I think for the most played UMS map just right now is:
1.Defence maps(God tower, bunker, sunken, turret, Tank, Maze, Marine, Nazi, Lurker, canon, ling, hydra, tarpit, a rare one Reaver def)
2.Tug of wars (Desert strike, Sandcasle wars, Nexus wars, spawn def/income def i recall playing smoe old tug of wars maps too, dont recall the names of them tho)
4.Impossible scenarios + team vs extreme cpu maps
5.Rpgs and special forces
6.Poker defence
7.Zone control maps
8.Lotr maps helms deep etc. (these maps has a fairly big community as far i heard)
9.Dota maps (temple siege-used to be played way more only few left who plays this, CHW, Dotx and more)
10.Zombie Games
11.Evolves maps (including bunker warz unrigged)
12.Cat and Mouse games
And bound+puzzle maps
other rare minigames
(have i forgetten something?)
Throug out time the most played UMS maps i think are:
1.Defence maps(God tower, bunker, sunken, turret, Tank, maze, Marine, Nazi, Lurker, canon, ling, hydra, tarpit, a rare one Reaver def)
2.Tug of wars (Desert strike, Sandcasle wars, Nexus wars, spawn def/income def i recall playing smoe old tug of wars maps too, dont recall the names of them tho)
3.Dota maps (temple siege, CHW, Dotx and other dota maps)
5.Impossible scenarios + team vs extreme cpu maps
6.Poker defence
7.Rpgs + special forces
8.Lotr maps, helms deep etc
9.Zone control maps
10.Cat and mouse. not all sure if this one should be higher its surely hosted alot trough out time.
11.Zombie maps
12.Evolves maps
And bound+puzzle maps
other rare minigames
Maybe builders and fighters but its rare i see that one hosted
Post has been edited 13 time(s), last time on Feb 20 2022, 5:45 pm by GGmano.
A Legendary Map Maker, Player. Apparently im more than intresting to observe Irl
Ill try do my best in making all youre watchers happy
The maps I made are tweaked into perfection and maximum strategy added