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Simple Mafia: Game Over
Oct 21 2012, 2:08 am
By: Roy
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Oct 29 2012, 4:16 am rayNimagi Post #161

A few points I'd like to make:

1. No answer on the reciever -> a Mafia was probably afk.

2. "bureau" = "desk". I don't really see how that has to do anything with Aristocrat. If anything, mentions of too much government control is relating to the admins, or someone who favors more regulation of the markets. Or it might just be flavor text. Roy said his clues would be difficult. But from behavioral analysis, Aristo does look scummy.

3. I vote Kame because this.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Oct 29 2012, 4:17 am Dem0n Post #162

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Quote from poison_us
EDIT: Demon, if Aristocrat turns out to be town, I'm voting for you the next day. No hard feelings, just a heads-up.
If Aristo turns out to be town, at least we'll get a blind killer out of the way. His town to mafia kill ratio is like 3:1, and yet everyone still blindly follows him. I'm not sure how he got labeled as a "good" player, but it's ridiculous how easily he can make up shit to start band wagons.

Oct 29 2012, 4:21 am Aristocrat Post #163

Good one, Dem0n. I knew that starting a fight with Inferno in the shoutbox would provoke at least one mafia into killing him in order to frame me, and it seems that you were indeed dumb enough to fall for the bait. :wtfawesome:

Remember the last time I called Dem0n out for being mafia, and no one listened, allowing him to get off one more hit before his demise? Do not allow that horrendous error to occur again.

I vote Dem0nS1ayer. You should all do the same.

Quote from Dem0n
If Aristo turns out to be town, at least we'll get a blind killer out of the way. His town to mafia kill ratio is like 3:1, and yet everyone still blindly follows him. I'm not sure how he got labeled as a "good" player, but it's ridiculous how easily he can make up shit to start band wagons.

Town has won every single game where I survived to the end. Therefore I should point out that you're full of shit.


Oct 29 2012, 4:24 am Dem0n Post #164

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I don't remember you calling me out before I got an extra hit (I believe it was Roy who had proof against me, and I died that day), but I do happen to remember you killing multiple townies in a row before you luckily guessed the right person. I mean, really, how hard is it to go down the list and kill people one-by-one before you get to a mafia player, especially when there's only one left who has no killing powers? Stop kidding yourself, Aristocrat. You haven't done anything in Mafia unless you've been part of the last five remaining players, in which case you've simply guessed, and everyone has followed your stupid "leads."

If you all listen to Aristocrat, you'll be heading down the path of lil-Inferno's game, and I'll joyously be sitting on the sidelines yelling, "LOL TOWN SUCKS" over and over again.

Oct 29 2012, 4:34 am Aristocrat Post #165

Quote from Dem0n
I don't remember you calling me out before I got an extra hit (I believe it was Roy who had proof against me, and I died that day), but I do happen to remember you killing multiple townies in a row before you luckily guessed the right person. I mean, really, how hard is it to go down the list and kill people one-by-one before you get to a mafia player, especially when there's only one left who has no killing powers? Stop kidding yourself, Aristocrat. You haven't done anything in Mafia unless you've been part of the last five remaining players, in which case you've simply guessed, and everyone has followed your stupid "leads."

I was also the only one to figure out that Inferno was a zombie on the very first day of the game. Again, no one listened, until eventually actual investigator results persuaded people into lynching him.

Quote from Dem0n
If you all listen to Aristocrat, you'll be heading down the path of lil-Inferno's game, and I'll joyously be sitting on the sidelines yelling, "LOL TOWN SUCKS" over and over again.
Protip: I died early in Inferno's game. Guess who lost.


Oct 29 2012, 4:36 am Dem0n Post #166

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Your claims were nothing more than guesses. You were incriminating me from the very first day, when there was no behavior to analyze. There was nothing that I did in that game to lead you to believe that I was mafia. You got lucky with your guess.

I'm still waiting to hear your proof on me being a Mafia, though. I've presented mine; I think you should do the same.

Oct 29 2012, 4:40 am Aristocrat Post #167

Quote from Dem0n
Your claims were nothing more than guesses. You were incriminating me from the very first day, when there was no behavior to analyze. There was nothing that I did in that game to lead you to believe that I was mafia. You got lucky with your guess.

I'm still waiting to hear your proof on me being a Mafia, though. I've presented mine; I think you should do the same.
I start a fight with Inferno in the shoutbox, stating that I'll make sure he dies.

You were around when that happened.

lil-Inferno then dies Night 1.

I do not have a killing role, and you know this by virtue of being mafia. Since if Inferno doesn't die, suspicion will be lifted from me, you decide to kill him in order to frame me as the killer. Sure enough, you had a copy-pasted post full of "incriminating evidence" ready to go right when the night ends, as if you knew Inferno's death would happen and thus implicate me.


