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Poll: Is SC2 mapmaking worth it?
Aug 1 2010, 12:36 am
By: Jesusfreak  
Is SC2 mapmaking worth it?
Is SC2 mapmaking worth it?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Yes 13
No 3
Maybe 9
42 4
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Poll has 29 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Aug 1 2010, 12:36 am Jesusfreak Post #1

Title says most...

I've been hearing a lot of negative stuff about SC2 map hosting (ie, the "popularity" thing, the 20 MB limit, the map "publishing" system...), and even I can tell that 2.0 is significantly inferior to it's predecessor. [sarcasm]And, since, you know, I have no free will and rely completely off the opinions of others [/sarcasm], I'll have you nice intelligent people make the decision for me:

Should I bother trying to learn SC2 maps so I can fail at them as hard as I did with SC1, or should I just stick to failing at SC1?


Aug 1 2010, 12:57 am DevliN Post #2


The SC2 editor allows you to do an amazing amount of things. It's far more complex than the SC1 editor and may take some time to learn, but I think the end-result is worth it.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 1 2010, 1:02 am Jesusfreak Post #3

I understand that, but will people even be able to play my map if I somehow do finish one? With the hosting system the way it is, only the "popular" maps (which will inevitably be dumb maps designed for noobs) will be visible without pressing the "show more" button several times. It seems like it would be impossible to get a new map off the ground.


Aug 1 2010, 1:06 am arkla Post #4

i'm not sure how that is any different from what it was like on warcraft, and probably is for SC1

there is a *expletive*tonne of popular maps hosted[DotA is famous for it] and any new game, or even a game that is semi-popular is hosted far less

i mean, there was a point on wc3 where dota was hosted more than all the other games put together :O
EDIT: but as for your question, 42

the new editor is way more complex, though once ye work your way around[as i am starting to] it definitely gets easier to work with


Aug 1 2010, 1:07 am DevliN Post #5


It is tough, but not impossible. I often click "Show More" because I'm tired of the top 10 (or whatever) and I'm sure others are like that, as well. On top of that, Production and Showcase threads give your map more exposure (here, at least) as well as putting it in the DLDB.

I think ultimately it will be worth it to learn just to create something fun. I'm making 5 maps, and I have a feeling only one will be played by more than 5 people. But I'm making them anyway because I want to.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 1 2010, 1:09 am arkla Post #6

Quote from DevliN
It is tough, but not impossible. I often click "Show More" because I'm tired of the top 10 (or whatever) and I'm sure others are like that, as well. On top of that, Production and Showcase threads give your map more exposure (here, at least) as well as putting it in the DLDB.

I think ultimately it will be worth it to learn just to create something fun. I'm making 5 maps, and I have a feeling only one will be played by more than 5 people. But I'm making them anyway because I want to.

but to be honest, i haven't really bothered to play starcraft 2 online yet :O
i've been messing with the editor way more :rolleyes:


Aug 1 2010, 1:13 am DevliN Post #7


\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 1 2010, 1:38 am Jesusfreak Post #8

You know, I'm seriously considering going for a private server until they fix this shit. Anyone know of any such servers?


Aug 1 2010, 1:48 am Wing Zero Post #9

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I agree with DevliN on this one, EVEN I (a mapping nub) am going to try to make some maps for SC2. The problems you addressed CAN AND WILL BE FIXED EVENTUALLY, we just have to wait for blizzard to realize it is a problem and fix it.

Aug 1 2010, 2:06 am Jesusfreak Post #10

But what if Blizzard doesn't care if it's a problem, as many fear? As long as people buy SC2 anyways, they're still making money.


Aug 1 2010, 2:26 am DevliN Post #11


Why wouldn't they care? They were still patching SC1 almost a decade after it was released.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 1 2010, 4:03 am Sand Wraith Post #12


A decade ago, Blizzard wasn't in the depths of merger-Hell. Nor did it have WoW to serve their dastardly deeds.

Maybe it's worth it. Depends on whether or not you decide it is.

