Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Production > Topic: And Their Screams Shall Tear the Earth
And Their Screams Shall Tear the Earth
Jun 21 2012, 9:02 pm
By: Pr0nogo  

Jun 21 2012, 9:02 pm Pr0nogo Post #1

One day.
One day they will come.
They will come and they will ask.
They will ask why we did this to ourselves.
We did this to ourselves because they made us.
They made us because we are unworthy. They know this.
They know this well.
And their screams shall tear the earth.

The following is a collection of data for several one-shot missions by Pr0nogo.
When finished, the missions will have more data available and download links will be supplied.
Some missions require mods. Naturally, these will also be supplied.

Hello. I'm Pr0nogo, and you're here to learn about my next move. If you've paid any heed to the Campaign Contest recently, you'll know that I've bowed out. If you're a contestant, and you need voice acting, music, or anything else I can supply, feel free to let me know with a private message. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Now, I must discuss my current undertakings. I have begun to work more on the NOMAD Saga, but I still had ideas rolling around in my head that won't leave me alone. Other than voice acting for Resonance, Jim_Raynor's contest entry, I will likely not be doing much other than this, with regards to StarCraft custom content. I have moved away from actively working on campaign projects and I am focusing on actually completing something. I'm tired of working on Resilience Rising very hard, only to have it called a copy of Vile Egression. I will continue to work on that project - after I'm done cleaning my slate. That's exactly what these one-shots are going to do for me. They're going to help me clean my slate.

Let it begin, then.

[I will attempt to organise these by their intended order of release.]

Harrowing Whispers


RACE: Protoss

SPECIAL: An ending cinematic. Yeah; not really that special, is it?

FEATURES: Voice acting, custom music, and classic B&D gameplay with varied periodic attacks from static enemies as well as default AI scripts.

BACKGROUND: Protoss ground forces are hot-dropped into an active UED mining base. As they clear the area and raze the structures, Probes are shuttled in and the Executor takes command of the forces. The Terrans, hell-bent on destroying the new threat to their planetary dominance, begin to actively assault the newcomers.

LORE/PLOT: When the United Earth Directorate seized the Koprulu Sector from the Terran Dominion, the icy Protoss planet of Tor was one of the worlds they invaded to keep their army well-supplied. The commander of the planet's armada, a Protoss named Furen, has dispatched several forces to deal with the Terran threat. The player takes the role of an Executor, leading one such detachment as it clears its way through the Terran blockade. After the enemies are taken care of, Furen recalls the Executor's forces to his Carrier - the Gorgon - for a full debriefing on the rest of the planet's theatres of war.

They may have left a single Terran behind, however...

Image Gallery

In-Game Voice Acting

Threats of Extinction


RACE: Protoss

SPECIAL: New Protoss air unit, Hailstormer - acts as an aerial siege weapon (a la Zerg Guardian).
New Protoss heroes - Executor Torros and Praetor Asalamir. Both are present in the map as controllable units and must survive.

FEATURES: Voice acting, mod component, custom portraits, custom music, and a new take on classic B&D gameplay.

BACKGROUND: Refugees from nearby provinces are flying in via Shuttle transports. Protect them from the Zerg. Keep your bases established and your heroes alive. Work together to destroy Zerg spawning bases before the enemy gets the upper hand. Watch out - the Zerg bases will eventually respawn, and Zerg structures will sometimes hot-drop into your base area. Be on your guard.

LORE/PLOT: Executor Torros and Praetor Asalamir have been friends since the Protoss industrialised. They now command Protoss detachments in the province of Alaer, working together to protect the province until evacuation procedures can commence. As the links to the Warp Gate of Aiur are set, Executor Arestus begins his own evacuation from the province of Taladon. Refugees arrive at the Alaeran base as the Zerg progress through the province, intent on smearing the dirt with the blood of the Protoss. Just one moonrise earlier, however, a foreboding turn of events took place in the atmosphere of Aiur - as Scout pilot Azoran will no-doubt tell you.

