Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: HEROES & SILENCE [Campaign]
Dec 1 2018, 11:52 pm
By: RdeRenato
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Dec 1 2018, 11:52 pm RdeRenato Post #1

I am Renato

Follow altjunior on DevianArt-

Hello, I want to present (again) my campaign for Starcraft Remastered, planned for years. I got to share an alpha/beta without mod, but I was not convinced. This obsession turned into this.

After an arduous process, an alpha version of the mod is finally available with the first five levels in English and Spanish.


The campaign starts from the perspective of a certain group of the UED (specifically at the end of the mission 06 - Terran Episode 5 of Starcraft Broodwar) with the Duran betrayal.


- There will be all kinds of levels: TvP, TvZ, TvT, ZvP, ZvT, ZvZ, PvZ, PvT, PvP
- I will not put sub-races or new races at the moment, but we will extend the original formula (probably if I add for the multiplayer) .
- Subraces will only be rendered through skins (at least only the most relevant ones for now) .
- The campaign will have micro, macro and "something else" levels.
- The final version will have 3 selectable difficulties (by default):" Easy "(casual or novice players)," Normal "(staunch players) and" Hard "(for sadists and / or experts). The 4th difficulty "Blizzard Must Die" will be unlockable at the end of the campaign.
- Multiplayer will not be optimized until the final beta. The is accessible with the mod, but not at all secure (incompatible with Starcraft games: Remastered from I don't recommend using (at the moment) .
- We have planned versions translated and dubbed into English, Russian, German, Japanese and Korean (I don't confirm other languages ​​at the moment). We will prioritize Spanish and English for now.
- The current base executable is the one of difficulty" Normal ".
- From time to time we will bring gameplays / pre-alpha tests (dialogues and maps not updated to its final version, subject to possible changes) .
- I plan to bring 2 exclusive UMS maps for the mod:" Zombie Survivor RE "and" ?????? ".
- Thanks to the documentation of Neiv and Nekron I intend to put a competent enemy AI.
- I would like to translate the levels and the mod absolutely to English, if anyone is interested please join the discord and send messages.
- I must infinitely thank those who taught me to use tools (Nekron, Neiv, IlyaSnopchenko, UEDCommander, etc.) and those who take the time to document and teach about it (Pronogo tutorials helped me in a beginning).
- Entaro poiuy_qwert, after a long research of a single day, the man achieve that it is possible to add new terrain in remastered.



With the help of one of my worst enemies (the imagination), junior created original designs for each character, here are some concepts and previews that will be used in most cases, both in gameplay (sprites) and cinematics. Sprites and portraits for new units added.


Please, if you like, give us your opinion and share the mod.


We are looking for people interested in dubbing the mod into English or other languages. If you want to help, don't hesitate to tell me and join the discord.
(I admit that it is currently more oriented to Spanish, but we try to translate it as soon as possible).

Post has been edited 66 time(s), last time on Feb 18 2023, 2:09 am by RdeRenato.

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Dec 2 2018, 11:46 am UEDCommander Post #2

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Spawning billions of Scourge to prevent buildings lift off is crazy.
Unit unplacable error with Zerglings at several of final attack waves.
By pressing ESC i can instantly skip the holdout part and get going with the micro portion.
Even after base is destroyed, Muta & Scourge continues to spawn, which leads to insane amounts on Muta covering the entire map. At the point of 30 minutes in, they cover entire final objective site, as well as block passage to it in several places.

I don't entirely understand how the player is supposed to penetrate Sunken defenses without Siege Mode for Tanks. Giving the player no SCV's to repair and no medics to heal Torrent, you leave him with no choice but to a-click into Sunkens and hope that Goliaths & Tanks will survive longer than Ultralisks.
Why do you replace Command Centers with infested ones, exactly?

Dec 2 2018, 12:04 pm RdeRenato Post #3

I am Renato

I must admit that I exceeded with the scourge (find no alternative but to attract miles of plague with buildings),
fix the bug of eternal mutalisk in the Spanish version because the base was not destroyed, the command centers

I did with the intention of seeing if someone used cheats*

, you can pass that part with tanks and goliats, in fact some people that I gave them the map managed to pass it, I recommend you try the spanish version of the updated level 1, I plan to update it to english later, I have had some problems

*You can traverse the colonies when the siege tanks appear.

sorry for that (and the bad traduction of google)

ENGLISH - 0.9f now


Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 2 2018, 8:26 pm by RdeRenato.

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Dec 30 2018, 12:31 am Dem0n Post #4

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

This is a single player campaign - you should allow people to use cheats. If they want to do it, it's their decision. You shouldn't add random punishments that apparently break the map to prevent it.

Dec 30 2018, 1:11 am Pr0nogo Post #5

Nah, cheats are for casuals, I just remove them in my projects.

Dec 30 2018, 1:41 am RdeRenato Post #6

I am Renato

dont worry: people
I learned to allow cheats: a long time ago, tomorrow I update the levels in English, it is quite complicated to copy and paste

tell me opinions and bugs = gg

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 30 2018, 1:48 am by RdeRenato.

