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Categories and Splash page (DLDB)
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Apr 11 2010, 12:04 am
By: Devourer  
Poll #1 :: How should the splash page looks like?
Poll #1 :: How should the splash page looks like?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Categories pictures like on Maplantis, but no list of recent stuff and no category bar on the left 8
Category bar on the left and "recent" stuff (uploaded, commented...) in the main area 20
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Poll has 28 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).
Poll #2 :: That category-bar on the left, should it be displayed while browsing as well?
Poll #2 :: That category-bar on the left, should it be displayed while browsing as well?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Yes 23
No 6
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Poll has 29 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).
Poll #3 :: What categories do you want to exist in the DLDB? You got six votes.
Poll #3 :: What categories do you want to exist in the DLDB? You got six votes.
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Arena 19
Assault 8
Experimental 21
Classic 0
Board Game 2
Campaign 11
Bounds 11
RPG 30
RP 5
Defense 27
Micro / impossible 8
Puzzle 15
Movie 12
AoS 13
Sports 0
Strategy 17
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Poll has 199 votes. You can vote for at most 6 option(s).
Poll #4 :: Should we use David's cata-console on the top?
Poll #4 :: Should we use David's cata-console on the top?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Yes 17
No 4
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Poll has 21 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Apr 11 2010, 12:04 am Devourer Post #1


This is an important poll related to the new DLDB.
We need your votes :)

Poll #1: How should the splash page look like? Categories like on Maplantis or a Categories list on the left and in the main-area a recent-uploaded and recent-commented (or others) list?
Poll #2: That category-bar on the left, should it be displayed while browsing as well?
Poll #3: What categories do you want to exist in the DLDB? You got six votes.
Poll #4: Should we use David's cata-console? David made something for the category-bar (screen below). Situated on the top.

Vote vote vote!

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Apr 11 2010, 10:05 am by DeVouReR.

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Apr 11 2010, 12:08 am Super Duper Post #2

Yeah, I dunno. Some categories are too broad. I think there should be more categories so that way users can find what they want more easily.


Apr 11 2010, 12:15 am LoveLess Post #3

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

You can see my votes, so there is no reason for me to post them and they are all logical. I can't believe I am the only one who voted for Experimental though.


Apr 11 2010, 12:19 am LoTu)S Post #4

-Pictures are nice, but dont really tell anything about the map. Rine killing hydra could be anything.
-I just voted yes for the display, though it should be optional
-Here are the ones that i'm hazy about or i couldnt vote for due to priorty:

-Assault: Well, Not really much of a visual here. If its an infiltration, im thinking more of RPG.
-Experimental: Experiment maps? like testing a concept? EUD direction? Should have its own category.
-Classic: Even though its Classic, like Cat n Mouse, it should have a category, that distinguishes it.
-Board game: Not that many Board game maps on Sc, stuff those 10 maps in other. :D
-Campaign: RPG
-RP:no comment
-Defense: i would have voted this if i had 7.
-Movie: Voted for if i had 8
-Sports: Stuff it in Micro xD
-Strategy: no comment.

Other than that, there should be a "Mass units" category for evolves type maps, not that enjoy them, just that theres so many, i dont wanna be looking through a sea of Golems and Evolves before i find what i want.


Apr 11 2010, 7:22 am payne Post #5


Why only 6 choices? That's stupid ;o


Apr 11 2010, 9:11 am Devourer Post #6


David made something for the category-bar:

Note: it's situated on the top.
What do you think about it?
New Poll added.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 11 2010, 10:02 am by DeVouReR.

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Apr 11 2010, 8:21 pm payne Post #7


If we use it, will it mean the actual images and everything will be deleted?
The only disadvantage of this category-bar seems the it is unaesthetic.

Imo, UMS/Campaign/etc. should take all the horizontal space given for their line. Same for the categories under.


Apr 11 2010, 8:54 pm DavidJCobb Post #8

@payne: That's do-able, but it would require different CSS depending on how many items there are. It could be done, but there would be the trade-off of maintainability.

And as for my votes,...
The splash should be a category navigation (a sidebar, the cata-console, anything) along with recent updates, featured files, etc., in the main area.

Whatever navigation is used should be displayed when browsing, and in the same place it appears on the splash.