Oct 29 2012, 4:47 am Dem0n Post #168

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I did not have copy-pasted evidence. I used the evidence that our host so graciously decided to give us. :awesome:

You've been right about my role in one game where I played badly. You've been wrong in every other claim you've made about me. Your past does not give you any support, Aristomafia.

If I was Mafia, I wouldn't have gone after lil-Inferno. You really think I'd try to frame you? Please, bro, that's too easy. Even I could realize what the results of that would be.

Face it, Aristohitman, you're scum. It's about time you stop killing innocents in all these games. You're dying today.

Oct 29 2012, 4:48 am Leon-037 Post #169

Quote from rayNimagi
A few points I'd like to make:

1. No answer on the reciever -> a Mafia was probably afk.

2. "bureau" = "desk". I don't really see how that has to do anything with Aristocrat. If anything, mentions of too much government control is relating to the admins, or someone who favors more regulation of the markets. Or it might just be flavor text. Roy said his clues would be difficult. But from behavioral analysis, Aristo does look scummy.

3. I vote Kame because this.
Well lil-Inferno does die after mentioning that and Kame sounding like she didn't get much of a descriptive role because she's possibly Mafia!


Oct 29 2012, 5:02 am rayNimagi Post #170

Demon, all your evidence is from the first post, not the night-ending post. Why would you wait until after the night ended to post that? Anyways, I don't think Aristocrat would be stupid enough to announce that he wanted to kill lil-inferno and then do so.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Oct 29 2012, 5:03 am Dem0n Post #171

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I waited to post it during the day so that Aristokiller couldn't target me at night. Of course, doing so would have solidified his position as Mafia, but I'd rather play deep into the game this time.

Oct 29 2012, 5:06 am l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #172

Just here for the activity... well not really

The clues on Aristo are pretty weak. The actual use of bureau seems to be too important to Roy's story, that it would be used as a clue against somebody. If anything, it's more like a language (French?) pointing clue, from the misinterpretation.
So I don't think it's either Demon or Aristo at the moment.

Kame/Inferno conversation was pretty suspicious, though. Gonna vote for Kame.

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Oct 29 2012, 5:12 am Fire_Kame Post #173

wth is starcraft

Well if you want to get someone killed, and if you want to point fingers at me I want to point something out first:
From the night post...
Quote from Roy

A cheap walkie-talkie dismantled into a headset; perhaps it would have been better to get a cheaper gun and more sophisticated headgear.
"Having no wealth of my own, I am a bit jealous of yours; that's not why you're here, though. Do I know you? No, not really. I'd like to get to know you. Right now, in fact. Let's start from the beginning. And don't worry, I already know how it ends."

Relating to something Aristocrat sent me over the sbox...
Quote from shoutbox
HCM™Aristocrat whispers to you "You are in crushing debt after dropping out of medical school. As it turns out, being a medical practitioner is a lot of work, and you don't like doing a lot of work. Instead, you got a cheap apartment right next to the grocery outlet, at which you work part-time doing janitorial service. Kate's Grocery. Who is Kate, anyway? You don't know, and you're too lazy to find out; it matters not to a townsperson. On weekends you like to hit up the pub with what little spending money you have; an empty stomach makes it easier to get inebriated, anyway. While you may not consider yourself to be a winner, you're happy enough to be alive."
HCM™Aristocrat whispers to you -- Get Dem0n killed.
HCM™Aristocrat whispers to you -- And consider the debt paid.
HCM™Aristocrat whispers to you -- I don't even care if you're mafia, I just want Dem0n and a few certain other people dead

We have his motive for killing "a few certain people," namely dem0n. His role repeatedly says he's low on cash, hence the low on money comments in the night post.

Even if he isn't mafia, he's a townie who wants other townies dead. So we kill a loose canon townie, or we kill a mafia. Why is this even a question? Save your lynch on me for some other day. Get Aristocrat first.

I vote Aristocrat for lynch.

Oct 29 2012, 5:16 am Dem0n Post #174

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

ray and kevin were quick to defend Aristocrat. Confirmed Mafia probably. Watch out for them.

