So I'm just going to throw this idea at the wall and see if it sticks.
The entire game, as I see it, is in the detective's hands. The town is pretty much half blind without knowing what roles died.
So basically, if the detective were to reveal the investigation results of investigating dead bodies to the town, the additional information would lead to far more accurate lynches.
The mafia might benefit from such information, but not to the degree the town would.
The entire problem is that the detective cannot reveal himself for fear of getting hit.
Now, suppose the detective were to reveal the dead roles to a trusted associate via PM. Trusted associate sends PM to another person, who sends it to another, etc. The process is repeated a few times. Eventually the originator of the message is unable to be traced.
At this point the PM recipients would post the detective's findings publicly.
Of course, there would need to be synchronization.
The problem is this relies on the detective trusting one person, and that person not being mafia. It requires one reveal.
BEYOND that one reveal, though, there is no risk of giving away the detective to the mafia.
Furthermore, the detective could claim to only be forwarding a message rather than originating it.
The person who posts the findings would have to be protected by a doctor, as he is likely to be hit during the night anyway.
If the mafia attempts to spoof the detective's post, the detective will know and the town won't be able to use either piece of information, so its still positive for the townies.
Therefore, the detective could send a message out saying
(#times to forward)
(time to be posted)
The detective could even include a destination or CC recipient, who gets copies of every forwarded message.
He essentially becomes a safekeeper.
The detective, via this method, is not revealed as a detective. At the same time, the townies get the detective's info.
Of course, there are probably a bunch of holes/improvements/WTF are you thinking comments to be made, so g ahead and make them.
BTW, NerdyTerdy was the only one hit last night?
Doesn't that make him the sponge?
Or is there some rule in play here that I'm not aware of?
Detective findings + Savior = Pwnage?