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Obama or McCain?
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Jul 4 2008, 6:22 am
By: MillenniumArmy
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Who would you pick?
Who would you pick?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Obama 100
McCain 26
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Poll has 126 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Sep 27 2008, 3:02 pm KrayZee Post #281

Commercials? I haven't seen a single commercial. What News Network were you watching?


Sep 27 2008, 3:42 pm Centreri Post #282

Relatively ancient and inactive

Anyone saw the debate? Obama did really horrible. I don't think he is fit for a president. He has no experience prior to any real political things. Palin has more experience and shes running as a Vice President. Obama is just a celebrity fad thing for young hipsters and minorities.
I don't know what language you were watching it in. In English, Obama at the very least kept coming out with good arguments in a... non-annoying way. McCain said 'What he just doesn't get' every five seconds and had some pretty lame excuses for other things. Such as how financial crisis would effect his policy: Obama came up with stuff like infrastructure, energy, etc while McCain couldn't get away from cutting budgets from government agencies.

I didn't say ALL of them are.
... Am I a hipster or a minority? Are my parents? I'd wager that 100% of racist America voted for McCain. That's a lot of people.
You guys claim he did horrible? Did you even bother listening to Obama? Obama refuted most if not all of McCain's points, and gave thorough responses and attacks against McCain. McCain kept trying to say Obama was naive and dance around the questions.
But the same surveys show McCain favored by far on foreign policy.
I blame that on stupidity of Americans when it comes to other countries. We all know it's true. And a weakness for tuff-taukin' d00ds. I greatly prefer Obama's foreign policy. At the very least, it'll stop the drop in American popularity. If this 'strategy' keeps going as it has been going so far, I expect some serious problems in ten years' time. Already Europe is trying to distance themselves from the United States, and they're the closest allies that the US has. Merkel (Germany, and the more Pro-US of the candidates last election) and Sarkozy (France) spoke out against the US's financial system and world dependency on it. Sarkozy wanted a larger UN as well, and Brazil's guy (I can't remember Spanish names. Except Chavez. Sue me.) joined in with Sarkozy for a more powerful, less US-based international law institution. Although, that's admittedly largely because of the financial crisis. I haven't really seen any solid response from either Obama or McCain as to how they'd try to fix it.

Commercials are probably in swing states. No commercials in NY, but that's because we're in Obama's pocket already.

What disappointed me was both answers toward Russia. They were pretty much 'We have to show the Russians that they can't influence neighboring countries' (this from the guys who want to run the most aggressive state in the world.. Afghanistan, Iraq, Yugoslavia) and 'But we have to work on them constructively on other matters, like a nuclear Iran' (because when it comes to their interests, we won't cooperate, but when it comes to our interests, they should feel obliged and proud to be asked to cooperate, amirite?). I really expected better from Obama there. And when it came to Georgia, I think they only mentioned South Ossetia once (Make Russia get those troops outta there (Obama)), and the Georgian aggression... not at all. Like it never happened, although US intelligence agencies proved that Georgia attacked first with satellite images and stuff. I really expected better from Obama. Hopefully he only said that to get those dumb American anti-Russian votes. I find it really funny that stuff like Palin's 'declaring war on Russia' seems to be viewed as 'no-nonsense'.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Sep 27 2008, 4:00 pm by Centreri.


Sep 27 2008, 7:59 pm KrayZee Post #283

Exactly. Echo and Falkoner needs to reply and prove why Obama was "horrible" in the debate.


Sep 27 2008, 10:35 pm Falkoner Post #284

Yeah, I mean definitely man. 50% of this country is definitely all minorities and hipsters. And everyone who votes for McCain is an old white person, lol? Obama definitely tied that debate and did very, very well. McCain, for example, couldn't counter any of Obama's tax arguments, and couldn't effectively counter Obama's argument to meet foreign leaders without preconditions. In this debate, McCain had to trounce Obama because he has so much foreign policy experience, but he didn't. Imho, what really brought McCain down was his arrogance, though. He lost his temper and couldn't keep his cool. He told several blatant lies, like "Obama will raise our taxes", etc,.

McCain lost his temper? lol? Are you guys actually watching?