I voted for Experimental, Campaign, RPG, and Puzzle, not realizing that I wouldn't be able to pick two more later. Honestly, I don't even know what most of those genres are!

And the cata-console... Well, I think we can all guess what my vote was for that ;)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 11 2010, 9:03 pm by DavidJCobb. Reason: Forgot...


Apr 11 2010, 10:45 pm UnholyUrine Post #9

The DLDB's categories look very sexy. The actual page for the individual map, looks like it needs a bit of work. The buttons are ugly and the stars are very ugly. It's getting there though.
From the other thread

And I'd agree!

I actually don't think this is that good :\.. I don't know why.. I think more spacing between the categories (UMS/MOD) can be added.. like some more distinct borders between the tabs... Also, the borders between the categories and the Subcategories sould be more distinct... but that's just me.

I think we should be able to navigate Out of the page.. like maybe leave the category navigation on the top....
There should also be some stuff that fills up the page.. Maybe allow a big screenshot picture in the middle.. that usually grabs ppl's attention...

I personally find the set up at makes the most sense (other than the same problem: Not being able to navigate out of the page ... the Description would be added by the author.) ... Borders around the Uploaded picture would be awesome.

EDIT: oops.. copied wrong pic ... fixed

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 11 2010, 10:50 pm by UnholyUrine.


Apr 12 2010, 5:00 pm BlueWolf Post #10

Has anyone seen how an IPB profile page looks like? Well I think a map's page should be just like that. They're well organized, and are perfect for maps.


Apr 12 2010, 5:14 pm Devourer Post #11



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Apr 12 2010, 5:24 pm BlueWolf Post #12

Invision Power Board.

I know it's kind of hard to read, but you can make out the words.


Apr 12 2010, 6:52 pm NudeRaider Post #13

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from Super Duper
Yeah, I dunno. Some categories are too broad. I think there should be more categories so that way users can find what they want more easily.
Quote from payne
Why only 6 choices? That's stupid ;o
Just had a talk with DeV about that because I didn't understand it either.
The point is that the new categories are fewer so maps only fit 1 category if at all possible. I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not, but apparently the decision has already been made.
So my thoughts as to what categories we should have:

Campaign gets its own section, like Melee, and the 3rd section is UMS with the following subcategories:


Green are the "core" categories that are a must have imo.
If there won't be anymore subcategories like Assault: AoS, Siege, Madness (I guess and hope we won't have them) then we should add Bound and Puzzle as own categories. Otherwise they should be sorted under Micro and Strategy.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 12 2010, 7:10 pm by NudeRaider.

Apr 12 2010, 7:05 pm JaFF Post #14

Why can't we just use the Maplantis setup again?


Apr 12 2010, 10:58 pm payne Post #15


Or we could use David's system which doesn't leave us with the restriction of having a number of choices divisible by 3.


Apr 13 2010, 1:08 am DavidJCobb Post #16

@Unholy: The borders could easily be thickened with CSS. And I left the top nav off of the DLDB File draft simply because I didn't know if it would be implemented at all. Dev could work his PHP magic and easily get it onto every page in the DLDB, file pages included.


Apr 13 2010, 4:45 am Devourer Post #17


Ok, right now the splash page is similar to the old (except for a few changes) with recent uploaded, commented, updated and reviewed.
On the top, there always is the navigation (updates every skin's css) of David on the top, thanks for this great work @ david.
The browsing got adjusted, search is done, myfiles needs a smaller update, the main-file-page will be done today (or maybe tomorrow if necessary).
The medals and tags system is completly removed right now.
File Spotlight and Sunken Treasure still exists.

Going to lock this topic by tomorrow, so go and make some final votes, so it's easier for me/us to decide what categories will be in the DLDB.

