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Protected vs. Unprotected
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Jun 22 2008, 10:24 pm
By: Brontobyte
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Which do you prefer?
Which do you prefer?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Protected 19
Unprotected 31
Please login to vote.
Poll has 50 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Jun 23 2008, 7:20 am O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #81

👻 👾 👽 💪

Quote from name:devilesk
On their own each stance is somewhat incomplete or in other words only deals with a specific perspective.
Very true. People are stating their idea and perspective and saying (or seem to be implying) "...and that is how it should be." which itself is selfish and closed-minded. >.>

Also HailFire, you mentioned moddng. Modding doesn't seem to have stealing issues (except for nabbing graphics. But that is pretty apparent where they came from.) There isn't any real way to protect mods... And the community isn't large enough at all to need to.

TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
EUDDB - topic - Help out by adding your EUDs! Or Submit reference files in the References tab!
MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig - topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
\:farty\: This page has been viewed [img][/img] times!

Jun 23 2008, 1:04 pm Symmetry Post #82

Dungeon Master

I have the right to edit every little bit of .chk data I want to edit. And if it makes some 10 year old boy in a different country cry? Why the hell should I care? I'm helping him get over his addiction to the internet. Maybe if I steal enough maps, everyone will stop playing StarCraft and learn to live a life in the real world and stop caring about little packets of data on the internet.

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Jun 23 2008, 1:50 pm Gigins Post #83

Protection compress my map so it takes up half of the filesize it took before protections. This way I don't loose potential downloaders.


Jun 23 2008, 2:00 pm Axii Post #84

I was originally for Protecting, But after reading the posts on here, I'm all for un-protection And All my new maps will be unprotected :), Thanks for the insight! :)


Jun 23 2008, 5:09 pm Brontobyte Post #85

Well, all in all, at the end of the day, the map is on your computer. YOU have the decision to leave it be, or open it. I don't that that it is "disrespectful" to unprotect a map. What I do think is disrespectful how ever is stealing the map, and or not giving proper credits. That is just wrong. Give credit where credit is due. Even more against NerdyTerdy's earlier posts with something about "maybe the map maker doesn't want others to have his idea..." Pa-lease! I can as a "How to do this" question on SEN and have it answered by numerous people in minutes. I have even done so in the past. Yeah this could also swing you your favor as well, that people should just ask in a forum how to do something rather then unprotecting, but thats too hard. :D


Jun 23 2008, 5:13 pm WoAHorde Post #86

Question to Mappers: Why the hell do you make this such an issue?


Jun 23 2008, 5:14 pm ClansAreForGays Post #87

Reading over this, unprotection has won the argument. then again it wasn't really a fair fight when all the ther side really has was Nerdy... him... Come on.

Jun 23 2008, 5:15 pm Brontobyte Post #88

Quote from WoAHorde
Question to Mappers: Why the hell do you make this such an issue?

Well, I originally started this thread to poll peoples ideas, thoughts, and opinions toward what they felt, but it seems to have turned the tides and people seem to have been offended. :)

Quote from ClansAreForGays
Reading over this, unprotection has won the argument. then again it wasn't really a fair fight when all the ther side really has was Nerdy... him... Come on.

He had some very good points, but which ever side devilesk is on, seems to be the one that takes the gold.


Jun 23 2008, 5:17 pm Zell. Post #89

i think hes just confused why this debate is this big. What about the whole trigger viewer kind of compromise?


Jun 23 2008, 5:20 pm Brontobyte Post #90

I don't see what the problem is. Blizzard give us a program and lets us create maps with it. The maps are not ours, there blizzards. We just took the lemons they let us use and made some tastey, and sometimes, bitter, lemonade. :D


Jun 23 2008, 5:38 pm Centreri Post #91

Relatively ancient and inactive

I'd say that the days of work have to be worth something. Perhaps, enough to guarantee some control over what you made? :wtfage:

Devilesk argument is my and nerdy's argument + selfishness. Same with Moose's. So, I'd say he's on our side, though he's pretending to not be.


