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devilesk's Mafia: Mindfuck
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Jun 15 2010, 11:00 am
By: Demented Shaman
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Jul 17 2010, 11:52 pm O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #561

👻 👾 👽 💪

hey u guys, I know what I'm doing k? Well, I've played a lot of mafia is what makes me say that.

Ok, well. Mafia usually sign up for and play this game, right? So I made a list of everyone playing this game:
  1. Symmetry
  2. OlimarandLouie
  3. payne
  4. rayNimagi
  5. Azrael.Wrath
  6. poison_us
  7. Dark_Marine
  8. O)FaRTy1billion
  9. MadZombie!
  10. EzTerix
  11. Leeroy_Jenkins
  12. UnholyUrine
  13. darksnow
  14. Generalpie
  15. Raccoon
  16. DavidJCobb
  17. lil-Inferno
  18. Wing Zero
  19. apos
  20. Tempz
  21. LoTu)S
  22. StarBlue
  23. BiOAtK
  24. A_of-s_t
  26. Doodan
  27. Vi3t-X
  28. Changeling
  29. Positively
  30. Darkling
  31. l)ark_ssj9kevin
k, so that's a lot of potential mafia, right? Well. When the game is active, there is usually mafia who aren't dead. So here is a narrowed list removing all the people who are dead:
  1. Symmetry
  2. OlimarandLouie
  3. payne
  4. rayNimagi
  5. Azrael.Wrath
  6. Dark_Marine
  7. O)FaRTy1billion
  8. EzTerix
  9. Leeroy_Jenkins
  10. UnholyUrine
  11. Raccoon
  12. DavidJCobb
  13. lil-Inferno
  14. apos
  15. Tempz
  16. StarBlue
  17. BiOAtK
  19. Doodan
  20. Vi3t-X
  21. Changeling
  22. Darkling
  23. l)ark_ssj9kevin
k. So I'm sure that at least one of these people are mafia. So here is what we are going to do, starting with Symmetry we're going to go through and kill each person every day. It's ok, because I'm sure one of them is mafia so we are going to kill a few townies to get the mafia. It's definitely worth it.

So I vote for Raccoon (remember, we're starting with the top of the list!)


I say that since Farty is up for lynching, he should probably try claim his role or do something to convince us that he shouldn't be lynched.
Since I'm going to die either way now (be it town or mafia).

The PM I sent:
ohi. I edited quotes out of my post because public posting = a bad idea.

poison: I dont care. Do what you will.
me: Aw. :P
poison: Im guessing youre mafia then?
me: I'm not.
me: I'm a trigger-happy hero-waiting-to-happen. :D
poison: Vigilante?
me: If I was mafia I wouldn't so freely be asking for arbitrary death.
me: There would be at least some reservation.
poison: Whats your role?
me: r u sharin' mah identiteez?

Interpret as you will.
Snippets from his PM:
If you're telling the truth, then you have an important role and can bargain with it. The best chance you have of surviving is to just publicly say you were in fact trying to not draw attention to yourself, the reason being because you are a Vigilante. Say you will help kill people on the list if you're spared, and if people believe you then they will certainly change their votes along with me, and provide you with a Doctor or Bodyguard.
To which I respond:
Also I was avoiding publicly saying anything about my role (mafia can see public posts, too!) ... that's why I edited my post and PMed instead.

(from his first response again:)
Obviously it'll be easy for you to prove if you aren't lying and you aren't lynched, since you can kill any specified target, and then you'll be removed from the list of suspected mafia.
He's the one who brought that up. Yet in this topic he seems to think I was saying "IF U SPARE ME I'LL PROVE BY KILLIN' UR LIST."

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 17 2010, 11:58 pm by FaRTy1billion.

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Jul 18 2010, 12:46 am Apos Post #562

I order you to forgive yourself!

Could it be possible that devilesk was a mafia and everyone else was a vigilance or a town aligned role? Wouldn't that be a real Mindfuck? Just saying.

If that's the case, I vote for devilesk, if it's not, just ignore my vote.

Jul 18 2010, 12:56 am OlimarandLouie Post #563

Quote from Apos
Could it be possible that devilesk was a mafia and everyone else was a vigilance or a town aligned role? Wouldn't that be a real Mindfuck? Just saying.

