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Azrael's Mafia #1: Resident Evil
Oct 23 2011, 4:05 am
By: Azrael
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Nov 7 2011, 5:12 pm Aristocrat Post #721

Night post when? :hurr:


Nov 7 2011, 5:28 pm Azrael Post #722

Night 3

The man sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the open doorway. Time seemed to pass more slowly than ever, knowing that every second may be his last. He was certain that he would meet death this night. A shadow passed across the doorway as someone went by just outside. He tensed up, gripping the knife behind his back even more tightly, his heartbeat so rapid he could feel it without trying. He held his breath in anticipation, and tried to not even blink, imagining someone was about to run in at any moment. He had never wielded a weapon against another person before, and was certain he could provide little to no resistance against an experienced killer, but he had to try.

He finally exhaled after over a minute had passed, and nearly began to cry from relief. It seemed as though he wasn't the target of whoever had been in the hallway. He knew that didn't mean he was any safer than he had been, and kept his guard up for the remainder of that seemingly endless night.

Day 4 ends Tuesday, 10:00 PM (EST)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 7 2011, 5:37 pm by Azrael.Wrath.

Nov 7 2011, 5:44 pm poison_us Post #723

Back* from the grave

I vote Norm.

Nov 7 2011, 5:56 pm Echo Post #724

So quick to vote for someone without a clue.

I vote poison_us.


Nov 7 2011, 6:31 pm DevliN Post #725



\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Nov 7 2011, 6:51 pm poison_us Post #726

Back* from the grave

Quote from Echo
So quick to vote for someone without a clue.

I vote poison_us.

EDIT: Evidence removed by request.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 7 2011, 7:39 pm by poison_us.

Nov 7 2011, 7:43 pm Sacrieur Post #727

Still Napping

I vote Norm.


Nov 7 2011, 7:47 pm Aristocrat Post #728

I vote Echo for disobeying his robotic overlords.


Nov 7 2011, 8:01 pm Norm Post #729

I vote poison. Way to start an obvious bandwagon, scum.


Nov 7 2011, 8:03 pm Lanthanide Post #730

Abstain until my contacts provide me some useful evidence on our suspects.


Nov 7 2011, 8:31 pm poison_us Post #731

Back* from the grave

Quote from Norm
I vote poison. Way to start an obvious bandwagon, scum.
You're just mad because I've helped find two zombies now.

Nov 7 2011, 8:53 pm Norm Post #732

Idiot.. why would I care what you do with zombies?


Nov 7 2011, 9:09 pm TiKels Post #733

I vote norm

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Nov 7 2011, 9:21 pm Echo Post #734

I vote Norm because I made a mistake.


Nov 7 2011, 9:43 pm Norm Post #735

Oh great, its 'Vote for townie Norm because we're all idiots' day. Didnt get the memo. In that case, ILL JUST VOTE NORM AS WELL! HURRR LOOK AT ME I AM IDIOT TOWNSPERSON WANTING TO KILL MY OWN!


Nov 7 2011, 9:47 pm OlimarandLouie Post #736

I shall vote for Norm due to reasonable evidence confirming he is a zombie.


Nov 7 2011, 9:52 pm Norm Post #737

Quote from OlimarandLouie
I shall vote for Norm due to reasonable evidence confirming he is a zombie.

What evidence? You gotta be trolling right now. Wouldnt I actually have to be the zombie in order for there to be evidence of me being a zombie? Gosh dangit, man. You guys are getting dumber by the day.


Nov 7 2011, 9:59 pm Tempz Post #738

Re - Post + Night 3

Night 0
Maintenance Log

6:02 - Furnace temperature too high at start of shift.

6:04 - Added 19 liters of coolant to regulator tank.

6:07 - Still too hot, reduced set temperature by half.

6:08 - Added 9 liters of coolant to regulator tank.

6:11 - Removed a full unit of fuel from current fuel tank.

6:14 - Logged temperatures, panel displayed two different numbers, disregarded first.

6:16 - Temperature confirmed, within acceptable range.

Night 1
Journal Entry

Date: February 21st

Today while working in the baking section of the cafeteria, one of the researchers came up to get a box of large blueberry and poppy seed muffins for the staff in his laboratory. I gave him a baker's dozen and charged him $28. However, he responded by pointing out an error I'd made in entering the individual price, and stated the total should be $39 instead. I asked him why he'd point out such a difference, and he responded by saying he wouldn't feel right if he hadn't. I didn't punish him for being honest, so he just paid $30 and left the change with me.

Night 2
Interview Transcript

Campbell: "How are you today?"

Bannerman: "Great! And yourself?"

Campbell: "Oh, I'm fantastic. We've very little to discuss here, it seems everything's in order."

Bannerman: "That's good to hear."

Campbell: "I just have a quick question. Could you tell me when you first became interested in viral research?"

Bannerman: "Well, my own entrance into this field was the result of someone else leaving it."

Campbell: "Oh? Please, continue."

Bannerman: "You see, four years prior to the beginning of my career, my father had retired. He had dedicated his life to virology, and the way he talked about it made it seem incredibly interesting. When he stepped down, that was the day when I felt a place I needed to fill in the world. Through hard work and perseverance, I ended up at the top of my class, and eventually here."

Campbell: "That's quite an impressive story, I'm glad to have heard an answer like that. You can look forward to hearing back from us about employment, consider yourself hired though. You'll get a call no later than two weeks from now."

Bannerman: "Thank you, I'll look forward to it. Take care."

Night 3
Scrap of Paper


"Partly removed, the rest replaced, sequentially followed, correctly displaced."

I think night 3 requires that more researchers post their own pms... if you revealed yourself as a researcher and it is similar to this please post it. Also i checks post 549
Where are you getting the impression the rogue engineer can only constrain one person at a time?
it was a quote by sac.


Nov 7 2011, 10:08 pm DevliN Post #739


Quote from Norm
Quote from OlimarandLouie
I shall vote for Norm due to reasonable evidence confirming he is a zombie.

What evidence? You gotta be trolling right now. Wouldnt I actually have to be the zombie in order for there to be evidence of me being a zombie? Gosh dangit, man. You guys are getting dumber by the day.
I think the assumption is that you claimed to be bitten during Night 2, and if no one cured you, you are now a Zombie.

I vote Norm.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Nov 7 2011, 10:11 pm Norm Post #740

Quote from DevliN
Quote from Norm
Quote from OlimarandLouie
I shall vote for Norm due to reasonable evidence confirming he is a zombie.

What evidence? You gotta be trolling right now. Wouldnt I actually have to be the zombie in order for there to be evidence of me being a zombie? Gosh dangit, man. You guys are getting dumber by the day.
I think the assumption is that you claimed to be bitten during Night 2, and if no one cured you, you are now a Zombie.

I vote Norm.

No. That was a bluff to keep the mafia and zombies off of me. If you guys lynch me, you will fucking regret it when town loses this game.


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