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SEN Map Project
Apr 6 2010, 10:50 pm
By: lil-Inferno
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What map should be made?
What map should be made?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Zombie Map 29
Pirate Map 13
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Poll has 42 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Apr 7 2010, 1:29 am lil-Inferno Post #21

Just here for the pie

Is it that tough to sign up on another forum? Plus it makes it that much easier to manage for me since I have complete access to it.

@Echo: It was given up on when Gigens went inactive and the entire thing was passed onto A_of-s_t, Laser_Dude, and DapperDan.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 7 2010, 1:52 am by lil-Inferno.

Apr 7 2010, 2:26 am Vi3t-X Post #22

Do a revised Ninjas vs Pirates. :P


Apr 7 2010, 2:26 am TiKels Post #23

How about Zombie Pirates...

Gameplay-wise with having a player resurrect as a human after killing 2 humans:
-Your death rather than actually having YOU die, is equivalent to the death of two of your teammates (which brings up another idea, how about when you die you gain control of a different player that you were near when you died?)
-Makes for good gameplay balance
-Easy to do

-Lack of pseudo-realism
-It sucks balls when your teammates start killing you because you are as weak as any of the other zombies.

Unrelated ideas:
Rather than having a horde feel to it, with millions of weak little zombies coming at you, we have small groups of slow-moving, terribly powerful zombies every now and then. It would make each and every zombie fearsome.

You could do it like a secret spy mission, where you are enlisted in an infiltration and cleansing squad, and you have to infiltrate and cleanse high concentration areas. IE: Bossfights!

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Apr 7 2010, 2:31 am DavidJCobb Post #24

I agree with eXile, but I have an additional provision.

No (or very few) AI zombies.

I think that each zombie player can get a small squad (maybe 3 or 4 units). Zombie players would have to cooperate with their squads. Here's a possible scenario where that could work out interestingly. Try to imagine it as actual gameplay.

John, Jane, Steve, Gil, and Tom are holed up in a rickety, damaged, large building containing many small rooms and potential entrances. Their friends Zeke, Dave, and Ana have succumbed to the infection (read: are playing as zombies). Each zombie has three units at their disposal.

The building has two main entrances, one of which is sealed shut. It also has several small side entrances -- easily defensible with little to no effort. Zeke and Ana pool their resources to keep the humans occupied at the open entrance. Dave sends one zombie to wait near Zeke and Ana, and assist them if their squads run thin. (If their units die, they would respawn, but they would respawn at some distance from the building. By having a unit positioned nearby, Dave can keep the pressure on the humans and keep them at that particular entrance while Zeke and Ana's units return after dying.) Dave sends another zombie to walk around the building, making half-hearted attempts to breach the minor entrances (a distractionary effort). He uses his third man to tear through the closed main entrance while the humans are distracted. When he's breached the second main entrance, he alerts Ana and Zeke. They begin to redirect any respawning units to the newly-opened entrance, while keeping their other units at the already-opened main to keep up the distraction for as long as possible. Dave gathers his zombies at the newly-opened entrance, Ana and Zeke direct some zombies there, and they rush the distracted humans to inflict MASSIVE DAMAGE!

Yes. Multiple units per zombie player.

Also got another idea: Sounds. Zombies can make sounds to provide some atmosphere... In addition to growling and stuff while attacking, each zombie player can turn on a "switch" of some sort to play Zerg sounds as ambient noise when near humans. (To distract and creep 'em out.)

And the last thing I have to say for the moment: a while back, I started work on a second zombie map (inspired by Gigins' Mercury if I recall correctly), but I haven't done much with it. I think I'll upload it here, as it has a random ambient noise sound and some decent terrain. (I used semi-not-really-blended Rusty Pit terrain for building interiors, so that they felt more distinct from the environment outside.) Feel free to take whatever you wish from it. Credit is appreciated but certainly not required, if you decide to make use of any of its content or ideas.

Necropolis v0d13.scx
Hits: 1 Size: 138.02kb

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 7 2010, 2:34 am by DavidJCobb. Reason: Forgot to upload the damn file!


