My brother showed me a vid where a kassadin won a game against 4 people beating on his own nexus, all while he had 200 hp because he could continue to flicker around the nexus avoiding the olaf trying to slay him.
No, its not sarcasm.
.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (
@RineyCat on Twitter
Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.
My brother showed me a vid where a kassadin won a game against 4 people beating on his own nexus, all while he had 200 hp because he could continue to flicker around the nexus avoiding the olaf trying to slay him.
No, its not sarcasm.
And in TT he can riftwalk from jungle to nexus ;3

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo
That was a nice random SEN LoL night. We should do this more often

Oh god the noobs. I don't know what to do with all the noobs.
Apparently nobody clicks on smileys (lol)
Got shoutcasted on my EUW account (Bádnews). Lowelo is an awesome community; that game was some of the most fun I've had playing with strangers. Much better than the damned yoloqueue randoms.

Holy shit Karthus on Proving Grounds is so fucking hilarious. Totally worth buying him just for it (even though I didn't intend to)
Would have won if Malp had actually saved his ult for teamfights, Tryn knew how to use his ult or Graves wasn't crap. He seriously started with Runaan's. wth
This game is pretty much an example of how Karthus can be extremely shitty and suicidal and still carries the team like hell. Every respawn was me half-screaming, half-laughing as I sit with passive in the middle of teamfight trying to Q down Lux and Ashe (the laughter prevents any short of aiming beyond RAPIDLY CLICK THE PERSON AND MASH Q), laugh again and allcaps all chat about how Ashe/Lux keeps managing to survive by a hair (a hair as in one of those reeeaaally crappy Karthus AA). Veigar always die somewhere in the process. Like seriously one time I was furiously mashing Q at their turret after failed Ashe kill and Veigar just randomly died on it.
Funny how at the beginning of the game everyone was joking about Veigar would completely counter me with his dreaded R (and I was pretty much the only one on the team it would have been useful on), then he just proceeds to ult Nasus and Graves and randomly dying.
What tankiness?
"were shitting on you"
Oh shit, Lissy's out now? And what are those new icons?!
Based on that "Select a side" or whatever lore, yes.
Currently Working On:
My Overwatch addiction.

Vayne never learns does she
TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura -
githubReached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.
I now know how to build support Nunu. It's so minimalist.
Currently Working On:
My Overwatch addiction.
Well there is nothing stopping you from editing the files client sided. And if you take movies, everyone can see your grand epicness.
.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (
@RineyCat on Twitter
Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.
I think it's a great game! It took awhile for me to get used to, but thing I find most annoying is the lack of effort from most people I meet up with..I only see 2 types of games, The enemy team destroys us because my teammates have there heads up there asses, or my team destroys them because they play in high leagues and act like they've never played before.
All in all it's a fun game, I would like to see a better "Find Players My Level" Sort of thing.

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum
I think it's a great game! It took awhile for me to get used to, but thing I find most annoying is the lack of effort from most people I meet up with..I only see 2 types of games, The enemy team destroys us because my teammates have there heads up there asses, or my team destroys them because they play in high leagues and act like they've never played before.
All in all it's a fun game, I would like to see a better "Find Players My Level" Sort of thing.
I see what you mean, but that's practically impossible as long as people can make new accounts whenever they want. The best way to avoid smurfs early on is probably to pick the second or third option of "difficulty" when you log on the first time, as I would imagine the smurfs usually pick the newbie one to be able to stomp people who have no idea of what they're doing. That being said, I don't know exactly how that thing work, so there's no guarantee that you'll still be grouped with them more often than not.
In other news, tfw I finally get to level 30 on my EUW account five days before ARAM match-making is patched in