Night 1Why do I do these things at night? We are not nocturnal creatures. I suppose that argument also answers my question: we
are not nocturnal creatures. Sometimes you gotta break the trend to get ahead of the curve. As for this night, though, I'm not sure why I'm up at all. I have plans, sure, but none of which I could not have done later or earlier.
But time is rather unimportant. To me, that is. Important to others, sure; I prefer the time that has already passed than the time that will be passing. So much to be learned, to be a learned person. That's the problem with people like you: you willingly sacrifice your opportunities to learn.
Reference to college education
Allow me to enlighten you.
A man sat bound to a wooden chair in an abandoned building. He was blindfolded with a portion of a window curtain;
clearly this was a disorganized and hasty plan. "What do you want?" he demanded, turning his head despite his eyes being useless to him.
Possibly a PM sent at the last minute? Or a spontaneous personality. Maybe mafia that doesn't care as much and is just sending PMs at the last minute. So we're looking at a not so srs mafia.
"Target in sight."
A cheap walkie-talkie dismantled into a headset; perhaps it would have been better to get a cheaper gun and more sophisticated headgear. Regardless, a readied figure held steady on the rooftop of a small apartment complex, gazing through a scope the size of a Pringles can. Nobody responded to their statement over the mic, and perhaps there was no recipient at all. The finger massaged the trigger. "Waiting for confirmation."
Can't help but think this is a Nuderaider reference, the headset and the frugality:
"I want to make this town a better place to live. I want a society that does not live in fear. I want people like you gone."
Makes more sense for this to be a Vig hitThe voice was unfamiliar to the man. "Do you even know me? Who are you? Why me?" He turned his head every which way, not even knowing which direction his collocutor was. "Is it money you want? You can have all of it! Please!"
"Having no wealth of my own, I am a bit jealous of yours; that's not why you're here, though. Do I know you? No, not really. I'd like to get to know you. Right now, in fact. Let's start from the beginning. And don't worry, I already know how it ends."
Today the town mourns the loss of
lil-Inferno, and they swear revenge on his killer. Much of the town is a little groggy, having been woken up terrified in the middle of the night by the sound of a rifle.
"It could have been me," one was heard murmuring.
Reference to missed hit