Staredit Network > Forums > Games > Topic: OGame
Feb 2 2011, 7:57 pm
By: poison_us
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Feb 2 2011, 7:57 pm poison_us Post #1

Back* from the grave

Quote from name:Homepage
OGame is a strategy-game set in space. Thousands of players across the world compete at the same time. In order to play you only need a web browser.
However, this doesn't begin to describe the in-depthness of the game. It's basically a version of the Tycoon-style games where you get resources and build progressively more and better stuff. But since this is competitive and multiplayer, you also get to attack and defend against other empires. Below is a list of its features:

  • User-friendly tutorial, accessible at any time, and grants rewards for completing up to 10 tasks.
  • 4 (counting energy) main resource systems
    • Money-based "5th" resource, though supposedly there are ways to get this resource without paying, outside of one tutorial reward
    • This resource, however, does not greatly effect gameplay in any way
  • Multiple universes, some with unique sets of rules
  • Buddy system and PM system, as well as a Clan feature (called "Alliances")
  • Almost forgot to mention Alliances have customizable member ranking, and the rank system is currently set up to mirror SEN's
  • Infinite numbers of ships, defenses, and many possible strategies
  • Ranking system to see how you stack up against others in your universe
  • Upgradeable mines, research, weapons, armor, and multiple (and upgradeable) energy harvesting methods
  • Muted, eye-appealing graphics. No "cartoon-like" images
  • Entirely browser-based; no downloads, addons, anything (save the images and html itself)
  • Interface is intuitive; everything in the menu is where it would logically be
  • Description of your planet, including temperature range, diameter, and moon(s)
  • Headers representing worlds are unique, though similar:
  • Lasers, Ion Beams, Gauss Cannons, and even an entire universe can be yours. Or you could be a trader. Or even a peaceful overlord. Or...well, you get the point.

NOTE: I'm not advanced enough to be able to list every single aspect of the game, though, so this will likely be updated when I discover new stuff.

Member list: Name: name [Universe: Coordinates (galaxy:system:planet)]

  • poison_us: poison [2:227:4]
    • Rank: Co-Founder

  • Loveless: Loveless [2:287:12]
    • Rank: Co-Founder

  • O)FaRTy1billion: SaintofIdiocy [1:323:12]
    • Rank: Regular

  • OlimarandLouie: OlimarandLouie [2:248:12]
    • Rank: Regular

  • MadZombie!: TentacleRape [2:276:12]
    • Rank: Regular

  • DevliN: DevliND [2:283:4]
    • Rank: Regular

  • BeDazed: Daze [2:291:4]
    • Rank: Regular

  • Zycorax: Zycorax [2:289:12]
    • Rank: Regular

  • Raitaki: Raitaki [2:281:12]
    • Rank: Regular

  • Jack]RCDF: Jack [1:64:12]
    • Rank: Regular

  • Cardinal: Cardinal [2:197:12]
    • Rank: Regular

  • Ahli: Ahli [2:353:4]
    • Rank: Regular

  • Symmetry: Symmetry [2:464:6]
    • Rank: Regular

  • Kaias: Kaias [1:452:10]
    • Rank: Regular

  • Derqua: Derqua [2:253:6]
    • Rank: Member

As there are many universes, when joining be sure to enter Hydra as your universe, otherwise you might not be able to join the SEN Alliance. I'm not sure if you can join Alliances in other universes, and I don't care much to find out. When you go to register, make sure you have the correct universe, as in this example.

As in all browser-based games, inactives are exploited. Here's a list of known inactives in order of discovery, and I'll cross them off as we completely milk them dry:

Finally, because Devlin will have a mini-fit if I don't mention this, just because it says SEN does NOT mean it is SEN-sponsored.

Post has been edited 25 time(s), last time on Feb 18 2011, 1:06 am by poison_us.

Feb 2 2011, 8:05 pm OlimarandLouie Post #2

Signing up now.


The tutorial broke when I validated my account :stfu:


Feb 2 2011, 8:12 pm poison_us Post #3

Back* from the grave

Forgot to mention you don't have to announce your coordinates in here, I can see them in the Alliance menu. Also, what do you mean it broke?

