Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: Great Wizards
Great Wizards
Apr 18 2008, 10:24 pm
By: Tank_7  

Apr 18 2008, 10:24 pm Tank_7 Post #1

Great wizards is a map based off of the AoS/DotA genre. It is a team game. In conjunction with allied & automatically spawning NPCs, players must break through the enemy defenses to destroy their Magus Archivum. Every player will have one Wizard, which can cast spells from one of five tomes: Ignas, Eruo, Custodia, Antiquus and Glacies.

At the beginning of the game, a player will use his wizards to spend his starting 3500 experience to buy some spells from one of the five tomes. Each tome has five spells, and each spell costs 1000 experience (experience is gained through kills), and the cost goes up by 1000 for each spell in a tome you buy. Each spell costs a certain amount out of 100 mana, represented by gas, which constantly regenerates. The spells in each of the five tomes are:

Download at:

Tome of Ignis

Spell 1: Breath of Fire

Cost: 15
Effect: Two firebats at your wizard, who will attack nearby enemies.

Spell 2: Fireball

Cost: 24
Effect: An infested terran is summoned, who does high damage to enemies in target area.

Spell 3: Meteor

Cost: 36
Effect: Yamato Gun

Spell 4: Flamewalker

Cost: 52
Effect: The path your wizard walks will be wreathed in flames. Enemies who walk through this path will be hit by fireballs.

Spell 5: Summon Dragon

Cost: 70
Effect: Summons a mutalisk (stays out until death). May be evolved to guardian for 50 mana.
Tome of Eruo

Spell 1: Soul Rip

Cost: 25
Effect: Energy for one Psionic Storm

Spell 2: Pit Lord

Cost: 23
Effect: All enemies near your wizard (including enemy wizards) are moved to the pit where they are hit by a lurker for a few seconds.

Spell 3: Disease & Decay

Cost: 35
Effect: Plague

Spell 4: Summon Demon

Cost: 49
Effect: Summons Ultralisk (stays out until death)

Spell 5: Doom

Cost: 88
Effect: After being immobile for 60 seconds, a nuke is sent to your Wizard's location. If your Wizard dies during the 60 second wait, Doom is canceled.
Tome of Custodia

Spell 1: Healing

Cost: 1.25/sec
Effect: While maintained, mana regeneration stops and .25 mana/second is lost while a medic heals your Wizard.

Spell 2: Protection

Cost: 17
Effect: Defensive Matrix

Spell 3: Mirror Image

Cost: 37
Effect: Three illusions of your Wizard are created.

Spell 4: Magic Barrier

Cost: 57
Effect: Your Wizard's shield is fully restored.

Spell 5: Ethereal Presence

Cost: 3/sec
Effect: While maintained, your Wizard is invincible.
Tome of Antiquus

Spell 1: Dormant Energy

Cost: 14
Effect: Spider mine

Spell 2: Teleportation

Cost: 20
Effect: You get a wraith. Move the wraith, and after a few seconds the wraith will dissapear and your Wizard will be teleported to where the wraith was.

Spell 3: Invisibility

Cost: 2/sec
Effect: While maintained, your wizard is invisible and moves slower.

Spell 4: Floating Fortress

Cost: 50
Effect: Summons a floating fortress which constantly has a dragoon under it that fires at enemies. May roam away from Wizard.

Spell 5: Starfall

Cost: 72
Effect: Scarabs come out of your wizard semi-randomly. Deadly when up close.
Tome of Glacies

Spell 1: Wall of Ice

Cost: 18
Effect: A Science Facility, which slowly melts, is created. Enemy Wizards & NPCs under it are trapped and cannot move.

Spell 2: Touch of Frost

Cost: 21
Effect: An archon attacks nearby enemies.

Spell 3: Chilling Winds

Cost: 25
Effect: Ensnare

Spell 4: Blizzard

Cost: 45
Effect: Carrier + interceptors.

Spell 5: Glacial Prison

Cost: 58
Effect: Stasis Field

Download at:

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Apr 18 2008, 10:54 pm by Tank_7.


Apr 18 2008, 10:27 pm Impeached Post #2

Fun game! Been testing this, it is one of my favorite (if not favorite) Starcraft UMS.

All the spells make it very replayable and strategic.


Apr 18 2008, 10:28 pm lil-Inferno Post #3

Just here for the pie

I've seen this map played frequently on, but I have yet to played it, but it sounds excellent. Also, you forgot the download link :( .

Apr 18 2008, 10:30 pm Tank_7 Post #4

Sorry, here's the download link:

EDIT: The original post has been edited to have the link @ the top & @ the bottom. My bad for creating this post, I couldn't find the Edit button. I dont think I am able to delete.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 18 2008, 10:42 pm by Tank_7.


Apr 19 2008, 12:04 am stickynote Post #5

Sounds really fun! Looking forward to playing it. However, something to improve on for a next version(if you make another version) would be aesthetics. You could disable/enable/enable the firebats so that they're invisible(breath of fire), and same with the dragoon(floating fortress).