Incomplete Script (.txt, written in Notepad)

Image Gallery

Full Briefing


Blood in the Ice


RACE: Zerg, then Protoss

SPECIAL: New Zerg hero - Kostruul. A new warrior strain known as 'Cerberus', given sentience thanks to Cerebrate Onat's genetic engineering. Leads the Zerg into battle during the Zerg portion of the mission. Must survive.
New Protoss heroes - Executor Arestus, Prelate Azoran, and a hero Carrier called the Ascended. All three are present in the map as the heroes of the Protoss portion of gameplay, and must survive.

FEATURES: Voice acting, mod component, custom portraits, custom music, custom UI graphics, classic B&D gameplay at first, and then a much different style of gameplay that mixes mini-game style side objectives and a defend-your-base scenario.

BACKGROUND: You must lead Kostruul into battle and decimate the existing Protoss bases in a classic B&D gameplay style that requires you to establish a base and take the fight to the enemy. Rewards are ripe for you to claim, should you complete your bonus objectives.

Not moments after the last Protoss structure falls does the player take command of a Protoss warband lead by Executor Arestus. Knowing well that the voracity of their enemies knows no bounds, the Executor has already ordered a full retreat of his main force from the moon's surface. Now, they must hold out against the onslaught of the creatures, as Kostruul's forces use their newly-acquired base sites to their great advantage.

Lastly, the Ascended, a Protoss flagship from the Executor's warband, warps in with a small detachment of reinforcements. The Conclave has ordered that the infestation on Yulare be put to an end, and you must be their instrument. If you find that you cannot feasibly do so, you will be given the option to retreat - but at what cost?

LORE/PLOT: Upon the frozen caps of the icy moon Yulare lies the home of three Zerg Cerebrates. The first is a genetic engineer - a Cerebrate named Onat. The second is a conqueror and a tactician - the currently-absent Torzul. The last is Gorn, one of the last of the fallen Overmind's original retinue, and overseer of the moon's defences. The Protoss have broken through the Swarm's outlying clusters and have begun to set up new structures. Gorn is displeased, and knows that he cannot handle this threat alone.

Onat has engineered a new warrior strain that has the psionic capacity capable to lead a good-sized Zerg force. Acting as a field commander of sorts is the newly-bred Kostruul, who is charged with the destruction of the outlying Protoss bases. Once that is done, he will be put in charge of amassing a great force. Indeed, the Swarm shall have their bloody retribution...

...unless the Protoss Executor, Arestus, can co-ordinate properly with his spacefleet. He tasks Azoran, a Protoss Prelate that prefers the mobility of the Scout fighter than the brute force of a more grounded role on the battlefield, must act as a targeting laser of sorts for the orbiting warships' plasma bombardments. Players will be charged with distracting the Zerg anti-air defences long enough for Azoran to get in, lock the target, and get out. Afterward, a cleansing of the many Spore Colonies will be necessary for the evacuation to commence in full, and Executor Arestus will see to that personally.

The clincher is the Carrier, Ascended, which brings with it reinforcements that will - hopefully - be sufficient enough to destroy the largest hive cluster on the moon's surface. This, coincidentally, is the lair of the trio of Zerg Cerebrates. Expect it to be heavily guarded.

Incomplete Script and Gameplay/Plot Outline (.doc, written in Microsoft Word)




RACE: Terran

SPECIAL: New Terran faction, known as the Military; the only playable faction in the mod.
New Zerg faction, known as the Infection; the only other faction in the mod.
A lengthy single-player scenario that tells a tale of a virulent infection that consumes the populace and spawns the stuff of nightmares.
This is not related to the regular StarCraft lore. It is completely standalone.

FEATURES: Voice acting, mod component, custom portraits, custom music, custom UI graphics, custom resources, and an RPG-like setup with several variations on gameplay and side objectives.

BACKGROUND: You must explore several venues of Modrek, an Earth-like planet with near-future technology. Humans make up the sentient populace. An infection has spread and you must take the role of a new Military recruit who makes it his own business to find out just what this infection is - and how to end it. Plenty of New Avalon-style RPG moments will arise; sometimes you will be in a squad, sometimes you will be leading it. Most of the time, you're on your own. At the same time, plenty of missions and side objectives will have you take control of different units, compete in races, fight off the local wildlife, and pilot a military helicopter in a deadly escape manoeuvre.

