but I already had one of my castles out. My friend busted out his queen and put me in check. However, he had his queen sitting right next to my castle... He didn't see that and so I pwned his Queen. He was like "FUCK!" and I was just about to make my next move, but then I woke up.

A few nights ago...

Can't remember all the details, but tere was this really hot chick that I liked since high school or something. I was finally able to start dating her or something, and I started going second base on her. It wasn't the lust that was great, but just the fact that I was going out with this girl. It was honestly one of the best feelings in the world, and everything was going great. It was like heaven (literally!). However, I woke up in the middle of my dream...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 28 2008, 9:43 pm by MillenniumArmy.


Jul 28 2008, 9:47 pm Symmetry Post #6

Dungeon Master

Quote from Hercanic
Too often I forget my dreams, either immediately after waking up or it disintigrates soon after, like picking up a sandcastle.

I like that analogy :P I haven't committed any dreams to memory recently, but I'll try to tomorrow :P

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Jul 28 2008, 11:24 pm Hug A Zergling Post #7

:P most people already read this in the shoutbox.

I had a dream I was in the "program" of Battle Royal. And this dream happened twice.

First Time:
My Class and some other people from my school. For some reason there were teams, but it was still the program (I remeber because it was my class, and we were given the bags with the random weapons)
I was given poison (lol), but luckily one of my friends gave me a Uzi(?). I got a few kills, and my team won the game when someone gave me a grenade, and i finished off the opposing team. It was fun, and exciting, and I wasn't scared (Dunno why not, thats pretty scary stuff)

Second Time: (Last Night)
The one I had last night, it was at my old elementary. This took place after the first dream, and the program had changed. In this, we were told what weapons we were given first hand, and then the following day, we got them. I was told that i was going to get two lugers, and my friend was given a slingshot, but somehow switched that for a metal baseball bat. I had another dream last night were we had a Battle Royal (Not the same one as the other dream) but it was in a mall. I remeber having a metal baseball bat and a shotgun. I can't remeber anything else about it.

Man, I have weird dreams.


Jul 28 2008, 11:28 pm lil-Inferno Post #8

Just here for the pie

My last dream was really strange...It was that Fred (Lucas Cruikshank) from Youtube was executed for some reason and I went to his funeral, and only about 6 people were there. Man, dreams are some strange stuff.

Jul 28 2008, 11:29 pm Hug A Zergling Post #9

Tell me about it.


Jul 29 2008, 5:55 am ClansAreForGays Post #10

Yeah I fucking hate whatever supreme magical being that governs the dream word. I don't know why he's such a dick to me. Whenever I have nightmares I am trapped in the dream unable to wake-up even when I fucking know I'm dreaming.
But as SOON as things start to get cool, I wake up. Every fucking time. I'm gonna stab the sand man.

I think I do remember having a dream like yours though Mill. I had a different feeling though. You see, I use that 'girl' or w/e it is for fuel. In another strange way, I'm really not afraid of anything in the dark, or freak accidents happening to me. Even though I don't believe in god, I have some kind of faith that things balance out. That if you have a relatively shitty life and you never 'get the girl', somehow bizarre accidents and supernatural events won't happen to you. I'm not afraid to sit on the devil's chair at 12:00 on Halloween night in the haunted graveyard not because I know ghosts are just light leaks in a camera, but because all that's going on in my head is "Oh yeah? You're going to bless everyone's lives around me AND throw werewolves at me? Yeah FUCK YOU!"

Well in the dream that I finally got 'it' I felt vulnerable and scared. Like suddenly it would suck if I died, and I didn't have any right to be mad at the world.

Thank god it was just a dream.

Jul 29 2008, 7:22 am Doodan Post #11

My latest two dreams scared the hell out of me. They both involved a girlfriend I had years ago.

