Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Terrain > Topic: Terrain Hall of Fame
Terrain Hall of Fame
Jun 4 2008, 10:31 pm
By: Falkoner
Pages: 1 2 333 >

Jun 4 2008, 10:31 pm Falkoner Post #1

The Official Terrain Hall of Fame
Hosted by: Falkoner
Contains 200 Pictures, 16 Maps, 2 Terrain Map Compilation, and 25 Members

The Terrain Hall of Fame is a remake of the ladder made by lil-inferno, which was a remake of the one made by WoodenFire. This Hall of Fame is based off of the old Hall of Fame which was made by Syphon.

All SEN members can join this exciting Hall of Fame and post their favorite blends! To get into the Hall of Fame, it does not need to be amazing terrain, but a couple stacked cliffs is not going to get you in. Terrain needs to be somewhat impressive, or new in some way. Sprites and units are allowed, if you need them to improve the terrain.

Unlike the Terrain Ladders, there is no mineral rewards for posting terrain, yes, you are just doing it out of the kindness of your heart :P If you want to donate minerals to me anyway, feel free to do so :lol:

In the Hall of Fame, entries will be attached to their maker, and will be judged by myself. Very much like the ladder, the contestants that I deem the best, will be at the top of the ladder, both quantity and quality can move you up in the ladder, but a bunch of crappy pieces will not get you boosted in the ladder. Also, submitting the map with the terrain in it may also earn you a little higher rating from me.

I am not perfect, and there are bound to be mistakes in the ladder, if you notice any errors in the Hall of Fame, please contact me either in this thread, or via PM, and I will be sure to fix it as soon as possible.

Falkoner's Terrain:
Number of submitted pieces: 15 Pictures, 1 Terrain Compilation, 4 Maps

Ruins City, Hidden Garden, River Scene, Wilderness Cave, Mountainous Landscape, Party Ship, Medical Ship, Sunken Shop, Jungle Canal, Cliff and Pit Scene, Ruins Mountain Village, Battle Arena, Mountain Temple, Installation Buildings, Installation Buildings 2

Falkoner's Terrain Compilation, Mystic Islands Terrain, Movie Conte§t Emerald Terrain, Installation Terrain Palette, Installation Custom Doodads

Current Hall of Fame
As of January 16, 2010

Number of submitted pieces: 27 Pictures, 1 Map

Staircase, Temple To Ruins Blend, Island Blend, Hermit Hill I, Hermit Hill II, Bridge To Ramp 'Island', Mountainous Region, Mountain Maze, Odd Island, Mountain Pass, Bridge Over Gorge, Bridge Over Gorge 2, Underwater Cave, Arena Gate, Jungle Lake Outlook, Mountain Platform, Arena Entrance, Miscellaneous Temple, Temple to Dirt, Ice to High Snow Ramp, Low High Dirt I, Low High Dirt II, Ruins Island, Forced Cliff, Outpost to Ice

Bridge Over Gorge

Number of submitted pieces: 18 Pictures

Outpost, Mountain Pathways, Jungle Stacked Temple, Custom Doodads, RPG Terrain, RPG Terrain 2, New Badlands Terrain, Space Platform To Platform Blend, Ancient Cove, Temple And Water Experiments, Raised Canals, Cliffs, Jungle High-Tec Interiors, Jungle High-Tec Interiors 2, Water Temple, Dirt Temple, Grass Doodads

Number of submitted pieces: 14 Pictures, 1 Map

High Bridge, Lab, Installation Building, Crystal Valley Port, Upper Cave, Flagstone Platform, Underwater Temple, Jungle Rocks, Woods, Island Shore,
Ancient Cliff City, Natural Bridge, Jungle Canyon, Mini Space Cliff

House Terrain

Number of submitted pieces: 12 Pictures

RP Terrain 1, RP Terrain 2, RP Terrain 3, Ruins Arena, Cliff Dock, Ruins Caves, Twilight High Water, Twilight Aqua Caves, Jungle Bonanza, Sunken Cave, Long Ramp, Epic Cave