Feb 2 2011, 8:13 pm OlimarandLouie Post #4

When I validated my account, it logged me out. Now the tutorial has ceased to exist. Guess I'll learn everything the hard way :awesome:


Feb 2 2011, 8:16 pm poison_us Post #5

Back* from the grave

There's a question mark in the top left, above your menu. Click it. Picture coming.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 2 2011, 8:21 pm by poison_us.

Feb 2 2011, 8:49 pm DevliN Post #6


Signed up as DevliND.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Feb 2 2011, 8:52 pm Jack Post #7

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

How much time each day does it take to play this without being absolutely useless and killable?

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Feb 2 2011, 9:42 pm poison_us Post #8

Back* from the grave

Quote from Jack
How much time each day does it take to play this without being absolutely useless and killable?
Hmm, I haven't been attacked yet. Generally the higher players ignore you...but I dunno.

Quote from DevliN
Signed up as DevliND.
Send an application through the Alliance link in OP?

Feb 2 2011, 9:52 pm MadZombie Post #9

Meh it's pretty much like any other browser based game but If SEN people are doing it I'll join for lul.


Feb 2 2011, 9:57 pm poison_us Post #10

Back* from the grave

The colors make it oddly addicting to's how soothing and peaceful it looks, I guess. Except for the ad, it's all so relaxed and nice ^^

Feb 2 2011, 10:16 pm DevliN Post #11


So I just accidentally tested it, and I think you do have to be in the same universe. Time to start over in Hydra. :/

And applied.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Feb 3 2011, 12:01 am BeDazed Post #12

We had this alliance two years ago too I think. Count me in,. <_<

Daze [2:291:4]

EDIT:: @poison
lulz. You might find that OGame was actually the most intense browser game I've ever played. :/


Feb 3 2011, 12:08 am NicholasBeige Post #13

lol... ogame... too old school for me :)... my 200,000 strong Battleship and Battlecruiser fleet got ninja'd in 2008 and since then I've been quite happily living a normal life without waking up in cold sweats at 4am when my fleet returns home :).


Quote from poison_us
NOTE: I'm not advanced enough to be able to list every single aspect of the game, though, so this will likely be updated when I discover new stuff.

I'll be team mascot and adviser... always fleetsave with resources. If possible fleetsave to a debris field. Keep an eye out for players who have moons, and therefore possibly Sensor Phalanx's. Don't turtle. Use speedsim (appears to be down, for me atleast) or another battle calculator.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 3 2011, 12:13 am by Cardinal.


Feb 3 2011, 12:14 am BeDazed Post #14

Still. This universe is young, the strongest player is only 4000 points.
EDIT:: Nope <_< I meant 400k points.

Oh yeah, word of advice. Tech straight to cargo ships. <_<

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Feb 3 2011, 12:22 am by BeDazed.


Feb 3 2011, 12:21 am Zycorax Post #15

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

Great, now I'm going to get addicted to this stuff again. At least until I get wtfpwnd by some massive fleet like last time I played it.
Zycorax 2:290:12

And lol yeah, cargo ship raids early in the game is awesome ^^

Feb 3 2011, 12:38 am poison_us Post #16

Back* from the grave

Quote from Zycorax
And lol yeah, cargo ship raids early in the game is awesome ^^
Why is this? Oh, and btw, I really, really want two SENners to get together in the same universe. Would make my day.

Also, having the rank of "Member" should allow you to see the member list. Can anyone verify that inside of their Alliance menu they can see something like this?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 3 2011, 1:01 am by poison_us.

Feb 3 2011, 1:08 am MadZombie Post #17

We (or I) don't see the "online" column. Thats pretty useful. Why can't I see that ;_;

Can't we just migrate to the same galaxy at some point?


Feb 3 2011, 1:08 am Zycorax Post #18

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

You can scoop a lot of resources from defenseless planets. I remember doing it a couple of times once when I started in a fresh universe. It gave you a nice resource boost in the beginning ^^

Feb 3 2011, 1:14 am MadZombie Post #19

If I can go into the negatives with energy then whats the catch? Why build energy plants (or w/e they are called)


Feb 3 2011, 1:14 am BeDazed Post #20

Can't we just migrate to the same galaxy at some point?

We could. Though it would hamper progress by a lot. It'd be best wise to migrate if you were under constant attack by a stronger player that you cannot defend yourself from.


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