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League of Legends
May 25 2010, 6:33 am
By: poison_us
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May 25 2010, 6:33 am poison_us Post #1

Back* from the grave

Rather than paying for Heroes of Newerth, why not try the easier-to-learn version? League of Legends (aka LoL) is the same style as HoN, but with a wider variety of playable characters, more versatility, and a better reward system. LoL has a lower graphic quality, and is much easier to learn to play than HoN, and you tend to find less nerdrage and general my-guy-kicks-your-butt-haha than you do on HoN. That said, LoL is a more relaxing environment to learn to play an AoS or DotA style game, and, best of all, it's free.

I even have a link for you guys to sign up, if you'd like:

This topic is for the discussion of LoL, whether it's strategy, hit-me-up, questions, etc. Anything related to League of Legends is open for discussion here. This thread is sorta about raising awareness for LoL, but more about creating a small band of support for it like HoN has. And debating stuff, I guess.

If you want to chat with the rest of us cool kids, especially in-game, Lingie DM (AKA Riney, AKA assbastard) hosts a teamspeak channel: | Port:9987 (yes, it's passworded, but ask and ye shall receive)
If you need the download, they've got both a 32-bit and a 64-bit, absolutely free. Except for a couple megabytes of hard drive, if that. Oh, and I imagine you'll need maybe 5 minutes to patch, as these links are old.

Also, there's a SEN chat channel accessible by clicking on the speech bubble in the bottom left hand corner of the client, and then clicking on the door icon. If you want to automatically join the chat channel, you can click in the top right of the chat popup, and select "Auto-Join". It will auto-join as long you don't close the chat channel.

If/when SEN goes down again for whatever reason(s): This site is a LoL-only forum, and meant to replace SEN for LoL discussion in the event of another extended downtime or sporadic uptime. This forum is maintained by Lingie in addition to his brother's Teamspeak. NOTICE: NOT TO BE AFFILIATED IN ANY WAY WITH SEN

One last thing: OlimarandLouie has a livestream, whatever that is:

LoL playerlist (Summoner name -- SEN alias):

Post has been edited 64 time(s), last time on Aug 16 2011, 9:48 pm by poison_us.

May 25 2010, 12:21 pm Devourer Post #2


The UI and overall graphics quality is one of the worst I've ever seen this year.
Gameplay is worse than in HoN and as far as I know you can purchase new and better heros in LoL which automatically means that games can be imbalanced as you can have two or more "new-good-heros" in the opponents team while you have only the standard ones.
The Store in LoL is just worse. Only some items horrible sorted and not even fitting the layout.

Therefore, HoN is better than LoL in every aspect.

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May 25 2010, 12:51 pm poison_us Post #3

Back* from the grave

Well, everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion. I'm here to provide a thread in which people who like LoL, or at least play it, can discuss. Please at least play the game before you bash it.

LoL has runes, with which you can customize your character's inherent stats. HoN does not.
LoL has a reward for fighting and finishing games, even if you lose. Quick wins or drawn-out defeats earn more time bonus than their opposites. HoN does not have a reward for fighting a long and hard loss, which discourages people from actually trying once it's obvious they're losing.
LoL has more characters, and no two of them are exactly alike (think witch slayer and pyromancer).
LoL's item system is more easy than trying to guess what item you want as in HoN's. With the store being sorted according to what you're browsing for on the left, the recommended build above (which I recommend you ignore, for the most part), and the actual item tree, you can see more information about an item than you can on HoN.
I mentioned lower graphics. Yes, I do find this to be both a boon and a bane, because people like Olimar can play LoL where HoN would lol at their attempt, while others can adjust the graphics to maximum and still not be satisfied.
You can purchase newer and better heroes in LoL, this is true, but the majority of players don't have the money to shell out for a character they might not even like, and would rather wait until they're sure than making an impulse buy with the reward points. There's a weekly rotation of temporary players, and from there you can either spend money or save the reward points mentioned in #2. Yes, it can potentially be imbalanced, but every gamer worth a crap can learn to cope.

