We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
But tug of wars concept maps where already made but yeah nude raider was the first with the desert strike tug of wars concept.
Yeah before that I was working on / playing another tug-of-war map called Sand Castle Wars. Fun fact: Because of this, working title of DS was "Sand Castle light".

There too, I added player controlled units. Both map's biggest problems were the weapon sprite limit. Only 100 shots could be in the air simultaneously which routinely kicked in during late game and ruined balance and created clogging. What would I have given to have the option to double that - which is possible since SC:R.

It's the reason "booms" exist. Although I might've added them either way.
I have to say nude your concept was a Nice idea but the map had alot of bugs and the Micro part wasnt used because it wasnt good too do it was too easy to defend a Micro attack from enemy workers simply because players was only allowed to attack with 1 worker vs defenders allowed to use 3-9 workers but yea sometimes players was New or bad and than an attack could cause players to dislike youre ds many of youre mechanics was Nice i have to say aswell but the balance was neither fully perfect i think but 10 years ago i fell in love with youre tug of wars concept i played your ds alot nude has to 100% respect for that...
If the defender makes more workers just because you sent yours over, you've already dealt damage. They are not free.

Also it was supposed to be an addon mechanic, not a game ender. Also you could use spawned units (e.g. vultures) to your advantage and even kill several workers that way.
My idea of balance was that all units have their use, and all race's have always and answer, instead of all being equal in power, and I had achieved that. But yeah, balance never got
perfect, mostly because I got frustrated with unit AI behaving badly and because my version was dying out, so I didn't care too much anymore and got it into a "good enough" state and just played it as is. I would've liked to add mine-able mineral patches in the middle and maybe defense on the lane, but never got around.
you should give the 2021 ds map i made a try. The mechanics i added makes my ds version alot different, All other ds maps you dont Any Click think speed. And the balance output was more less with a Best build vs my ds beeing more counter based, you can do way more tech moves All in All you have a Way bigger amount of good choices you can do against your specific enemy build. In other Words old ds maps you make zealots than goon than archon reaver templar than air etc where in my map you can do Scouts vs zea ^scouts win- but goon win scout -zea win goon -archon Even up vs zea- reaver win zea- scout win reaver etc etc. But ofcourse as you said it took you like a week to make ds where ive used more than 2 years.
I would, but queue times are so long that I mostly moved on.
Compareable numbers the desert strike you made NudeRaider uses 100 locations and has 500 triggers 700 strings. Where my ds uses All 256 locations and +3000 triggers and strings maxed too but thats only text.
I pride myself having created efficient systems that use very few locations and triggers.

I have too say youre ds never been wrong too me nude and I have many ds friends Who 100% respect and like youre ds way more than many of the other ds versions
Thanks! And now I'm curious to see your version.

I assumed you were the inventor of at least one really popular map. That's awesome, didn't even know Desert Strike had multiple creators, and here two are in the same thread haha.
As far as I'm aware all the creators of popular DS variants are at home in this forum. The maps from
at the very least as well. (This forum has no good way to reference members)