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Kame Mafia: Kame Classic Edition
Jan 11 2013, 6:28 pm
By: Fire_Kame
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Jan 11 2013, 6:28 pm Fire_Kame Post #1

wth is starcraft

Welcome to Kame Mafia. The rules are simple:

-No screenshots of your roles. God that caused hell last game. You can copy and paste or what have you your role information, but no videos, screenshots, or any of that crap.

-No cheating, no sharing accounts.

-This is my first time if you're going to become pedantic or bitch about something while I'm learning, I'll be liable to mute/kill you. I'll take feedback, just be cordial.

-It is a common thing for mafia to badger the host/players into changing the night/day cycles. So...we will decide how long a night or day will last in a poll above - either twenty eight or forty eight hours.

-Regardless, days and nights will end 10:00 PM MST...that should be 8:00PM for west coast, and midnight for east, which is about when I've notice cycles end. (It should be notice that we usually work out abut 9-10, so I might not update until eleven or midnight, but any actions submitted after the 10PM mark will not count).

-I like creative writing. Keep that in mind.

-As I am a new host, I will answer some questions after the game starts, but I will not give any hints about town roles, PMs, possible clues, or any other information that can some how upset the balance of the game.

-Make your lynch targets clear, it will help.

-No speaking to people after you die, either in the thread, over PM, in the shoutbox, on Skype, etc. in a way that'll influence the game. If you want a "last will" I suggest you set it up with townsmember you trust before you die.

-I will allow people not playing to post, but don't be dicks and don't influence the game...same in the shoutbox. Otherwise I will request your comments be removed.

I announce who has been killed. Town chooses a player to lynch. If there is a tie, both will be lynched. Abstain and No Lynch count as the same and will not count towards the vote. Roles are revealed on death.

Mafia, Nurse and Detective submit their actions to me. I will respond to them at the end of the night, and will update the following day any successful lynches. Successful saves will not be directly mentioned - ie I might say that someone went to the hospital for stitches after being found bleeding at the side of the road, but I won't say who. Detectives will receive either a "Mafia" or "Not Mafia" response from me, regardless of that member's activity that night (they could be inactive, wherein it would show they were at home, but the detective will know they are mafia). Mafia must come to a consensus on who they will hit. I would recommend that at the beginning of the game mafia choose a spokesperson and relay this information to me - otherwise I will choose on majority, and if there is no majority, than no one is killed.

Townsperson: Witless and ignorant of the world around you, you have no abilities.

Detective: "A regular gumshoe." You use your wit and charisma to get information out of folks around town - bartenders, dames, you name it. Once a night you can use Investigate: [name] to find out if they are mafia. Your response from me will be "Mafia" or "Not Mafia."

Nurse: You serve and protect the people around you from staph infections and booboos. A bit of a vigilante at heart, you are known to check up on high risk know, just in case. Once a night you can use Save: [name]. If the selected target is also targeted by the mafia, you will save them. Nurses can save themselves, but they cannot save the same target more than two nights in a row.

Mafia: Who knows why you joined a life of crime? All you know is that the people of this town will pay - and will pay dearly. Once a night you can use the ability: Target: [name]. As stated above, the members of the mafia must come to a consensus about who to target.

ROLE PRIORITY: Nurse -> Mafia -> Detective.
If a Detective targets a Mafia and the Mafia target the detective, the detective dies before getting the information. If the nurse targets the same as the mafia, the target is saved.

Role Ratio will most like be:
4 Mafia
1 Detectives
1 Nurses
9 Townspeople

If an inordinate amount of people sign up, that will change.

The town wins when all mafia members are dead.

The mafia wins when they outnumber the town at the *end* of a day cycle (to clarify: if the mafia make a successful night hit and reduce the ratio to 4 mafia and 3 townies, the townies could still in theory...despite the odds... flip the tables by lynching a mafia, evening the ratio and allowing the game to continue.)

1. Aristocrat
2. Riney
3. rayNimagi
4. Symmetry
5. lil-inferno
6. Observer12425
7. Generalpie
8. Lanthanide
9. OlimarandLouie
10. Daddywhoo
11. Doodan
12. omginbd
13. DevliN
14. Leon-037
15. Sacrieur

Post has been edited 35 time(s), last time on Feb 11 2013, 5:37 am by Fire_Kame.