Also, I don't get what you're saying here:
Quote from Devourer
as far as I know you can purchase new and better heros in LoL which automatically means that games can be imbalanced
So you're saying you'd rather have imbalanced heroes given to you than having to work and/or pay for them?

EDIT: TL;DR: they both have advantages and disadvantages. There's never a game that's better "in every aspect" than another.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 25 2010, 1:01 pm by poison_us.

May 25 2010, 1:50 pm Devourer Post #4


Quote from poison_us

Also, I don't get what you're saying here:
Quote from Devourer
as far as I know you can purchase new and better heros in LoL which automatically means that games can be imbalanced
So you're saying you'd rather have imbalanced heroes given to you than having to work and/or pay for them?
No. In HoN all heroes are balanced. Just from the beginning and therefore every game brings the same chances for you to win.
In HoN all is about SKILL, in LoL it's like having skill to get that... money? cannot remember properly and then purchase a hero which makes it easier to win.

HoN is the perfect AoS. That's all I can say, already named the reasons.

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

May 25 2010, 2:28 pm poison_us Post #5

Back* from the grave

So they nerfed plague rider or chronos? How about the chipper's ulti? Still raping?

May 25 2010, 3:54 pm ShredderIV Post #6

LoL has runes, with which you can customize your character's inherent stats. HoN does not.
yes, because that can make the game immediately imbalanced, and stupid.
LoL has a reward for fighting and finishing games, even if you lose. Quick wins or drawn-out defeats earn more time bonus than their opposites. HoN does not have a reward for fighting a long and hard loss, which discourages people from actually trying once it's obvious they're losing.
A game of HON is never 100% lost. There is always a chance to come back. The incentive of fighting is a chance to win.
LoL has more characters, and no two of them are exactly alike (think witch slayer and pyromancer).
The only similarity ws and pyro have is in their ultis. Lol DOES NOT have more heroes than HON. And there is no way, in 52 heroes, that they are all 100% unique.
LoL's item system is more easy than trying to guess what item you want as in HoN's. With the store being sorted according to what you're browsing for on the left, the recommended build above (which I recommend you ignore, for the most part), and the actual item tree, you can see more information about an item than you can on HoN.
Wow, you obviously never played HON well enough to understand the item shops. If anything, they couldnt be easier to get. And HON displays all the info about and item that it gives to you. I don'y understand how a different shop could give you more info.
I mentioned lower graphics. Yes, I do find this to be both a boon and a bane, because people like Olimar can play LoL where HoN would lol at their attempt, while others can adjust the graphics to maximum and still not be satisfied
My 6 year old pentium 4 computer can run HON on low settings.
You can purchase newer and better heroes in LoL, this is true, but the majority of players don't have the money to shell out for a character they might not even like, and would rather wait until they're sure than making an impulse buy with the reward points. There's a weekly rotation of temporary players, and from there you can either spend money or save the reward points mentioned in #2. Yes, it can potentially be imbalanced, but every gamer worth a crap can learn to cope.
So you admit to it being imbalanced to people who have more money... And Lol developers thried to make it competitive... Hmm...

So they nerfed plague rider or chronos? How about the chipper's ulti? Still raping?
If you think any of these are imbalanced, you are retarded. So far, it just seems like you moved to lol because HON was too hard for you and you refused to learn, which makes all your arguments about how LOL is better than HON 100% invalid.

every hero in HON has a chance to be countered. You're saying that the heroes are imbalanced as is, but that is probably mostly because you played low tier games and dont know how to counter them. You saying chipper chronos and plagues ultis are imbalanced is just another result of you not trying to get better.

Well, everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion.
This was unnecessary. You say both have advantages and disadvantages, and then you say the dev is wrong for pointing out LOL's shortcomings.


