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StarCraft: Interbellum Custom Campaign
Jun 14 2018, 2:13 pm
By: Juxtapose  

Jun 14 2018, 2:13 pm Juxtapose Post #1

Hello everyone,

Earlier this year, I took an interest in learning how to use StarEdit. I always wanted to make a Custom Campaign when the game originally launched back in the late '90's but I found the Editor too intimidating at that time.

Well, I'm finally doing it, and I'm creating a Custom Campaign entitled "Interbellum."

The Campaign is set between the events of Starcraft: Brood War and StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, and the story will help bridge the gap between the two games and further explain certain story elements that weren't completely clear.

I'm releasing the Custom Campaign in three Mission Packs, each consisting of three Missions.

For those interested, the first Mission Pack is done and I've uploaded it here:

I hope you enjoy it!

Jun 15 2018, 2:21 am Rawflesh0615 Post #2

Why can't you use SCMdraft?


Jun 15 2018, 5:24 pm Juxtapose Post #3

Quote from Rawflesh0615
Why can't you use SCMdraft?

Being my first Campaign, I wanted to learn and use the general first party editor, despite knowing that it has more limitations.


Jun 16 2018, 9:06 am DaMnUFo0 Post #4

Welcome aboard. I uploaded your first mission on my YT channel.
Will upload the remaining two missions shortly.

Keep those missions coming.

Jun 16 2018, 4:07 pm Juxtapose Post #5

Quote from DaMnUFo0
Welcome aboard. I uploaded your first mission on my YT channel.
Will upload the remaining two missions shortly.

Keep those missions coming.

Thank you very much! I'll watch your upload sometime this weekend, and I'm glad you're enjoying my Custom Campaign!

I'm hoping to start Mission Pack 2 shortly, and if all goes well, release it by summer's end.


Jun 16 2018, 7:49 pm Rawflesh0615 Post #6

Quote from Juxtapose
Quote from DaMnUFo0
Welcome aboard. I uploaded your first mission on my YT channel.
Will upload the remaining two missions shortly.

Keep those missions coming.

Thank you very much! I'll watch your upload sometime this weekend, and I'm glad you're enjoying my Custom Campaign!

I'm hoping to start Mission Pack 2 shortly, and if all goes well, release it by summer's end.

Same here.

Video Link:


Jun 18 2018, 8:19 pm Juxtapose Post #7

Quote from Rawflesh0615
Quote from Juxtapose
Quote from DaMnUFo0
Welcome aboard. I uploaded your first mission on my YT channel.
Will upload the remaining two missions shortly.

Keep those missions coming.

Thank you very much! I'll watch your upload sometime this weekend, and I'm glad you're enjoying my Custom Campaign!

I'm hoping to start Mission Pack 2 shortly, and if all goes well, release it by summer's end.

Same here.

Video Link:

Thanks man, I'll watch yours shortly as well!


Jun 24 2018, 9:34 pm Juxtapose Post #8

Hi all,

I've done some updates to Mission Pack 1 based on player feedback:

- Added a countdown timer for Kerrigan respawns in Mission 02.
- Added invisible walls to prevent unintended player progression in Mission 03.
- Added Triggers to reload each Mission upon Defeat.

The updated Map Pack has been uploaded and is available now.

I've also begun work on Mission Pack 2!


Jun 27 2018, 12:43 am DarkenedFantasies Post #9

Roy's Secret Service

Have you also fixed the known issues? I downloaded it a while back but I was put off from playing it after reading that list; it gave me the impression you didn't care that much, if you were willing to release a map with an issue which you believe restarting the mission is an acceptable solution. :crazy:

If you have no clue how to fix them, and need assistance, that's what this site is here for!

Jun 27 2018, 7:50 pm Juxtapose Post #10

Hi all,

I've re-uploaded Mission Pack 1 with Some additional minor updates, the first of which was player suggested:

- Kerrigan's Energy resets to 100% at a specific point in Mission 03 to ensure she can cast Ensnare without causing the player to wait for Energy.
- Various spelling and text formatting adjustments in all three Missions.

Mission Pack 1 can still be downloaded here:


Jun 27 2018, 8:03 pm Juxtapose Post #11

Have you also fixed the known issues? I downloaded it a while back but I was put off from playing it after reading that list; it gave me the impression you didn't care that much, if you were willing to release a map with an issue which you believe restarting the mission is an acceptable solution. :crazy:

If you have no clue how to fix them, and need assistance, that's what this site is here for!

Hello DarkenedFantasies,

I'm sorry you got that impression, I do indeed care about my Custom Campaign. To date I've fixed all the bugs and issues I've been able to, and I've updated the Pack a few times now with suggestions from various people who have played it.

Keep in mind this is my first ever Custom Campaign and I'm still learning the ins and outs of StarEdit.

I suspect though you're referring to the documented possible issues found in the readme file? If so, I'm assuming you mean the possible issue with the Mature Chrysalis specifically. On occasion when I was testing the map, this bug would occur. I made various adjustments and it seemed to stop this bug 99.9% of the time. It happened to me once after, but I could not reliably produce it or get it to occur again.

My tester never had it happen to him once, and DK uploaded his playthrough of the respective Mission on his YouTube Channel and it didn't occur for him at all. Not a single person has contacted me to tell me this bug has occurred for them.

I simply listed it in the readme because it does exist, as rare as it is, and I wanted to responsibly list any game-breaking issues that may occur for you, the player. I never intended that to scare you or anyone away, and note I specifically listed it as a "Possible/Intermittent" bug because that's exactly what it is; something that seems random and unlikely to occur.

