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Temple Siege 2
Sep 21 2010, 12:59 am
By: UnholyUrine
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Jul 26 2011, 8:53 pm Dem0n Post #341

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

CAFG didn't want to be any part of this when almost nothing was being done (during the "idea" stage or whatever), but now he wants in after Ahli comes around and makes some progress. Fair weather, bro. :-_-:

Jul 26 2011, 9:25 pm LoveLess Post #342

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Well, I'll hop onto the team for now. Just to be clear, I'm iffy when it comes to Jack calling the shots, but we'll see along the road. Been looking for an outlet for a while.

And to be honest, when I think of CAFG, I think of someone who doesn't just want a cool map in his eyes and is thinking more about the community who will be playing it. Jack on the other hand, I don't know. CAFG has a good history, Jack, not so much. Just because Jack sat there and waited for people to help him, doesn't mean he 'stayed' with the project. Nothing was accomplished that way and yes, now that Ahli is on board, of course people will want to work on it. It's kind of rhetorical to state that.


Jul 26 2011, 10:10 pm Jack Post #343

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from LoveLess
Well, I'll hop onto the team for now. Just to be clear, I'm iffy when it comes to Jack calling the shots, but we'll see along the road. Been looking for an outlet for a while.
What data experience have you got? If you're going to be on your team that's what your role will be: data editing, specifically making heroes.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Jul 26 2011, 10:22 pm Ahli Post #344

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

I'm absolutely overgloryfied in this thread.

Jul 26 2011, 11:45 pm LoveLess Post #345

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Well so far:
  • Already done with the temporary attributes, but I am sure they will change over time.
    • Stamina, increases Health and it's regeneration.
    • Strength, increases the Unit's damage.
    • Intellect, increases the Energy and it's regeneration.
  • The adding of units isn't hard, so we'll just consider this ongoing/done.
  • Currently working on the initial level of each ability for each hero, starting with Spec Ops.
  • Talked with Ahli, pretty sure we are doing all leveling through Triggers since Command Cards suck ass.
  • Anyone willing to help me and break each hero down, with their abilities and what their main roles are, are welcome to.


Jul 27 2011, 1:11 am DevliN Post #346


You guys may want to create a production thread with a list of all the heroes and abilities (similar to SEN Arena or Invasion) if that would make it easier. Or add a simple list to the Google docs thing, as that would make it much easier from a data perspective.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Jul 27 2011, 1:16 am LoveLess Post #347

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Alright, well as far the attributes go: Strength, Stamina, Intellect, etc.

How does this sound: Each hero, gains a different amount of health, energy, attack damage, etc for each point than a different unit. This would be a little more advanced for new players, but once you get the hang of it: You could tell what kind of build that player is going based on his stats or the 'items' that player has (which again, judging from the responses, will be unique to each hero).

I can do this relatively easily, just wondering what everyone's opinion would be. I can work different ways with this, but the most direct and easiest way to implement hero stats with what you all have in mind, would be this way. I will have the Special Ops unit available for viewing sometime tonight (hopefully if the time is available) to see what I mean.

Edit: Nevermind, there is too many unknowns as to what direction I am working with spells.

Quote from DevliN
You guys may want to create a production thread with a list of all the heroes and abilities (similar to SEN Arena or Invasion) if that would make it easier. Or add a simple list to the Google docs thing, as that would make it much easier from a data perspective.
That does sound good, because the Google Wave that was designed for the project that I just received, is an absolute clusterfuck of random opinions. Ahli pointed that out before I looked myself and it is truly, a garble of crap.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 27 2011, 2:29 am by LoveLess.


