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In The Interest Of Saving Mod Night
Feb 27 2009, 11:07 pm
By: Excalibur
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Mar 20 2009, 4:46 am ShadowFlare Post #41

lol, I finally got into Mod Night 1. I wanted to be able to be in all 3 so that people could potentially connect to my server over Hamachi, to better organize the games.


Mar 20 2009, 6:38 am Riney Post #42

Thigh high affectionado

Everyone chill the fuck out, Im coming. ;o

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Mar 20 2009, 7:51 am ShadowFlare Post #43

ShadowFlare's Realm is now available through the Mod Night 1 - 3 Hamachi networks. :) Just get on one of those networks and add to your Starcraft gateways list. Keep in mind that you will likely still only be able to play games with people who are in the same Hamachi networks as you are. This just will make it easier to see who is on Starcraft and to communicate with those who are, since no matter how everyone connects, they will still be able to see who is online and see each other's messages. BTW, when connecting through my server, it will be unnecessary to change the order of the network connections.

Let me know if it gets to the point where I need to join any more Hamachi networks for my server.

Oh, btw, as far as networks filling up, it probably should all work fine if everyone joining a game sees everyone from the game in their Hamachi list, even if they aren't all in the same network. If even one person doesn't see everyone in their Hamachi list, it will probably cause issues, though. I'm unsure whether this would work or not for an SC LAN game over Hamachi, but I think it should work for an SC game over Hamachi.

Some additional information:

From my tests so far, it appears that only those who connect to my server through Hamachi can join games hosted by others who connected through Hamachi. Conversely, it seems that only those who connected through can join games hosted by others who connected through Basically this means whoever is playing will need to arrange to have people either join regular ShadowFlare's Realm or Hamachi ShadowFlare's Realm, depending on which they used to host.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 20 2009, 9:20 am by ShadowFlare.


Mar 20 2009, 11:36 pm ShadowFlare Post #44

[09:44:01] <Dark_ssj9kevin> wait
[09:44:06] <Dark_ssj9kevin> so why did we need to use
[09:44:09] <Dark_ssj9kevin> its the same thing

Yes, it is still the same server and you use your same user name as when you connect to However, when you use this instead of the LAN game option, it is possible to talk to the people who are already in games. It is also still possible to see who is on sfrealm even if they aren't on Hamachi and talk to them as well. I just thought it might make arranging games easier, since everyone can still talk to each other in SC and people who don't get on through Hamachi will get more of a chance to know what is going on at the moment and possibly arrange for some people to get back on regular sfrealm instead of through Hamachi if they were going to host a game.

I've added a small utility at for those who just want to quickly add my Hamachi IP to their gateway list.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 20 2009, 11:50 pm by ShadowFlare.


Mar 20 2009, 11:53 pm Excalibur Post #45

The sword and the faith

I think we need to remake a topic about all this to be stickied with all needed info and links in one easy-to-read place.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Apr 3 2009, 7:54 pm Polaris Post #46

For the upcoming mod night, we should try to do it on Shadowflare's server through hamachi. I miss having a nice multiplayer UI, and I dislike setting up games through UDP. Just add this to your gateways:


If anything cool is ever going on Skype me up under the name "blarghle"

Apr 3 2009, 8:57 pm IskatuMesk Post #47

Lord of the Locker Room

use vent, need for ui vanishes

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Apr 3 2009, 9:59 pm Excalibur Post #48

The sword and the faith

Quote from Polaris
For the upcoming mod night, we should try to do it on Shadowflare's server through hamachi. I miss having a nice multiplayer UI, and I dislike setting up games through UDP. Just add this to your gateways:

I am of the opinion that this will create more problems than it will solve. And I'm tired of being the one having to get everyone on and explain to them what they need to do since I've done it already so many times. So if we're going to do this, someone else is going to have to play teacher this time. =/

Quote from IskatuMesk
use vent, need for ui vanishes
We've discussed this in the past. Everyone was like "But we suck dick won't get as many funny screenshots." which is lies.

I am also going to clear some network slots of anyone who hasn't been on in the past few weeks. You can rejoin the network at any time but there's no sense in you taking up a slot if you're not using it.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Apr 4 2009, 12:01 am IskatuMesk Post #49

Lord of the Locker Room

yeah but none of your screenshots are funny anyway so it's no loss

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Apr 4 2009, 12:07 am Excalibur Post #50

The sword and the faith

Quote from IskatuMesk
yeah but none of your screenshots are funny anyway so it's no loss
They said so, not me. I wanted vent.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Apr 4 2009, 1:31 am bajadulce Post #51

I think I'm on network modnight 2. Feel free to remove me as I usually only do really late night modnight and can make another network. Corbs, A-of-st, and any other west coasters.. Sat nite? Say 11pm ish? I'll be here.


Apr 4 2009, 3:44 am IskatuMesk Post #52

Lord of the Locker Room

Quote from name:Andrew Jackson
Quote from IskatuMesk
yeah but none of your screenshots are funny anyway so it's no loss
They said so, not me. I wanted vent.

Make an arbitrary decision for them.

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Apr 19 2009, 7:42 am ShadowFlare Post #53

Since no one seems to be using my server over Hamachi at all, for now I'm just going to get out of the Mod Night 1 - 3 networks and go back to running my server the way I've usually run it. If anyone actually wants me to bring it back up on Hamachi, let me know.

I also just realized that I may have at some point inadvertently made the server inaccessible from anything but Hamachi. No one told me, so I suppose it didn't really matter.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 19 2009, 7:55 am by ShadowFlare.


Apr 19 2009, 1:48 pm Symmetry Post #54

Dungeon Master

Quote from ShadowFlare
I also just realized that I may have at some point inadvertently made the server inaccessible from anything but Hamachi. No one told me, so I suppose it didn't really matter.

Flyinghat noticed it was down, but I guess he didn't bring it up.

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Apr 20 2009, 2:21 am FlyingHat Post #55

I was supposed to bring it up? I thought it shut down routinely.


Apr 20 2009, 2:30 am l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #56

Just here for the activity... well not really

Actually, I noticed it too when I was trying to play D2, thought it was just me having horrible lag issues.

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

May 9 2009, 8:35 pm Excalibur Post #57

The sword and the faith

Due to a format I no longer have eviction control on the 3 mod night networks.

I'll be setting up a network as Modnight///Modnight.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Jul 15 2009, 3:10 pm xAngelSpiritx Post #58

eternal lurker

Quote from Excalibur
On XP:
Network Connections
Advanced Settings
You should see Hamachi, Local Area Network, and possibly Wireless Network Connection all in a box. Using the arrows on the side of said box, move Hamachi to the top of the list.
I apologize for being nub, but can someone please go over this in slightly more detail? I can't find said box.


Jul 15 2009, 4:43 pm Polaris Post #59

On XP:
Go to the Control Panel, then Network Connections. Up in the top, where you see File, Edit, View, etc, you will see a new dropdown menu that says "Advanced." Click that, and then go down to Advanced Settings. You should see Hamachi, Local Area Network, and possibly Wireless Network Connection all in a box. Using the arrows on the side of said box, Select Hamachi, and use the arrows on the right side to move it to the top of the list.

Hopefully that's a bit more clear.

If anything cool is ever going on Skype me up under the name "blarghle"

Jul 16 2009, 3:03 pm xAngelSpiritx Post #60

eternal lurker

It is. Thank you.


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