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Apr 13 2010, 5:07 am payne Post #18


1) That navigation bar actually looks uglier than I though. In fact, not ugly, simply... not enough of contrast! You enter the DLDB and it's almost if you do not see the Navigation Bar because it is all green, just as the rest of the skin. I strongly recommend trying to find new sets of colors for the NB.
2) StarCraft 1 Files / StarCraft II Files. I hope you see what's wrong: it's not the same numerical system.
3) The bar right under the "DLDB" is smaller than the rest. I find it okay, but not in the case that all sub-categories of the larger bars are actually smaller. Have a fixed value for sub-category and increase the height of the "Upload" line bar.
4) In the "Upload" page, just put a small separation between the white "Browse" part and the "File data" text. Moreover, enlarge it a bit (the whole cadre)... it looks retarded to have the word "file." being separated from the rest of the sentence ("Add my SEN account as an orginial author of this").
5) I dislike how "Mods" (in "Upload") have the box "Version" at the bottom-left of the "Sub-Category". Just add in some spaces and it'll look nicer. (Do the same for the "Mods" under the "Edit" of the the "File info bar")
6) Maybe add a possibility to enter a member's ID as an author? It'd reduce the chances of typos in names.
7) There aren't any possibility to not make the page reload every single time you change of link into the NB? It is already like that in the File's Description (Where there is "File info", "Edit", "History", "Comments", etc.), why not applying the same technique to the NB? It is rather annoying to have to scroll down every single time you click a new category...
8) I hope the actual design of the "File info" isn't permanent... it's all left-centered. That surely is an error ;o ... I actually liked David's design (except for the "Forces, Trigs, Locs, etc." cadre, remember? I love the actual one).
9) Why does pressing "Review" in the "File info bar" reload the page, whereas all the other buttons didn't reload it?

That's it. Have fun understanding what I meant ^^


Apr 13 2010, 10:30 am NudeRaider Post #19

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from payne
Have fun understanding what I meant ^^
Have fun being ignored.

Yeah the NavBar colors need attention. Apparently the background of the buttons are fixed at green and the text is dependent on the skin. You should either get both colors from the skin or have it fixed. Readability is an issue.

Apr 13 2010, 11:55 am Devourer Post #20


Quote from NudeRaider
Yeah the NavBar colors need attention. Apparently the background of the buttons are fixed at green and the text is dependent on the skin. You should either get both colors from the skin or have it fixed. Readability is an issue.
Those colors are related to the skin, but yet every css got the same code as I did not edit the color-codes inside of every skin's css.

Quote from payne
1) That navigation bar actually looks uglier than I though. In fact, not ugly, simply... not enough of contrast! You enter the DLDB and it's almost if you do not see the Navigation Bar because it is all green, just as the rest of the skin. I strongly recommend trying to find new sets of colors for the NB. Will do

2) StarCraft 1 Files / StarCraft II Files. I hope you see what's wrong: it's not the same numerical system. Yea... going to change

3) The bar right under the "DLDB" is smaller than the rest. I find it okay, but not in the case that all sub-categories of the larger bars are actually smaller. Have a fixed value for sub-category and increase the height of the "Upload" line bar. I like it that way, got style, but if the majority is against this, I'll change it

4) In the "Upload" page, just put a small separation between the white "Browse" part and the "File data" text. Moreover, enlarge it a bit (the whole cadre)... it looks retarded to have the word "file." being separated from the rest of the sentence ("Add my SEN account as an orginial author of this"). Yea, will change it

5) I dislike how "Mods" (in "Upload") have the box "Version" at the bottom-left of the "Sub-Category". Just add in some spaces and it'll look nicer. (Do the same for the "Mods" under the "Edit" of the the "File info bar") What?

6) Maybe add a possibility to enter a member's ID as an author? It'd reduce the chances of typos in names. Trying to keep it simple, but I'll consider it

7) There aren't any possibility to not make the page reload every single time you change of link into the NB? It is already like that in the File's Description (Where there is "File info", "Edit", "History", "Comments", etc.), why not applying the same technique to the NB? It is rather annoying to have to scroll down every single time you click a new category... Just what nuderaider suggested. I'll see (I'm afraid I would have to resize it for this)

8) I hope the actual design of the "File info" isn't permanent... it's all left-centered. That surely is an error ;o ... I actually liked David's design (except for the "Forces, Trigs, Locs, etc." cadre, remember? I love the actual one). I removed all structure in there to design a new one (probably using david's)

9) Why does pressing "Review" in the "File info bar" reload the page, whereas all the other buttons didn't reload it? He? it doesn't. It cannot be browser related either as all these tabs are using the same system

That's it. Have fun understanding what I meant ^^

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Apr 13 2010, 12:06 pm by DeVouReR.

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