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NORM Mafia #1 - Game over
Aug 16 2010, 2:50 am
By: Norm
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Sep 7 2010, 2:21 am Azrael Post #841

Quote from name:Nasus
Some of us wouldn't want to die according to that plan...and who knows? One doc could be a fake.

One doctor cannot be a fake, if they were then the real Doctor would have counter-claimed.

Sep 7 2010, 2:23 am poison_us Post #842

Back* from the grave

Quote from name:Raccoon
"With so much chaos, somebody will do something stupid. And then things will turn nasty."
Dude, I love you. This, and the other V for Vendetta quotes are SO fucking relevant.

Quote from name:Azrael.Wrath
Quote from name:Nasus
Some of us wouldn't want to die according to that plan...and who knows? One doc could be a fake.

One doctor cannot be a fake, if they were then the real Doctor would have counter-claimed.
Or he could be AFK, like I was.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 7 2010, 2:30 am by Nasus.

Sep 7 2010, 2:43 am LoTu)S Post #843

Quote from Norm
Night Five

Sitting atop a tall building, Apos looked through the scope of his trusty Rifle once again. His target was walking down the opposite side of the street roughly 150 yards away.

"Heh," started Apos, "So, one more scum bag's life comes to a tragic end. This is justice."

He pulled the trigger. Seconds later, Dem0ns1ayer laid dead on the street with a bullet in his skull.

Tonight's job was over. Apos began to disassemble his gun. He was almost ready to go when he looked up for a second to see that he wasn't alone. A dark figure was standing on the roof- only a few feet away from him. The figure wore a mask that covered most of his face, so Apos wasn't able to identify him.

"Who're you?" asked Apos.

The figure smiled. "Nobody, really. I just wanted to personally thank you for helping me with my goals."


"I'm talking about the cop that you killed a few night ago, and then there's that loser that I just watched you take out," said the figure. "You see, I have a very just cause. The citizens need a revolution, and I'm helping them start one."

Apos got pissed off quickly. "You god damn mafia dirtbag!!" He ran toward the figure - ready to punch his lights out. He was so busy being angry that he failed to realize that his opponent easily side stepped his attack. Apos spun around for another punch, but found himself kissing the ground violently.

The figure had tripped him like it was nothing. Laughing, he said, "You're truly pathetic - and idiot with a gun."

Apos tried to lift himself off the ground, but the attacker Smashed his head against the roof effortlessly with his foot.

"The mafia will burn in hell!" he yelled through his teeth.

Still laughing, the figure took his pistol from his coat pocket. "It's a shame, I was hoping you would be smart enough to join my side... oh well."

With that, the masked figure fired two shots with extreme accuracy. Apos was dead.

Day Five Begins now. Vote to lynch the final mafia that walks the streets among you!

Craziness aside, these are irregular points of the night post.
I keep my vote on Olimar.

Guys, I'm a doctor!

*logs off*
Im not just gonna ignore this.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Sep 7 2010, 2:52 am by LoTu)S.


Sep 7 2010, 2:51 am OlimarandLouie Post #844

So why are there clues against me when Zilean and I are uncced doctors?

Edit: Improper grammar.

Edit 2: Raccoon if you are serious please say so now. That hardly seemed like you were being serious.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Sep 7 2010, 3:03 am by OlimarandLouie.


Sep 7 2010, 3:39 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #845

Quote from Aristocrat
You are mafia. You do not want to die, but you are not supposed to blatantly lie and rage about accusations. There are ways to get out of these things without explicitly lying.

You're right.

Attention all future mafia members of all future mafia games: You are not allowed to lie. When directly asked about your role, just kind of weasel your way around the question, because you aren't allowed to claim you're a townie.

Now, you might be thinking: Wouldn't it make me look guilty?


And by the way, I'm pretty sure the "Mystery" clues were referring to my "Murder Mystery" map.


Sep 7 2010, 3:55 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #846

Quote from Norm
Night Five

Sitting atop a tall building, Apos looked through the scope of his trusty Rifle once again. His target was walking down the opposite side of the street roughly 150 yards away.

"Heh," started Apos, "So , one more scum bag's life comes to a tragic end. This is justice."

He pulled the trigger. Seconds lat er, Dem0ns1ayer laid dead on the street with a bullet in his skull.

Tonight's job was over. Apos began to disassemble his gu n. He was almost ready to go when he looked up for a second. A dark figure was standing on the roof- only a few feet away from him. The figure wore a mask that covered most of his face, so Apos wasn't able to identify him.

"Who're you?" asked Apos.