Apr 19 2008, 12:23 am Impeached Post #6

Quote from stickynote
Sounds really fun! Looking forward to playing it. However, something to improve on for a next version(if you make another version) would be aesthetics. You could disable/enable/enable the firebats so that they're invisible(breath of fire), and same with the dragoon(floating fortress).
If Breath of Fire invisibility was added, it would be very annoying for opponents, not being able to see something blocking you.


Apr 19 2008, 12:32 am stickynote Post #7

Maybe that's a good thing, and you can see it; the shadow is visible and the ground is kinda blurry.


Apr 19 2008, 2:11 pm Oyen Post #8

I've played this twice, and its very fun. The spells effects are excellent. I love the fact that we can use multiple spells at the same time. Great for making combos.
Spells I'm personally fond of:
Teleport (Really makes up for the templar's slow movement; great for quick escapes)
Soul Rip (comboes nicely with Wall of Ice)
Dormant Energy (I just enjoy placing mines around the place)
Pit Lord (just plain cool)

I did find a bug, however. If you use Wall of Ice, and order the Science Facility to land somewhere, it will not be moved back over the exploding dt. It doesnt really cause any problems aside from a temporary wall, since it disappears when Wall of Ice wears off.


Apr 19 2008, 3:17 pm Impeached Post #9

Yeah, if people want to be dumb and make their wall worse by landing it, I say let them. :ermm:

One of my favorite combos is Doom + Glacial Prison. You and an ally walk in, then you cast doom and your ally Stasis Fields you so you're fine for most of Doom's casting duration (though not all).

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Apr 19 2008, 4:16 pm by Impeached.


Apr 19 2008, 9:15 pm Tank_7 Post #10

There alot of combos possible, and some are INSANE but I won't tell you what ;)

Teamwork is also a huge thing, i.e. if two wizards teleport to the same place at the same time... they can like... asassinate an enemy wizard. So you have to chat with your allies, make plans, and try to anticipate enemy plans.


Apr 19 2008, 9:29 pm Ultraviolet Post #11

This map looks really awesome. I'm looking forward to playing it later. The spells look really extensive, without being overly complicated, which is great for the general public. Nice job :)

Apr 20 2008, 12:40 am stickynote Post #12

Just played it. F***ing awesome. However, one thing I don't like is having to hotkey so many shuttles :ermm: However, despite that, it was quite intense.


Apr 20 2008, 1:54 am Impeached Post #13

Quote from stickynote
Just played it. F***ing awesome. However, one thing I don't like is having to hotkey so many shuttles :ermm: However, despite that, it was quite intense.
It's probably the best possible system for the high quantity of spells, though. And it's easy to get used to, once you remember which shuttle is which tome.


Apr 20 2008, 2:05 pm JamaL Post #14

Great map, but the spells could use some work.

I understand that it takes a long time to make good spells for each player, (trust me, I've been there,) but if you can pull it off, your map will be liked a lot more.


Apr 20 2008, 3:13 pm Impeached Post #15

Quote from JamaL
Great map, but the spells could use some work.

I understand that it takes a long time to make good spells for each player, (trust me, I've been there,) but if you can pull it off, your map will be liked a lot more.

...And you end up giving absolutely no solutions to this alleged problem with the map, that no one else has found. The spells 'could use some work'.


Apr 20 2008, 4:18 pm JamaL Post #16

Quote from Impeached
Quote from JamaL
Great map, but the spells could use some work.

I understand that it takes a long time to make good spells for each player, (trust me, I've been there,) but if you can pull it off, your map will be liked a lot more.

...And you end up giving absolutely no solutions to this alleged problem with the map, that no one else has found. The spells 'could use some work'.

It isn't an alleged problem, it's a possible improvement. I'm saying that, while I'm happy with the map as it is, more could be done to make it even better.

I don't need to give 'solutions' -- it's only a comment. I'm being a critic, and telling the map's maker that things could be better, although I do say that it is a, "Great map.".

I don't know what you're getting at by disagreeing with my post.


Apr 20 2008, 4:54 pm Impeached Post #17

Quote from JamaL
[It isn't an alleged problem, it's a possible improvement. I'm saying that, while I'm happy with the map as it is, more could be done to make it even better.

I don't need to give 'solutions' -- it's only a comment. I'm being a critic, and telling the map's maker that things could be better, although I do say that it is a, "Great map.".

I don't know what you're getting at by disagreeing with my post.
K, sorry, your wording made it sound like there was a big problem with the map.

And there are enough units left for one, maybe two tomes.


Aug 8 2008, 9:50 pm dwarthing Post #18

Very good map, recommended to all.

Props to Tank.


Aug 25 2008, 12:34 am ClansAreForGays Post #19

Unless your aka is Life2Death, he stole this map.

Aug 25 2008, 1:23 am Biophysicist Post #20

THAT's not good.

Can't wait to play this, it looks like teh rawrz.

One small thing: I have almost finished a Scanner Sweep detection system, and when I finish it, maybe you could use it instead of Wraiths for teleportation? (WARNING: Every time I mention it, people start asking me how I do this. Don't ask, I'll make a thread about it soon, once I get all the bugs worked out.)

EDIT: And that is an honest suggestion, not me bragging/trying to get minerals.


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