Apr 7 2010, 2:46 am xnikozx Post #25

Maybe could be an intro with a nuclear plant exploding and a few survivors are affected by radiation, they are not zombies but they cause the people become zombies if they are in contact, then the "zombie" players could choice wich kind of unit they want to pick, every unit with different role or abilities. My idea for the "story" is that the relatives and friends of the survivors became zombies for be too close to the survivors for too long, so they are controled by their rage and start to take revenge with the entire world (starting with the map's city) by killing people to transform them into zombies.
The zombies are controled by computer as well as most of the human forces, the zombies can infect more people too. The zombies will start with 20-35 infected units that represents the people that they infected without intention, so the "zombie" players can make tactical attacks to infect a lot of people and not be caught by the cops at the beginning or the army later.
There have too human players that would be just inhabitants of the city attacked by zombies, at the start of the game they have no weapondry and slowly as the chaos take place in the city they are able to steal weapons from an weapon dealer, become cops temporaly to contain the situation or can join the army when they take control of the city if the infection become strong enough. The humans aren't able to get out the city because a quarantine is set after the first zombie attack in the intro.

Zombies ideas:


Even if the army take control of the city he is able to cloack himself in the crowds and look like a normal guy. Hugh damage, low health. Very slow in his human form and really fast in his zombie form. Killing people increase the speed movement in the human form and his damage. Shoot in zombie form.


He can control the nearby zombies but he loose control of them if they go too far from him, and he can control only a limited number of zombies. Normal health and damage. Killing people increase the overlord's health and max controled zombies. Shoot in sight.


He can hide himself in the darkness but become vissible if he is too close from a human player or if he kills someone and takes a time to hide again, he have a good damage and the human players' position is shown if they are close enough. Normal health, high damage. Killing people decrease the detection range and the cloack delay. Shoot in sight if the zombies become a threat.


The radiation increased considerably his fornitute making him become a really big beast and a considerable threat for any living thing, he is the harder zombie to be beat, can handle a lot of damage before get killed. Really high health and low damage. Killing people increases his armor and health. Shoot in sight.


Ruthless assassin, he can't handle too much damage but if he catch someone his death is almost sure, the unplayed people are killed in a single attack but there have very low chances to transform them into zombies because their bodies are really damaged. Killing people increases his health and his chances to transform into zombies. Shoot in sight.


Blood seeker:
The Blood Seeker really don't drink his victim's blood but the people say so because his entire body is covered with it, it's smells start in him an unstoppable rampage that helps him to handle better the damage and kill faster and easier the enemies. He is constantly healed doesn't matter if he is or not in fight, but after a kill he become stronger. Killing people increases his health recovery ratio and his rampage's power. Only the army see inmediatly that he is a zombie player, he is shoot in sight if he is in rampage.


An abomination with tentacles around his body that automatically hunt the nearby people when he show his zombie form, yes, as the slayer he can change between his human and zombie form hidding the tentacles in his back pack. Killing people augments the tentacles quantity and reduces the time that takes to get killed by a tentacle. The army shoot him even in his human form, he is shoot in sight in his zombie form.


Some very strange changes took place in his body after the "incident" with the nuclear plant, the ghost have an accelerated evolutive addaptation, this gave him a very ugly aspect and made him capable to teleport himself. He have low heath and normal damage, can instantly travel him self next to a nearby person but delays a lot to do it again. Killing people increases damage and decreases the teleportation cooldown. Shoot in sight.


The sick brings a strange kind of illnes in his body that is thrown to his enviroment all the time, that makes the people around him become insane during a brief period before they become zombies just for stand next to him. Normal health, very low damage and speed. The people run away from him because of his emmanations are vissibles and scares the people. Killing people decreases the infection delay and increases his speed. He is shoot in sight if the zombies become a threat.


Really fast, but can run only during a while, if he decide to run he can do it during 3 seconds or so before get tired and lazy again, if there have an human player in sight he can run during 6 seconds or so automatically and doesn't make him lazy or tired after run. High damage, low health. Killing people decreases his outruns' cooldown and increases his run time. Shoot if he is running. Army shoot him in sight.


He is a tiny abomination that for unknown reasons can disrupt the close people's brain signals so their movements become erratic and clumsy. If a human player come close to the Damned he is slown down. The close cops and soldiers become unable to attack. Low health and high damage. Very low speed. Killing people increases the brain disruption radio and the movement speed. Shoot in sight.


Maybe the strangest zombie ever, he can mix his DNA with a "host" and take control of his body, the damage recieved by the host doesn't affect the Spectre untill he get killed, if it happen, the Spectre is killed too. Low health and high damage. Killing people reduces the DNA mix's cooldown and improves the host's capabilities. Shoot in sight without a host.