All Obama has going for him is rhetoric, which seems to be catching the minds of many Americans, even if he truly cannot run the country.

He told several blatant lies, like "Obama will raise our taxes"

Uh.. Because he will..? Maybe for you people who barely pay taxes to begin with, but my family is giving about 50% to taxes, and Obama's policies hurt us even more.

Obama went as far as to say Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq until we were, as if he is that big of an idiot to suddenly decide to go into the country because we're invading it.


Sep 27 2008, 10:48 pm Centreri Post #285

Relatively ancient and inactive

Your family is making more then a quarter of a million a year? Nice.

Now, except for 'Rhetoric', which is pretty generic, tell me one other thing Obama's doing wrong to win your support.


Sep 27 2008, 10:57 pm Falkoner Post #286

Ending the war in Iraq, claiming he is saving us in our moment of need, being against off-shore drilling, the list is endless, I never truly liked either, but Palin is making me like McCain even more, she isn't in the gray area, like both candidates are trying to be, it's all black and white with her.


Sep 27 2008, 11:31 pm ClansAreForGays Post #287

I really can't comprehend how someone as smart as yourself could be so backwards and brainwashed into believing McCain is better than Obama. Then again you also believe in an invisible man in the sky.

Sep 28 2008, 12:42 am Centreri Post #288

Relatively ancient and inactive

Ending the war in Iraq, claiming he is saving us in our moment of need, being against off-shore drilling, the list is endless, I never truly liked either, but Palin is making me like McCain even more, she isn't in the gray area, like both candidates are trying to be, it's all black and white with her.
The war in Iraq is needlessly draining economy, international support, and the military. Saving in the moment of need, please think a bit. America needs a decent president or it'll start falling ever more rapidly. Before Bush, it was a complete superpower. Now, it's half-super and half-power. Still the strongest, but with few real allies, a ton of enemies, an economy in trouble, and a military that can't do a thing. Off-shore drilling isn't a real solution to the oil crisis. It'll be years before it starts to actually affect oil prices. Both candidates want to drill inside the US, and that's fine - but the only solution is alternate sources of energy. I actually agree with McCain that nuclear is the way to go, but he seems to think he has infinite funds. And, again his forcast is fifteen years into the fture.

Palin is retarded. She said that she would go to war with Russia over Georgia. Now, Falkoner. I know you know nothing of this, so this'll hurt you. Tell me, how the f*ck can the US go to war with Russia, especially because it was responding to US-led aggression? She wants to risk a nuclear war over a small, aggressive state that suffered little more then infrastructural and military damage. Please. Give me any scenario. ANY scenario how the US can come out better. And then there's all the 'I can see Russia from one of Alaska's islands, it makes me have foreign policy experience' bullshit. Really, falk, this is an all-new low. Think a bit next time, pl0x?
Then again you also believe in an invisible man in the sky.
I call him the Sky Wizard. He watches over all and his main job is throwing massive fireballs whenever a nuke lands. Or, it will be.


Sep 28 2008, 1:18 am Falkoner Post #289

Palin is retarded. She said that she would go to war with Russia over Georgia. Now, Falkoner. I know you know nothing of this, so this'll hurt you. Tell me, how the f*ck can the US go to war with Russia, especially because it was responding to US-led aggression? She wants to risk a nuclear war over a small, aggressive state that suffered little more then infrastructural and military damage. Please. Give me any scenario. ANY scenario how the US can come out better. And then there's all the 'I can see Russia from one of Alaska's islands, it makes me have foreign policy experience' bullshit. Really, falk, this is an all-new low. Think a bit next time, pl0x?

Russia would not dare fight us, for the same reason we don't want to fight them, no one wants a nuke war, they'll give up Georgia first.

Still the strongest, but with few real allies, a ton of enemies, an economy in trouble, and a military that can't do a thing.

The military is stabilizing the Iraq economy, and name our enemies? We don't have any true enemies, at least not any that pose a threat.


Sep 28 2008, 1:28 am SilentAlfa Post #290

Quote from Falkoner
Ending the war in Iraq, claiming he is saving us in our moment of need, being against off-shore drilling, the list is endless, I never truly liked either, but Palin is making me like McCain even more, she isn't in the gray area, like both candidates are trying to be, it's all black and white with her.