Oct 29 2012, 5:19 am Aristocrat Post #175

Whoa Kame, way to backstab me. I should point out that this is the whole conversation:

[2012-10-27. : 3:16 pm] Fire_Kame whispers to you -- no leads on that.
[2012-10-27. : 3:14 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- Or figure out who the vig is and achieve it before then
[2012-10-27. : 3:11 pm] Fire_Kame whispers to you -- on day 1 then?
[2012-10-27. : 3:11 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- Help me achieve that goal :awesome:
[2012-10-27. : 3:11 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- This time, it's Dem0nS1ayer.
[2012-10-27. : 3:11 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- I win if the people I want dead die by the end of the game.
[2012-10-27. : 3:10 pm] Fire_Kame whispers to you -- I think I have a very different sense of "winning" from everyone else who plays.
[2012-10-27. : 3:10 pm] Fire_Kame whispers to you -- I have nothing to lose in trusting you. You kill me? Fine. You narrow down suspects? Also fine. I have nothing to lose here. It's a game to me still. I'm trying to figure out how everyone works, and the best way for me to do that is to throw myself into situations and hope I learn how to swim out of them. :kame:
[2012-10-27. : 3:09 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- Coax a role PM out of somebody before trying to trust them, and compare the writing to Roy's. See if the style differs.
[2012-10-27. : 3:09 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- If I were mafia I would've known by now that you aren't a power role, narrowing down my list of priority targets.
[2012-10-27. : 3:08 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- Who knows, maybe I'm a mafia member who forged a townsperson PM in these eventualities.
[2012-10-27. : 3:08 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- Trust no one. Not even me.
[2012-10-27. : 3:07 pm] Fire_Kame whispers to you -- "Nobody knows your background. They just assume on good faith that you're a townsperson." it wasn't a coverup. I'm trying to figure out why my role pm is so boring.
[2012-10-27. : 3:07 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- Also, "townsperson" is colored green in the original role PM.
[2012-10-27. : 3:07 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- Why'd you ask for a cover-up role PM if you're not mafia?
[2012-10-27. : 3:06 pm] Fire_Kame whispers to you -- cool, I can get behind that. And I'm not mafia. Do you think I can trust lil?
[2012-10-27. : 3:05 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- And consider the debt paid.
[2012-10-27. : 3:05 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- Get Dem0n killed.
[2012-10-27. : 3:05 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- Do with it whatever you want.
[2012-10-27. : 3:04 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- Oh, so you ARE mafia, lmao. "You are in crushing debt after dropping out of medical school. As it turns out, being a medical practitioner is a lot of work, and you don't like doing a lot of work. Instead, you got a cheap apartment right next to the grocery outlet, at which you work part-time doing janitorial service. Kate's Grocery. Who is Kate, anyway? You don't know, and you're too lazy to find out; it matters not to a townsperson. On weekends you like to hit up the pub with what little spending money you have; an empty stomach makes it easier to get inebriated, anyway. While you may not consider yourself to be a winner, you're happy enough to be alive."
[2012-10-27. : 3:04 pm] Fire_Kame whispers to you -- interestingly, I don't have an agenda. I have the least interesting role distribution in the game I bet.
[2012-10-27. : 3:03 pm] Fire_Kame whispers to you -- will you send me your role PM? I think I'm going to be the day one bandwagon target for lynch. Demon is going to hop on it just to kill me.
[2012-10-27. : 3:03 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- So I'll help you with whatever your agenda is
[2012-10-27. : 3:02 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- I don't even care if you're mafia, I just want Dem0n and a few certain other people dead :awesome:
[2012-10-27. : 3:02 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- The most important role in the game, handed out sparingly.
[2012-10-27. : 3:02 pm] Fire_Kame whispers to you -- it looks like we're already part of one. What's your role
[2012-10-27. : 3:01 pm] HCM™Aristocrat whispers to Fire_Kame -- Join my coalition

There is zero logic in killing a confirmed townie; vote not for Fire_Kame but for Dem0nS1ayer instead.


Oct 29 2012, 5:21 am Bar Refaeli Post #176

I haven't thoroughly read all of the passages yet because I've been busy but my first thoughts are:

1. Raffle ticket = obvious clue. Obvious clue = ambiguous clue (as stated by Roy). Ambiguous clue about raffle = pointing towards one of Vrael, Aristocrat, or Poison.

2. The second passage seems to be written like a college kid. a) being nocturnal, staying up all night b) valuing education c) using stuff like pringles cans for stuff like a scope for a sniper rifle. I don't think these are clues, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless.

I'm only saying this stuff because of Sandy and the fact that I'm about to lose power for a week and I do not know how easily accessible SEN will be. When I return (or if I do not lose power), I'll try to analyze this shit more. For now, I vote Aristocrat in honor of my dead friend.

:rip: lil-Inferno


Oct 29 2012, 5:22 am Vrael Post #177

One mafia hit tonight. There's gotta be at least two or three mafia hitmen, maybe even four. What gives?