Jan 11 2013, 6:28 pm Fire_Kame Post #2

wth is starcraft

Activity Check
Day 0
Night 1
Day 1
Night 2
Day 2
Night 3
Day 3
Night 4
Day 4
Night 4
Day 5
Night 5
Day 6


2/4 Mafia
0/1 Detective
0/1 Nurse
1/9 Townspeople

Post has been edited 21 time(s), last time on Feb 11 2013, 5:38 am by Fire_Kame.

Jan 11 2013, 6:35 pm Aristocrat Post #3

2 detectives sounds OP with only 3 mafia, but I'm in.


Jan 11 2013, 6:40 pm Fire_Kame Post #4

wth is starcraft

Would it be more even with 1?

Jan 11 2013, 6:46 pm Dem0n Post #5

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

In classic mafia, the detective is one of the most important, if not the most important, roles in the game. You could bring it down to 1 detective and add 1 vigilante or something, but since you're trying to be really classic, I can see the absence of a vigilante to not be a problem. It really all depends on how many players you get. If you get like 12-15 players or something, I think 2 detectives may be a bit overpowered, but if you get more than that, it may not be a big deal.

Jan 11 2013, 6:49 pm Fire_Kame Post #6

wth is starcraft

There isn't going to be a vigilante, I'll tell you that. If I remove a detective role nothing will be added in it's place.

Jan 11 2013, 6:51 pm Aristocrat Post #7

Yeah; 1 detective and 2 nurses plus a very large number of townsmen vs. 3 mafia seems fair as long as we have ~20 players.

In addition, you should probably ban players from doing the following things:
  • "Timing" players when asking them for information that needs to be falsified if they are mafia (Role PMs, night action results, etc.)
  • Stalking people to see who is "Composing a private message" at the same time as other players. While many people have done it in past games with little to no success, it's still a bullshit strategy that can reveal all the mafia as soon as the game starts.
  • Dead or non-players attempting to influence the game in the shoutbox. Dead players should still be allowed to comment on the game, just not in a way that causes the course of the game to change.


Jan 11 2013, 7:01 pm Riney Post #8

Thigh high affectionado

Im in.

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Jan 11 2013, 7:18 pm Azrael Post #9

Quote from Aristocrat
  • "Timing" players when asking them for information that needs to be falsified if they are mafia (Role PMs, night action results, etc.)
  • Stalking people to see who is "Composing a private message" at the same time as other players. While many people have done it in past games with little to no success, it's still a bullshit strategy that can reveal all the mafia as soon as the game starts.

Oh my god, cry more :P These are perfectly legitimate strategies.

Make a fake role PM ahead of time if you're worried about it. This is never an issue because screenshots are never allowed.

@Kame: Questions!

1) Can a Nurse protect themselves? Can people vote for themselves?

2) Are you providing clues about who's Mafia?

3) Just to be clear, the entire Mafia team gets 1 total hit each night?

Additional comments:

1 Detective is more than enough if they can verify someone's alignment 100%. Every time they verify someone as innocent, the Town alliance grows by another person, and that alliance will remain intact even if the Detective dies. The Detective is by far the most powerful role here, the outcome of the game will change significantly based on how long he lives and how well he interacts with the other players.

As for the poll, I'd recommend 36 hour cycles, since they seem to work pretty well. If your schedule doesn't allow for that though, and you want to post the night/day results shortly after the cycle ends, then 24 hours would be the way to go. It seems too short sometimes, but 48 hours always seems too long.

Jan 11 2013, 7:27 pm Aristocrat Post #10

Quote from Azrael
Oh my god, cry more :P These are perfectly legitimate strategies.
They add nothing to the game except handicapping the mafia and giving the town a sure-fire way to confirm somebody's alignment without substantial effort.


Jan 11 2013, 7:29 pm Fire_Kame Post #11

wth is starcraft

Riney has been added.

I don't like the timing or the watching people's profiles for clues stuff, but I'm going to allow it. I just don't find it very accurate. (And if you want to mask what you're activity is, open a new box on the portal page, or in a thread, or in the shoutbox, or something separate).

I did add no influencing in outside modes of conversation such as skype or the shoutbox.

There is only one detective - I agree two is OP since the detective will receive a straight answer on someone's alignment.

