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List of Known Bugs/Needed Features
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Mar 24 2008, 1:13 am
By: DevliN
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Oct 11 2012, 7:28 pm Bar Refaeli Post #1661

Quote from Fire_Kame
You know, I was thinking about the emoticon thing that kinda is repeatedly brought up, and maybe what we need to do is actually prune them. I'm not going to list all of them (because many of them are just fine) but here are some examples:

:angel: who uses this? Not to mention if it is used it stretches text like crazy and takes up a lot of space. Remove it, and hey we could even keep :notangel: instead. (although I don't really see that one used as much, it isn't as intrusive. And of course, there is also and do I need to mention (side note, is very similar to Agreed.

:ban: this emote never made sense to me, I feel like it's bait for people to get unnecessary severity. If there is such an issue that someone needs banned they should be reporting the post - making posts with an emote (heaven forbid just that and nothing more) is straight up spam. Also, it stretches text. same with Agreed

:bang: same as above. And redundant for :bash: which takes less space. Agreed

:bye1: :bye2: :bye3: a little redundant, isn't it? I think we should keep :bye3: Three versions to say goodbye is a little much, I think two would be fine

:cool: and :cool2: again, redundant. I like :cool: better, personally. Disagree. One is "I'm cool" while the other is "That is cool."

:dontgetit: I'd use this one if it had a more palatable name, like :huh: A little redundant for but I do like the way it looks. Agreed.

:...: when has this been used last? And stretches. Same with and True.

:$: has this ever been used? I see no reason why this should be taken out. We at SEN are money greedy.

is a little redundant of its more popular counterpart (and although it stretches I really like keeping for crude instances that really raise the bar) No way, I love that smiley.

is a nice idea but is very dirty looking. Not a pressing matter.

and are very close to the same. Yea. I like ohno more.

maybe should be changes to ; or something more representative. Uhh... I don't understand the argument behind this one.
Now I have no idea how removing these smilies would help SEN, but if it does, then here's my opinion.


Oct 11 2012, 7:33 pm Fire_Kame Post #1662

wth is starcraft

Well, I say it because because ;-) is more of the ^_^;. I forgot that ^^ was it's own smiley, so it didn't show up correctly. ;-) represents ;) more than ^_^;

Oct 11 2012, 10:02 pm Pr0nogo Post #1663

:cool2: is used to say that someone else's idea/post was cool, where as :cool: is used to show that you think your idea/post is cool.

Oct 11 2012, 11:07 pm Generalpie Post #1664

Staredit Puckwork

Escape key to close out image viewer.


Oct 12 2012, 12:21 am TiKels Post #1665

The idea of pruning the smilies is old. Like really old.

Probably not going to happen, there's no reason to. The only thing you'll cause is convenience for the 1% while 99% complain about missing their favorite uncommon smilie. :flowers:

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Oct 12 2012, 12:42 am Fire_Kame Post #1666

wth is starcraft

I guess. It's something I had been thinking about a lot. I think it was some Azrael (or Aristocrat? I forget) said in the shoutbox, about how similar to one another some of the smilies is rather odd. I don't know why so many smilies are on this forum anyways. I've only seen our list outdone by one other forum, and that was for dog owners...not the savviest forum users. Some of their "emotes" was mind bogglingly big, too.

Oct 12 2012, 12:48 am Generalpie Post #1667

Staredit Puckwork

It seems like it would take more effort to get rid of them than to leave them there


Oct 12 2012, 12:50 am Fire_Kame Post #1668

wth is starcraft

That might be true, and in the end it is just a suggestion for Devlin, or Devourer, or Moose, or whoever happens to think they want to take action. I do think it will cut down on needless emote inquiries in the future. That is the only reason I suggested it now. :bleh:

Oct 12 2012, 12:58 am Moose Post #1669

We live in a society.

Our smilies were stock from IPB way back when. As far as I know, they were just put in and not really thought about.