Jul 27 2011, 3:00 am Jack Post #348

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from LoveLess
Well so far:
  • Already done with the temporary attributes, but I am sure they will change over time.
    • Stamina, increases Health and it's regeneration.
    • Strength, increases the Unit's damage.
    • Intellect, increases the Energy and it's regeneration.
  • The adding of units isn't hard, so we'll just consider this ongoing/done.
  • Currently working on the initial level of each ability for each hero, starting with Spec Ops.
  • Talked with Ahli, pretty sure we are doing all leveling through Triggers since Command Cards suck ass.
  • Anyone willing to help me and break each hero down, with their abilities and what their main roles are, are welcome to.
Not sure what you mean through leveling through triggers. There'll be a custom layout which has plus signs come up above the spell icons, (LoL style) when you have a level up point. That'd use command cards but the position would be changed a whole heap; for now use command cards. Remember we want to have lagless hotkey spell casting, which last I checked required use of the command card.

Quote from LoveLess
Alright, well as far the attributes go: Strength, Stamina, Intellect, etc.

How does this sound: Each hero, gains a different amount of health, energy, attack damage, etc for each point than a different unit. This would be a little more advanced for new players, but once you get the hang of it: You could tell what kind of build that player is going based on his stats or the 'items' that player has (which again, judging from the responses, will be unique to each hero).

I can do this relatively easily, just wondering what everyone's opinion would be. I can work different ways with this, but the most direct and easiest way to implement hero stats with what you all have in mind, would be this way. I will have the Special Ops unit available for viewing sometime tonight (hopefully if the time is available) to see what I mean.

Edit: Nevermind, there is too many unknowns as to what direction I am working with spells.

Quote from DevliN
You guys may want to create a production thread with a list of all the heroes and abilities (similar to SEN Arena or Invasion) if that would make it easier. Or add a simple list to the Google docs thing, as that would make it much easier from a data perspective.
That does sound good, because the Google Wave that was designed for the project that I just received, is an absolute clusterfuck of random opinions. Ahli pointed that out before I looked myself and it is truly, a garble of crap.
Yeah the google wave thing has a few good points but it does tend to get cluttered.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Jul 27 2011, 5:02 am LoveLess Post #349

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Alright so in two small independent brainstorming situations, we came up with:
  • For starters the stat system isn't going to be named, it's just allocating points into Attack, Health, Armor and Energy. It's much more direct and it's cleaner. You will automatically have some points allocated and then a few you get to manually put into whatever you want. Yay for personal preference.
  • Spells, as of right now, are in the standard DotA fashion. Every level you can put a point into any of them and increase it's effects. Currently, there is no planned max level for them or anything preventing you from leveling one straight. This may change, but it sounds good to me.
    • Maybe something like you cannot level an ability higher than your current level, making you level other abilities.
  • I am currently against it, but Jack wants to keep the broodlings, zerglings, rines, zealots, and hydras as each wave where I say we can do that with changing the size and damage of broodlings for melee and broodlords with ranged attacks, for ranged. Or just create a whole new wave concept entirely. But nooooooooo. I say change with the times, not stick with the old. We have the ability to do things not possible in SC1 and won't do them in SC2 because of tradition?
    • Fuck that, then why not play that Gateway casting map on That's what I thought.

In the end, I am working on Special Ops for now and will continue working. Hopefully I can pump a hero out every few days, we'll see. Anybody's opinion is welcome.


Jul 27 2011, 8:59 am Ahli Post #350

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from Jack
Not sure what you mean through leveling through triggers. There'll be a custom layout which has plus signs come up above the spell icons, (LoL style) when you have a level up point. That'd use command cards but the position would be changed a whole heap; for now use command cards. Remember we want to have lagless hotkey spell casting, which last I checked required use of the command card.
We move the command card buttons around. We assign 4 of them to show the abilities and we need to hide a few for the default hotkeys. We could push them offscreen, make their size 0 or use transparent icons and delete the button's tooltip or we just place a dialog on top of it.
The upgrading would be possible with dialogs above the UI.

Jul 27 2011, 10:50 am Jack Post #351

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from Ahli
Quote from Jack
Not sure what you mean through leveling through triggers. There'll be a custom layout which has plus signs come up above the spell icons, (LoL style) when you have a level up point. That'd use command cards but the position would be changed a whole heap; for now use command cards. Remember we want to have lagless hotkey spell casting, which last I checked required use of the command card.
We move the command card buttons around. We assign 4 of them to show the abilities and we need to hide a few for the default hotkeys. We could push them offscreen, make their size 0 or use transparent icons and delete the button's tooltip or we just place a dialog on top of it.
The upgrading would be possible with dialogs above the UI.
Yeah, UI's my job, don't worry too much about that. Just remember spells are fired by by command card buttons, as that's more responsive. And spell upgrades are dialog buttons above the command card which I'll move around.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Aug 6 2011, 3:35 pm ClansAreForGays Post #352

How are things?

