Staredit Network > Forums > Modding Assistance > Topic: [PROJECT] S.I.T.E - StarCraft Initiative for Terrain Extension
[PROJECT] S.I.T.E - StarCraft Initiative for Terrain Extension
Mar 6 2021, 2:31 pm
By: DeltaCadimus  

Mar 6 2021, 2:31 pm DeltaCadimus Post #1


StarCraft Initiative for Terrain Extension

By DeltaCadimus

The intent of this project is what I call a "functional-enabling" mod, but one that isn't just for a single gameplay project, but for all. That is because this project seeks solely to extend terraining capacity to it's furthest possible, in particular allowing extended ramps and stacking cliffs in tilesets which otherwise weren't possible solely in SCMDraft (In aestethic and gameplay points of view, that is). This is done so to allow a more advanced form of terraining ability to mappers already versed in terraining aspects of StarCraft and SCMDraft 2 (Particularly Tileset Indexed) whom wish for more variations and higher levels of terrain that allow a more true expression of a tridimensional terrain within a 2D isometric perspective, which is what StarCraft is about.

The values this project upholds are commitment, dedication and, above all, as little clipping as humanly possible. As this purely deals with terrain, with no alterations to Iscript, AI, etc., it's expected this mod can be ported with no problems or crashing issues to other mod projects, as well as it can be modified (as long as it's mentioned and due credit is given) to suit the modder's necessities.

But, above all else, this mod (As in the diminutive of modification, really) is just so people can make neater terrain with multiple elevation levels, features, etc. Better space stations, actual cities (to the point of, when I get to the Badlands tileset, the highest priority will be making sidewalks along with stacking structure tilesets).

As this encompasses all tilesets, not just one or a few, this mod can be expected to be updated when it can (No promises of regular updates, as it's just myself pulling this weight), with as many new features as possible. For now, I can proudly launch this mod with stacked "Elevated Catwalk" cliffs and the proper extended ramps for the Space Platform tileset, which will still receive more updates as time goes by.

UPDATE 04/07/21 - Space Platform Tileset completed.


Post has been edited 7 time(s), last time on Jul 4 2021, 7:17 pm by DeltaCadimus.

By Diogo Mainardi:

"Brazil is the country of the future. But we won't get better. It's everyone else who'll get worse."

"My ideology, as a public figure whom writes an opinion column, is very well set: Press IS NOT propaganda. Should a journalist make propaganda for the government, I don't have the slightest corporate shame. I'll mock him."

"The government once called me an 'unreliable source'. It was the greatest compliment I could ever receive, I'd frame it and hang it on the wall. Imagine if I were considered a 'trustworthy man'. I'd change profession."

"I was once tired of the firefights at my doorstep. Now it's gone better - they started bombing."

Mar 6 2021, 11:13 pm RdeRenato Post #2

I am Renato

a question, before trying it, does it work with remastered? I tried the mpq but for some reason it won't let me open some of my maps (with the editor)

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Mar 7 2021, 1:36 pm DeltaCadimus Post #3

No, it's not for Remastered, the priority for the moment is the vanilla. Remastered may come in a very, very, very, VERY far future.

By Diogo Mainardi:

"Brazil is the country of the future. But we won't get better. It's everyone else who'll get worse."

"My ideology, as a public figure whom writes an opinion column, is very well set: Press IS NOT propaganda. Should a journalist make propaganda for the government, I don't have the slightest corporate shame. I'll mock him."

"The government once called me an 'unreliable source'. It was the greatest compliment I could ever receive, I'd frame it and hang it on the wall. Imagine if I were considered a 'trustworthy man'. I'd change profession."

"I was once tired of the firefights at my doorstep. Now it's gone better - they started bombing."

Mar 7 2021, 4:45 pm RdeRenato Post #4

I am Renato

oh thanks man I'll wait till then, it looks promising

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Mar 21 2021, 2:19 pm X405 Post #5

Cool project! Those look nice.

I have some blends of my own. There's quite a bit of cool stuff going on in the beta screenshots of the space tileset. Some time ago I got inspired by these:

... and I decided to paint some tiles of my own. I never finished them, but I think there's some potential for someone that's interested:

I also have versions of the images that use layers, but they are in Paint.NET format and will need a conversion to be usable in Photoshop. I'm attaching those anyway.

Hits: 1 Size: 192.5kb
Hits: 0 Size: 110.62kb
Hits: 0 Size: 319.02kb

Mar 21 2021, 3:40 pm DeltaCadimus Post #6

Quote from X405
Cool project! Those look nice.