Jun 23 2008, 6:05 pm Demented Shaman Post #92

Quote from Centreri
I'd say that the days of work have to be worth something. Perhaps, enough to guarantee some control over what you made? :wtfage:

Devilesk argument is my and nerdy's argument + selfishness. Same with Moose's. So, I'd say he's on our side, though he's pretending to not be.
No you fail. And even if we're supposedly arguing the same thing from the same side, then I'd say you're just as equally on my side which I state to be upnrotection and you're just pretending not to be.

Haha, you fail because you're repeating yourself using the same example as the one you used over a year ago. Further proof that nothing new is being said.

Quote from Centreri
Hey, I'm plenty pissed at Bush too. These problems, however, are much closer to home and I can affect how they turn out. At least a bit.

To everyone who says that unprotection can't hurt and that the original will always prevail against fraud copies, take a look on the game LOAP on WCIII. 0% of all versions hosted are the original, 90% of all versions hosted have a superpower character such as 'Ninja' or 'God' or 'Bill Gates' or 'Satan' or 'Death'' with infinite stats so the host can kill everyone else.
Posted by Centreri on 2007-01-27 at 10:05:29
On WC3 Battlenet, there is a special game called 'LOAP' - Life of a peasant. In it, you play as a hero, get a job, live your life. There are 8 regular players, one drug lord, one mafia, and one police player. This is the original version. It's how it started out. It is an unprotected map.

Now, there are games like LOAP - World Ruler and LOAP - Hellfire and LOAP - Shinobi and LOAP - Star Wars and a million other crappy unbalanced versions. Let me tell you about 'LOAP - World Ruler' - there is a player, the World Ruler, who has infinite stats, can blink anywhere, and kills anything. That's it. Nothing good, just something to let the map hosters be uber strong, rigged, and gay. In other versions, the amount of regular players was reduced from 8 to 2 and the other slots were things like terribly balanced secret agents, God, Death, Samurai, Kung-fu master, etc - each one of them extremely rigged.

This is possible the most imbalanced game ever released on battlenet. Why? Because people liked the idea and thought that it would be cool to have uber stats so they opened it and messed it up. One after another. Until there were a million versions, all terrible, all rigged, all would leave an honest mapper in tears (I didn't cry because I'm not honest, but it was a close thing.).

I do not want to see anything like this happening to a game created by someone on this website. Granted, LOAP was originally a unbalanced game - cops could arrest anyone and keep them forever, stuff like that. But if the maps were released unprotected, any game could be released after it has been gay'd up. Tuxlar's Rush, for example. You damage could be set to 99999+99999 or you start with a dropship or something like that. ANY map could be made and beaten, released, and redistributed simply because it's very easy to beat - it will be far more popular then the original.

Newbies could always learn on SEN, or by experimentation, or asking someone for help - no need to go unprotecting maps. The upsides of OSMAP are far less important then the downside I stated.

I agree with Shocko - as long as you don't support something that takes away the choice from mappers, I'm fine with it. You knew the risks, you took 'em, you're map is screwed on battle net. It's your fault. Not the fault of the noob who got OSMAP and screwed with your map.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure LOAP is the second most popular map on WCIII battlenet, after Defense of the Ancients, which is actually pretty good. It's not just once in a while, I never saw a page without at least one noob hosting a screwed up LOAP.
Stop beating a dead horse. What you said back then was pointless and its still pointless now.

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Jun 23 2008, 6:17 pm by devilesk.


Jun 23 2008, 8:35 pm Brontobyte Post #93

Quote from name:devilesk
No you fail. And even if we're supposedly arguing the same thing from the same side, then I'd say you're just as equally on my side which I state to be upnrotection and you're just pretending not to be.

