Okay, finally got my list together.
Favorites first.
Cannabis- I smoke weed daily. I have since I was 15, and it is awesome. It relieves unnecessary stress and helps me see things a different way. It relaxes me after class, helps me rest after working out or when I'm sore, gets rid of headaches, gives me an appetite if I feel sick, relieves nausea, etc.
Salvia- Crazy drug, I mentioned it already. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a hallucinogenic drug. Its brief, its fun.
Mushrooms- Mixed experiences, all good. Some very flashy and visual, some laid back and feel good. Lasts 8 hours and I only appreciate these things once every several months.
Alcohol- I could write a book about this shit. I usually drink in moderation, like two or three beers over the course of a party, but sometimes I get drunk with my girl or with close friends and have a good time. I usually don't like this because I see people rely on it to have a good time and it usually leaves me with a headache and extreme loss of memory when used in excess. Besides, you can't drink and drive. I drive everywhere.
Ecstasy- Fun as hell! I loved every minute the few times I've tried it. I suggest using this only on special occasions. I tried this for the first time when I was in the Carribean with my family. My two brothers, sister and I snorted it, went to a popular beach which was closed off at night and we saw a full moon and manta rays, other islands all lit up and I was truly the happiest I had ever been in my entire life.
Adderall, Ritalin, etc- Study drug. I can see how this is addictive because it gives a slight feel of euphoria to me and I can yap my head off to anyone. Sometimes I party with it, but I usually just feel too exited to enjoy the party.
Cocaine- Same thing, way too strong of a stimulant, I become intense and fiend for more really quickly. Plus the sniffly nose, and post nasal drip sucks, its a turn off to a lot of people, and its kind of sketchy. I don't usually try coke.
Vicodin, Percs, etc- Pure fuckin awesomeness. But be careful, using these more than a few times leads to addiction and fiending. I, for one, will not try these anymore.
Morphine, Heroin etc- Don't do these. Addicting as fuck, risky if you have bad needles, improper doses. I have never had anything but morphine and that was in a hospital. I have seen people on these things at home and its not pretty in my opinion.
I've tried a few other things, but they really arent' worth mentioning.
Has anyone tried Peyote, DMT, Mescaline or anything like those? I'm pretty interested in hearing about them.