I have some blends of my own. There's quite a bit of cool stuff going on in the beta screenshots of the space tileset. Some time ago I got inspired by these:

... and I decided to paint some tiles of my own. I never finished them, but I think there's some potential for someone that's interested:

I also have versions of the images that use layers, but they are in Paint.NET format and will need a conversion to be usable in Photoshop. I'm attaching those anyway.

Wow man, nice work. Y'know, I was intended on making a lower dock-ish platform level for the station, attempting to use the catwalks - recolored of course - but this suits better too. The blends would also work fine, but more as standout extruding platforms than bridges. But this is fine too.

Of course that'd be settled for later as I'm almost finished on the final touches to the stacked rusty pit levels and I'll soon get on high platform cliffs, which are superstructures of themselves lol.

By Diogo Mainardi:

"Brazil is the country of the future. But we won't get better. It's everyone else who'll get worse."

"My ideology, as a public figure whom writes an opinion column, is very well set: Press IS NOT propaganda. Should a journalist make propaganda for the government, I don't have the slightest corporate shame. I'll mock him."

"The government once called me an 'unreliable source'. It was the greatest compliment I could ever receive, I'd frame it and hang it on the wall. Imagine if I were considered a 'trustworthy man'. I'd change profession."

"I was once tired of the firefights at my doorstep. Now it's gone better - they started bombing."

Mar 21 2021, 7:16 pm X405 Post #7

Quote from DeltaCadimus
Wow man, nice work.


Quote from
Y'know, I was intended on making a lower dock-ish platform level for the station, attempting to use the catwalks - recolored of course - but this suits better too.

I had a completely different plan for the catwalks. I wanted to have them at the same elevation, but blendable to space. This is nowhere near completed, but I think you'll get the idea:

Quote from DeltaCadimus
Of course that'd be settled for later as I'm almost finished on the final touches to the stacked rusty pit levels and I'll soon get on high platform cliffs, which are superstructures of themselves lol.

My original idea was to make both lower platform and rusty pit tiles use the "shallow" cliff from the images and be blendable to space. If only I had started with the rusty pit, you'd have more stuff to work with now :)

Mar 22 2021, 3:02 am DeltaCadimus Post #8

UPDATE 22/03/21 - Rusty Pit Stacked Cliffs and Extended Ramps available.

By Diogo Mainardi:

"Brazil is the country of the future. But we won't get better. It's everyone else who'll get worse."

"My ideology, as a public figure whom writes an opinion column, is very well set: Press IS NOT propaganda. Should a journalist make propaganda for the government, I don't have the slightest corporate shame. I'll mock him."

"The government once called me an 'unreliable source'. It was the greatest compliment I could ever receive, I'd frame it and hang it on the wall. Imagine if I were considered a 'trustworthy man'. I'd change profession."

"I was once tired of the firefights at my doorstep. Now it's gone better - they started bombing."

Apr 30 2021, 10:34 pm DeltaCadimus Post #9

UPDATE 30/04/2021 - High Platform Cliffs and Ramps available. Includes blending to both High Platform and normal Platform ground for upward and downward variations.


By Diogo Mainardi:

"Brazil is the country of the future. But we won't get better. It's everyone else who'll get worse."

"My ideology, as a public figure whom writes an opinion column, is very well set: Press IS NOT propaganda. Should a journalist make propaganda for the government, I don't have the slightest corporate shame. I'll mock him."

"The government once called me an 'unreliable source'. It was the greatest compliment I could ever receive, I'd frame it and hang it on the wall. Imagine if I were considered a 'trustworthy man'. I'd change profession."

"I was once tired of the firefights at my doorstep. Now it's gone better - they started bombing."

May 1 2021, 12:58 am Ultraviolet Post #10

Man these all look really cool, good job. That last one is a bit of a mindfuck, high ground underneath all that low ground :unsure:

Jun 5 2021, 2:53 am DeltaCadimus Post #11

UPDATE 04/06/2021 - Low Platform Cliffs and Ramps available. Only includes variations for downwards as planned, like Catwalks only go upwards.


By Diogo Mainardi:

"Brazil is the country of the future. But we won't get better. It's everyone else who'll get worse."

"My ideology, as a public figure whom writes an opinion column, is very well set: Press IS NOT propaganda. Should a journalist make propaganda for the government, I don't have the slightest corporate shame. I'll mock him."