If it does occur for you, I'd love to know and the conditions thereof so I can hopefully squash it better!

If you do choose to play my Mission Pack, I do hope you enjoy it!



Sep 9 2018, 7:33 pm Juxtapose Post #12

Hello everyone,

Mission Pack 2 is now out!

Before I link to it, however, I wanted to let you all know that I started using ScmDraft 2 in addition to StarEdit, and I made some additional updates (and bug fixes) to Mission Pack 1. The full list of changes are:

- Replaced an AI Script with an Order Trigger for better consistency in Mission 03.
- Corrected the Probe Player colour bug.
- Adjusted the name of the "Uraj Crystals" to "Terrazine Canisters" in Mission 03.
- Changed Player 6 from Brown to Green colour.
- Removed the Credits (they will now appear in Mission 06 in Mission Pack 2).
- Mission 03 will now attempt to load Mission 04 upon completion.
- Adjusted various text formatting in conversations and Mission Objectives.
- Added an additional Mission Objectives Update in Mission 02 and Mission 03.
- Removed redundant Mini-Map Pings.
- Updated the Readme.txt file.

Mission Pack 1 can be downloaded here, and I would ask that you please re-download and update here:

I also updated the File Description, and removed the original screenshots and uploaded StarCraft: Remastered versions. Unless major bugs are found, I expect this to be the final release of Mission Pack 1.

And as I mentioned at the start of this post, Mission Pack 2 is out and and can be downloaded here:

I really hope you enjoy both Mission Packs, and I'm hard at work on Mission Pack 3, which will conclude StarCraft: Interbellum!


Oct 13 2018, 3:04 am Juxtapose Post #13

Hi all,

I've just released Mission Pack 3!

Like last time, I've re-released Mission Pack 2 so it will properly load into Mission Pack 3, and I've also made some minor bug fixes as well. The full list of changes to Mission Pack 2 are:

- Removed the player's ability to Warp In the Arbiter Tribunal in Mission 05.
- Adjusted the Locations of the enemy Area Towns so they function more traditionally in Mission 06.
- Removed the Credits (they will now appear in Mission 09e in Mission Pack 3).
- Mission 06 will now attempt to load Mission 07 upon completion.

For convenience's sake, since the Custom Campaign is now complete, I'll list all three Mission Packs' download locations:

Mission Pack 1:
Mission Pack 2:
Mission Pack 3:

Should any major bugs crop up, I'll of course do my best to address them.

I also want to thank you for playing my Custom Campaign, and I hope you enjoy it!


Oct 14 2018, 2:09 am Rawflesh0615 Post #14

Juxtapose, I think you have some problem one of your maps from Pack 2 and 3. One of the maps from Pack 2 "Mission 6" and Pack 3 "Mission 7-9" which said "This scenario is intended for use with Starcraft expansion set." I already have the latest Starcraft Patch 1161. You might need to check those maps to solve this error.


Oct 14 2018, 5:31 am Pr0nogo Post #15

They're using the remastered ramps so they won't work with 1161.

Oct 14 2018, 3:48 pm Juxtapose Post #16

@Rawflesh0615 Pr0nogo is correct. Beginning in Mission 06 and up, I began using the new ramps added in 1.21, so this version of the game is needed as stated in the description.


Oct 22 2018, 8:48 pm Juxtapose Post #17

For any interested, I did a playthrough of my Campaign and uploaded it to YouTube. In it, I show all the secrets and Easter eggs I put in. The playlist can be found here:


Nov 11 2018, 1:01 am Juxtapose Post #18

Hi all,

I've re-released Mission Pack 2 with the following updates and improvements:

Update (11/10/18):

- Added invisible walls to prevent unintended map area access in Mission 05s.
- Added Mini-Map Pings to the destination when the Teleporter is used in Mission 05s.
- Added a Location to permit a conversation regarding the Xel'Naga Tower to occur if triggered by an air unit in Mission 06.
- Adjusted the Alliance Status of Player 7 and Player 8 to prevent unintended disruption of the final scripted sequence in Mission 06.
- Adjusted the display timing of various Mission Objective Updates to be more noticeable in Mission 06.
- Adjusted a Pause Game instance during a conversation to permit an additional line of dialogue to be more easily read in Mission 06.
- Minor spelling corrections in Mission 05s and Mission 06.

Mission Pack 2 can still be downloaded here:


Nov 17 2018, 7:33 pm Juxtapose Post #19

Hello everyone,

I've re-released Mission Pack 3 with the following updates and improvements:

Update (11/17/18):

- Updated the text of a Mission Objective to properly detail said Objective in Mission 08.
- Removed the Beacon when the Psi Emitter is no longer needed or the Player fails to place the Psi Emitter in Mission 08.
- Spelling correction in Mission 07.
- Added additional pauses for various Mission Objective updates to allow them to be read more clearly in Mission 07 and Mission 09.

Mission Pack 3 can still be downloaded here:


Nov 21 2019, 6:58 pm Zincoshine Post #20

As part of my quest to review all starcraft campaigns ever made with a hint of potential, I have just finished going over your campaign. It is very well done! It is a great breath of fresh air after playing the abomination that is starcraft - antebellum. It is one of the best campaigns without a custom exe that I've ever seen. Indeed, this campaign's biggest weakness is the lack of a custom exe for adding customisations for nova and iszha and others. Here you will find a brief evaluation of your campaign along with all the others I've reviewed so far:


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