May 25 2010, 8:00 pm Forsaken Archer Post #7

I like LoL over HoN. My nick is isolatedpurity, but I haven't played in awhile.

Dev: What heroes a player has does not make the game imbalanced. You can get all the heroes by just playing and the free heroes rotate every week.
The store is different and set up that way because of what of the item properties. It's easy to learn.

And if you want to talk about UI... HoN's is still broken and riddled with bugs. They improved it greatly in the several months since I've played, but they all cluttered it in annoying ways.


May 25 2010, 8:17 pm NudeRaider Post #8

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from name:isolatedpurity
I like LoL over HoN.
Why? Just the UI?

May 25 2010, 8:41 pm poison_us Post #9

Back* from the grave

If you're not smart enough to figure out that runes, which you can't buy with money, are there for a reason, how to use them, or that they help your stats, then...

How many times do pubbies try to concede, then kick you because you're the only one saying no? I'm talking about the average player.

I'm not even going to argue that. You're right, of course. How silly of me to dispute.

Again, I'm talking about pubbies. Ever wonder what the difference is between the "Attack" and "Defense" sections on LoL?

I'll concede that one. I didn't know that HoN's settings can be lowered that far.

If you're willing to support a game, then shouldn't you be given a reward? I don't know about you, but every character in LoL is beatable, it's actually being smart when picking that most people don't do. Would you win with a team of all carries? Sure, it's possible, but it's a pain.

HoN too hard? Bro, I think you're missing the real reason: IT COSTS MONEY. You notice how I was playing nearly daily up until the release? No, HoN isn't too hard. I've raped with Chipper's ulti because the slow, ulti, and rockets combo is way too strong. Chronos warps in, uses his ulti, and proceeds to destroy at least one person caught. Plague's ulti can easily break up a teamfight. There's a reason why the last two are always banned in a banning game.

No, I said Dev is wrong for saying HoN does EVERYTHING BETTER. There's a subtle difference, like a tap vs. a suckerpunch.

Since you're going to make judgments on my reason for playing LoL, I'll make a judgment on your reason for being so butthurt: you mad.

May 25 2010, 10:38 pm OlimarandLouie Post #10

I had neither the willpower nor adequate knowledge of HoN to fight them poison. I thank you for starting this new topic.


May 25 2010, 10:56 pm poison_us Post #11

Back* from the grave

I'm not a HoN guru, but I played over 200 games, and I'm tempted to put 300, so I do know a little. IN B4 "GAMEZ=/=SKILL".
This isn't supposed to be a "let's bash each other" thread. I wasn't attacking HoN at any point, merely pointing out the differences, and yeah, I admit I might have done so a little aggressively. Let's just agree to disagree.

May 25 2010, 11:45 pm Riney Post #12

Thigh high affectionado

Quote from name:isolatedpurity
I like LoL over HoN. My nick is isolatedpurity, but I haven't played in awhile.

Dev: What heroes a player has does not make the game imbalanced. You can get all the heroes by just playing and the free heroes rotate every week.
The store is different and set up that way because of what of the item properties. It's easy to learn.

And if you want to talk about UI... HoN's is still broken and riddled with bugs. They improved it greatly in the several months since I've played, but they all cluttered it in annoying ways.

