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The new image fullview
Aug 11 2010, 11:22 pm
By: DavidJCobb
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Do you prefer the new or old fullview system?
Do you prefer the new or old fullview system?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
I like the new system better. 12
I like the old system better. 13
I don't really give a crap. 2
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Poll has 27 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Nov 1 2010, 9:43 pm Forsaken Archer Post #41

Again, there would still have to be boundaries. Just because you can view a 300x2000 image without stretching doesn't necessarily mean it should be in the forum post.
I like the idea of dynamic image resizing, but then viewing images at all, even thumbnails, fully forces javascript, but it's not that I'm against that.


Nov 1 2010, 9:54 pm DavidJCobb Post #42

Quote from Forsaken Archer
Again, there would still have to be boundaries. Just because you can view a 300x2000 image without stretching doesn't necessarily mean it should be in the forum post.
I like the idea of dynamic image resizing, but then viewing images at all, even thumbnails, fully forces javascript, but it's not that I'm against that.
Not if the server- and client-side code is well-done.

The server would get image sizes as it does now, but instead of writing out JS-based links, it would write out something like this:

<a href="whatever" target="_blank"><img class="bbcode rescaled" src="whatever"></a>

We'd use CSS to apply the classic grey border and constrain the image to a 429px width. So people without JS get resized bordered images that open to full size in a new tab/window when clicked.

Then, JS could use a jQuery statement like this:

  function() {
     // do shit

...where "shit" means sizing the image to fit the screen better, and adding a fancier, in-page JS modeless Dialog (like Aristo's sanakucomplex suggestion). In other words, we start without JS, and dynamic and unobtrusive JS on the page overrides the non-JS method to add all of the needed frills and such.

The existing Dialog functionality (used for the BBCode console and now for fullview) could be extended with the capabilities necessary for a Sanaku-like thumbnail system. I even have documentation of it (and the other JS I've added to SEN) that I've made available to Devlin; he in turn can pass that to any coders that wish to work on this feature.

I'd do the JS side of things myself if I had a working computer with FTP. I'm not uploading shit from these college computers... Viruses, viruses everywhere!


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Vrael -- :)
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