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Diablo - Mortal Shroud
Feb 10 2011, 1:00 am
By: Ahli
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Jul 3 2015, 7:03 pm Lagencie Post #1021

Well ... diablo 2 mod is ongoing and almost finished for public release ... diablo 1 is just not for outdoor ... i guess noone would play diablo 1 mod if it where not for the dungeons like d1 is made


Jul 16 2015, 2:35 pm kiwi33 Post #1022

Hello, i haven't really understand how get in the 13th level, i dont find the door, i do many times, but never found ???? i gonna play with the caster, warrior and rogue but always block at the 12 th level, i m block, it was funny but i want kill diablo now ! :) other thing, lasers quest doesn't work. plz help ! :)

Jul 16 2015, 6:50 pm Ahli Post #1023

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from kiwi33
Hello, i haven't really understand how get in the 13th level, i dont find the door, i do many times, but never found ???? i gonna play with the caster, warrior and rogue but always block at the 12 th level, i m block, it was funny but i want kill diablo now ! :) other thing, lasers quest doesn't work. plz help ! :)
In the last Cave level, you can find the "Staff of Lazarus". Bring it to Cain and he will open a portal to Hell.

Jul 30 2015, 7:49 am Vanquish~ Post #1024

I keep getting to the second last floor over and over but the last one is never there to kill diablo, what do i do?


Jul 30 2015, 9:11 am Ahli Post #1025

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from Vanquish~
I keep getting to the second last floor over and over but the last one is never there to kill diablo, what do i do?
Can you post a replay?

Jul 30 2015, 1:43 pm Vanquish~ Post #1026

no but i can give you a screen shot of the map lol, the only thing that is there is the portal to lazuras(sp) but no hell floor 4 :S


Jul 30 2015, 2:35 pm Ahli Post #1027

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from Vanquish~
no but i can give you a screen shot of the map lol, the only thing that is there is the portal to lazuras(sp) but no hell floor 4 :S
That would work, too. With the ID on the screen, I can recreate the dungeon and look for problems in my algorithm, if it really didn't spawn.

Oct 7 2015, 12:33 am Ahli Post #1028

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

The new SC2 patch created a lot of bugs. I will try to fix them after updating the observer UIs for SC2 and Heroes.

Oct 7 2015, 2:19 am Oh_Man Post #1029

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Quote from Ahli
The new SC2 patch created a lot of bugs. I will try to fix them after updating the observer UIs for SC2 and Heroes.
That's always a big fear with working on mod projects for a game that's still actively being worked on by the devs. Damn that must be frustrating.

You'd think with all the good that's come from the UMS community Blizzard would be more aware of things like this while patching the game.

Oct 7 2015, 9:20 am Ahli Post #1030

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from Oh_Man
Quote from Ahli
The new SC2 patch created a lot of bugs. I will try to fix them after updating the observer UIs for SC2 and Heroes.
That's always a big fear with working on mod projects for a game that's still actively being worked on by the devs. Damn that must be frustrating.

You'd think with all the good that's come from the UMS community Blizzard would be more aware of things like this while patching the game.
Well, I think it is ok that they break things. They improve the engine and hopefully its performance. They added a lot of new features to the editor and game. This is the biggest patch for the editor and arcade games so far. The StarCraft Universe devs reported that Blizz halfed the input latency which is basically black magic at this point. I have no idea how they did that, but they managed to do it. I assume the system that was there before was not plain stupid, so someone seems to have been very clever at Blizz.

The problem I have with this patch is that Blizz did not put up a PTR, so all problems will only surface in the live version. Luckily I am not participating in the Rock the Cabinet contest, so I have no reason to freak out. Some projects have data loss due to the update potentially removing files.

Due to my connections to that company, I know that they try to avoid breaking maps, but it is not always possible. Also, I assume they are not always aware of the impact of their changes. Some things might just be bugs added while the engine was torn apart and put back together.

Oct 8 2015, 2:14 pm macmacsen Post #1031

first of all I wanted to tell you that you created an awesome map and that it's really cool that you keep it still up to date.
I have some questions concerning the game mechanics, I hope it is okay if I just post them here.
1.Is the damage display of Guardian bugged? because it shows about 60-100 dmg on lvl 3 and it feels more like 6-10 dmg.
2. How often can a character use the Spectral Elixiers obtained through the black mushroom quest to gain the +3 to all stats?
I think 3 times, one for each difficulty is that right?
3. Is Deckard Cain bugged since the new patch? I can't talk to him anymore, so I can't open the portal to Hell(on any difficulty)
4.Are there any items ingame that increase the casting speed?
5. Does a higher attack speed affect the rogue spell Fan of Knives? so is the spell casted faster depending on the attack speed?
6.Does the rogue spell that enchants your weapon with fire dmg also increase the dmg of Fan of Knives?
7. How often can you use an oil on an item? For example how often can I use Oil of Death on a weapon?
8. When do I earn XP? Today I was killing mobs in the caves on difficulty Hell with a char on lvl 32. At some Point I didn't get anymore XP. When I went up to the catacombs I earned XP by killing monsters. Is this a bug?

So lots of question, but still an awesome map, keep up the good work.

Edit: Is the game quite laggy since the patch or is it only me who has this problem?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 8 2015, 9:57 pm by macmacsen.


Oct 8 2015, 11:26 pm Ahli Post #1032

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from macmacsen
Is the game quite laggy since the patch or is it only me who has this problem?

32 bit client seems to give up to 50% more FPS than the 64bit client. So, I suggest that everyone uses the 32 bit one for SC2.

Are you using the 64 bit one?