In the dream I had the night before last, I was talking with a friend about funny sex stories. I told him one involving this girl, and then said that she'd dumped me shortly afterward (that's how it really went down - so at the time I thought the dream was real). After saying that, this flood of memories comes back to me without warning. Somehow, I remember strangling her and disposed of the body in a lake, and then telling everyone that she'd dumped me and was never coming back. Apparently, I'd said that I'd been dumped so many times that I came to believe it myself, and forgot about her true fate. But then, I suddenly remembered, and couldn't cope with the guilt of what I'd done and ended up turning myself into the police. Then I woke up... scary.

The dream I had last night also involved her. After not seeing her for years, we bump into each other again. When we dated, she had really long red hair, but now she'd cut her hair extremely short and dyed it hot pink for some reason. Neither of us had anything important to do for the next hour, so we had coffee and had a friendly chat. Eventually, the topic turned to why our relationship didn't work out. After a little pushing, she said the reason was that I'd ran over her brother's dog and wouldn't admit it. I suddenly had a flashback of running over a dog, but it had happened long after our breakup. For some reason though, I still didn't want to admit I'd done it, even though the timing didn't make sense. Out of no where, she said she still loved me and would take me back if I spoke with her brother and "made it right". I asked "Does he want me to apologize? Or does he want money? Or does he want to break my arm?" She said "All three." I said to hell with that. This dream wasn't nearly as scary as the first one, but it was still weird.

I wonder why she's been occupying my mind so much lately. =/

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 29 2008, 7:28 am by Doodan.


Jul 29 2008, 7:26 am JaFF Post #12

Quote from ClansAreForGays
Yeah I fucking hate whatever supreme magical being that governs the dream word. I don't know why he's such a dick to me. Whenever I have nightmares I am trapped in the dream unable to wake-up even when I fucking know I'm dreaming.
I managed to understand that I'm dreaming several times. When I wanted to wake up, I did one of the two things:
1. Try to start moving your limbs. The more you move, the weaker the dream's reality gets, allowing you to move even more, and eventually, awaken.
2. Use your willpower to kill yourself in your dream.

This night: my good acquaintance was travelling all around the country/world, and I was trying to catch her. I thought that I have to protect her or something like that (had a noble goal). For some reason, she was always faster than I had expected, so I couldn't catch her. I had to do some extreme and illegal things like stealing cars, jumping between trains, but that still didn't help. I don't remember did I catch her or no in the end...

Oh, another cool one that I had about a year ago, but probably remembered it for all my life:
Latvia has about 2-3 tanks. I stole one of them, got in it and started destroying everything. I loved it. :D

Doodan, did you really run over a dog?


Jul 29 2008, 7:36 am Doodan Post #13

I don't think I actually did. But in the dream, I remembered it vividly. The last few dreams have been about buried memories. Honestly, I'm afraid to search deeper. :P


Jul 29 2008, 7:51 am Kaias Post #14

Last night I woke to find my brother digging through my drawers. I stirred a bit and he freaked out and ran away as fast as he could.

I can't for the life of me figure if it was reality or a dream. I remember checking my phone after to see what time it was, which makes me lean towards reality. On the other hand, I had recently emptied that drawer and it only had a couple shirts in it, there would be absolutely no reason for him to do so. And at the same time, I know that my brother has night tares, which cause him to act out his dreams in his rare episodes which could be the reason (He once tackled me and slammed me against my wall all completely asleep). The details are enough to be real but incoherent enough to be a dream.

And the phone was where I checked it when I actually woke up for the morning. But I always keep it there.


Jul 31 2008, 1:40 am Vi3t-X Post #15

Two Words:
Hawt Secks

LOL, jk.

In every dream I have, its almost always like I'm ghosting an image of history or the future...
2 Days: Strangely, if you read MA's second story, its an exact replica of mine... Wow...
Yesterday: Same dream, 2nd base, Happy, Wake up, Break up, Sad. :-(


Jul 31 2008, 1:50 am Clokr_ Post #16

I've been aware that I was in a dream almost before waking up already twice. And you have no control over the dream and thus you cannot do the stuff you want D:
But I think it is true that you cannot hurt yourself in a dream...