The body of this creature can adopt the position of an animal to make easier the hunt, increasing incredibly his speed, his blood thirst is really insatiable and for that the Devourer is hunting all the time and drinks his victim's blood to heal his own wounds. Every time he kill any people he sets his health to 100%. Huge damage and very low health. Killing people increases his health considerably. Shoot in sight if he run.


He seems like a normal human but if he open his mouth he throw spores that takes control of the people that breath that, the spores have to be recharged before use it again. The people affected by the spores are controled by the Overseer and can't be detected even by the army, if the Overseer controls too much people at once some affected people are killed and don't become zombies, if the spores affect a human player the Overseer gain vission of him. Low health and normal damage. Killing people decreases the dark breath cooldown and increases the max affected units. Shoot in sight if he use dark breath.


His face fully with rage tell everybody that you have to be afraid of him inmediatly, his unstoppable angry helps him in battle and increase even more for every kill, making him really dangerous in a battle. When he kills in a battle his resistence is augmented amazingly and let him handle more damage, after a while with no kills at all the effects are ended. Normal health and high damage. Killing people increase his damage and health. Shoot in battle.


This monster is known with much names but the best is Ripper, he can instantly kill the survivor players that are fallen even if they are being helped by an ally, his only presence cause an strange feeling of fear. When there is a Ripper close to a survivor he receive a message that says that he feels the danger. If the Ripper cause a survivor fall he die inmediatly and doesn't need to atack again to do it. Low health and huge damage. Shoot in sight.


As you can see there have 4 zombies with each color: Red, Purple, Orange and Yellow, it represents the different main roles that they were made to acomplish.
Killer: The killers can slay easily the non playable people because they have low health and high damage, their main role is make only one or two attacks to the survivors, that is enough to weak them a lot and even to kill some of them.
Tank: The tanks are the best in front attacks, they can handle a lot of damage and even if they not there have someway to heal themselves in battle or something like that. Their main role is receive as much damage as they can.
Hunter: The hunters have a good damage and a normal or low health, also they have someway to hide themselves or get very close to the survivors without be detected, so they concentrate all their power on a single enemy to don't stop untill he be killed.
Owner: The owners are the ones that have ways to control, modify or see the units on their enviroment, this allows them to be really useful in tactic attacks. They have low health or damage and are very slow.

There could be also a system like the one that After Earth use to save the fallen allies (zombie players couldn't do that). I will give more ideas tomorrow because now I'm tired xd.
Sorry if something is spelled wrong.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 7 2010, 3:24 am by xnikozx.


Apr 7 2010, 3:20 am lil-Inferno Post #26

Just here for the pie

Quote from TiKels
-Your death rather than actually having YOU die, is equivalent to the death of two of your teammates (which brings up another idea, how about when you die you gain control of a different player that you were near when you died?)
You do realize that I said there would be computer controlled survivors, right?

Regarding xnikozx, that's a rather impressive list. I haven't completed reading it, but damn, that must've taken a while. Also, please register on the forums, I'm using it for the purpose of easily collecting all communication in one un-cluttered spot.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 7 2010, 3:32 am by lil-Inferno.

Apr 7 2010, 3:36 am xnikozx Post #27

Isn't necesary include all it was just some ideas :)


Apr 7 2010, 3:39 am lil-Inferno Post #28

Just here for the pie

Quote from xnikozx
Isn't necesary include all it was just some ideas :)
I may use some of them for boss fights or possibly abilities for player zombies.

Apr 7 2010, 3:41 am DavidJCobb Post #29

Should I register at your forum and repost my post there?


Apr 7 2010, 3:43 am lil-Inferno Post #30

Just here for the pie

Quote from DavidJCobb
Should I register at your forum and repost my post there?
If you want to be a part of the project it's mandatory to register at the forum, so yeah, please do.

Apr 7 2010, 3:48 am TiKels Post #31

Uh... so?

Teammate could be a computer controlled survivor. I didn't specify.
The idea in parenthesis is about CCS's, not humans (Computer controlled survivor)

One thing that always gets thrown back and forth is the idea of Upgrades. Upgrades, while good for some maps, I think actually detract from the actual gameplay of an atmosphere-based map such as this. I believe this because: the idea of a zombie map is to survive (and complete missions) in a hellhole universe. "Upgrading" should not be earned from killing simply because it then turns into farming. Why would a zombie be carrying something that can be redeemed for more powerful weapons. As a matter of fact, shootin' up the zombies should do the opposite, and downgrade the quality of your weapons. Which leads me to an idea I had awhile ago for a degrading weapons' scheme.

