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Top three most useless animals
Jun 20 2009, 2:08 am
By: MillenniumArmy
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Jun 24 2009, 2:41 pm candle12345 Post #61

Zalgo is better than advice dog.

And I openly say anyone who thinks zalgo is funny probably had a lobotomy at birth with a sledge hammer.


Jun 24 2009, 2:47 pm ForTheSwarm Post #62

3) Ants.

2) Leeches. The name says all.

1) People. Srsly.

Most animals at the top of the food chain can be considered "useless". xD


Jun 24 2009, 2:54 pm candle12345 Post #63

Oh right, mine.

1) Wasps
2) Starfish
3) Locusts


Jun 24 2009, 5:26 pm Vi3t-X Post #64

No animal is useless, because those animals evolved based off the needs of the ecosystem.

What benifits humans, doesn't neccessarily benifit the ecosystem in which humans live in.


Jun 24 2009, 5:47 pm Syphon Post #65

Quote from Vi3t-X
No animal is useless, because those animals evolved based off the needs of the ecosystem.

What benifits humans, doesn't neccessarily benifit the ecosystem in which humans live in.

What about foreign introduced species that have died out in their natural habitat?


Jun 24 2009, 8:59 pm MillenniumArmy Post #66

I guess people can't read fine print so I've edited my first post:

Quote from From the very first post
(they can be mammals, reptiles, birds, sea creatures, etc. Insects don't count.)


Jun 24 2009, 9:52 pm MasterJohnny Post #67

Quote from UnholyUrine
Although I have to say, since I'm a biologist... that Every animal has its own niche and necessities in their own community... there are a few that I feel are quite useless... :\ ..

1) Pandas
I think someone posted an image of it already... lol..
They're dying due to the lost of habitat in China.. but there's no way to go back now... They can't breed well... even if we save them, their entire population would not have much genetic variation and therefore be VERY susceptible to any epidemics... namely.. a good disease would wipe out the entire population... kinda like Cheetahs right now.

I would argue that pandas are not useless. Their ecological niche is to slow the growth of bamboo because bamboo grows really fast?
also they are like really cute?

I am a Mathematician

Jun 24 2009, 10:19 pm Hug A Zergling Post #68

Quote from MasterJohnny
Quote from UnholyUrine
Although I have to say, since I'm a biologist... that Every animal has its own niche and necessities in their own community... there are a few that I feel are quite useless... :\ ..

1) Pandas
I think someone posted an image of it already... lol..
They're dying due to the lost of habitat in China.. but there's no way to go back now... They can't breed well... even if we save them, their entire population would not have much genetic variation and therefore be VERY susceptible to any epidemics... namely.. a good disease would wipe out the entire population... kinda like Cheetahs right now.

I would argue that pandas are not useless. Their ecological niche is to slow the growth of bamboo because bamboo grows really fast?
also they are like really cute?

If we didn't have pandas, it would give people more jobs as "bamboo harvesters" and we would be able to use bamboo for more things. It could replace wood in some cases, perhaps.


Jun 26 2009, 12:43 am MillenniumArmy Post #69

Like I said in my first post, Pandas could possibly be helpful/useful to us. Since these fat ass colorless bears apparently are "protected," all they do is sit around and do nothing. Now if we were allowed to slaughter these things, we could use their fur for really nice things and I'm sure their heavenly bodies can provide weeks worth of meat for an entire family.

But nooo... until then, these things are USELESS FOOLS


Jun 26 2009, 10:33 pm MasterJohnny Post #70

Quote from MillenniumArmy
Like I said in my first post, Pandas could possibly be helpful/useful to us. Since these fat ass colorless bears apparently are "protected," all they do is sit around and do nothing. Now if we were allowed to slaughter these things, we could use their fur for really nice things and I'm sure their heavenly bodies can provide weeks worth of meat for an entire family.

But nooo... until then, these things are USELESS FOOLS

They do not sit around and do nothing. Many pandas are found in the wild. Pandas contribute to a food chain. The ramifications of changing a food web would be disastrous. The panda population is at a endangered because of habitat loss.

Usually one of the more "useless" animals in a food chain would be somewhere at the top of the food chain. Something like man or lions and tigers. This is because these animals do not really have enemies. They require other creatures to live. (yes you can eat a panda so you need it more but the panda does not need you)

I am a Mathematician

Jun 27 2009, 8:03 am Fierce Post #71

I have only one..

Opossums.. >_> cute until they open their mouth :O

Yes, maybe they eat mice and other insects but wtf. It looks like they could eat SOMETHING much larger.


Jun 27 2009, 11:30 pm lil-Inferno Post #72

Just here for the pie

Kind of disgusting, but that thing's tongue looks like a veiny dick.

Jun 28 2009, 3:44 pm O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #73

👻 👾 👽 💪

Quote from Brontobyte
I've had both, cats and dogs. I'd rather have a dog then a cat. Cat's are nice and playful but they are attention whores.
wtf. Dogs absolutely refuse to leave you alone, even after I've kicked them away. Make a loud noise (including raising your voice) and a cat will be gone. Also if you were to go somewhere (as in a vacation), you can leave a cat for over a week as long as you give them some food and water (however, an outdoor cat can usually catch its own food.) Most dogs need constant care. ;o

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Jul 3 2009, 7:16 pm Black Knight Post #74

Horses arn't that useless they were the transportation of olden times, and war machines aswell for a good 2000 years or more, they still have some uses today....


Jul 3 2009, 7:20 pm UnholyUrine Post #75

Of course panda has its ecological niche..
but it's gone now due to the pollution and destruction of panda's habitat...

Right now.. all I can see of pandas' worth is to make money outta them by putting them in zoos.

Something has gone horribly wrong.


Jul 12 2009, 10:25 am NudeRaider Post #76

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Cats are the perfect pets

Jul 14 2009, 5:46 am Mr.Camo Post #77

Have you cretins ever laid your eyes on a baby sloth?

Cutest thing on the earth.


Jul 14 2009, 10:00 am Syphon Post #78

Quote from Mr.Camo
Have you cretins ever laid your eyes on a baby sloth?

Cutest thing on the earth.


Did you know that when sloths die, they don't fall from trees? I've seen sloths decomposed enough that their claws and arms slogged off the branch, and fell to the ground.


Jul 14 2009, 1:03 pm Hug A Zergling Post #79

Quote from Syphon
Quote from Mr.Camo
Have you cretins ever laid your eyes on a baby sloth?

Cutest thing on the earth.


Did you know that when sloths die, they don't fall from trees? I've seen sloths decomposed enough that their claws and arms slogged off the branch, and fell to the ground.
Aww. Cutest thing on earth.


Jul 15 2009, 2:49 am ejac1337 Post #80

Quote from EzDay281
Actually, every species, including humans, are "useless".
Humans made StarCraft.
He has a point.

Anyway, I'll go with

and, Protoss Scouts (seriously, wtf is the point of them from an iccup perspective)


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Oh_Man -- lol, fine
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Vrael -- :)
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