Number of submitted pieces: 11 Pictures, 1 Map

Bay, Blown-Up Generator, Garage, Generators And Table, Maze, Meeting Places, Office I, Office II, Main Reactor, Helipad, Backwards Installation Ramp, Substructure to Substructure Stairs

The Thing: Deadly Trust [Terrain]

Number of submitted pieces: 9 Pictures

Small Mountain, Customized Hill With Doodads, Ash Cliffs, Extended Ramps and Walkable Lava, Ashworld Mountain, Ashworld Landscape, Waterfall Mountain, Twilight Landscape I, Twilight Landscape II

Number of submitted pieces: 7 Pictures

Kingdom, Mountainous Region, Mountainous Region II, Vehicle Garage, Forcefield chamber, Trolley Scene, Installation Pathway

Number of submitted pieces: 24 Pictures

Jungle Compilation, Twilight Compilation, Stacked Twilight Cliffs, Ruins Interior 1, Ruins Interior 2 Kokori Shop, Layered Bridges, Jungle Work I, Jungle Work II, Temple to Cliff, Temple Dock, Temple to Dirt, Aquaducts, Stacked Outpost, Outpost to Grass, Ice Bridge Island, Dirt to Outpost, Short Outpost Wall, Subway Station, Pipe Work, Desert Pipes, Launch Site, Ramp Cave, The Lab

Number of submitted pieces: 16 Pictures

Isom Beach, Frozen Island, Snow to Outpost, Horizontal Snow to Outpost Wall, Snow on Outpost, Isom Snow to Outpost, High Snow to Ice Cliff, Frozen Dock, Ramp & Stairs, Twilight Pyramid, Backwards Basilica Ramp, Flagstone Over Basicila, Twilight Water Platform, Twilight Water Arch, Twilight High Coast, Curved Twilight Staircase, Gaps and Pillars, Basilica Cliff to Dirt

Post has been edited 71 time(s), last time on Jan 16 2010, 11:03 pm by Falkoner.


Jun 4 2008, 10:32 pm Falkoner Post #2

Number of submitted pieces: 17 Pictures, 5 Maps, 7 Brushes

Path To Cave Entrance, Extended Jungle Walls, Custom Mix Of Blends, Twilight Cliffs, Custom Twilight Levels, Twilight Low Dirt to High Dirt Transition, Small Twilight Cliff, Twilight Backwards Ramp, Water Trees, Apple Trees, Tree of Genesis, Salad Stock, Temple Experiments, Walls Experiments, Extended Cave, Raised Jungle with fixed/right vision, Inn

Diablo II - LoD [Act 1], Twilight Cliff Blends, Yggdrasill: Tree of Genesis, Custom Walls Blends, Doodads Placement Compilation

Trees, Doodads, Stacked Cliffs, Pathways, Bones, Ramps, Temple/Ruin/Water

The Great Yam (Wilhelm)
Number of submitted pieces: 6 Pictures

Ancient City Waterway, Frozen Shower Room, Le Arch, High Dirt to High Dirt Ramp, Installation Prison, Beachasaurus

Number of submitted pieces: 7 Pictures

Custom Ramp & Doodad, Mountain I, Mountain II, Another Custom Ramp, Multi-leveled Dirt, Broken Bridge, Custom Grass Ramp

Number of submitted pieces: 5 Pictures

Docking Complex, Twilight Landscape, Tar-side cliffs, Cliff With Small Waterfall, Customized Dock