Basically, the idea is that as your weapon corrodes and dissimilates (wow my spellcheck doesn't know this word?) from the ideal, causing it to fire less frequently. Using Firing detection euds to detect when a player fires, you can either take the routes of slowing reload (assuming we are using ammo), jamming your weapon (maybe a quick and frantic minigame to unjam it), or the last (and least likely) option: Slowing your fire rate by Move Unit, Order unit: [Attack], or creating and removing a burrowed unit below the unit. Untested and is likely to change targets.

A cool boss idea:
A floating Infested Command Center with observers (to obscure vision of the mechanical aspect of the building/machine) that are more or less being ordered to the direct center, scourges floating around for display effects, and guardians doing the same as the scourges. It could have a sort of "fist" that comes out every now and then and spams and orders mutalisks and punches/grabs/infests a player. In order to kill it you would have to do something really crazy, like shooting a scourge (walking explosion) while it is over the "fist" so that it explodes and damages his fist, at which point you hear a "SQUUREEEAAAGHHHHH" squeal noise and the CC shakes violently.

Edit: The long list of zombie characters has such horrendous grammar that it makes me shudder down to the tips of my toes.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Apr 7 2010, 4:00 am by TiKels.

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Apr 7 2010, 3:51 am Apos Post #32

I order you to forgive yourself!

I have registered to the forum. Hopefully this will be remembered as the BIGGEST [INSERT NAME HERE] map ever and will eventually be continued to Starcraft 2.

Apr 7 2010, 4:01 am lil-Inferno Post #33

Just here for the pie

Quote from TiKels
Uh... so?

Teammate could be a computer controlled survivor. I didn't specify.
The idea in parenthesis is about CCS's, not humans (Computer controlled survivor)

One thing that always gets thrown back and forth is the idea of Upgrades. Upgrades, while good for some maps, I think actually detract from the actual gameplay of an atmosphere-based map such as this. I believe this because: the idea of a zombie map is to survive (and complete missions) in a hellhole universe. "Upgrading" should not be earned from killing simply because it then turns into farming. Why would a zombie be carrying something that can be redeemed for more powerful weapons.
I was planning something similar to the perk system used in Fallout 3, in order to customize your character a bit. Directly upgrading weapons is kind of dumb, I agree, because then you just become a one hit wonder and can't be stopped.

Apr 7 2010, 4:55 am e(x)iLe Post #34

Don't use weapon upgrades, use evolution and giving different units upon certain conditions such as kills, exposure to radiation, consumption of human flesh - make it a skill which will instantly kill a unit by eating them if they are at 10% or less HP.


Apr 7 2010, 5:20 am lil-Inferno Post #35

Just here for the pie

There won't be evolution, but there will be different weapons. I'm setting up a topic concerning perks on the forum, which will kind of be like evolution.

Apr 7 2010, 6:09 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #36

I think you should have a forum in SEN like the terrain wiki


Apr 7 2010, 6:24 am lil-Inferno Post #37

Just here for the pie

Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
I think you should have a forum in SEN like the terrain wiki
That doesn't give me full access over it and it wouldn't be as organized. Just register on my forum, it only takes a minute or two.

Apr 7 2010, 6:58 am TiKels Post #38

Eww evolution... This isn't crash rpg... This is a zombie game... we people at SEN treat maps like srs bsns video games.
Why would you evolve for killing units? That makes no sense. For evolution to occur there has to be series of genetic trait passing on's. (Bad grammar, too late at night (technically morning) to think right)

Of course I know what you mean but... lets not use terms that are not fitting.

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Apr 7 2010, 7:16 am JaFF Post #39

Wait. wait! WAIT!!! There is a pirate option but no ninja option?!

If you guys decide on the zombie map, feel free to use my "City of the Dead" as the basis and build from there. You'll only need less than a week of work to release a beta.


Apr 7 2010, 7:23 am lil-Inferno Post #40

Just here for the pie

Quote from JaFF
Wait. wait! WAIT!!! There is a pirate option but no ninja option?!

If you guys decide on the zombie map, feel free to use my "City of the Dead" as the basis and build from there. You'll only need less than a week of work to release a beta.
What a coincidence. I was prepared to ask if I could use your menu from it but now I'm having second thoughts since my vision of the map will differ from the one you had of City of the Dead. If you don't mind, though, I'd like to 'borrow' some of the mission ideas you had.

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