Aug 7 2011, 9:00 pm UnholyUrine Post #353

Nothing new yet.

and Hi :D


Aug 16 2011, 3:32 pm 7Owls Post #354

Hey everyone, I've been pretty busy the last few months, but I spent some time this last weekend to get a working version ready. I'm not sure what to do with it now that Ahli & co are making one, but I think it's pretty fun right now and would like you guys to try it. I've added the people on this thread who updated their profiles, and my SC2 Id is Owls.765.


Aug 18 2011, 11:41 pm UnholyUrine Post #355

I'm glad you're still interested.
I'll try to find you on SC2.


Aug 22 2011, 5:04 am ShredderIV Post #356

Spells, as of right now, are in the standard DotA fashion. Every level you can put a point into any of them and increase it's effects. Currently, there is no planned max level for them or anything preventing you from leveling one straight. This may change, but it sounds good to me.
Didnt see this before, but kinda wanted to throw my 2 cents in.

Part of what made the original TS unique was the way that spells were handled. I feel like switching to dota's system takes a lot of the uniqueness away. Considering that blizzard dota will eventually come out and there's already SOTIS, why make another dota-type AOS. I feel the old system also made it easier for newcomers, since there wasnt the freakout of having to choose from 4 abilities to level up right away and such.

Just wondering. I'm sure there's a valid reason, but im having a hard time understanding that decision.


Aug 22 2011, 7:45 am LoveLess Post #357

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Quote from ShredderIV
Spells, as of right now, are in the standard DotA fashion. Every level you can put a point into any of them and increase it's effects. Currently, there is no planned max level for them or anything preventing you from leveling one straight. This may change, but it sounds good to me.
Didnt see this before, but kinda wanted to throw my 2 cents in.

Part of what made the original TS unique was the way that spells were handled. I feel like switching to dota's system takes a lot of the uniqueness away. Considering that blizzard dota will eventually come out and there's already SOTIS, why make another dota-type AOS. I feel the old system also made it easier for newcomers, since there wasnt the freakout of having to choose from 4 abilities to level up right away and such.

Just wondering. I'm sure there's a valid reason, but im having a hard time understanding that decision.
You can spend a point on a new spell or increase your existing... Indefinitely. What's difficult?


Aug 22 2011, 9:47 am DevliN Post #358


How difficult will that be in terms of balance? Obviously putting every point in 1 spell should make that spell incredibly powerful (if not over-powered), but at the cost of having no other spell to cast aside from it. Seems like despite that fact that a cooldown or something would prohibit someone from spamming said ability, that could be a bad thing. :/

I'm not sure if that's what you guys meant, though.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 22 2011, 10:05 am Jack Post #359

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

As far as I know we'll end up limiting how much you can upgrade your spells, although there's currently no limit.

I should also mention that currently mana is still handled oldstyle, so for most heroes you won't be able to start by upgrading and using your ult, as you wouldn't have enough mana.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Aug 22 2011, 10:28 pm ShredderIV Post #360

You can spend a point on a new spell or increase your existing... Indefinitely. What's difficult?
No i was just wondering why it changed from the tiered spells thing. I understand how the current system would work haha.
I should also mention that currently mana is still handled oldstyle, so for most heroes you won't be able to start by upgrading and using your ult, as you wouldn't have enough mana.
This actually, now that i think about it, is awesome. IT would be cool too if the spells would go in the same order mana wise, like having a 25 mana, a 50, a 75, and the ultimate or whatever. So you could choose to have a powerful, high mana spell early or a spammable one, depending on how you lvl it.

MAkes a lot more sense now, as far as that decision goes. Thanks.


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