LORE/PLOT: All I know for now is that an infection has spread and the player must find out why. More details will be released if I finalise them.

None yet.


Many more to come.

Jun 22 2012, 2:32 am Jim_Raynor Post #2

My name is Church.

Why's this in modding projects? It's mostly map content. :/ You said to me that a lot of the maps (most, I think?) won't even use a mod.

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Jun 22 2012, 2:40 am DevliN Post #3


We assumed that considering Pr0nogo's stance on mods and the fact that (unless I'm mistaken) a majority of the maps have a "mod component", then it would belong here more. Otherwise we can move it to Map Productions and he can create a new thread here just for the mod itself.

As Jack put it in his now self-deleted post:
It was in mapping production before. Staff are currently discussing what our policy will be for campaigns with mods, so it may not stay here.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 22 2012, 2:52 am by DevliN.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Jun 22 2012, 2:58 am Oh_Man Post #4

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

It may be worth considering merging the two forums as the modding community has dwindled to nothing and the basis for separation seems arbitrary.

Jun 22 2012, 2:58 am Pr0nogo Post #5

I'd like it put back, as I already PM'd NudeRaider about this issue. The most the mod will do is disable the default music and add custom portraits - in ONE case, the mod adds two units (one of which is a stationary one that acts as nothing other than aesthetics). Infected, the one project that could conceivably be here, is mostly just there as proof of concept and may or may not make it past developmental stages.

So, disregard Infected. Now you have three scenarios - one map that doesn't require a mod component, and two maps that do. In both of the mod component cases, the mods do very small things and afflict very small changes. If the staff's stance on campaigns and maps with mods is slanted enough towards the 'anything with mod component = MOD THREAD WOOH' area to justifiably pull this thread into the mod forums, then you ought to pull The NOMAD Saga, Resilience Rising, and StarCraft: Rivalry threads here with it - not to mention the countless other threads I've made about campaigns with mod components like Chronicle of the Beast and Deception of the Khalai.

Jun 22 2012, 3:05 am Oh_Man Post #6

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

you ought to pull The NOMAD Saga, Resilience Rising, and StarCraft: Rivalry threads here with it.
Yes - do this. Why clutter the mapping thread with mods?

If you are letting mods in because they are 'optional' then you should move the majority of mods in the modding thread too.
It cuts both ways.

As I said, the basis for separation looks to be arbitrary. You need to draw a line or combine the two forums.

Jun 22 2012, 3:18 am Pr0nogo Post #7

You realise that campaigns require way more work on the mapping spectrum than they do on the modding spectrum, right? That seems like a pretty logical, non-arbitrary way to pass judgment on what's a modding project and what isn't. I could even understand Rivalry being tossed into mods, since it's an expansion pack and a campaign (or it was, anyways). Campaigns that have a few new units and modified hero stats, portraits, sounds, etc. shouldn't be considered modding projects because the same level of work was not put into the two. Much more work is put into the map - and I mean that in a completely objective sense, where it's obvious it took more time to make 8-12 missions than it did to make a mod that adds one new unit and modifies five existing heroes. Come on now.

Jun 22 2012, 3:20 am IskatuMesk Post #8

Lord of the Locker Room

Quote from Oh_Man
It may be worth considering merging the two forums as the modding community has dwindled to nothing and the basis for separation seems arbitrary.

I like this idea. You could denote mod-related topics with prefix tags. Like [Mod] Armageddon Onslaught.

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Jun 22 2012, 3:24 am Pr0nogo Post #9

The idea of merging the subforums appeals to me, as well. However, until that happens, keep my maps in the mapping board and my mods in the modding board. kthx

Jun 22 2012, 7:09 am DevliN Post #10


k. Moved back.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Jun 22 2012, 8:14 am Pr0nogo Post #11

A mineral for you, Devlin.

Jun 22 2012, 4:33 pm ClansAreForGays Post #12

They made us because we are unworthy.
This makes no sense.