@Az's questions:
1. Nurses can protect themselves. People can vote for themselves.
2. I haven't decided about clues yet, honestly - I'm not subtle enough and I don't want to give anything away too easily. So if there's clues they will probably be inconsequential.
3. The mafia team as a whole hit one and only one target a night.

Jan 11 2013, 7:30 pm Azrael Post #12

Quote from Aristocrat
They add nothing to the game except handicapping the mafia and giving the town a sure-fire way to confirm somebody's alignment without substantial effort.

If you're that concerned about it, write a fake role PM as soon as the game starts. If the role PM is like "You are a Hitman" then you won't even need to do that much. It doesn't take long to edit the text from a role PM, just copy and paste it, then change a word or two so it looks right. It's never been an issue.

Quote from Fire_Kame
I don't like the timing or the watching people's profiles for clues stuff, but I'm going to allow it. I just don't find it very accurate. (And if you want to mask what you're activity is, open a new box on the portal page, or in a thread, or in the shoutbox, or something separate).

That's what I do :kame:

Jan 11 2013, 7:35 pm Fire_Kame Post #13

wth is starcraft

After some consideration, if other people agree that the timing/profile watching should not be allowed, please say so, and I would like to know how you plan to enforce it. Short of someone coming into the thread/shoutbox and saying "it took XYZ five minutes to post this, obviously fake" there isn't much I can do to control how people analyze their behavior.

Jan 11 2013, 7:37 pm Dem0n Post #14

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

There's not going to be any way to enforce that. A person can just send PMs to other people and say, "They were both composing messages at the same time. They're mafia," and then just post some random reason as to why they're mafia in the thread.

Jan 11 2013, 7:37 pm Fire_Kame Post #15

wth is starcraft

That is my feeling, too. But if someone has a solution I want to hear it.

Jan 11 2013, 7:40 pm rayNimagi Post #16

Sign me up.

Before I read the rules I thought 48-hour days and 24-hour nights would suffice due to lack of night actions. But since mafia have to coordinate their one hit, I think day should be 48 hours, and night should be 48 hours.

Kame, are people allowed to vote No Lynch? (No Lynch, in the past, has been counted differently than Abstain. No Lynch functions as its own candidate, while Abstain does not count as anything.)

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Jan 11 2013, 7:42 pm NudeRaider Post #17

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

48 hours day, 24 hours night.

Quote from Fire_Kame
-After the game starts I will not answer any questions related to the rules under any circumstances.
Bad idea, especially since you're hosting the first time. As I've said in other mafia threads it's perfectly fine to refine or clarify rules as long as you're careful not to hint towards roles.
Of course it's a good idea to explain as little as possible, but I don't see why you should constrain yourself when you can safely explain things that you couldn't fully foresee.

Quote from Fire_Kame
I announce who has been killed but will not announce their role.
Quote from Fire_Kame
Classic Edition

Not revealing the role of dead players seems to be the new standard, but I don't know why. I mean sure it's a nice twice twist to have a crazy mafia once in a while, but personaly I think it's overused.
It's annoying because as town you never know how well you're doing, which in itself can be an important information. In any case it's a huge help for mafia, so keep that in mind for balancing considerations.

Jan 11 2013, 7:49 pm Symmetry Post #18

Dungeon Master

I'll play your game.

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Jan 11 2013, 8:00 pm Azrael Post #19

Quote from Fire_Kame
But if someone has a solution I want to hear it.

There is no solution, because there's no way to know how someone came to their conclusion.

Luckily there also isn't a problem, because it's a tactic that's been used in most Mafia games and people circumvent it all the time. It's not really that hard, you just change one word in your text, or say you deleted it already. It's just a tool for behavioral analysis.

It was a problem in poison's game because there were screenshots allowed, something that's considered completely taboo, and for good reason.

Quote from rayNimagi
Kame, are people allowed to vote No Lynch? (No Lynch, in the past, has been counted differently than Abstain. No Lynch functions as its own candidate, while Abstain does not count as anything.)

It looks like Abstain will function as No Lynch.

Quote from NudeRaider
In any case it's a huge help for mafia, so keep that in mind for balancing considerations.

I think it's been balanced against already since Mafia get one hit total, rather than one hit each.

Jan 11 2013, 8:10 pm lil-Inferno Post #20

Just here for the pie

I'll play.

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