Carry the 1... Multiply by 2... Divide by 4... Yeah, I think devilesk one that one. :bleh:

What side are you on devilesk? To which answer did you cast your vote towards?


Jun 23 2008, 8:41 pm Moose Post #94

We live in a society.

IMO, the poll itself is a false dichotomy to begin with.

Jun 23 2008, 8:45 pm Brontobyte Post #95

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
IMO, the poll itself is a false dichotomy to begin with.

What are the other alternative(s)? :><:


Jun 23 2008, 8:46 pm Centreri Post #96

Relatively ancient and inactive

Carry the 1... Multiply by 2... Divide by 4... Yeah, I think devilesk one that one. :bleh:
Since I never said that something new was being said, he did not win, as he did not directly or indirectly contradict anything I said. I'm posting this argument because since then, new people (one of them being you, Bront) have come and I'm trying to influence their opinions.

Stop beating a dead horse. What you said back then was pointless and its still pointless now.
Incidentally, Devilesk, I seem to recall you saying that nothing new was being said that last one, too. So, unless my memory has failed me, get your own message and shut up.


Jun 23 2008, 8:54 pm Moose Post #97

We live in a society.

I feel that the vagueness of the options lead to my claim of a false dichotomy.

Does "unprotection" mean that no protection is applied in the first place? If not, should there be a "no protection in the first place ('open-source') option on the poll?
Does "unprotection" mean removal of existing protection? Must there be a good reason or cause to do so?
Does "protection" mean that existing protection should be respected?
Does "protection" mean that all maps should be protected for no good reason?
What is it called when you believe that unprotection can be justified in extreme cases? For example, an old map is rendered unplayable by now disallowed text characters in the title and the creator is not around to update the map.

There is more in play here than two simple blanket terms recognize.

Jun 23 2008, 8:55 pm Brontobyte Post #98

Quote from Centreri
So, I'd say he's on our side, though he's pretending to not be.

Quote from name:devilesk
No you fail. And even if we're supposedly arguing the same thing from the same side, then I'd say you're just as equally on my side which I state to be upnrotection and you're just pretending not to be.

This is what I meant. Your logic could go both ways... :rolleyes:

Quote from Centreri
I'm posting this argument because since then, new people (one of them being you, Bront) have come and I'm trying to influence their opinions.

I'm not new... :???: I have been on Maplantis and SEN, together for almost 1 year now. I don't think that qualifies as new. :unsure:


Jun 23 2008, 9:02 pm Demented Shaman Post #99

Quote from Centreri
Since I never said that something new was being said, he did not win, as he did not directly or indirectly contradict anything I said. I'm posting this argument because since then, new people (one of them being you, Bront) have come and I'm trying to influence their opinions.
No, you're just spamming. I've already shown and provided links to the numerous protection debates that have occurred.
Quote from Centreri
Stop beating a dead horse. What you said back then was pointless and its still pointless now.
Incidentally, Devilesk, I seem to recall you saying that nothing new was being said that last one, too. So, unless my memory has failed me, get your own message and shut up.
You first.


Jun 23 2008, 9:02 pm Brontobyte Post #100

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Does "unprotection" mean that no protection is applied in the first place? If not, should there be a "no protection in the first place ('open-source') option on the poll?


Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Does "unprotection" mean removal of existing protection? Must there be a good reason or cause to do so?

Yes, removal of protection. I listed them in my first post. :)

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Does "protection" mean that existing protection should be respected?

Well, thats for you to decide and let us know your opinion about.

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Does "protection" mean that all maps should be protected for no good reason?

Once again,
...thats for you to decide and let us know your opinion about.

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
What if you feel that unprotection can be justified in extreme cases? For example, an old map is rendered unplayable by now disallowed text characters in the title and the creator is not around to update the map.

Some said before that unprotecting a map that was protected by its creator would be "disrespectful"... You decide.

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
There is more in play here than two simple blanket terms recognize.

Well, too late for me to fix that. *cough*Moose*cough*


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