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Jan 12 2019, 9:38 pm RdeRenato Post #7

I am Renato

All updated

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Feb 10 2019, 7:57 pm RdeRenato Post #8

I am Renato

*Obviating my name and my evil and infamous English:

sorry for updating the levels slowly,
I plan to finish this story for those few or many people who play it

+Many errors solved


I do not have time to "stylize" the forum, but it is understandable xd

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Apr 21 2019, 7:32 pm Mr Caoticchiqi Post #9



Oct 12 2019, 2:33 am RdeRenato Post #10

I am Renato

It takes me a while to update this but it's worth it

A special thanks to [Hidabat], my translator was able to verify this level that I thought was too much


:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Dec 16 2019, 9:15 pm RdeRenato Post #11

I am Renato


> 1 -
I Managed to update the damn formatting of all the uploaded levels.

> 2 -
I'm preparing myself physically and mentally to add a mod once finished the 10 maps

( Without the cinematic-only maps )

> 3 -
I fixed so many bugs, that i forgot my own personal issues

> 4 -
Thanks to Hidabat that translated everything to English and I think he did good.

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Jan 8 2020, 6:06 pm Zincoshine Post #12

So... you have 2 maps left to make, right? Just making sure I understand correctly.


Jan 10 2020, 5:37 pm RdeRenato Post #13

I am Renato

Basically it is like this:

-Escene 01
-Escene 02
-Escene 02b (cinematic)
-Escene 03
-Escene 04
-Escene 05
-Escene 06
-Escene 07
-Escene 08
-Escene 09
-Escene 09b
-Escene 09c (cinematic)
-Escene 10
-Escene 10b
-Escene 10c (cinematic)
-Escene 10d (epilogue)

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Jan 19 2020, 3:22 pm Zincoshine Post #14

oh boy... looks like I have a long time to wait. Luckily I do have a long time


Jan 20 2020, 9:19 pm RdeRenato Post #15

I am Renato

Quote from Zincoshine
oh boy... looks like I have a long time to wait. Luckily I do have a long time

I would say that the complicated thing is the voices, soon I conclude

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Mar 10 2020, 1:01 am RdeRenato Post #16

I am Renato


-Precise timers (level 1 & 7)
-No more errors with triggers (save & load)
-Simulation of A.I. (level 5)
-Increase of difficulty (level 5, 7 and 8)
-Decrease of difficulty (level 3)
-Added HERO Goliaths "Spartan Company" (level 5)
-Final fake? (level 4)
-More expansions available (resources) at levels 5 and 7
-Level 6 with custom music
-Level 8 complete (uploaded)
-Improvement in decoration (terrain & doodads)
-Many (too many) bugs fixed

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Apr 6 2020, 11:56 pm RdeRenato Post #17

I am Renato

Given the circumstances:
-by the infamous virus
-by my health condition
-by the people... who make the voices, they are trapped abroad now

I decided to share levels 9, 9b, 9c and 10 in BETA.
(Only in EXPERT *)

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Apr 7 2020, 9:07 am Zincoshine Post #18

Quote from RdeRenato
Given the circumstances:
-by the infamous virus
-by my health condition
-by the people... who make the voices, they are trapped abroad now

I decided to share levels 9, 9b, 9c and 10 in BETA.
(Only in EXPERT *)

I'm really glad to hear that you are approaching completion of the campaign. I am likewise nearing your campaign's entry in my starcraft campaign QA that I've been working on since November.

I am confused as to why the voice actors being abroad is a problem for the campaign, can't they simply record their voice from where they are currently residing?

Also, I hope you don't have coronavirus, I'm really sad to hear that if it is true...


Apr 7 2020, 4:46 pm Andrea Rosa Post #19

Just a glitch in the Matrix

Quote from RdeRenato
Given the circumstances:
-by the infamous virus
-by my health condition

Hang on, man! I hope you'll get better soon. Sincere sympathy from Italy.

Level Design Workshop

''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.

Apr 7 2020, 8:27 pm RdeRenato Post #20

I am Renato

Quote from Zincoshine

I'm really glad to hear that you are approaching completion of the campaign. I am likewise nearing your campaign's entry in my starcraft campaign QA that I've been working on since November.

I am confused as to why the voice actors being abroad is a problem for the campaign, can't they simply record their voice from where they are currently residing?

Also, I hope you don't have coronavirus, I'm really sad to hear that if it is true...

To tell you the truth, there have been many impediments I've had to be able to advance this campaign recently:

1. I had a strong infection in my left arm that happily didn't turn out to be cancer (specifically), however when quarantine ends I can finally get rid of this problem

2. As for voices... one of the main characters is not in my country at the moment and has no microphone (his phone's microphone would be useless/ or the quality of the recording would be poor)
-The voices are already complete, they are in my other home (on my other laptop), I can't add/edit the voices on time with my left arm.

3. I am satisfied with the results (levels 1 to 8), but I feel the need to improve various aspects, at the moment I will not use modding. Once I can implement it, I plan to add 1 extra scene between levels 2 and 3 (to better develop the relationship between some characters), however this will not affect the development of the story (filling).
-I had made the decision to upload the completed levels to 100%, but the situation would delay it too much, I think the voices can wait... I must analyze and polish other details.

4. I have to check the last level (10b) to end the campaign, and end the first act (of three).
-Probably make campaign-related cooperatives.
-The secret mission will be uploaded once the campaign is completed, finding it will be the question of exploring (?) Reading has its rewards*

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

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