Color Code:
Narrator idk the significance of the narrator yet, if there is any
Person 1. Possibly vigilante, Possibly Mafia hitman though, can't be sure
Person 2.
Obvious word choices on roy's behalf

Quote from Roy
Night 1

Why do I do these things at night? We are not nocturnal creatures. I suppose that argument also answers my question: we are not nocturnal creatures. Sometimes you gotta break the trend to get ahead of the curve. As for this night, though, I'm not sure why I'm up at all. I have plans, sure, but none of which I could not have done later or earlier.

But time is rather unimportant. To me, that is. Important to others, sure; I prefer the time that has already passed than the time that will be passing. So much to be learned, to be a learned person. That's the problem with people like you: you willingly sacrifice your opportunities to learn.

Allow me to enlighten you.

A man sat bound to a wooden chair in an abandoned building. He was blindfolded with a portion of a window curtain; clearly this was a disorganized and hasty plan. "What do you want?" he demanded, turning his head despite his eyes being useless to him.

"Target in sight."

A cheap walkie-talkie dismantled into a headset; perhaps it would have been better to get a cheaper gun and more sophisticated headgear. Regardless, a readied figure held steady on the rooftop of a small apartment complex, gazing through a scope the size of a Pringles can. Nobody responded to their statement over the mic, and perhaps there was no recipient at all. The finger massaged the trigger. "Waiting for confirmation."

"I want to make this town a better place to live. I want a society that does not live in fear. I want people like you gone."

The voice was unfamiliar to the man. "Do you even know me? Who are you? Why me?" He turned his head every which way, not even knowing which direction his collocutor was. "Is it money you want? You can have all of it! Please!"

"Having no wealth of my own, I am a bit jealous of yours; that's not why you're here, though. Do I know you? No, not really. I'd like to get to know you. Right now, in fact. Let's start from the beginning. And don't worry, I already know how it ends."

Today the town mourns the loss of lil-Inferno, and they swear revenge on his killer. Much of the town is a little groggy, having been woken up terrified in the middle of the night by the sound of a rifle. "It could have been me," one was heard murmuring.

Day 1 begins. Cast your vote by Tuesday, October 30, 11:59PM Eastern.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 29 2012, 5:30 am by Stacy Keibler.


Oct 29 2012, 5:23 am Dem0n Post #178

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I hope you realize that there is absolutely no evidence against me or kame in that conversation. I don't know what you're trying to prove here, Aristomobster. The only thing that shows is that you cannot be trusted, and that you'll even backstab people to achieve your goal.

You heard it here, people. Aristocrat does not care about the town. He's got his own agenda he's pursuing, and it's getting him nowhere. The cries of a desperate, guilty man mean nothing to me, and they should mean nothing to you all as well.

Oct 29 2012, 5:23 am Fire_Kame Post #179

wth is starcraft

Now that everyone knows my role


Oct 29 2012, 5:27 am Aristocrat Post #180

Quote from name:Stacy Keibler
One mafia hit tonight. There's gotta be at least two or three mafia hitmen, maybe even four. What gives?
There are exactly three, as stated in the OP. Lynch Dem0nS1ayer and it drops to two. Lynch me or Kame and it stays at three. Choose wisely.


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[05:59 pm]
Vrael -- cuz I mean, if some watery bink lobbed a scimitar at me, and I claimed to be a dictator, they'd put me away!
[05:58 pm]
Vrael -- is it the lady of the lake? Is she distributing swords in some kind of an aquatic ceremony as a substitute for a mandate from the masses?
[05:57 pm]
Vrael -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: Excalibur you owe civility to SEN out of respect for the old lady, not for CAFGs sake.
wait who is the old lady?
[05:57 pm]
Vrael -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: Vrael It has a time code. You just need a minute or so to realize that guy is full of bs.
oh ya I did watch actually for like a minute before I realized it was an hour long, I just meant I didnt watch the whole thing
[06:11 am]
NudeRaider -- Vrael
Vrael shouted: oh idk about CAFG's post I clicked the link and noticed it was like an hour long video and just said nooooooooooooope not for me
It has a time code. You just need a minute or so to realize that guy is full of bs.
[06:07 am]
NudeRaider -- Excalibur
Excalibur shouted: No further civility is owed to what was presented.
you owe civility to SEN out of respect for the old lady, not for CAFGs sake.
[01:43 am]
Ultraviolet -- you got a funny way of showing people you like them
[01:15 am]
Excalibur -- Yeah I don't know if it translated but the 'Asshole. Straighten up.' was /because/ it was CAFG, because he is an asshole, because he did post in SD, and because I do enjoy him.
[01:08 am]
Ultraviolet -- CAFG been pissing everyone off lately
[01:07 am]
Ultraviolet -- lmao
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