I will throw my hat into the ring and run for mayor. It's time to take back our town from these vile penetrators who seek to ram our bumholes undetected.
lil-Inferno is Demon's best friend in real life, and Demon is incredibly biased towards him.
That being the case, I'll guess Demon didn't randomly generate his role, but instead just defaulted him into the elite Mafia faction.
I guess that means lil-Inferno is also Mafia.
Will these murderers ever stop trying to seize control of the Town?
Edit: Interestingly, lil-Inferno received a PM after I accused him, was reading it for a bit, then went immediately from viewing his inbox to viewing this thread.
I wonder who he could have an alliance with so early in the game, especially when Demon isn't playing?
Obvious Mafia is obvious.
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 13 2012, 12:35 am by Azrael.
Town members, please notify me of your roles as soon as possible. Unless you don't want to risk trusting a single person in order to coordinate your powers with other Townies, in which case good luck.
Azrael, you're one of the best Mafia players on SEN, but how do we know that you're not part of the Mafia?
Win by luck, lose by skill.
Oh no, you've caught us red-handed due to your brilliant deductions!
Azrael, you're one of the best Mafia players on SEN, but how do we know that you're not part of the Mafia?
There isn't any way to know for sure, as per it being the game of Mafia, but I will say this: I am a Town role.
Not Mafia, not Cult.
Unfortunately, there are better roles than mine, which is why I'm not attempting to become Mayor. Rather, I would like to find someone with a role that could better use the Mayor position. As of yet, though, I've only heard back from one person, and their role was not better than mine.
Here's part of my PM, in case our role PMs weren't unique, at least anyone else with my role will know I'm legit.
The "..." indicate chunks of the PM I've removed. Other players with my role can send me the missing portions of the role PM to prove their identity to me (well, mostly prove, considering there is a Beguiler out there).
You wake up and take a pill. ... You think you're crazy. You're not. You're smart. ... You see the monsters, born in darkness, coming out to prey on the weak. ... All you can do is ...
You are ...
Looking at his activity, Aristocrat hasn't been online since the roles were sent out.
Meaning, he couldn't have told the other Mafia to vote for him. It seems unlikely any Mafia would vote to elect another Mafia without even getting their consent first, since it could possibly expose them.
I'll assume Sand Wraith and Aristocrat are legit, in that case.
I'm still going to hold off on voting until I hear back from more people regarding roles, though.
Is that even allowed, for mafia to elect another mafia as mayor?
I have no idea how this game works.
Anyone can vote for anyone to be Mayor, as long as they don't vote for themselves.
As I have vowed before, Az, I promise not to use my execution power for a first day lynch. It's unfair to the people and just a wild guess at this point.
We shouldn't be persuaded by hearsay or speculation. We must act on cold hard evidence and facts to weed out those members who attempt to corrupt our great society. We outnumber them, and if we ban together, we can put a stop to this crime once and for all.
If it wasn't for the immediate bandwagon supporting you, I'd almost believe you.
Aristocrat seems like the safest bet so far.
If you're actually Town, I'd say to vote for him for now.

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo
I've heard back from Aristocrat and his role checks out. It's pretty deserving of the Mayor position.
Aristocrat can prove his powers in the future without much problem. The Town can always lynch him if he can't prove he's Town (which he can), but the Mafia can't do anything to him once he demonstrates his powers to prove he's Town.
I vote Aristocrat for Mayor.This is where we separate the Townies from the Mafia.
Edit: There goes Inferno again, checked the thread and then went straight to "reading or composing private messages". Lmao.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 13 2012, 3:48 am by Azrael.
I vote AzrWait he doesn't seem to be running :\
Well with Roy not playing, Aristocrat would be the next best candidate. I just hope he's town ;\ Would like to see if he's really gonna be active though. (herp derp didn't realize he was missing)
I abstain
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 13 2012, 3:56 am by Raitaki.
I apologize for not being online earlier today, since I had some important events to attend to in real life.
Townspeople, do not forget. Today is the promised day, when our land will be stained crimson with the blood of TiKels. Hesitate not, and you shall grasp victory. Languish in disarray, and soon all shall fall.
I'm pretty sure who I'm going to vote for although I'll abstain for now.
Quote from name:I Iz LEET
The commissioner's speech was broadcasted throughout the homes of the townspeople. A few came outside, a bit inspired by what he and the young man had said. They made their way to City Hall and cast their votes for a new Mayor. As the people left their homes, more and more followed. The once small line outside of City Hall grew to be quite impressive, given the recent cowardice that had filled the people of the city. After a few people had voted, however, a man came outside and made an announcement.
"Voting has ended early! I proudly announce to you your new Mayor, Sacrieur! Good luck, Mayor Sacrieur. May you run this scum out of our city, once and for all!"The Mayor election has ended, therefore ending Day 0. Night 0 will end on Tuesday, August 15th, 12:00 AM EST.
I assumed beguiler could end votes early although it could be bell ringer.