If that's the case, I vote for devilesk, if it's not, just ignore my vote.
This had better not be a repeat of Voyager's zombie mafia. I've looked forward to this for a long time.


Jul 18 2010, 12:59 am DavidJCobb Post #564

I should note right now that there is a distinct possibility that I might be completely inactive for a little while, depending on whether the sociopaths I live with feel like adding an extra punch to today's assholery. If my suspicions are correct and these fuckers do decide to step things up, please don't interpret the resulting inactivity as an attempt at being inconspicuous.


Jul 18 2010, 1:03 am Apos Post #565

I order you to forgive yourself!

Meanwhile, another investigation is taking place. A man is on someone's trail, and he can feel that he is about to stumble onto something big and crack this murder case wide open. All night he had been tracking clues and various leads around town. Finally, he has the piece of shit cornered and is about to expose his real identity. He finds him in a dark alley and can see him for what he really is. Now he can rest easy tonight, knowing his job is done. But as he is walking home, he hears a loud engine revving up behind him. It is a big looking monster riding a motorcycle armed with a bat in one hand. Knowing that the monster on the motorcycle is up to no good, the man runs for his life. But he can't outrun a monster on a motorcycle. The monster catches up to the man and swings his bat at the man. The monster circles around and around at least a dozen times as he beats the man with his bat. Left in a massive pool of blood the victim of the gruesome beating is darksnow.

I just realized that it's not the piece of shit that killed darksnow, it's a big looking monster riding a motorcycle armed with a bat in one hand. In fact, darksnow was the one that was going to kill the piece of shit.

Jul 18 2010, 1:19 am Bar Refaeli Post #566

Mafia bandwagon FTW


Jul 18 2010, 1:36 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #567

You guys keep claiming Farty has more evidence against him. The only evidence is Azrael's psychological interpretations he would like to think of as the law. Seriously, Azrael is so cock-sure of every giant conclusion he jumps to.

So, we've got a possible acronym clue against apos, which I'd say is worth a shot, seeing as how all we've got against Farty is Azrael's all-over-the-place reasoning. Remember a few days ago he was once again cock-sure that I was mafia, and a few hours later was shown otherwise.


Jul 18 2010, 1:41 am Apos Post #568

I order you to forgive yourself!

Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
You guys keep claiming Farty has more evidence against him. The only evidence is Azrael's psychological interpretations he would like to think of as the law. Seriously, Azrael is so cock-sure of every giant conclusion he jumps to.

So, we've got a possible acronym clue against apos, which I'd say is worth a shot, seeing as how all we've got against Farty is Azrael's all-over-the-place reasoning. Remember a few days ago he was once again cock-sure that I was mafia, and a few hours later was shown otherwise.
I have to agree with Leeroy here.

Jul 18 2010, 1:41 am Azrael Post #569

Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
You guys keep claiming Farty has more evidence against him. The only evidence is Azrael's psychological interpretations he would like to think of as the law.
Yeah, except for the four clues involving shit, the one inferring DTs, and the one saying the murderer bleeds green blood :rolleyes:

In addition to, you know, how suspicious he's behaved and a number of times he's outright contradicted himself.

Quote from O)FaRTy1billion[MM]
If you're really a townie-aligned role, you wouldn't be trying so hard to undermine clues and proven methods of determining mafia.

It seems as though you think you'll be lynched, so you're trying to say anything and everything you can on your way out to cause as much damage to the townies as possible. You're disputing any and every clue that seems valid, throwing out random reinterpretations of clues, and saying that we shouldn't point out people who are purposely not drawing attention to themselves because that's "arbitrary". No, it isn't.

You try to tell one person you're an Elder, you try to tell me you're a Vigilante, you tell everyone else I'm Mafia. I told you to claim your role if you wanted to prove your innocence, and you said you were afraid of the Mafia finding out, even though I'm Mafia according to you. I mean really, come on now, this is ridiculous.

At least you admitted you're killing people. Do you mind sharing who you killed last turn?


DO NOT under ANY circumstance allow this to destroy the town's cohesiveness. EVERY mafia that is exposed is going to act in this exact same way, kicking and screaming on the way out, doing anything to save themselves. Once that doesn't seem likely, they will try to throw as much misinformation around as possible to save their cohorts and confuse the townies before they're killed.