I disagree with your positions, of course, but you support the candidate who believes in what you think. Nothing I can argue with there. I am in favor of ending the war in Iraq, I am against off-shore drilling, and I don't like his VP choice. But with Palin: The world isn't black and white. A person who sees the world in black and white cannot govern. Every issue's a shade of gray, and we need someone who can accurately weigh arguments on both sides of issues, rather than someone like Palin.

Russia would not dare fight us, for the same reason we don't want to fight them, no one wants a nuke war, they'll give up Georgia first.

Uh.. Because he will..? Maybe for you people who barely pay taxes to begin with, but my family is giving about 50% to taxes, and Obama's policies hurt us even more.

If you're making more than $250,000 a year, you're living just fine, and I don't see how more taxes is going to hurt you unless you bought an extravagant house and have very high mortgage payments.

We don't have the capability to contest them in Georgia, so they don't need to give anything up.


Sep 28 2008, 1:33 am KrayZee Post #291

Falkoner, Palin definitely seeks to declare war upon Russia. If McCain dies, she will become President and the Commander-in-Chief. Or Palin asks McCain do to so.

The threats will be Afghanistan and possibly North Korea, Falkoner.


Sep 28 2008, 1:35 am Falkoner Post #292

The world isn't black and white. A person who sees the world in black and white cannot govern. Every issue's a shade of gray, and we need someone who can accurately weigh arguments on both sides of issues, rather than someone like Palin.

I'm not referring to the world, I'm referring to how she presents herself, she's not hiding anything, you know her views.

If you're making more than $250,000 a year, you're living just fine, and I don't see how more taxes is going to hurt you unless you bought an extravagant house and have very high mortgage payments.

I live in a family of 9, my father makes enough money to put us into that tax bracket you speak of, we receive no benefits from having so many kids, and Obama is simply going to tax us even more.


Sep 28 2008, 1:46 am SilentAlfa Post #293

I live in a family of 9, my father makes enough money to put us into that tax bracket you speak of, we receive no benefits from having so many kids, and Obama is simply going to tax us even more.

Understandable. Obama, however, will cut my taxes, hence why I want him as president and you want McCain.

I'm not referring to the world, I'm referring to how she presents herself, she's not hiding anything, you know her views.

To me, she presents herself as completely unprepared. She stumbled through her interview by Couric, for example. She doesn't know what she's talking about, and she does view the world in black and white. Ex., "We can't second-guess Israel because they are the good guys and the Iranians are the bad guys". She thinks this issue is black and white, when it really isn't.


Sep 28 2008, 2:02 am KrayZee Post #294

Falkoner, if you have 'that much money' why are you complaining? Whether or not if your family pays taxes, you still have enough or more than enough. Americans that makes $20,000 a year with one or more jobs, have children, eventually a savings plan for each kid going to college but will have to pay taxes under Bush and McCain rule. With more money giving to the lazy rich republicans, the Americans living in poverty will be dirt poor since they are very frustrated on taxes. With unemployment because of certain reasons such as illegal immigration have damaged to the non-immigrant families.

Bill Gates and Eric E. Schmidt have donated their money to Obama and they are billionaires, they want the United States to be better than what happened in the last eight years.


Sep 28 2008, 2:08 am Demented Shaman Post #295

Guys, McCain is the best. He doesn't want to tax the rich and he wants to make everyone rich! Genius right there!


Sep 28 2008, 3:12 am Falkoner Post #296

Falkoner, if you have 'that much money' why are you complaining? Whether or not if your family pays taxes, you still have enough or more than enough. Americans that makes $20,000 a year with one or more jobs, have children, eventually a savings plan for each kid going to college but will have to pay taxes under Bush and McCain rule. With more money giving to the lazy rich republicans, the Americans living in poverty will be dirt poor since they are very frustrated on taxes. With unemployment because of certain reasons such as illegal immigration have damaged to the non-immigrant families.

Ah, so because I've managed to be successful, I should give it all up so others can share my success? Go to communist China if you want that kind of lifestyle.