The figure smiled. "Nobody, really. I just wanted to personally thank you for helping me with my goals."


"I'm talking about the cop that you killed a few night ago, and then there's that loser that I just watched you take out," said the figure. "You see, I have a very just cause. The citizens need a revolution, and I'm helping them start one"

Apos got pissed off quickly. "You god damn mafia dirtbag!!" He ran toward the figure - ready to punch his lights out. He was so busy being angry that he failed to realize that his opponent easily side stepped his attack. Apos spun around for another punch, but found himself kissing the ground violently.

The figure had tripped him like it was nothing. Laughing, he said, "You're truly pathetic - and idiot with a gun."

Apos tried to lift himself off the ground, but the attacker Smashed his head against the roof effortlessly with his foot.

"The mafia will burn in hell!" he yelled through his teeth.

Still laughing, the figure took his pistol from his coat pocket. "It's a shame, I was hoping you would be smart enough to join my side... oh well."

With that, the masked figure fired two shots with extreme accuracy. Apos was dead.

Day Five Begins now. Vote to lynch the final mafia that walks the streets among you!

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Sep 7 2010, 4:05 am by Leeroy_Jenkins.


Sep 7 2010, 4:24 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #847

Here is a graph, showing the amount of times each player has posted, and how that relates to the amount of times they've been voted to be lynched.

Now, at first, I was expecting it to be an upward sloping line, as I thought the two to be correlated. At first look, this graph is too scattered to mean anything, but upon looking more closely...



Sep 7 2010, 4:31 am Neki Post #848

Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
Here is a graph, showing the amount of times each player has posted, and how that relates to the amount of times they've been voted to be lynched.

Now, at first, I was expecting it to be an upward sloping line, as I thought the two to be correlated. At first look, this graph is too scattered to mean anything, but upon looking more closely...


I must admit, that one is pretty hilarious if the data points were plotted correctly, Lotus, Leeroy is out for blood this time!


Sep 7 2010, 5:29 am Apos Post #849

I order you to forgive yourself!

Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
Here is a graph, showing the amount of times each player has posted, and how that relates to the amount of times they've been voted to be lynched.

Now, at first, I was expecting it to be an upward sloping line, as I thought the two to be correlated. At first look, this graph is too scattered to mean anything, but upon looking more closely...

Your so great! At first I was like :wtfage: Then I was like :ermm: Until I clicked that linked and I was like :clap:

Sep 7 2010, 5:40 am LoTu)S Post #850

WAAAAAAY too much free time :lol:


Sep 7 2010, 6:09 am DevliN Post #851


I vote Azrael again for the hell of it. I don't think LoTu)s is Mafia considering his anti-Leeroy campaign, but if you guys are bandwagoning him at random to end this sooner then I'm confused how that's supposed to work.

To clarify, I'm also going based on the original plan of killing all who voted for Wing. Leeroy was Mafia. Demon wasn't. The only one left is Azrael. If you guys are just going to randomly lynch someone, at least do it after finishing that plan. Considering we know Azrael isn't one of the three people who have come forward as the Doctor role, it's not like he wont be lynched anyway due to the randomization method... ;)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 7 2010, 8:52 am by DevliN.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 7 2010, 6:47 am poison_us Post #852

Back* from the grave

There are two docs that are currently uncc'd, and that means they save each other every night, the mafia picks off all townies, mafia ends up in 2v1 against docs, docs lynch mafia.

That's the way it's supposed to work. Assuming the docs are legit.

Sep 7 2010, 8:55 am DevliN Post #853


Right, I get that, but why choose the person who was so adamant about lynching a person who was found to be Mafia?

Here's a recap for my own train of thought:
Day 1, Wing is elected Mayor with 6 votes. His votes came from Azrael.Wrath (due to bribery), EzTerix, Leeroy_Jenkins ("because TiKels made him"), TiKels, ToA (because it was "pretty much the first vote, so he follows"), Dem0nS1ayer, and Zilean (after voting for me, and then Riney). 3/4 known Mafia voted for Wing as Mayor. The two remaining voters who have yet to be killed off are Azrael and Zilean. Zilean has since claimed to be a Doctor, and that seems to be widely believed. Since the Mafia Doctor is dead, it's unlikely he's Mafia-aligned.

Day 2, Ez was lynched. Wing, a now known Mafia voted for him. ToA and Leeroy_Jenkins don't vote, while EzTerix voted for Raccoon.

Day 3, Leeroy and Wing vote for Riney, who in turn kills Wing via Zombie kill.