Their goal is to scatter us, to turn us on each other and cast suspicion on our members. They want us to focus on doubts and controversy they generate on their way out, hoping we will lose focus of our true goal: Using our superior numbers to eliminate them. When we become disorganized, the other 90% of the mafia can then go back to sitting on the sidelines while we're busy killing each other.

DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN! Do not let every accused mafia spin a web of confusion to screw with you! The Mafia would like to make you afraid to speak up, afraid to point the finger at them. Fuck that! Daytime is when the Mafia should be afraid, not the townies! You speak your mind, and kill those who don't. If you want to live, you participate outside of voting. Pay attention to those who go out of their way to draw no attention to themselves, and bring it to the attention of everyone!

If you've ever played Mafia before, you know Farty's current behavior is exactly how Mafia usually act when exposed. This was predicted earlier in the thread.

I will keep my vote as Farty.

Jul 18 2010, 1:43 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #570

A good word of advice to everyone: posts that give you the writer's points of view and then leave you to make your own decision are generally better than posts that dictate your every action.


Jul 18 2010, 1:44 am Tempz Post #571

Farty... your 2nd way to disprove that evidence failed "which bled all the time"... lol that just means that you were there :O to kill em, however you could be a vigilante


Jul 18 2010, 1:46 am Azrael Post #572

A good word of advice to everyone: When a ton of posts spring up near the end of the day in a desperate attempt to overturn the current voting result, it's a good sign that you're about to lynch a member of the mafia.

Edit: I mean the end of the in-game day. Like, Day 2.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 18 2010, 2:13 am by Azrael.Wrath.

Jul 18 2010, 1:48 am Apos Post #573

I order you to forgive yourself!

Question for Azrael: what makes you clearer than anyone else? What makes your interpretation more reliable than the other people? Your currently on the front line so...

Quote from name:Azrael.Wrath
A good word of advice to everyone: When a ton of posts spring up near the end of the day in a desperate attempt to overturn the current voting result, it's a good sign that you're about to lynch a member of the mafia.
AFAIK, people are more active at the end of the day. According to me, unless I'm wrong, we did an error by lynching Poison_us, let's not precipitate things and lynch an other pro town person.

Jul 18 2010, 1:50 am Tempz Post #574

Don't act so cocky apos people suspect you almost as highly as farty


Jul 18 2010, 1:52 am Apos Post #575

I order you to forgive yourself!

Quote from Tempz
Don't act so cocky apos people suspect you almost as highly as farty
That is because people can't understand the clues I have tried to give in almost each single post I have made.

Also, I am not saying that Farty is not a mafia, I'm just saying that he claims that he is not a mafia and that should be taken in consideration.

Jul 18 2010, 1:52 am Azrael Post #576

Quote from Apos
Question for Azrael: what makes you clearer than anyone else? What makes your interpretation more reliable than the other people?
Nothing. I point out what I see, I implore others to do the same.

If you're so desperate to be lynched, there's plenty more days after this one.

Quote from Apos
AFAIK, people are more active at the end of the day.
I mean the end of the in-game day. Like, Day 2.

Jul 18 2010, 1:54 am Apos Post #577

I order you to forgive yourself!

Did devilesk say it was ending today?

Jul 18 2010, 1:55 am Azrael Post #578

He said the lynching will be tomorrow. The attempts to overturn the vote started immediately afterward.

Jul 18 2010, 1:58 am Apos Post #579

I order you to forgive yourself!

For the people that are wondering why I'm starting to post so much, it's because I'm not sure if I'll have to go away soon or not, so as soon as I get an idea, I post it.

(Also, I want to make this game a little bit more interesting :yahoo: )

Jul 18 2010, 2:07 am Azrael Post #580

Quote from Tempz
Farty... your 2nd way to disprove that evidence failed "which bled all the time"... lol that just means that you were there :O to kill em, however you could be a vigilante
Exactly, he could be a vigilante, but there was no reason to suspect Wing_Zero, he seemed like a legit townie.

A vigilante who is using his turns to kill townies is just as bad as a mafia doing it. Either way, Farty is killing probable townies at night.

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