Number of submitted pieces: 4 Pictures

Space Doodad I, Space Doodad II, Launching Pad, Ancient Dam

Number of submitted pieces: 4 Pictures, 1 Map, 1 Terrain Compilation

Gravesite, Slum City, Badlands Building, Mountainside Building

A_of-s_t's Map Pack, Badlands Custom Doodads

Number of submitted pieces: 4 Pictures

Bridge To Grass Castle, Broken Bridge, Outpost 29, Height Problem Hell

Number of submitted pieces: 1 Picture

Extended Space Terrain

Number of submitted pieces: 3 Pictures

Small Badlands Buildings, Extended Jungle Bridge, Grassy Cliff

Number of submitted pieces: 2 Pictures

Supa Owl, Temple Waterfall

Number of submitted pieces: 7 Pictures

Low Crystal Cliff, Twilight Dirt Platform, Uber Doodad, More Twilight Doodads, Twilight Low to High Dirt, High Dirt to Sunken Ground, Long Sunken Ground Ramp

Number of submitted pieces: 15 Pictures, 1 Map

Tiny Island, Raised Jungle to Dirt, Open Field, Broodling Jungle 1, Broodling Jungle 2, Coastal Bay 1, Coastal Bay 2, Coastal Bay 3, Ultralisk Mountain 1, Ultralisk Mountain 2, Ultralisk Mountain 3, Dry Mountain Ruins, Graveyard, Random Doodads, CityScape, Cave, Dark Alley


Number of submitted pieces: 1 Picture, 1 Map

Crazy Twilight Cliffs

Twilight Terrain

Number of submitted pieces: 7 Pictures, 2 Maps

Mountain Scene 1, Mountain Scene 2, Mountain Scene 3, Jungle Scene 1, Jungle Scene 2, Jungle Scene 3

Eschebone Mountain, Jungle Scene

Number of submitted pieces: 12 Pictures, 3 Maps

Geyser Mountain, Failing Bridge, Wishing Well, MO, Giant Trees, Templar Tomb, Polluted Lake, Grassy Tree, Grand Tree, Uber Tree, Two Headed Serpent, Dried Civilization, Dead Stony Echo

Tempz Terrain, Bridgework, 7 Sins RPG Terrain

Number of submitted pieces: 1 Picture


Number of submitted pieces: 1 Picture, 1 Map

Sacrificial Mountain

Random Terrain

Number of submitted pieces: 5 Pictures

Bridged Jungle, Secluded Isle, Burning Tree, Grassy Cliffs

Number of submitted pieces: 1 Picture

Three Tree Set

Number of submitted pieces: 2 Pictures, 2 Maps

Drive-in Theatre, Diner Scene

Drive-in Movie Theater (Map), Diner Scene (Map)

Question & Answer
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How Do I Submit My Terrain?

A: To submit your terrain to the Hall of Fame, use an external image host, such as ImageShack or PhotoBucket to upload the image of the terrain there, then get the direct link to the image and either PM Falkoner, or post the image here, when posting or sending the image to me via PM, make sure to include a title that you want for the image, or I'll have to make one myself.

Q: How Is My Terrain Rated?

A: All terrain is rated by Falkoner, but feel free to critique my judging or point out a better part of terrain, if I feel that terrain does not meet par, such as being too blocky, or overuse of sprites, I will not put it on the Hall of Fame, but feel free to question my grading.

Q: How the Heck Do You Guys Do This?

A: To create extended terrain, like most of the terrain in the ladder, you will need the editor SCM Draft, it allows you to take individual tiles from pieces of terrain, and then put them together, and we then use this to put pieces that seem to fit, or "blend" together, creating terrain normally not possible. To learn some basic blending techniques, you can check out some of the terrain tutorials on my website.

Host Database
Collection of Terrain Maps

All maps submitted are here, maps can also be found under the name of the submitter if they have entered anything into the Hall of Fame. If your map is not under your name, please tell me and I will be sure to fix it as soon as I can. To upload a map, please send me a link to a file host, such as MediaFire.

