Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Theory and Ideas > Topic: SEN Map Project
SEN Map Project
Apr 6 2010, 10:50 pm
By: lil-Inferno
Pages: 1 2 35 >
What map should be made?
What map should be made?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Zombie Map 29
Pirate Map 13
Please login to vote.
Poll has 42 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Apr 6 2010, 10:50 pm lil-Inferno Post #1

Just here for the pie


To collaborate with other dedicated individuals in order to create a high-quality, fun, map. This is based off of the old, failed SEN zombie project, which crashed after many workers on it left the whole thing incomplete. Now, what will this map be? I was thinking we either stick to tradition and make a zombie map that's actually good, or make one where you're a pirate, which I've been longing to do. In order to make communication easier and reduce clutter, I've made a forum for discussion about the map. See the above poll to vote which map you'd like to see made.

Signing Up:

Obviously you can't have a team project without certain people having certain roles, and you obviously can't have a team project without collaboration with others. After signing up on the forum I've set up, check out this topic if you are interested in signing up. Please, only sign up if you're interested in this map.

Which Map?

As I haven't decided which map the team should pursue yet, I'm going to be a bit democratic and allow YOU guys to vote which one should be made. See the above poll.

Zombie Map pros and cons:
  • Pros
    • Many untapped gameplay possibilities.
    • May be one of the only 'good' ones out there.
    • Takes after the SEN zombie project.
    • Amicable topic - I mean, who doesn't like a good zombie game?
  • Cons
    • A bit cliche.
    • Bound to be large.
    • Easily disagreeable in terms of gameplay.

Pirate Map pros and cons:
  • Pros
    • Unique.
    • Many gameplay possibilities.
    • Fun topic to work with.
  • Cons
    • Gameplay can get repetitive.
    • Possibly cliche.

Most discussion should be held on the forum.

Note: Topic is not finished.

REMINDER: You MUST register at the forum to be a part of this project. It'll only take you two minutes tops.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 7 2010, 7:02 pm by lil-Inferno.

Apr 6 2010, 11:23 pm Jesusfreak Post #2

I like zombies.

To be creative, you should have players play as zombies instead of humans :D. Maybe, they can start in a lab or something, revolt against their scientists, and then spread into the city, gaining more power for each human they kill, instead of the generic "a virus spread and made a zombie horde" kind of thing.


Apr 6 2010, 11:38 pm lil-Inferno Post #3

Just here for the pie

Quote from Jesusfreak
I like zombies.

To be creative, you should have players play as zombies instead of humans :D. Maybe, they can start in a lab or something, revolt against their scientists, and then spread into the city, gaining more power for each human they kill, instead of the generic "a virus spread and made a zombie horde" kind of thing.
I was thinking that if we were to do a zombie map then when you died you'd come back as a zombie and when you killed two people (players or survivors) then you'd come back as a human when you choose to do so.

Apr 6 2010, 11:41 pm Ultraviolet Post #4

Quote from lil-Inferno
Quote from Jesusfreak
I like zombies.

To be creative, you should have players play as zombies instead of humans :D. Maybe, they can start in a lab or something, revolt against their scientists, and then spread into the city, gaining more power for each human they kill, instead of the generic "a virus spread and made a zombie horde" kind of thing.
I was thinking that if we were to do a zombie map then when you died you'd come back as a zombie and when you killed two people (players or survivors) then you'd come back as a human when you choose to do so.

*cough* Brain Bread *cough*

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Apr 6 2010, 11:48 pm Derqua Post #5

It should be a zombie map, where you are the zombies, and you try to infect the humans.
I'll post more on your special descussion, cause I have a great Idea for this.

Edit: Nevermind. A short description of my thoughts:

At the start, you select from 3-5 different squads of zombies, each having special traits.
Squads consist of 2-6 zombies, and you can't gain anymore unless you get to a human outpost.

Humans spawn from outposts. Outposts can be infected by zombies.
Infested outposts slowly spawns zombies, based on your starting squad.

The goal is to infest the main human base, which has a large defence, requiring teamwork and a lot of captured outposts.

Squad examples:

Number of zombies: 6
Stat Trait: Speed, and fast attack
Ability Trait: Long Sight: Able to do an quick arial scan of a location

Number of zombies: 2
Stat Trait: High health, and good defence, able to take hits, but doesn't have good attack.
Ability Trait: Area Clearing Spawn Broodlings around the Assault Zombies, allowing for confusion of the enemy so that stronger attacking units can come in during the confusion and clear out an outpost.

Some ideaing, hope it lets you decide how this will work.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Apr 7 2010, 12:20 am by Derqua.


Apr 7 2010, 12:25 am poison_us Post #6

Back* from the grave

Sorry, not signing up to another forum just for this. I will throw this lil gift out there, though, if you want to use it. Just a simple excel sheet that finds the coordinates for units, including an offset for buying areas. Put in map size, any x or y offset you have, and the coordinates of your unit in the respective quadrant. Something I made for a map I'm making, to get rid of some headaches I've been having with SCMDraft.

EDIT: Realized I saved it in 2007 format, so I uploaded another in 2003.

EDIT2: Pirates.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Apr 7 2010, 12:31 am by poison_us.

Apr 7 2010, 12:34 am DavidJCobb Post #7

Quote from Jesusfreak
I like zombies.

To be creative, you should have players play as zombies instead of humans :D. Maybe, they can start in a lab or something, revolt against their scientists, and then spread into the city, gaining more power for each human they kill, instead of the generic "a virus spread and made a zombie horde" kind of thing.