Jun 23 2012, 2:02 am Pr0nogo Post #13

Stop trying to make sense of it, then. Take it for what it is, not what you think it's supposed to be.

Jun 23 2012, 7:15 am Azrael Post #14

Quote from Oh_Man
It may be worth considering merging the two forums as the modding community has dwindled to nothing and the basis for separation seems arbitrary.

The separation is for the same reason everything else is separated, because they are different things.

The modding community has dwindled significantly because it's something not many mappers have an interest in. Merging the two forums would serve no purpose except forcing people with no interest in mods to see threads about mods.

I get that this appeals to what few modders remain, since it'd put their work in a place where it's exposed to more people. However, that doesn't actually benefit them or anyone else when the additional people viewing it are those that would never view the modding forum. At best it's a pointless inconvenience to the significant majority uninterested in mods, and at worst it's an eyesore that makes the forum unnecessarily disorganized.

The fact that there is so little interest in mods is even more of a reason to not merge the forums. Keep things people don't want to see in a place where they don't have to see them. There may also be people who only want to see mods and modded maps, so it works both ways.

Edit: It might be an idea to make a forum for campaigns, modded or otherwise. It could probably be created amidst the modding forums since most, if not all, modern campaigns utilize a mod component anyways. There would be plenty of content to move into such a forum.

I don't think that anything which requires a mod to play should be in this forum, however, even if it is bundled with a map that doesn't require a mod.

If it's possible for the maps to be played to completion without mod components, meaning that any and all mods are entirely optional in enjoying the playing experience, then it would be a different story.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jun 23 2012, 8:35 am by Azrael.

Jun 23 2012, 7:51 am Kaias Post #15

Quote from Pr0nogo
Stop trying to make sense of it, then. Take it for what it is, not what you think it's supposed to be.
This makes even less sense.


Jun 23 2012, 7:57 pm Pr0nogo Post #16

Quote from Kaias
This makes even less sense.

Why are you so weak of mind?

Quote from Azrael
I don't think that anything which requires a mod to play should be in this forum, however, even if it is bundled with a map that doesn't require a mod.

If it's possible for the maps to be played to completion without mod components, meaning that any and all mods are entirely optional in enjoying the playing experience, then it would be a different story.

You contradict yourself. See the emboldened text.

Jun 23 2012, 8:05 pm Azrael Post #17

It's not a contradiction.

Quote from Azrael
I don't think that anything which requires a mod to play should be in this forum, however, even if it is bundled with a map that doesn't require a mod.

"Nothing that requires a mod should be in this forum."

Quote from Azrael
If it's possible for the maps to be played to completion without mod components, meaning that any and all mods are entirely optional in enjoying the playing experience, then it would be a different story.

"Things that don't require a mod can be in this forum."

Hopefully that clarifies my meaning.

I'm wondering if there's a reason not to have a forum for campaigns. I'm kind of surprised one doesn't exist already.

Jun 23 2012, 8:36 pm Pr0nogo Post #18

Yes, but your original post said "even if it is bundled with a map that doesn't require a mod." You then proceeded to use "requires a mod" as your argument in the next post.

At least it's more obvious to everyone else as to what your understanding is, even if we don't agree on that point.

I think a suitable solution to the matter would be a forum for campaigns, but this thread is for standalone one-shot maps (some of which have NO mod component). The maps might be campaign-style, but even so... where would they go?

Jun 24 2012, 3:53 am Jim_Raynor Post #19

My name is Church.

Might as well add a "one-shot maps that may include mods" section to go with that campaigns section. Probably could get more specific than that. Fastest maps section? Movie maps section? Lots of forums to add and lots of posts to move!

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Jun 24 2012, 5:31 am Azrael Post #20

Nah, the only reason there would be a forum for campaigns is because they generally include mods.

If you don't think custom campaigns are significant enough to warrant their own forum (even though they apparently warrant their own site), then they can just be posted in the modding forum.

An alternative forum suggestion would be one specifically for maps which include mods, campaigns or otherwise, and then use the current modding forum for just mods. That way map-specific mods could stay separate from pure mods. Otherwise, they should go in the same place, as almost all campaigns and maps which require mods are in the current modding forum already.

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