WAIT IP PLAYS LOL? Im playing it now

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

May 26 2010, 12:09 am ShredderIV Post #13

If you're not smart enough to figure out that runes, which you can't buy with money, are there for a reason, how to use them, or that they help your stats, then...
Yeah, i know, they give bonuses and you get them with levels. They also give more experienced players and edge over a player who just made and account. They make it imbalanced.
How many times do pubbies try to concede, then kick you because you're the only one saying no? I'm talking about the average player.
Has never happened to me. Ever. Literally. I have never been kicked for not conceding.
I'm not even going to argue that. You're right, of course. How silly of me to dispute.
wow, way to be an asshole. The thing is, you claim you have a great knowledge of hon, and then you go around saying pyro and ws are alike. Just fyi, pyro and WS fill two completely seperate roles and ONLY share their ulti in common. Their ulti still is not exactly the same numbers-wise even.
Since you're going to make judgments on my reason for playing LoL, I'll make a judgment on your reason for being so butthurt: you mad.
These werent judgements, i made those assumptions due to the stuff you talked about. Calling things OP, that you rape with them all the time, etc. The thing is, if you had ever gotten out of low tier HON playing, you'd realize that those ulits, while good against noobs, are much easier to deal with than you think. Plague is no longer permabanned in competitive matches, and chronos was only a permaban when he first got reworked and was imbalanced, due to his ulti not stopping friendly heroes. I'm not butthurt, I'm just annoyed at you for going around claiming to have knowledge of HON, and then claiming those for reasons for switching to LOL.

I really dont care if you play LOL, but when you go and use faulty reasoning to say it's better then HON, then I'm gonna have a problem with you.


May 26 2010, 12:12 am Demented Shaman Post #14

Quote from name:Dark_Marine
Quote from name:isolatedpurity
I like LoL over HoN. My nick is isolatedpurity, but I haven't played in awhile.

Dev: What heroes a player has does not make the game imbalanced. You can get all the heroes by just playing and the free heroes rotate every week.
The store is different and set up that way because of what of the item properties. It's easy to learn.

And if you want to talk about UI... HoN's is still broken and riddled with bugs. They improved it greatly in the several months since I've played, but they all cluttered it in annoying ways.

WAIT IP PLAYS LOL? Im playing it now
IP has been playing it for months. Sadly, I'm the one who first introduced him to it. I thought it would be funny for us to try it for the first time together to see how bad it is. I had no idea it would be like giving crack to a little kid. BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER.


May 26 2010, 12:16 am ShredderIV Post #15

$30 is cheap for a game as good as HON. seriously. Why will people shell out 60 bucks for MWF2 and pay for Xbox live, yet won't pay 30 dollars one time for HON.

My mind is officially boggled.


May 26 2010, 12:21 am poison_us Post #16

Back* from the grave


Shredder, I said that HoN is not better at everything than LoL. There's a difference between being better "in every aspect" and being better all around. Also, I pointed out differences between LoL and HoN, and made no statement such as "LoL is better because ___". Sure, the extra customization that LoL has may make it unbalanced for those who are too apathetic or too new to know about it. Sure, the different item arrangements will benefit some while others see it as cumbersome. Sure, the rotation of characters may give you problems if you are unfamiliar with the style of the game. But in addition to the advantages of everything we've all mentioned, there are disadvantages.

I never said LoL is better than HoN, because if I could play both right now, I would be playing HoN. I'm not great at it, but its graphics and some characters, like Vindicator, are unmatched by LoL. LoL is like a cushion that's become my support.

EDIT: oh, yeah, the price. I don't own an XBOX, and I wouldn't shell out any more than $35 for any game anyways, no matter how good it is. The problem right now is HoN won't always be there; $30 that will do nothing for me isn't in my best interest.

TL;DR: I'm giving up trying to argue. Not worth it. LoL is calling.

May 26 2010, 3:24 am ShredderIV Post #17

The problem right now is HoN won't always be there; $30 that will do nothing for me isn't in my best interest.
Explain plz.


May 26 2010, 4:33 am stickynote Post #18

Don't hurt me.
DotA is the AoS closest to perfection. It's been around the longest and has had the time and community in order to balance.
Honestly, and this is only an opinion, I don't really like HoN. Maybe it is just because I am used to DotA, but the game speed is a little faster in HoN than in DotA, and I am unable to keep up. But that's just me.

I haven't played LoL yet. Just downloaded it today, gonna check it out tomorrow. I don't really mind the lower graphics, I mean we have been playing SC1. And to agree with IP, from screenshots of LoL and from playing HoN, the UI is much neater and uncluttered in LoL.