Falkoner's Terrain Compilation, Ash World Terrain, Ice_Man2, Ice3, Diablo_II_-_LoD_[Act_1], The Thing: Deadly Trust [Terrain], Mystic Islands Terrain, Movie Conte%uFFFDt Emerald Terrain, Installation Terrain Palette, Installation Custom Doodads, House Terrain, Twilight Cliff Blends, Bridge Over Gorge, A_of-s_t's Map Pack, Badlands Custom Doodads, Twilight Terrain, Eschebone Mountain, Jungle Scene, Yggdrasill: Tree of Genesis, Custom Wall Blends, Tempz Terrain,Drive-in Movie Theater (Map), Diner Scene (Map), Bridgework, 7 Sins RPG Terrain, Random Terrain, Graveyard

See All Pictures

Post has been edited 47 time(s), last time on Jul 7 2010, 4:47 am by Falkoner.


Jun 4 2008, 10:37 pm lil-Inferno Post #3

Just here for the pie

Thank you, it looks a lot more appealing and is more well organized.

Jun 4 2008, 11:18 pm Falkoner Post #4

Yeah, too bad I'm out of characters now, sticky, you submitted too much! :P Oh well, I just moved stuff down, good thing I got the second post in the topic :D Sticky jumped up past MNeox, so let's get seeing some more competition! Oh I also posted my two maps I've been pulling most of my terrain from, so you guys can check those out :)

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jun 4 2008, 11:31 pm by Falkoner.


Jun 4 2008, 11:34 pm stickynote Post #5

I actually have a map to submit. It doesn't have anything that isn't already in the hall, though.
Link fixed. Hopefully.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jun 5 2008, 12:16 am by stickynote.


Jun 4 2008, 11:35 pm Falkoner Post #6

That link is giving me an error :(

Nvm, fixed. :)

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jun 5 2008, 8:52 pm by Falkoner.


Jun 5 2008, 12:02 am Brontobyte Post #7

Hey, thanks for getting me. :)


Jun 5 2008, 12:41 am MNeox Post #8

I have a complaint, I did not make The last picture "cliff dock"


Jun 5 2008, 1:22 am stickynote Post #9

Excalibur made it, I believe.


Jun 5 2008, 1:34 am MNeox Post #10

Oh here's one of my terrain maps, House Map :]


Jun 5 2008, 2:29 am KrayZee Post #11

I'd like to replace Frozen Coast with Frozen Island.

Also, adding the Twilight Pyramid, Backward Basilica ramp and able to build on basilica.


Jun 5 2008, 3:42 am stickynote Post #12

Why would you replace it? You could have two separate entries, and I like the frozen coast better than the frozen island anyway.


Jun 5 2008, 4:06 am MNeox Post #13

Because the point of this is to bring out the best of your works not multiple pictures of the same concept.


Jun 5 2008, 4:31 am stickynote Post #14

I see. That makes sense. I still think the frozen coast looks better than the frozen island.


Jun 5 2008, 4:42 am Falkoner Post #15

I went ahead and added both, just because he still doesn't have many pictures.


Jun 5 2008, 5:16 am KrayZee Post #16

Quote from stickynote
Why would you replace it? You could have two separate entries, and I like the frozen coast better than the frozen island anyway.
It is practically the same thing since you can clearly see the coast on the island. The Frozen Island is all around, cracks and thawed inside the island.


Jun 5 2008, 2:12 pm JaFF Post #17

Falkoner, did I tell you that though your site may be very useful, it's ugly as hell. Make the layout readable. Please.

Also, please add my helicopter pad I posted in the Terrain Ladder.


Jun 5 2008, 2:56 pm Falkoner Post #18

Yes... I know... Everyone tells me this, and I keep telling people, I am redoing it, I just have to finish studying up on CSS a little bit and maybe a touch of javascript, then I'll redo it all, and allow skin changes using cookies.

Also, can you link me to that picture, I can't seem to find it..

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 5 2008, 3:03 pm by Falkoner.


Jun 5 2008, 3:51 pm JaFF Post #19

Here you go. :)


Jun 5 2008, 6:12 pm FooFighters Post #20

I think you should delete two of my photos, because they suck!
tar cliffs thing, and the installation house, replace the installation house with the one i made you!


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