"The government once called me an 'unreliable source'. It was the greatest compliment I could ever receive, I'd frame it and hang it on the wall. Imagine if I were considered a 'trustworthy man'. I'd change profession."

"I was once tired of the firefights at my doorstep. Now it's gone better - they started bombing."

Jun 20 2021, 9:14 pm DeltaCadimus Post #12

UPDATE 20/06/2021 - Stacked Platform Space Borders and extended bridges (with connections to High Platform and ramps) available. Stacked space borders are downward.


Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 4 2021, 7:13 pm by DeltaCadimus.

By Diogo Mainardi:

"Brazil is the country of the future. But we won't get better. It's everyone else who'll get worse."

"My ideology, as a public figure whom writes an opinion column, is very well set: Press IS NOT propaganda. Should a journalist make propaganda for the government, I don't have the slightest corporate shame. I'll mock him."

"The government once called me an 'unreliable source'. It was the greatest compliment I could ever receive, I'd frame it and hang it on the wall. Imagine if I were considered a 'trustworthy man'. I'd change profession."

"I was once tired of the firefights at my doorstep. Now it's gone better - they started bombing."

Jul 4 2021, 7:15 pm DeltaCadimus Post #13

UPDATE 04/07/2021 - Plating Ramps, Additional Solar Array Connections and Gap Closures available.




By Diogo Mainardi:

"Brazil is the country of the future. But we won't get better. It's everyone else who'll get worse."

"My ideology, as a public figure whom writes an opinion column, is very well set: Press IS NOT propaganda. Should a journalist make propaganda for the government, I don't have the slightest corporate shame. I'll mock him."

"The government once called me an 'unreliable source'. It was the greatest compliment I could ever receive, I'd frame it and hang it on the wall. Imagine if I were considered a 'trustworthy man'. I'd change profession."

"I was once tired of the firefights at my doorstep. Now it's gone better - they started bombing."

Nov 8 2021, 4:39 am SGZZZ Post #14

Hello, a question, when I start the map in the game, it comes out as if it does not exist (empty squares), how could I fix it? (I think I did not put the files correctly), the project is very good.


Nov 8 2021, 9:24 am Oh_Man Post #15

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Reminds me of something...

Nov 11 2021, 4:04 pm Rawflesh0615 Post #16

Cool, I hope you can work on the jungle terrain after you work on the badland.


Nov 12 2021, 8:44 pm cdahd Post #17

very nice. I will try it.

Nov 12 2021, 9:49 pm Andrea Rosa Post #18

Just a glitch in the Matrix

Thumbs up! Those samples look gorgeous.

Level Design Workshop

''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.

Nov 17 2021, 6:01 am Hoangquan123 Post #19

Quote from DeltaCadimus

StarCraft Initiative for Terrain Extension

By DeltaCadimus

The intent of this project is what I call a "functional-enabling" mod, but one that isn't just for a single gameplay project, but for all. That is because this project seeks solely to extend terraining capacity to it's furthest possible, in particular allowing extended ramps and stacking cliffs in tilesets which otherwise weren't possible solely in SCMDraft (In aestethic and gameplay points of view, that is). This is done so to allow a more advanced form of terraining ability to mappers already versed in terraining aspects of StarCraft and SCMDraft 2 (Particularly Tileset Indexed) whom wish for more variations and higher levels of terrain that allow a more true expression of a tridimensional terrain within a 2D isometric perspective, which is what StarCraft is about.

The values this project upholds are commitment, dedication and, above all, as little clipping as humanly possible. As this purely deals with terrain, with no alterations to Iscript, AI, etc., it's expected this mod can be ported with no problems or crashing issues to other mod projects, as well as it can be modified (as long as it's mentioned and due credit is given) to suit the modder's necessities.

But, above all else, this mod (As in the diminutive of modification, really) is just so people can make neater terrain with multiple elevation levels, features, etc. Better space stations, actual cities (to the point of, when I get to the Badlands tileset, the highest priority will be making sidewalks along with stacking structure tilesets).

As this encompasses all tilesets, not just one or a few, this mod can be expected to be updated when it can (No promises of regular updates, as it's just myself pulling this weight), with as many new features as possible. For now, I can proudly launch this mod with stacked "Elevated Catwalk" cliffs and the proper extended ramps for the Space Platform tileset, which will still receive more updates as time goes by.

UPDATE 04/07/21 - Space Platform Tileset completed.

I want your maps which have more special terrain, please !


Nov 25 2021, 6:48 pm SGZZZ Post #20

relive deltacadimus !!


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