Oct 28 2015, 9:15 am Ahli Post #1033

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Patch 3.0.3 improved the performance in 64bit game version.

But none of the other weird 3.0 issues like textures/images not working and attachments not working properly.

Nov 8 2015, 4:11 am revenoff Post #1034

hell no longer works. i bring the staff of lazarus to cain, he talks about lazarus, walks to the church entrance and nothing happens. the cathedral entrance disappears and he no longer talks to you, clicking on him does nothing.

tried 4 times to makes sure

replay attached if that helps


Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Nov 8 2015, 4:17 am by revenoff.


Nov 8 2015, 4:30 am Ahli Post #1035

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.


I will look into this. Big Thanks for telling me!

Did you notice anything else breaking apart other than:
- not loaded textures
- animations breaking attachments
- not loaded images
- only needing 1 blood stone for arkaine's valor quest
- main menu difficulty having "_" in it until altered
- game's internal loading screen at the start staying forever
- every unit dieing with low-model's death
- chain lightning standing in air

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Nov 8 2015, 9:03 pm by Ahli.

Nov 8 2015, 4:59 pm revenoff Post #1036

sorc attack animations don't work. the attacks still do damage, just no animations.

the tome pages not closing out and being permanently stuck on screen even after dieing and respawning. not sure what causes this, another player said something along the lines of "don't esc to close tome" so perhaps it has something to do with the esc key but i didn't try myself.

saw a weird error message which i don't really remember the content of but it came alongside a player dieing and not respawning. - replay attached, its towards the end



Nov 8 2015, 10:16 pm Ahli Post #1037

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Thanks :)

Oh god, yeah, for some reason the area is unloaded to improve the map's performance while the player is inside it. When a player enters it, he should stop the area's timer and when he leaves it, the timer should be reset. Maybe, the leaving player caused the problem.

Nov 29 2015, 7:24 pm Tristo Post #1038

Hi, thanks for this nice remade of D1.
When I saw title and screen of your game, I was like... no I must not go in, otherwise I will spent many hours in this just like old time. And so, thats what happend.
Like someone told in previous post, when you reach the last cave level, you cant go further since Cain doesnt open portal to Hell. Any idea when we will be able to continue this adventure?

NB. Are you able to "secure" stairs? Sometimes, when you go down and appear on the next level, there is a mass of creatures already waiting for you. One of the worst I have seen was about 10 monsters + 1 boss (on cave lvl 4, map #983835972)

Great thanks for your work!


Jan 22 2016, 2:25 pm Ahli Post #1039

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

I've worked on bug fixes today and in the last 10 hours I fixed most aspects that I believe to be fixable.

I will release the update in a couple of hours after doing some more tests.

I have already updated the second big mod file from the game. It increased in size from 36 to 59 mb. The SC2 engine seems to have dropped the support of one dds image compression format which caused a couple of textures to not appear in the game anymore. Thus I converted all textures to use another format which produces bigger file sizes. Unfortunately, this did not resolve all texture problems.

Problems remaining:
- map's loading screen tips are not used, loading bar background appears like a small bar
- some monsters, some spells, catacombs dungeon walls, hell floor, cave bridges, potions and circle of power marking the entrance of the final dungeon level have no-textures
- attachments (weapon, shield, etc) are not updating their position unless the unit is walking. This makes weapons float in the air during combat, also the attachments in the main menu are not working...
- catacombs town's shortcut entry shows a different mouse pointer although the entrance is closed for the player

I will post the changelog when I am updating...


Quote from changelog version 1.3
- difficulty text not stating the proper name
- room doodads spawning in special static areas of the dungeon
- - - this bug was able to break the creation of the dungeons during main menu's loading screen
- - - this bug was able to make some corners in dungeon rooms inaccessible
- "add aura" displayed in chat
- wrong camera angle after watching the outro video
- games started with exactly 4 players had less monsters respawning
- cathedral levels could be unloaded for hell summoning while a player is inside them
- skill point refund not refunding properly
- skill refund of Tempest Guardian, Blood and Fire Golem not removing the summoned units
- recast of storm shield displaying wrong duration on buff icon
- mana/energy/storm shield's damage reduction accidentially shifted the damage towards the life instead of reducing it

SC2 patch 3.0 BUG FIXES:
- multi-pedestal activation with only one blood stone
- Cain not opening the Portal to Hell or becoming interactive again.
- hero attack animation problems
- Pepin's static portrait image showing a LotV campaign's unit portrait
- pillar doodads in cathedral levels which were stones before. Now they are single dark grey bricks.
- player handle checks of non-playing player slots throwing errors
- some unit textures
- UI textures
- deaths being forced to low quality

- better visuals for the Chamber of Bone quest reward
- Cain's portrait can now move his lips
- raised the area around the entrance in Caves where monsters cannot be placed from 6 to 12
- - - This will reduce the amount of monsters flooding into you when you enter the level.
- reduced initial monster count in Cave levels from 60 to 55.
- raised the area around the entrance in Catacombs where monsters cannot be placed from 6 to 9

If you run into further problems, please let me know. :)

I might be able to fix attachment and texture bugs in near future. I've just learned how to import models in 3dsMax and I already know texture modifications.
Currently, I've fixed the Warrior at the cost of breaking two of the four stand animation variations.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jan 22 2016, 11:15 pm by Ahli.

Feb 8 2016, 9:33 pm giantkillergeneral Post #1040

I just killed lazarus on normal and I am stuck. How do I get to diablo? I assumed one of the teleporters on the ground would activate upon lazarus' death, but none of them work. I am pretty sure there were 1 or 2 teleporters that I never used for anything in the unholy altar room and never did anything.


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