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Mar 2 2008, 6:12 pm
By: Ultraviolet
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Are you an atheist?
Are you an atheist?
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Yes 29
No 20
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Mar 5 2008, 8:11 am Falkoner Post #81

The New Testament is where Christians should actually learn. Jesus said to love everyone, including Homosexuals. About Abortion, if God created the world, then he knows what he created. I beileve in humans having souls and in my opinion, aborted babies weren't even meant to be born, and if it is born, then it is.

You love the person, even if you don't love their actions, I think you have your beliefs a little twisted. Jesus did not teach to just think "who cares", while you should always love the person, that does not necessarily mean that you should love what they are doing. This includes homosexuality. I don't know what I think about abortion, my religion never directly speaks against it, but I feel that it's wrong, since that is a soul that you are just aborting from life, just because you can take the consequences of your actions.


Mar 5 2008, 8:58 am MillenniumArmy Post #82

Quote from Falkoner
The New Testament is where Christians should actually learn. Jesus said to love everyone, including Homosexuals. About Abortion, if God created the world, then he knows what he created. I beileve in humans having souls and in my opinion, aborted babies weren't even meant to be born, and if it is born, then it is.

You love the person, even if you don't love their actions, I think you have your beliefs a little twisted. Jesus did not teach to just think "who cares", while you should always love the person, that does not necessarily mean that you should love what they are doing. This includes homosexuality.
One may not like homosexuality actionwise, but the thing is that many christians are condemning these people for their actions and are pretty much saying that God will burn them to hell when in actuality everybody is just as equally qualified and guilty of sin to go to hell. The REAL problem is that people are singling homosexuality out as a "greater" sin (or for some the "greatest") when compared with others (same thing with just isolating homosexuals from other people). Stuff like committing adultery, holding lustful thoughts, lying, murdering, etc etc are all sins which equally doom us to hell as well (but then the whole point of christianity is if you accept Jesus as your personal savior who died for you and took your punishment, then you can go to heaven). If we don't like homosexuality, then we should not like many many other things as well and treat them with equal taste. One of Jesus' teachings is to not judge people for their actions. I forgot which book(s) he said it in, but it's one of his most important teachings.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Mar 5 2008, 9:10 am by MillenniumArmy.


Mar 5 2008, 11:47 am Falkoner Post #83

One of Jesus' teachings is to not judge people for their actions. I forgot which book(s) he said it in, but it's one of his most important teachings.

I believe the quote you'd be looking for would be "Judge not, that ye be not judged", which is said all over the place, new and old testaments. And, yes, I agree, I think that many people take it way too far, as I said earlier:

Does your religion actually teach that God will sentence his own children to that kind of misery? I mean, obviously they won't have as much joy after their lives, but they won't be in hell for all of eternity..

Although, certain sins are definitely more serious than others, you can't simply consider all sins to be equal, a sin is a sin, but there are sins which are much more difficult to repent of once they have been committed.


Mar 5 2008, 12:06 pm Minority Post #84

Quote from EcHo
I don't understand why atheists are always like Fuck that religion! And fuck this one!. If they don't believe anything, they should atleast respect other's.
Some atheists are so hateful towards religion because they were persecuted for their beliefs (or lack of such). Some religious people act the same way for the same reasons. In a more ideal world, everyone would accept each others* opinions and beliefs, but this world is far from ideal. Just know that anyone who hates a certain belief has probably had bad experiences with it in the past.

*Ugh, posessive pronoun or posessive noun? Fucking apostrophe.


Mar 5 2008, 2:55 pm AntiSleep Post #85

If something is real, it can in principle be understood, calling something supernatural(something that cannot be understood) is just a bullshit excuse for failing to substantiate claims of special authority. You can call me Atheist and Agnostic, both are accurate terms.


Mar 5 2008, 3:37 pm Vi3t-X Post #86

There is only one way to solve this, that even Anti-Sleep has not thought of.

To not be of one's religeon does not mean to be of evil decent. To underestimate the possible and plausible power of a greater existance is foolish. We must understand to accept each other for who they are and what they will become, for if we don't, we too will be lost...

So, basically what I just said was, If you do beleive, or if you don't it doesn't mater. So long as you respect other's and are tollorant, you will always survive, if not, in the hearts of those who trust in your judgement.


Mar 5 2008, 3:44 pm Nintendo_Confed Post #87

What IS an Atheist?


Mar 5 2008, 3:53 pm Vi3t-X Post #88

From what I know (and Im 11 so dont judge me), an atheist is a person who does not beleive in supreme being(s).


Mar 5 2008, 9:52 pm Falkoner Post #89

Basically, yeah, but if you want to get really technical..


Mar 5 2008, 11:51 pm Echo Post #90

Quote from MillenniumArmy
Quote from Falkoner
The New Testament is where Christians should actually learn. Jesus said to love everyone, including Homosexuals. About Abortion, if God created the world, then he knows what he created. I beileve in humans having souls and in my opinion, aborted babies weren't even meant to be born, and if it is born, then it is.