Sep 28 2008, 3:17 am Fwop_ Post #297

I want to be successful so I can help those that aren't doing so well. Why should you just keep all your money and do nothing good with it?


Sep 28 2008, 4:20 am ClansAreForGays Post #298

Quote from Falkoner
If you're making more than $250,000 a year, you're living just fine, and I don't see how more taxes is going to hurt you unless you bought an extravagant house and have very high mortgage payments.

I live in a family of 9, my father makes enough money to put us into that tax bracket you speak of, we receive no benefits from having so many kids, and Obama is simply going to tax us even more.
Well, you're mormon, and you people believe that you have to 'be plentiful and fill the earth' so you have more kids than you can afford. The world view that's really behind all our problems. And I sincerely doubt you don't get any kind of tax break from having NINE god dam kids.

Sep 28 2008, 4:25 am KrayZee Post #299

Quote from Falkoner
Falkoner, if you have 'that much money' why are you complaining? Whether or not if your family pays taxes, you still have enough or more than enough. Americans that makes $20,000 a year with one or more jobs, have children, eventually a savings plan for each kid going to college but will have to pay taxes under Bush and McCain rule. With more money giving to the lazy rich republicans, the Americans living in poverty will be dirt poor since they are very frustrated on taxes. With unemployment because of certain reasons such as illegal immigration have damaged to the non-immigrant families.

Ah, so because I've managed to be successful, I should give it all up so others can share my success? Go to communist China if you want that kind of lifestyle.
Share? Since when was 'share' involved with money in politics? You have that much fucking money, and a simple tax will not even affect you. Personally I wouldn't call anyone successful if they get it easy, born easy and lived easy. You are a very selfish individual. So basically you're saying anyone who:
  • works hard and dedicated to their job and hardly reaching $100,000 a year
  • have a savings plan for each kid to go to college
  • had their life savings stolen
  • has a frustrating high tax payments caused by recent republican presidents in the last twenty years
  • suffered bankruptcy
  • has a saddened lifestyle
  • suffered a natural disaster
  • went to college but became unemployed later
  • has children (Especially large families like mines)
  • be always willingly voting the democratic/green/independent party nominee for President
  • had been market crashed
  • is a liberal
  • help others
  • etc
are all communists?


Sep 28 2008, 4:56 am Falkoner Post #300

I want to be successful so I can help those that aren't doing so well. Why should you just keep all your money and do nothing good with it?

For one, already giving 50% to government, which in turn helps people, my 50% is covering their butts so they don't have to pay as much tax.

Well, you're mormon, and you people believe that you have to 'be plentiful and fill the earth' so you have more kids than you can afford. The world view that's really behind all our problems. And I sincerely doubt you don't get any kind of tax break from having NINE god dam kids.

That's a commandment God gave to Adam and Eve, it's not just a mormon thing.
And would I have posted it if it weren't true?

Share? Since when was 'share' involved with money in politics? You have that much fucking money, and a simple tax will not even affect you. Personally I wouldn't call anyone successful if they get it easy, born easy and lived easy. You are a very selfish individual. So basically you're saying anyone who:

* works hard and dedicated to their job and hardly reaching $100,000 a year
* have a savings plan for each kid to go to college
* had their life savings stolen
* has a frustrating high tax payments caused by recent republican presidents in the last twenty years
* suffered bankruptcy
* has a saddened lifestyle
* suffered a natural disaster
* went to college but became unemployed later
* has children (Especially large families like mines)
* be always willingly voting the democratic/green/independent party nominee for President
* had been market crashed
* is a liberal
* help others
* etc

are all communists?

What is the point of working if all my efforts go to everyone else, I'm fine helping them, but they need to help themselves. And me reducing myself to their level so I can help them isn't a very nice prospect to anyone, I'm already supporting a lot of their taxes by paying extra, what more do you want from me?

People get unlucky, and there are already systems in place for those people, life sucks, you have to live with it.

has a frustrating high tax payments caused by recent republican presidents in the last twenty years

The majority of the US doesn't even pay taxes, those lower class people are just mooching, there's a point when you're helping too much, are you going to teach them to fish, or give them the fish?


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