Day 4, Leeroy votes for Azrael and then LoTu)S. He is instead hung after a successful crusade from LoTu)S. That night, our Boondock, Apos, kills Demon in an attempt to get rid of the last Mafia, but instead kills a townie and meets his own demise.

If you all are going to end up randomizing it, I suggest lynching the last of the Wing supporters first. It is assumed Zilean is the Doctor (and I personally trust this to be true), so I suggest Azrael for lynching tomorrow.

Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
So what's your logic for voting for me? This is obvious BS. You'll just jump on whatever bandwagon you can to avoid being lynched. Even if it does work, and you get me lynched today, you'll be either killed tonight or lynched tomorrow. GG. You lose.
Honestly this sounds more like a warning from a bitter teammate than just a pissed rant. I assume Leeroy figured I was Boondock so I'd kill Azrael and with it kill the last Mafia considering Leeroy knows who the last one is. What really catches my eye, though, is "you lose" considering Leeroy knew he'd be dead and therefore with one remaining Mafia left it would be difficult for the town to lose at this point (with both Doctors up as you all have described). I think Leeroy accidentally told us who his last Mafia teammate was.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Sep 7 2010, 9:27 am by DevliN.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 7 2010, 9:07 am poison_us Post #854

Back* from the grave

Quote from DevliN
Right, I get that, but why choose the person who was so adamant about lynching a person who was found to be Mafia?
Quote from name:Nasus
Assuming the docs are legit.

Oh, the actual method of picking? A "doc" went to "", meaning he could've made it up.

Sep 7 2010, 9:24 am DevliN Post #855


My point is that I think it's a huge mistake to randomly lynch someone who is very obviously not Mafia if the point is to weed out the last Mafia member.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 7 2010, 9:28 am poison_us Post #856

Back* from the grave

Who was that "You Lose" directed at? You have my vote, come tomorrow when I awake.

Sep 7 2010, 9:33 am DevliN Post #857


Directed at Azrael.Wrath after Azrael voted for Leeroy.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 7 2010, 9:38 am poison_us Post #858

Back* from the grave

Ah. I figured he was scummy after he jumped on me for being suspicious of, among others, Wing.

I vote Azrael.Wrath.

EDIT: Oh, and...I changed my avatar. Old:

I figured at this point, it doesn't really matter what avatar I have, chances are I'm gonna end up dying because the 2-doc method will likely fail.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 7 2010, 9:52 am by Nasus.

Sep 7 2010, 10:08 am DevliN Post #859


Incoming more "bullshit" clues! This last Mafia member laughed at Apos in Night 5, and probably did some LOLing on Night 4 when Roy was killed. The LOL clues keep reappearing, and since they haven't gone away yet, my assumption is that they refer to the remaining Mafia member. This one is more subtle than anything I've proposed, but my last "shot in the dark" (against Leeroy) worked well I guess.

The following are all of Azrael's posts in this thread that involve him using :lol:, LOL, LMAO, or some reference to him laughing: (which is funny in hindsight)

It's the best I can come up with for that clue, since the LoL (League of Legends) thing seems to be a dud. Granted a lot of people have LOLed in this thread, but not nearly as much. It is a stretch, but in this case it does make sense.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 7 2010, 10:14 am poison_us Post #860

Back* from the grave

Quote from DevliN
It's the best I can come up with for that clue, since the LoL (League of Legends) thing seems to be a dud. Granted a lot of people have LOLed in this thread, but not nearly as much. It is a stretch, but in this case it does make sense.
No, you're obvious mafia! Misleading us with bullshit clues! The LoL is not a dud, the conclusion is apparent: the remaining 4 or so of us that have known LoL accounts are all mafia!!

oh, wait...

In all seriousness, though, I think the LOL, LMFAO, etc. are all misleaders, thrown in there to mess with people. I'd think that Norm would post clues pointing at Azrael as either Resident Evil references, some alluding to whatever Azrael is supposed to mean, and something ephemeral, like a ghost (wraith). Hell, he might even throw in a random Tom (leaving out Kazansky, ofc, can't be that EZ).

EDIT: Some irony, brought to you by Devlin's links...Follow your nose, wherever it goesTM!
Quote from TiKels
Quote from name:Raccoon
Anyone but Wing imo. The only people coordinated enough to all get voted on one person (Wing) must be mafia
Pointing fingers.

It's all underlying signs that he is DESPERATELY trying to be mayor. Why? Because if the mafia is mayor, and the mayor is mafia, it's bad shit.

EDIT2: I just realized something. Is there any person in particular that we have been forgetting or otherwise leaving out?

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Sep 7 2010, 10:24 am by Nasus.

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