You love the person, even if you don't love their actions, I think you have your beliefs a little twisted. Jesus did not teach to just think "who cares", while you should always love the person, that does not necessarily mean that you should love what they are doing. This includes homosexuality.
One may not like homosexuality actionwise, but the thing is that many christians are condemning these people for their actions and are pretty much saying that God will burn them to hell when in actuality everybody is just as equally qualified and guilty of sin to go to hell. The REAL problem is that people are singling homosexuality out as a "greater" sin (or for some the "greatest") when compared with others (same thing with just isolating homosexuals from other people). Stuff like committing adultery, holding lustful thoughts, lying, murdering, etc etc are all sins which equally doom us to hell as well (but then the whole point of christianity is if you accept Jesus as your personal savior who died for you and took your punishment, then you can go to heaven). If we don't like homosexuality, then we should not like many many other things as well and treat them with equal taste. One of Jesus' teachings is to not judge people for their actions. I forgot which book(s) he said it in, but it's one of his most important teachings.

I concur with this statement. Every man sins so we can't judge other people. God forbids homosexuality but it doesn't mean we have to exclude or hate them. Who are we to judge other people anyways? Everyone has flaws.

/split I know an atheist who thinks they are the perfect being, yet they make so many mistakes. Don't get the wrong idea of what I stated though. I said I knew an atheist, I'm not being general. People who calls themselves God is clearly retarded.


Mar 6 2008, 12:17 am WoAHorde Post #91

Quote from EcHo

I concur with this statement. Every man sins so we can't judge other people. God forbids homosexuality but it doesn't mean we have to exclude or hate them. Who are we to judge other people anyways? Everyone has flaws.

Forbidding homosexuality contradicts Christian scripture;the scripture is in a positive-feedback loop of contradiction.


Mar 6 2008, 12:42 am Echo Post #92

That's not true. Christianity is doesn't allow homosexuality. People just get the wrong idea and thinks to hate homosexuals.


Mar 6 2008, 12:48 am Vi3t-X Post #93

Lets stick with, don't screw with other people, and they wont screw with you. They try to convert you, but you dont want to convert, just chillax and tell them your not interested, CASE CLOSED.


Mar 6 2008, 12:53 am Laser Dude Post #94

Look, one's religious beleifs (or lack) are what is the foundation for their entire life. It is entirely impossible to prove religion as being false, because to do so you need to use methods which are not going to be accepted by a religious person. However, if you try to prove religion, you're going to find yourself using methods which are not acceptable proof to a non-religious person. For example, evolution has been proven in a laboratory (and in open, viewable areas, for that matter), however, religious people will not accept that as the truth because it contradicts everything they've been raised to beleive. Alternately, a religious person could attempt to show a non-religious person that his religion is true by showing that the bible is a work of God, and thus, is perfect, and thus God exists. (I don't know how to go about proving religion, though, because I don't practice it, so I'll admit my example isn't all that great) This, again, is unacceptable evidance to a non-religious person, because they've been raised to be skeptical about the idea of people being manipulated to do things by a supreme being.


Mar 6 2008, 1:27 am Ultraviolet Post #95

Quote from EcHo
Quote from Vi3t-X
Lets stick with, don't screw with other people, and they wont screw with you. They try to convert you, but you dont want to convert, just chillax and tell them your not interested, CASE CLOSED.

Meh, I don't think Viet's point is a horrible one, although the "don't screw with people and they won't screw with you" point is a bit optimistic. WHY TELL IHM TO STFU?!

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Mar 6 2008, 1:42 am ClansAreForGays Post #96

becuase an 11 yr old doesn't have the mental ability or authority to settle a religious arguement.

Mar 6 2008, 1:44 am Ultraviolet Post #97

Meh, age doesn't matter. I try to consider everyone online ageless. I do agree that he shouldn't have said "CASE CLOSED." though.

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Mar 6 2008, 1:45 am Syphon Post #98

Quote from EcHo
That's not true. Christianity is doesn't allow homosexuality. People just get the wrong idea and thinks to hate homosexuals.

No, Christianity doesn't allow wasting semen. Back then they thought it was limited, or something stupid.


Mar 6 2008, 1:57 am ClansAreForGays Post #99

This "Hate the sin, not the sinner!" is really getting old.

Quote from army
One may not like homosexuality actionwise, but the thing is that many christians are condemning these people for their actions and are pretty much saying that God will burn them to hell when in actuality everybody is just as equally qualified and guilty of sin to go to hell.
Don't act like you don't know why your people single out gays. The difference is that with a sin like stealing, you feel regret, and wouldn't mind taking it back. Homos don't have that some feeling like they're breaking the law when they're doing eachother. It's defined as "living with sin", and the bible is pretty damn agaisnt people just living with their sin.

Mar 6 2008, 1:59 am Ultraviolet Post #100

Watch me.

Guess you all should check that out :P

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