You can have it start off almost like guerrilla warfare, with the zombies being super wary of the humans, and the humans being way stronger. When the zombies have finally destroyed enough critical human structures and massed enough forces, it would give a kinda of "AHA, THE TABLES HAVE TURNED!!" feel.


Apr 7 2010, 12:43 am lil-Inferno Post #8

Just here for the pie

Quote from name:NerdyTerdy
Quote from lil-Inferno
Quote from Jesusfreak
I like zombies.

To be creative, you should have players play as zombies instead of humans :D. Maybe, they can start in a lab or something, revolt against their scientists, and then spread into the city, gaining more power for each human they kill, instead of the generic "a virus spread and made a zombie horde" kind of thing.
I was thinking that if we were to do a zombie map then when you died you'd come back as a zombie and when you killed two people (players or survivors) then you'd come back as a human when you choose to do so.

*cough* Brain Bread *cough*
Right, forgot to credit that.

I'd rather keep this as human-versus-zombie, almost like an RPG. Sure it's not 'creative' but it has way more gameplay capabilities. I may be using the hive system that was left over from the original SEN zombie project.

EDIT: We're doing a zombie map. I'll post a bunch of concepts I've wanted to use in a zombie map on the forum later.
EDIT DEUX: The reason I want it to be an RPG (as a side-note a non-linear one that still has a main questline) is because really any other map wouldn't need a team that an RPG would be made to have.

Apr 7 2010, 12:49 am Derqua Post #9

I'd rather keep this as human-versus-zombie
Thats not very original, but there are still plenty of good ways to do a good zombie map HvsZ instead of ZvsH.


Apr 7 2010, 12:49 am e(x)iLe Post #10

I like Derqua's ideas, but there are two ways that the map could turn out:
a mass game (more outposts = more zombies = mass the main human base) or a strategic game.

Let me explain the latter.
Whenever you play as humans in a survival or other type of zombie map, the missions are often things like "start up the generator" or "communicate with other survivors using the communications tower." When you go to do these missions as a human player on other maps, there are always zombies waiting to ambush you at some point or some sort of twist. Well, in this map, we can make the players, as zombies, set up their own ambushes and create their own twists. In maps such as Racoon City, the game tells you what to do and where to do it, but in this map, it'd be cool to only show pings of human activity to signify where a sizeable group of humans are going and not all of the details. Then, the zombie players can scout around and find places to attack the humans with the ultimate goal of stopping them from restarting that generator or sending a message to other survivors.

Now, as all zombie scenarios dictate, there must be a lot of zombies running around that are AI and not player controlled as well as a sort of constant stream of zombies attacking human outposts. The zombie players will then have to think of ways to break open the doors without dying, such as carrying some fuel over to the side of a building and then exploding it somehow to create another entrance to the outpost. Each outpost would have unique ways of getting in unharmed, if not several ways per outpost. Basically, I suggest that the zombie players play zombies that are smarter or just more evolved.

The game will provide no detailed outline of where to go and what to do there, but instead animalistic instincts will periodically or randomly hint at going somewhere by something as vague as a map ping or some sort of short pull towards a certain direction (like those minigames where you have to repeatedly click away to not get sucked into a blackhole).

I think such a game would be fun to play, especially if it the humans could also be actual players, perhaps 3v3 or 4v4.


Apr 7 2010, 12:56 am Derqua Post #11

Quote from e(x)iLe
If it the humans could also be actual players, perhaps 3v3 or 4v4.


Apr 7 2010, 1:06 am e(x)iLe Post #12

Yeah but that seems like a different style of map than I envision. Maybe it's the same. I don't know. I haven't played that one yet D:


Apr 7 2010, 1:13 am lil-Inferno Post #13

Just here for the pie

Not only does it explain what would happen after dying (if we use this) but it also lets you play as a zombie part of the time. It also explains a tiny bit about the map and my vision of it.

Apr 7 2010, 1:15 am LoveLess Post #14

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Trust me, it's proly the closest anyone will get to a fun "Infect the enemy."

I would prefer an RPG in anti-zombie format, instead of the generic "hold out here for x amount of time." Maybe just mix it up, I mean... I know I am not the only one who has created zombie map systems, shit, I have like three or four. What else have people thought up?


Apr 7 2010, 1:18 am payne Post #15


Pirates vs zombies. Us as pirates.


Apr 7 2010, 1:20 am lil-Inferno Post #16

Just here for the pie

Quote from LoveLess
Trust me, it's proly the closest anyone will get to a fun "Infect the enemy."

I would prefer an RPG in anti-zombie format, instead of the generic "hold out here for x amount of time." Maybe just mix it up, I mean... I know I am not the only one who has created zombie map systems, shit, I have like three or four. What else have people thought up?
This is exactly what I'm going for. An RPG.

Quote from payne
Pirates vs zombies. Us as pirates.
Too much Disney.

Apr 7 2010, 1:20 am Echo Post #17

Quote from payne
Pirates vs zombies. Us as pirates.

Lame rip off of my map.

What ever happened to SEN Zombie Project?


Apr 7 2010, 1:21 am stickynote Post #18

Dude, fuck zombies. Let's do a PvP pirate map. Stock up yer ships mateys! Space pirates would be EVEN COOLER THAN AFRICAN ESKIMOAN NINJAS.


Apr 7 2010, 1:22 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #19

UGH. I would totally help with this, but, do we really need to use another forum? That itself could kill it.


Apr 7 2010, 1:26 am payne Post #20


Inferno ask for a forum like the Terrain Wiki, for projects! :O


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[2024-9-15. : 6:12 pm]
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