Dem0n claimed townsperson with a seemingly legitimate role PM. I am not ruling out the possibility that Azrael forged this PM for him, judging by the fact that a lot of Dem0n's recent posts seem to echo what Azrael usually does when he starts a bandwagon. I need people to confirm the following:
What exactly does a political science major do, anyway? I mean, how do you find work? It was your brillant idea to turn the town into an ideological democracy, but you're not looking at the broader picture: these people cannot handle a democracy. You should know, being possibly the most qualified townsperson in terms of running a town. The small populace size makes it a suitable environment for operating a pure democracy, but the extremism found in each individual does not bode for a bright future. You started this mess, and you shall be the one to get us out of it: every lynch is a murder enabled under your name, and you better be damned sure to make them count.
1. Is this identical to any role PM that you guys have received, and if so, did you send it to Dem0n?
2. Does this seem plausibly like it's written by Roy? I'm not good at stylistic analysis, but all the role PMs I have so far contain a relationship of some sort, and nothing here suggests anything like that.
3. Can the detective shadow Dem0n tonight and see if he visits anyone? If he does visit somebody, lynch the fuck out of him. Also please contact me in private if you would like to claim detective; I may or may not still die today as a result of the lynch, but I can set you up with my newly-formed coalition.
Just a thing, I noticed an inordinate number of references to lacking resources, e.g. a proper blindfold or headset. I've made no conclusions.
Just a thing, I noticed an inordinate number of references to lacking resources, e.g. a proper blindfold or headset. I've made no conclusions.
Observer for Hub 2012. Most honest player out there.
Dem0n claimed townsperson with a seemingly legitimate role PM. I am not ruling out the possibility that Azrael forged this PM for him, judging by the fact that a lot of Dem0n's recent posts seem to echo what Azrael usually does when he starts a bandwagon. I need people to confirm the following:
What exactly does a political science major do, anyway? I mean, how do you find work? It was your brillant idea to turn the town into an ideological democracy, but you're not looking at the broader picture: these people cannot handle a democracy. You should know, being possibly the most qualified townsperson in terms of running a town. The small populace size makes it a suitable environment for operating a pure democracy, but the extremism found in each individual does not bode for a bright future. You started this mess, and you shall be the one to get us out of it: every lynch is a murder enabled under your name, and you better be damned sure to make them count.
Looks like a legit role PM to me, compared to my own.
I think demon is just behaving like a child, like he always does. I was going to switch my vote to him, after the evidence of him copypasta'ing that screed against Aristo (seriously, what 'evidence' can you have immediately after the opening post has gone up?), but this role PM looks pretty legit. Also I don't know why he's linking the last 3 winners of the lottery to this game, since Roy distributed roles using - that's a complete non-sequitor.
I'm going to keep my lynch vote on Kevin for now.
Lanthanide, please, read my posts before you attack me. I already stated, numerous times, that I had that evidence before the night even ended. I did not want to post it at night because I did not want to be targeted. As soon as Roy posted the night 1 results, I posted my evidence. Also, how does the raffle thing not make sense? So what if the roles were picked randomly? The night post went up after the roles were distributed, so there very well could be a clue in there. You don't make any sense.
I think what Lanth is getting at (and what I basically said earlier) is that your evidence isn't solid in any way. The most conclusive thing against Aristo is based on the role PMs, not anything you said in your post.
Currently Working On:
My Overwatch addiction.
Perhaps, but it's a lead. You can't disprove my connection between the PMs and the Night 1 post, so that basically shows Aristocrat is guilty right there. And if you're so sure that Aristo isn't mafia, please, suggest someone else. If you can prove that someone is mafia, I'll switch to them.
Do you want to disprove it, or do you want to sit here and troll me, proving that you have absolutely no fucking idea how to even begin playing this game?
abstain, for now. I'm tired of the trollfest.
Currently Working On:
My Overwatch addiction.
Do you want to disprove it, or do you want to sit here and troll me, proving that you have absolutely no fucking idea how to even begin playing this game?
Saying "you can't disprove it therefore it's proof of his guilt" is you trolling us, Demon.
I've already stated the relevance and the importance of my findings. All you guys are doing is saying, "lolnope," and ending it there. You aren't telling me why it's invalid other than "I don't think so."
I've explained why I see it as invalid. Others have as well, as far as I can tell. Just because you don't agree that we find your analysis to be irrelevant and reaching doesn't mean we have to automatically think it is correct. It is okay for you to disagree with us as it is okay for us to disagree with you.
Currently Working On:
My Overwatch addiction.
I don't think Demon is mafia. He just wants to kill Aristocrat.
I don't trust Kame, so don't let her become the town hub. If the cop investigated someone innocent, that person should be the town hub.
Win by luck, lose by skill.
Why don't you trust Kame?
Currently Working On:
My Overwatch addiction.
I don't "just want to kill Aristocrat." I have proof against him, and that's why I'm voting for him. If you guys can find better reasoning for lynching someone else, post it, and I may change my vote. But so far, nobody has given any real reasoning as to why are/aren't voting for someone.