Aug 1 2010, 6:42 pm NudeRaider Post #13

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

SC2 mapmaking offers so many possibilities, so if you're the creative type and/or often hit limits in SC1 that prevents your map idea from being practical it's definitely worth it. Mapmaking is not all about publishing and getting popular. For me it's about realizing your ideas and having fun playing your map with your friends.

However if you're already struggling with learning SC1 mapmaking then it might not be for you. All the new possibilities could be overwhelming and take a good while to learn to use properly. SC1 Mapmaking can (probably) be just as fun and rewarding as in SC2.

Aug 1 2010, 8:23 pm Jesusfreak Post #14

Quote from NudeRaider
SC2 mapmaking offers so many possibilities, so if you're the creative type and/or often hit limits in SC1 that prevents your map idea from being practical it's definitely worth it. Mapmaking is not all about publishing and getting popular. For me it's about realizing your ideas and having fun playing your map with your friends.

However if you're already struggling with learning SC1 mapmaking then it might not be for you. All the new possibilities could be overwhelming and take a good while to learn to use properly. SC1 Mapmaking can (probably) be just as fun and rewarding as in SC2.

It's not that I'm struggling with learning SC1 mapmaking - heck, on paper, I've practically mastered it. But the thing is, something always happens to where I can't make the map - something important turns out not to work, I run out of units to work with (not being able to make copies of certain units always got in my way - did they change this in SC2? I can't find the unit or trigger editor anywhere...), my motivation runs out, I realize that my ideas suck, I find that something is impossible to balance, etc.


Aug 1 2010, 8:30 pm Dem0n Post #15

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

It's so hard. D: I don't like it. :(

Aug 1 2010, 8:49 pm Devourer Post #16


It's definitely worth it.

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Aug 1 2010, 9:29 pm MillenniumArmy Post #17

It is most definitely worth it. The main concern most mappers have is that they may not be able to get their maps out due to the new map popularity/publishing system.

Blizzard is definitely trying to think of something; the fact that they haven't told us anything yet means that they're still trying to work out a feasible option for everyone. I highly doubt they'll leave this system the way it is due to all the complaints they're getting daily (I mean look at the chatroom/channels issue; originally they didn't think we wanted them but due to a huge uproar throughout the communities they immediately changed their minds and are working on getting them out in later patches).

The thing about SC2 map making is that it requires discipline. Nobody is going to tell you you have to do this or that; there is no strict deadline for anything. You just need to know how to keep yourself motivated


Aug 4 2010, 1:03 am Jesusfreak Post #18

Ok, next order of business:

What do I want to make? I always tried to make Open RPGs in SC1, but usually hit some sort of limit, either with the editor or with my motivation. Is there any competition in the Open RPG market for SC2 currently? If I could become the first open rpg, I could probably rocket through the population system (well, I'll probably be confined to the second or third page, seeing that such games take a long time and the system doesn't factor in time played or the amount of people who joined).


Aug 7 2010, 4:12 pm Undead-Fox Post #19

Unfotunately I have to go with 'Maybe'... I looked forward to making maps with the SC2 tools.. but... anymore... I... I just don't know... I'm not sure if the pros outweigh the cons.


Aug 7 2010, 6:03 pm EzDay281 Post #20

Is there any competition in the Open RPG market for SC2 currently?
Given our new freedoms, this is likely to be among the most competitive genres, at least relative to how advanced it is.
Of course, since most people interested in Open RPGs seem more interested in fancy camera and interface gimicks, it does seem plausible to get the first fun, multiplayer one out.

But everything I've just said should be taken with a few shakers of salt, as I've paid next to no attention to the SC2 mapping community past the end of the first beta phase, let alone now that it's released.

As to the topic at hand: If you're dedicated and at least decent at making things that are fun to play and interested in making a map/maps that a bunch of people get enjoyment out of, sure, make SC2 maps. While the popularity system does kind of suck, it shouldn't make too big a difference. If you're just interested in testing out and playing with ideas that were never possible in SC, sure.


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[2024-5-28. : 8:43 am]
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