Oct 12 2012, 1:47 am Azrael Post #1670

You know, I was thinking about the emoticon thing that kinda is repeatedly brought up, and maybe what we need to do is actually prune them. I'm not going to list all of them (because many of them are just fine) but here are some examples:

:angel: who uses this? Not to mention if it is used it stretches text like crazy and takes up a lot of space. Remove it, and hey we could even keep :notangel: instead. (although I don't really see that one used as much, it isn't as intrusive. And of course, there is also and do I need to mention (side note, is very similar to

:ban: this emote never made sense to me, I feel like it's bait for people to get unnecessary severity. If there is such an issue that someone needs banned they should be reporting the post - making posts with an emote (heaven forbid just that and nothing more) is straight up spam. Also, it stretches text. same with

:bang: same as above. And redundant for :bash: which takes less space.

:bye1: :bye2: :bye3: a little redundant, isn't it? I think we should keep :bye3:

:cool: and :cool2: again, redundant. I like :cool: better, personally.

:dontgetit: I'd use this one if it had a more palatable name, like :huh: A little redundant for but I do like the way it looks.

:...: when has this been used last? And stretches. Same with and

:$: has this ever been used?

is a little redundant of its more popular counterpart (and although it stretches I really like keeping for crude instances that really raise the bar)

is a nice idea but is very dirty looking.

and are very close to the same.

maybe should be changes to ; or something more representative.

True, many of those aren't used much or at all (although I like "bye2" and the "cool" ones, personally). I'd also say that "omfg" is better than "ohno", if one was going to be gotten rid of.

If some are going to be removed, I'd rather it be decided by public vote than random choice, so we end up with the ones the community likes the most.

Maybe use a poll that allows the person to select multiple choices? That could work.

Additionally, I'd love to get rid of some of the never-used smileys if it means we could add a few new ones that people would like to use.

Oct 12 2012, 3:05 am NudeRaider Post #1671

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from Azrael
if it means we could add a few new ones that people would like to use.
Nice try there ;-)

Oct 12 2012, 2:08 pm Fire_Kame Post #1672

wth is starcraft

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Our smilies were stock from IPB way back when. As far as I know, they were just put in and not really thought about.
That kinda surprises me. I thought someone decided to install different emoticon packs, so that's why we have so many that look so much like others - they came from separate packs.

Oct 12 2012, 7:48 pm Bar Refaeli Post #1673

Quote from NudeRaider
Quote from Azrael
if it means we could add a few new ones that people would like to use.
Nice try there ;-)
At first I thought you were just joking with that smiley. Then when I quoted you to reply I saw that the text face is actually viable. ;-) is more like :phew: and it doesnt at all look like how the text face should look. I see Kame's argument.


Oct 12 2012, 8:18 pm DevliN Post #1674


I created a new thread to discuss this: Keep all the discussion about the smiley suggestions and whatnot there.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 12 2012, 9:10 pm Bar Refaeli Post #1675

Quote from name:Raccoon
Adding a scroll bar or something to "Last posts in the forums" so you could view the last ten posts would be nice, as opposed to just the five most recent posts.

My suggestion seemed to of been lost in the posts of errors and smilies. :)


Oct 15 2012, 2:05 am payne Post #1676


I'm trying to edit my OP on this thread:

It always gives me this error:
Quote from A">]A Staredit Network error has occured:
MySQL Error '2006': MySQL server has gone away
Query failed: SELECT * FROM attachments WHERE att_status=0 AND att_posts=0 AND att_mid=557
Waited: 0.0391006469727 ms
Please contact administration with all the details.

Also, I sent myself the edited code by PM (the message contained only a "codebox") and the system said the action had failed and recommended to try under v5 and v6 data, but it in fact worked. :/


Oct 15 2012, 9:06 am DT_Battlekruser Post #1677

SEN in general seems to do this a lot. Something somewhere in the headers and includes hangs for a long time so the SQL connection dies. Is it reliably linked to editing that topic?


Oct 15 2012, 10:05 am payne Post #1678


Quote from DT_Battlekruser
SEN in general seems to do this a lot. Something somewhere in the headers and includes hangs for a long time so the SQL connection dies. Is it reliably linked to editing that topic?
I tried editing it about 6 times, always got the same result. At different times of the day.


Oct 15 2012, 10:25 am DevliN Post #1679


Interesting. I tried to edit it, it went through but replaced text in the post with that error text. When I refreshed the page, the post was back to normal and didn't recognize the edit.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 21 2012, 1:55 pm Fire_Kame Post #1680

wth is starcraft

Is there anyway we could add a PM feature that would highlight/bold/denote what messages we're selecting when you use the check boxes for deletion?

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[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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