Relatively ancient and inactive
Anyone saw the debate? Obama did really horrible. I don't think he is fit for a president. He has no experience prior to any real political things. Palin has more experience and shes running as a Vice President. Obama is just a celebrity fad thing for young hipsters and minorities.
I don't know what language you were watching it in. In English, Obama at the very least kept coming out with good arguments in a... non-annoying way. McCain said 'What he just doesn't get' every five seconds and had some pretty lame excuses for other things. Such as how financial crisis would effect his policy: Obama came up with stuff like infrastructure, energy, etc while McCain couldn't get away from cutting budgets from government agencies.
I didn't say ALL of them are.
... Am I a hipster or a minority? Are my parents? I'd wager that 100% of racist America voted for McCain. That's a lot of people.
You guys claim he did horrible? Did you even bother listening to Obama? Obama refuted most if not all of McCain's points, and gave thorough responses and attacks against McCain. McCain kept trying to say Obama was naive and dance around the questions.
But the same surveys show McCain favored by far on foreign policy.
I blame that on stupidity of Americans when it comes to other countries. We all know it's true. And a weakness for tuff-taukin' d00ds. I greatly prefer Obama's foreign policy. At the very least, it'll stop the drop in American popularity. If this 'strategy' keeps going as it has been going so far, I expect some serious problems in ten years' time. Already Europe is trying to distance themselves from the United States, and they're the closest allies that the US has. Merkel (Germany, and the more Pro-US of the candidates last election) and Sarkozy (France) spoke out against the US's financial system and world dependency on it. Sarkozy wanted a larger UN as well, and Brazil's guy (I can't remember Spanish names. Except Chavez. Sue me.) joined in with Sarkozy for a more powerful, less US-based international law institution. Although, that's admittedly largely because of the financial crisis. I haven't really seen any solid response from either Obama or McCain as to how they'd try to fix it.
Commercials are probably in swing states. No commercials in NY, but that's because we're in Obama's pocket already.
What disappointed me was both answers toward Russia. They were pretty much 'We have to show the Russians that they can't influence neighboring countries' (this from the guys who want to run the most aggressive state in the world.. Afghanistan, Iraq, Yugoslavia) and 'But we have to work on them constructively on other matters, like a nuclear Iran' (because when it comes to their interests, we won't cooperate, but when it comes to our interests, they should feel obliged and proud to be asked to cooperate, amirite?). I really expected better from Obama there. And when it came to Georgia, I think they only mentioned South Ossetia once (Make Russia get those troops outta there (Obama)), and the Georgian aggression... not at all. Like it never happened, although US intelligence agencies proved that Georgia attacked first with satellite images and stuff. I really expected better from Obama. Hopefully he only said that to get those dumb American anti-Russian votes. I find it really funny that stuff like Palin's 'declaring war on Russia' seems to be viewed as 'no-nonsense'.
Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Sep 27 2008, 4:00 pm by Centreri.