May 26 2010, 9:15 am NudeRaider Post #19

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from ShredderIV
If you're not smart enough to figure out that runes, which you can't buy with money, are there for a reason, how to use them, or that they help your stats, then...
Yeah, i know, they give bonuses and you get them with levels. They also give more experienced players and edge over a player who just made and account. They make it imbalanced.
Lol... this is bad. More experienced players already have an advantage by being the better players, why make them even stronger? If anything beginners should be given an advantage...

Quote from ShredderIV
$30 is cheap for a game as good as HON. seriously. Why will people shell out 60 bucks for MWF2 and pay for Xbox live, yet won't pay 30 dollars one time for HON.
I don't own an Xbox and I would never buy it (or any other console), because they just milk the gamers. Their prices are already high, then they make stuff cost even more through DLCs. And for computer games there's ways around it usually. And if I particularly like a game then I do buy it so I can also enjoy it online.
For HoN, I don't buy it because it's still beta. When they have polished their game to an acceptable level I might buy it, but not before that.
And about HoN being a good game, the concept is good, but that's not even S2's but the implementation is far from what it could be. I mean it's an independent game and they could have any engine to support more interesting spells and such, but yet there's very little new methodology compared to DOTA.
What I'm saying is they took a great concept and naturally the result is a good game, but they could do better.

Quote from stickynote
but the game speed is a little faster in HoN
Yeah that was my problem too. I'm not bad at strategy, but whenever APMs are also important I drop below average compared to other gamers. I can only counteract that by experience. Basically I must play standard situations over and over until I know how to react without thinking.
Especially in big teamfights I am often utterly confused because everything is happening at once and I don't know how to respond to all of it. Then I tend to panic and run away until I get a better perspective of what's going on and end up drawing my team's wrath on me... :P

May 26 2010, 12:15 pm poison_us Post #20

Back* from the grave

Quote from ShredderIV
The problem right now is HoN won't always be there; $30 that will do nothing for me isn't in my best interest.
Explain plz.
$30 that will not benefit me in any way other than providing entertainment isn't in my best interest. Kinda short on money right now.

Quote from NudeRaider
Quote from ShredderIV
If you're not smart enough to figure out that runes, which you can't buy with money, are there for a reason, how to use them, or that they help your stats, then...
Yeah, i know, they give bonuses and you get them with levels. They also give more experienced players and edge over a player who just made and account. They make it imbalanced.
Lol... this is bad. More experienced players already have an advantage by being the better players, why make them even stronger? If anything beginners should be given an advantage...
But those who are unwilling/unable to learn what "you have available rune slots" means after they level up to level 2...the problem in this case is player apathy. It's not like they hide it, they even advertise the rune availability on every page.

Also, I'd like to point out that all of the runes I've seen so far add very little to the character's stats. With my current page 1 setup (you only use one out of two possible pages per game), which uses all 9 available slots (I'm still a low level), I get only a +.61% critical chance, +.31% critical damage, +3.2% attack speed, and +.42% dodge. I prioritized around attack speed, but as you can see there's no huge boost, even with 5 runes on it.

Quote from NudeRaider
Quote from stickynote
but the game speed is a little faster in HoN
Yeah that was my problem too. I'm not bad at strategy, but whenever APMs are also important I drop below average compared to other gamers. I can only counteract that by experience. Basically I must play standard situations over and over until I know how to react without thinking.
Especially in big teamfights I am often utterly confused because everything is happening at once and I don't know how to respond to all of it. Then I tend to panic and run away until I get a better perspective of what's going on and end up drawing my team's wrath on me... :P
LoL slowly picks up, compared to HoN, but that's just me. Also, it's easier in LoL to beat people, because pubbies tend to focus on the person they target first in a teamfight, and overcommit. It's a more orderly style of teamfights, but I guess you couldn't really call them teamfights when half of the players hit-and-run.

Also, sticky, where did you register at? Was it at the link in the OP?

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