Starcraft Remastered - Framework
While developing the Remastered version of Starcraft Brood War, Classic Games team has allowed many graphical errors and inconsistencies to slip into the
end product. Since it is pretty clear by now that those errors and inconsistencies won't be fixed any time soon, I decided to release into public access
something what I was working on for quite some time now - a pack of sprites in Remastered-compatiable format, which, when used, are fixing various issues
with Remastered graphics, making them more consistent with SD graphics.
This framework is being distributed in two versions - a Remastered-compatiable .exe mod which allows to use fixes in game, and a .zip archive which can
be unpacked into any other mod's core folder in order to use graphical fixes in conjunction with this mod's functionality.
Current list of fixes:
- Gateway: "Working" animation introduced.
- Robotics Facility: "Working" animation introduced.
- Dragoon: Movement animation optimized, improving pathfinding.
- Goliath: Movement animation optimized, improving pathfinding.
- Sons of Korhal billboard: The inconsistent Dominion decal from HD mode has been changed to the correct SoK one.
- Ghost: Now more centralized and more consistent with SD mode positioning in relation to the selection circle.
- Scarab explosion: Now is centralized in relation to Scarab's position.
- Photon blaster hit: Now is centralized.
- Burst laser: Surplus vertical offset removed, will now face correct direction when fired.
- Yamato cannon: Charging sequence frames are now playing in correct order.
- Scanner sweep: Now is centralized.
- Lurker egg: Hydralisk in the morph animation now starts from his actual position.
- Valkyrie missile trail: Now is centralized.
- Restoration: Animation is now centralized.
- Magna pulse and Acid spray: As a bonus, those unused graphical elements which were broken in Remastered are now working properly and (almost)
rid of surplus offsets.

Download links:
Mod file
Frame pack
- Developer: UEDCommander.
- Graphics: UEDCommander, Nekron.
- Software support: Neiv.
- List of errors provided by: Subsourian, 뫼니에르, Nekron.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 6 2022, 1:09 pm by UEDCommander.