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Battlenet Disconnects me.
Aug 17 2009, 3:17 am
By: Sie_Sayoka
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Nov 15 2009, 9:00 am EzTerix Post #141

I've been disconnected from battle net alot in lobbys and in games and I'm positive it's not my internet. I guess it's the Warden thing dropping me? I never really paid attention to it because I'm usually in games and if it's in the lobby I just rejoin. Sort of weird though and makes you think a little less of how Blizzard treats the original starcraft gamers.


Nov 15 2009, 5:24 pm KingOfKings Post #142

Wow yall its not that difficult. Warden d/cs people randomly UNLESS you use hacks lol. Warden is a failure, every attempt to stop hacking has failed epicly sadly. Warden sends requests to Starcraft that starcraft does not know how to respond to. It has nothing to do with your cd key. Its not that big of a deal just annoying.

If it pisses you off enough you can go on west channel blizzard tech support or sometin. Its in the channel list and then you can cry to a rep about it.


Nov 15 2009, 6:44 pm Moose Post #143

We live in a society.

My theory is that Blizzard is conducting a psychological experiment to see how people act on a server where one is punished for NOT hacking.
If you hack, then you will be punished for hacking.
If you don't hack, then you will be disconnected randomly and other people can use hacks to temporarily ban you from

That's some catch, that catch 22.

Nov 15 2009, 7:18 pm KingOfKings Post #144

Agreed Ive been tempted to use sc guard... (which is not really a hack more of a bot than a hack that gets you around warden) I would but i dont want my sexy account closed ;)
[edit] This could be blizzard trying to find out how loyal people are then unleashing mass ip bans if warden dont eat you 20 times an hour


Nov 15 2009, 10:04 pm NudeRaider Post #145

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

sc guard has been detected quite a while ago. You have to use Oblivion, which has sc guard included, but isn't detected.

Nov 17 2009, 12:06 am Wing Zero Post #146

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

yeah that's true... whenever i used oblivion i never got disconnected from b-net, but after i got 2 of my accounts banned i stopped using it and that first day i was DC'd 3 times. I never even used most of Oblivions functions lol, the only reason i got it was to spoof cause it looks cool and i did enjoy being able to select on more the 12 units on maps like War of the Lost Kingdoms and other maps that give you a massive army you have no hope of controlling normally.

Nov 17 2009, 9:04 am zynastor Post #147

Quote from Wing Zero
yeah that's true... whenever i used oblivion i never got disconnected from b-net, but after i got 2 of my accounts banned i stopped using it and that first day i was DC'd 3 times. I never even used most of Oblivions functions lol, the only reason i got it was to spoof cause it looks cool and i did enjoy being able to select on more the 12 units on maps like War of the Lost Kingdoms and other maps that give you a massive army you have no hope of controlling normally.

You were not banned for using Oblivion, I can assure you that. If Oblivion was detected, many would be banned and not just you, so obviously you were banned because of something else.


Nov 17 2009, 7:12 pm Wing Zero Post #148

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I don't get it then... I didn't do anything to get me banned, and yet i cant log into 2 of my accounts whenever i try it says "This account has been closed (8)". The only reasons i used it were for the DL status in lobby's,spoofing, and mass selecting. My CD-key is new since i had to get a new StarCraft cause i lost my brood war CD

Nov 19 2009, 11:17 pm Heinermann Post #149

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

Haha sucker. Don't use hacks you don't make yourself then.

Nov 20 2009, 9:57 am zynastor Post #150

Using hacks you made yourself can also get you banned.


Nov 20 2009, 3:06 pm NudeRaider Post #151

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from zynastor
Using hacks you made yourself can also get you banned.
Not when the author is Heinermann. He knows what he's doing. ;)

Nov 20 2009, 4:22 pm Zhuinden Post #152

Don't use the Download Status of ChaosLauncher. And Use Oblivion. :P


Nov 22 2009, 7:25 am Wing Zero Post #153

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

wth!?!?! i just got my third account banned... didn't even touch hacks on this account, didn't piss anyone off, i have absolutely no idea why the warden is banning my accounts....

Nov 27 2009, 3:32 pm Zhuinden Post #154

Because you are not using Oblivion. LOL!


Nov 27 2009, 10:18 pm ClansAreForGays Post #155

Someone needs to go to a blizzcon sc2 panel sort of thing and ask them why they want us to hack.

Nov 27 2009, 10:44 pm NudeRaider Post #156

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

And why they don't want us to buy sc2

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[2025-1-20. : 10:36 pm]
Ultraviolet -- if I had to guess, I'd say likely because his latest topic didn't get a single response lol
[2025-1-20. : 5:15 pm]
NudeRaider -- FlameViper
FlameViper shouted: What alternative SC1-related forums do we have left outside of Staredit?
Why? SEN is perfect, why would you wanna look any further? :shifty: *strange cult noises in the background*
[2025-1-20. : 2:49 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Well actually it looks like Team Liquid still has a Brood War forum, but they're heavily melee focused
[2025-1-20. : 2:48 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Was gonna say Team Liquid, but it seems even they have moved on from SC:BW. Was going to respond to your thread, but wasn't sure exactly what to say. I don't agree with all your ideas about volcano run, but I like that you're thinking about improving upon the idea
[2025-1-20. : 10:01 am]
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