Jul 31 2008, 2:37 am Vi3t-X Post #17

Refering back to the "ghosting" part, imagine this.

You are in a peaceful void. Everything is black.
Stars suddenly start shining, and water pours in.
A haze of fog appears.
A cityscape appears slowly through the clearing fog.
It zooms in like those crappy sitcoms where it zooms slow to instantanious in 3 seconds.
And then there is some scene.


Jul 31 2008, 3:56 am O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #18

👻 👾 👽 💪

O.o? I am almost always aware when I am in a dream and can wake up at will... :ermm: It is very helpful in wet dreams. Saves the trouble of cleaning up. >.> <.<
I don't really try to alter the outcome of events or force things or whatever because I am generally apathetic about dreams (believing them to just be arbitrary)... so as a result I rarely remember anything about them.

Quote from Clokr_
I've been aware that I was in a dream almost before waking up already twice. And you have no control over the dream and thus you cannot do the stuff you want D:
But I think it is true that you cannot hurt yourself in a dream...
lol, I am so trying that next time I have a dream. I should make a list of things to try...
Let's make a list of things to do while dreaming!
- Look in a mirror (apparently wierd things happen)
- Stick finger through hand (apparently this is possible if dreaming)
- Read (apparently you can't)
- What else...

Here we go, I'll try these:
The nose reality check: Pinch your nose and if you are able to breathe without using your mouth, it's a dream[38]
Try to stick your finger through the palm of your hand[39]
Looking at one's digital watch (remembering the time), looking away, and looking back. As with text, the time will probably have changed randomly and radically at the second glance or contain strange letters and characters. (Analog watches do not usually change in dreams, while digital watches have great tendency to do so.)[40]
Flipping a light switch. Light levels rarely change as a result of the switch flipping in dreams.[41]
Looking into a mirror; in dreams, reflections from a mirror often appear to be blurred, distorted or incorrect.[41]
Looking at the ground beneath one's feet or at one's hands. If one does this within a dream the difference in appearance of the ground or one's hands from the normal waking state is often enough to alert the conscious to the dream state.[42]
One thing that bothers me about this list is that if your conscious knows what is supposed to happen, what is preventing it from limiting the dream to that?

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 31 2008, 4:11 am by FaRTy1billion.

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Jul 31 2008, 4:19 am Matt Burch Post #19

I had a fucked up dream:
I Was in like a mall on a bench, with some other people, and there was a toilet beside the bench.. was sitting on it, but wasn't even doing anything and the other people said it stank cuz I was farting, so i headed to the bathroom, and on my way this war veteran, (who distracts me at work all the time for half an hour at a time talking about the war; "We beat them out of France, we beat them out of England, we beat them out of Holland, all the way back to fucking Germany", using his fists to punch the air as he says that. Then shows his war wounds, and how to make weasel stew or something.) So I got away from him as fast as I could and went to the bathroom which had carpet on the floor (wtf..), and there were a tonne of spiders crawling to me me, so I squished them all with a book, after I squished a few I realized it was a bible, and continued to squish them with it.

I laughed my ass off thinking about that dream just now.


Jul 31 2008, 9:29 pm FatalException Post #20

I had a dream that the people from my 8th grade English class went to Disneyland, and I didn't want to go on some ride (I get motion sick), so I waited outside. For some reason, though, the line was inside a little building that had an arcade, and there was only my class in line. Also, the floor was really slippery. It was almost impossible to stand on, because for some reason I couldn't balance either. For some reason, I have dreams where the floor is slippery and I can't balance really often... Does anyone else have those?
Quote from O)FaRTy1billion[MM]
O.o? I am almost always aware when I am in a dream and can wake up at will... :ermm: It is very helpful in wet dreams. Saves the trouble of cleaning up. >.> <.<
I can't wake up at will, but I hate you. I woke up before one was done and I still... :(


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