Site Features
The Staff Roster provides information about who on Staredit Network is responsible for what in particular.
In case you have found issues with this website, sending a private message to someone whose job is marked as Coder is highly appreciated.

Member: DevliN
Job: Administrator
Contact: Write a PM
DevliN has been playing StarCraft for just over 2 weeks. His favorite race is human, and he likes to spam battleships and astronauts. He has never been defeated.

DevliN lives in Los Angeles, under a bridge. He occasionally gathers enough money from a nearby wishing well to pay for an hour of internet use at his local "cyber café." He has never been defeated.

Member: Devourer
Job: Coder
Contact: Write a PM

Member: O)FaRTy1billion[MM]
Job: Global Moderator, op sen Botkeeper
Contact: Write a PM

Member: Excalibur
Job: Global Moderator
Contact: Write a PM
I am Excalibur.

I came to SEN on my 13th birthday. From the moment I joined I started my pursuit of bringing a high standard of community and conduct to every site, game, and clan that I was a part of. In my years on Bnet, I've served as a member, officer, and technical operator of clans such as the original USEast make of S.T.A.R.S, BNU, [MM], UBCS, RPoS, AH, DI, and numerous others. In every case I tried to show other places on the web the value of content, those who produce it, and the lasting effect of a community based around a game. These are things I learned from SEN, and the friends who taught me are of indescribable value. I cherish and try to honor all of those who came before me to give us all the SEN we have today. There have been countless hours of effort poured into the coding and skinning to make the site, and even more on the content and posts added to it.

My first experience with Blizzard gaming was Diablo in 1996. I was four years old. When Starcraft came out two years later, I was the first in my neighborhood to obtain it. Soon after I got dial up internet and began playing on, and joined my first clan, BNU. For years, despite a period of having no internet, I was immersed in Bnet. I spent every summer devoting as much time to it as I could. I tried my hand at map making but would not become proficient at it until much later. During these years I was an avid Resident Evil, Command and Conquer, Diablo, and Warcraft fan. I have played and enjoyed most of the games in these series. The time I have spent on them are some of my best childhood memories.

As time goes by I try to continue to expand my horizons in new games, trying to enrich their communities with the lessons SEN has taught me. Sometimes they are made better by these efforts and other times they refuse them. In any case, where ever I may go, I take SEN with me, and through me, even if SEN shall go down for good one day, it shall never really die. My heart, my soul, my legacy is forever alive through the games I play and the communities I help build around them.

Member: NudeRaider
Job: Global Moderator
Contact: Write a PM
Made a few maps, but most of them were just edits of underdeveloped maps with a nice concept.
I still love StarCraft / Broodwar, but I've mostly moved on.
So nowadays I'm only here for the cake and to help out with mapping questions.

Member: Roy
Job: Global Moderator
Contact: Write a PM


Date of Birth:

Current Location:

Threat Level:

Additional notes:
Can use chopsticks

Forum Moderators
EzDay281: Modding Assistance, Modding Projects, Modding Discussion.
rockz: SC1 UMS Theory and Ideas, SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance.
DT_Battlekruser: Null, , SC1 Contests, Lite Discussion.
CecilSunkure: Serious Discussion, Technology & Computers, Media, Art, and Literature, Staredit Network, Lite Discussion, SC2 Melee, , .
Zycorax: Games.
jjf28: SC1 Terrain, SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance, SC1 Map Showcase, SC1 Map Production, SC1 UMS Theory and Ideas, SC1 Mapping Tools, General StarCraft, SC1 Contests.
Ahli: Temple Siege 2, , , SC2 Custom Maps, Portal News.
LoveLess: Temple Siege 2.
UnholyUrine: Temple Siege 2.
Jack: Temple Siege 2.
Devourer: Staredit Network.
Voyager7456: Modding Assistance, Modding Projects, Modding Discussion.

[06:27 pm]
dumbducky -- Thank you come again
[2025-2-11. : 2:34 pm]
Ultraviolet -- :wob:
[2025-2-10. : 7:43 am]
NudeRaider -- true
[2025-2-10. : 12:21 am]
Ultraviolet -- or too much going on in too little space rather
[2025-2-10. : 12:20 am]
Ultraviolet -- they're also just too small to really be obvious what they are without looking really closely
[2025-2-09. : 8:40 pm]
NudeRaider -- I'm not an artist, but I made a better version
[2025-2-09. : 4:28 pm]
Ultraviolet -- yeah I don't disagree
[2025-2-09. : 1:19 pm]
NudeRaider -- Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet shouted: :megathink: nice
I just wish those were actual pixel graphics, and not so blurry. They just don't fit in.
[2025-2-09. : 1:16 pm]
NudeRaider -- Roy
Roy shouted: Moose is one of the most veteran members of the site that I can think of: if he isn't doing well, that's a premonition of the site as a whole. Moose, as a community, what can we do to improve your disposition? Please keep in mind the fate of the administration, moderation, and general outlook of the site is reliant on this answer.
Moose even brought Roybot back!
[2025-2-09. : 9:18 am]
Zycorax -- :O
Please log in to shout.

Members Online: Cores244, dumbducky